The document proposes a mobile app called MovatE that aims to address the healthcare crisis by motivating users to move more, eat better, and change unhealthy lifestyle habits. The app would provide a personalized coach and gamification to help adults stay motivated to follow a healthy lifestyle. The goal is to shift healthcare costs from treatment to prevention by helping people live more actively and make better dietary choices. The proposal outlines plans for the app's features, target market, business model partnering with health-related organizations, and marketing strategy.
2. Healthcare Crisis
犢 US chronic disease costs skyrocket - over-weight, obesity, diabetes,
heart disease
犢 These costs hurt US people & economy - can be reversed
CONFIDENTIAL MovatE App Proposal by Dwight Navis
3. Time for a New Solution
犢Two trends converging
犢Healthcare Crisis
犢Mobile App Use Increasing
犢New Solution
犢Help Everyone 鍖nd the motivation to get and
stay healthy
犢Shift health costs
犢From - What We Spend on Being Healthy
犢To - What Makes us Healthy
CONFIDENTIAL MovatE App Proposal by Dwight Navis
4. Solution
犢 MovatE - application that helps people get & stay healthy
get people moving - exercise, walking, playing
motivate people to get up and go more than they do
Eat - eat better, eat less, eat smart
motivate people to think about what they eat
change what they eat and how they eat
Lifestyle change
stop bad habits and behaviors that distracts them from improving their health.
犢 Motivate them to keep going
CONFIDENTIAL MovatE App Proposal by Dwight Navis
5. Target Market - App Users
犢Adults 30 - Boomers
犢Want to be health
犢Too busy to identify healthy behaviors and change bad habits
犢Need help staying motivated to follow a healthy lifestyle
犢Smart phone user
犢20 - 50 million potential users and growing
犢International markets for future growth
CONFIDENTIAL MovatE App Proposal by Dwight Navis
6. MovatE Use Case
犢 Joe (average
American guy)
Starts MovatE
CONFIDENTIAL MovatE App Proposal by Dwight Navis
7. MovatE Use Case
犢 Taking Actions
plays with kids
eats better
walks the dog
cuts out beer
starts exercising
competes with friends
CONFIDENTIAL MovatE App Proposal by Dwight Navis
8. MovatE Use Case
犢 Results
coach gives motivation &
positive reinforcement
watches his scores get
fun competing with friends
health improves
CONFIDENTIAL MovatE App Proposal by Dwight Navis
9. MovatE Use Case
犢 Rewards
fun with family - Joe
goes gol鍖ng with
buddies - Joe
everyone gets
healthy & feels good
costs go down
CONFIDENTIAL MovatE App Proposal by Dwight Navis
10. Competitive Advantage - MovatE
犢 Focus on simple, key actions to promote good health
犢 Ability to customize to needs and lifestyle
犢 Provides motivation through a fun & persistent coach
犢 Easy to use interface
犢 Engaging
CONFIDENTIAL MovatE App Proposal by Dwight Navis
11. Model - Digital Health Community
犢Gyms/Trainers/Sports Businesses
犢Health Professionals
犢Health related business - food, products, services
犢Grocery/food businesses
犢Sports gear businesses
犢Health dining businesses
犢Department stores & online businesses with health options
CONFIDENTIAL MovatE App Proposal by Dwight Navis
12. Sales / Marketing Strategy
犢App Users
犢Start low cost social/digital marketing
犢Transition to traditional media & health channels
犢App store placement & viral loop development
犢Digital Health Community
犢Dedicated web site and app
犢Business Development
CONFIDENTIAL MovatE App Proposal by Dwight Navis
13. Future & Revenue
犢 Social business model health company
犢Connection services
犢Device data incorporation
犢Beacons / Geo-fencing
犢 Data Collection to improve:
targeted advertising
in-app sales
data services
犢 Online services
CONFIDENTIAL MovatE App Proposal by Dwight Navis
14. Motivation
犢 The smartest minds of our generation shouldnt be working
on getting us more addicted to Facebook or Twitter; they
should be working on helping us get and stay healthy.
Forbes, 5 Ways Technology Is Transforming Health Care
犢 Personal journey to get and stay healthy is the motivation
for this app
犢 Family history - heart disease, over-weight, obesity, diabetes
犢 Great opportunity
CONFIDENTIAL MovatE App Proposal by Dwight Navis