
際際滷Share a Scribd company logo
OER (Open
Resources )
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed
under https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
This slideshow can be viewed (play along )
at http://www.slideshare.net/siouxgeonz/OERFSI
A list of links to information about just about everything in this document is at www.resourceroom.net
and as a Google doc at https://goo.gl/heAHVU
View from my desk  2
Unless otherwise noted,
I took the pictures
A list of links to information about just about everything in this document is at resourceroom.net
Four things to cover
I. What do people mean by open?
 practical more than philosophical
II. How do you find good OER which will help students
meet learning objectives ?
III. How can you modify, remix and create your OER for a
better fit ?
IV.How can you integrate your OER to best meet your
learning objectives?
What do you know already?
 -- Very familiar (use it regularly; might have created your own)
 -- Pretty familiar -- know some common open resources
(Oercommons.org, merlot, connexions) and have occasionally used
it or are thinking about it
 -- know it as a buzzword but dont really know what to do with it
 -- This is your first time learning about OER
David Wiley: OER are like toothbrushes
 Distributing a resource doesnt mean its doing the good we
want it to. Having them out there for people to use doesnt
mean that educational gains will be made.
 Do people know how to use it? Can they get inside the
packaging and to the useful parts?
 Do we really have a way of knowing how the tools are being
Wiley, David OER, Toothbrushes, and Value
OER are like bicycles. 8
Theyre easy to get and fun to play
around with.
CK-12, Addition of Integers,
http://goo.gl/F7yAFR CC-BY-NC
Common mindset: Theyre okay if you
dont have the budget for something
CK-12, Addition of Integers,
http://goo.gl/F7yAFR CC-BY-NC
Seeking a good one, designed to do
what you need, makes a big
difference in your experience!
CK-12, Addition of Integers,
http://goo.gl/F7yAFR CC-BY-NC
There are advantages to learning
under your own power
Communities that share and
create together can change
Theyre not like bicycles in that
theyre a whole lot easier to share.
Lets start exploring
the world of OER
What is open???
OERCOMMONS begins: Open
Educational Resources (OER) are
teaching and learning materials that
you may freely use and reuse, without
Welp, thats free  but its
not very open.
Tony Webster Capital Bikeshare DC CC-BY
David Wileys 5 Rs (OERs give the
right to combinations of these):
http://lumenlearning.com/announcement-5r-open-course-design-framework/ CC-BY
For example: 際際滷share.net 
download away 
Creative Commons Licenses 20
http://creativecommons.org/licenses/ -- full explanation & links to license
deed and legal code
CC BY (Attribution)
The most accommodating license: others can distribute, remix, & revise &
revamp the work, even commercially, as long as credit is attributed to the
author for the original creation. Recommended for maximum dissemination
and use of licensed materials.
CC BY SA (Attribution + Share-Alike)
New creation must be licensed under identical terms. Similar to copyleft
software licenses; any derivatives would also allow commercial use. Used
by Wikipedia.
CC BY-ND (Attribution + No Derivative)
Allows commercial & non-commercial redistribution, as long as it is passed
along unchanged and in whole, with credit to the original creator.
The next three include the non-commercial limitation.
What does that look like in real life? 21
TheOGRepository, Creating OER and Combining Licenses
https://youtu.be/Hkz4q2yuQU8 CC-BY
How do I attribute? 22
S  Source (usually a link)
L  Creative Commons license
C- Changes made (if any)
http://wiki.creativecommons.org/Marking/Users has more information and
several examples
This is a modified image based
on the image Shark! by guitarfish
CC-BY Text and arrow were
added. Shark text from
Wikipedia used under a CC-BY-
SA license
This image is released under a
CC-BY-SA license
THIS example of attribution is
from Finding & using OER
by Clint Lalonde (CC-BY license
for the slide show, CC-BY-SA for
this image)
Never will be me
Sharks are a group of fish characterized by a
cartilaginous skeleton, five to seven gill slits on
the sides of the head, and pectoral fins that are
not fused to the head.
Example of
noted so that
image could
be included in
a CC-BY work
License compatibility 24
Not Recom-
Lets Find Some OER 
Where can you find the already
done ones?
Where can you find the already
done ones?
 http://oerconsortium.org/find-oer/ - Recent comprehensive list of OER resources.
 OERCOMMONS.ORG -- mixture of open and free. Searchable by topic; many activities have been evaluated.
 http://www.col.org -- Commonwealth of Learning
 https://www.illustrativemathematics.org/ Open resources with comments and critiques
https://www.illustrativemathematics.org/content-standards/tasks/365 -- example
 http://www.col.org/Pages/default.aspx Commonwealth of Learning
 GOORU  aimed at K12 http://www.goorulearning.org/
 YOUTUBE  now has an option for creators to use Attribute option
 www.google.com Google advanced search
 MERLOT http://www.merlot.org/merlot/index.htm
 CONNEXIONS http://cnx.org/
 http://phet.colorado.edu/ -- interactive simulations  open!
 State by state:
 http://ioer.ilsharedlearning.org/ Illinois shared learning (OER status unclear)
 http://florida.theorangegrove.org/og/access/home.do -- *Many* other sites like this.
 Wisconson Technical College https://www.wisc-online.com/learn
Search Filters
 **Always** verify on the site itself.
 GOOGLE: Go to settings in the bottom right corner, then
advanced search and scroll on down to Usage Rights and take
your pick.
 YouTube: first search for something and then click the Filters for
Creative Commons
 OERCOMMONS  advanced search
 goorulearning.com  click on search and then click on the cc
OER filter in the upper left corner.
 ** Always ** verify 
Note that the curricular and
educational resources on our
site may only be linked to -
not copied, reproduced, or
modified in any way, nor
placed within a frame.
If its not open, ask!
Many people are willing to make
their works open by request;
many dont know about the
Creative Commons licenses
(especially for YouTube videos).
Search for your own and add them
to this document:
 http://oerconsortium.org/find-oer/ - Recent comprehensive list of OER resources.
 OERCOMMONS.ORG -- mixture of open and free. Searchable by topic; many
activities have been evaluated.
 http://www.col.org -- Commonwealth of Learning
 https://www.illustrativemathematics.org/ Open resources with comments and
 http://www.col.org/Pages/default.aspx Commonwealth of Learning
 GOORU  aimed at K12 http://www.goorulearning.org/
 YOUTUBE  now has an option for creators to use Attribute option
 www.google.com Google advanced search
 http://phet.colorado.edu/ -- interactive simulations  open!
 http://ioer.ilsharedlearning.org/ Illinois shared learning (OER status unclear)
 http://florida.theorangegrove.org/og/access/home.do -- *Many* other sites like this.
 Wisconson Technical College https://www.wisc-online.com/learn
Quality, quality!!
 At Oercommons.org, many resources
have been evaluated using a thorough
rubric (as opposed to clicking a number of
stars or thumbs up or thumbs down).
 If you use an OER, consider evaluating it
and sharing your experience.
Creating your own!
Universal Design/ Accessibility
Is it really open if its not accessible to
people who use screen readers, or have
hearing impairments?
Open resources can be adapted.
tandem.html Jodi Heckel May
Accessibility How To
 http://udloncampus.cast.org/page/media_oer#.VXrf4vlVhBc CASTs
comprehensive collection of resources about OER and Universal Design
 Flexible Learning for Open Education:
 WebAIM: www.wabaim.org
 http://easi.cc/ Equal Access to Software and Information
 Designing OER with diversity in mind
 HTML5 Accessibility Code Examples-- for web developers
using-aria-and-html5-meet-wcag-20-requirements - next week! Here! Learn
how to do it 
 Creating Accessible Powerpoints (from Microsoft)
 http://fullmeasure.co.uk/powertalk/ -- a powerpoint reader (free) that
explains how to design powerpoint shows so that they can be read.
For starters
 If its text, make sure the computer knows
its text (and not just a picture).
 Use built-in resources (Word, PDF)
 Add alt text to pictures.
 If its a video, get it transcribed.
 Find somebody who knows  
More information at Una Dailys Designing OER with Diversity in Mind
Lets Create! Start with REMIX:
YouTube Editor
k9vIKT8FRs --- intro into how to use it
(and explanations of its limitations).
Integer Review for ALEKS
http://www.educanon.com/curriculum/browse -
add interactivity and quizzes to movies (free; can
use educational coop sites like edmodo for class
management& data collection)
Educanon 40
http://www.zaption.com - add interactivity and
quizzes to movies (free, with pro option with data
collection & ability to form classes and groups)
Be an author!
 Oer Commons contribute options
Make your own interactive
 http://phet.colorado.edu/en/about/source-code -- information
about the simulations (using HTML5) and how to make new ones
including links to a Google group.
 https://github.com/Khan/perseus link to Khan Academy activities
code (also open).
Screencast-o-matic http://www.screencast-o-matic.com/
-- free
Jing https://www.techsmith.com/jing.html free
SnagIt and Camtasia http://www.techsmith.com many
editing features
Screencasting example 44
Integrating OER into lessons
Post to your wall:
The learning curve for students
for figuring out how to use OER
Integrating OER
 Being able to modify OER and frame them
with structures students are already
accustomed to can be a big help.
 Use a template for lesson plan
 Look it over -- do students need to learn 8
different ways of accessing and working
with OER?
 ... While theyre supposed to be learning
the content?
An example of an integrated
 Link to Leecy Wises Lesson Plan for Learning Measurement
Link to CK-12 resource
System/?referrer=concept_details -
Edit to your hearts content  50
Give it a try! Use an OER you
found (https://goo.gl/c9YQz4 )
What is the learning objective? What should students be able to do?
What do students need to know how to do already? This might include:
-- navigate activities on a website ( a good idea to do in face to face session
or to provide screencast if online).
-- prepare Word documents or PowerPoint presentations
What *part* of the lesson does the OER facilitate?
-- introduction
-- skills practice
-- opportunity for students to create their own or adapt
-- opportunity for students to share what they do online
Link to document you can download  or do it yourself 
https://goo.gl/ehyLMG (Word .doc) https://goo.gl/Llfdpr .rtf document
Open courses & Modules
 BrightSpace, Canvas, Lumen, Moodle and Merlot all host
open courses, the content of which is often also open
(but verify )
 http://www.tru.ca/distance/ -- an example of schools
developing credentials and degrees built on open
Get out and ride  / Questions???
Just like riding a
bicycle, the only
way to get
comfortable is to
get out and start
doing it, asking
its easier with a
group. Lets get
pd_whitney Paceline through the
park, flickr.com, CC-BY
 Please attribute to Susan Jones with a link to
 Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed
under https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
 This license lets others modify work even for commercial
purposes, as long as credit is given to me. See
https://creativecommons.org/licenses/ for more
information & links to the license deed and legal code.
My email is sujones@parkland.edu

More Related Content

Finding, Sharing and integrating OER - Faculty Summer INstitute 2015 presentation

  • 1. OER (Open Educational Resources ) GET ON THE LEARNING CURVE! 1 Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ This slideshow can be viewed (play along ) at http://www.slideshare.net/siouxgeonz/OERFSI A list of links to information about just about everything in this document is at www.resourceroom.net and as a Google doc at https://goo.gl/heAHVU
  • 2. View from my desk 2 #OERFSI Twitter Hashtag @geonz Unless otherwise noted, I took the pictures A list of links to information about just about everything in this document is at resourceroom.net sujones@ parkland.edu Resourceroomblog. wordpress.com
  • 3. 3
  • 4. 4
  • 5. Four things to cover I. What do people mean by open? practical more than philosophical II. How do you find good OER which will help students meet learning objectives ? III. How can you modify, remix and create your OER for a better fit ? IV.How can you integrate your OER to best meet your learning objectives? 5
  • 6. What do you know already? -- Very familiar (use it regularly; might have created your own) -- Pretty familiar -- know some common open resources (Oercommons.org, merlot, connexions) and have occasionally used it or are thinking about it -- know it as a buzzword but dont really know what to do with it -- This is your first time learning about OER 6
  • 7. David Wiley: OER are like toothbrushes Distributing a resource doesnt mean its doing the good we want it to. Having them out there for people to use doesnt mean that educational gains will be made. Do people know how to use it? Can they get inside the packaging and to the useful parts? Do we really have a way of knowing how the tools are being used? 7 Wiley, David OER, Toothbrushes, and Value http://opencontent.org/blog/archives/1780
  • 8. OER are like bicycles. 8
  • 9. Theyre easy to get and fun to play around with. 9 CK-12, Addition of Integers, http://goo.gl/F7yAFR CC-BY-NC
  • 10. Common mindset: Theyre okay if you dont have the budget for something better. 10 CK-12, Addition of Integers, http://goo.gl/F7yAFR CC-BY-NC
  • 11. Seeking a good one, designed to do what you need, makes a big difference in your experience! 11 CK-12, Addition of Integers, http://goo.gl/F7yAFR CC-BY-NC
  • 12. There are advantages to learning under your own power 12
  • 13. Communities that share and create together can change culture 13
  • 14. Theyre not like bicycles in that theyre a whole lot easier to share. 14
  • 15. Lets start exploring the world of OER 15
  • 17. OERCOMMONS begins: Open Educational Resources (OER) are teaching and learning materials that you may freely use and reuse, without charge. 17 Welp, thats free but its not very open. Tony Webster Capital Bikeshare DC CC-BY https://www.flickr.com/photos/diversey/
  • 18. David Wileys 5 Rs (OERs give the right to combinations of these): 18 http://lumenlearning.com/announcement-5r-open-course-design-framework/ CC-BY
  • 20. Creative Commons Licenses 20 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/ -- full explanation & links to license deed and legal code CC BY (Attribution) The most accommodating license: others can distribute, remix, & revise & revamp the work, even commercially, as long as credit is attributed to the author for the original creation. Recommended for maximum dissemination and use of licensed materials. CC BY SA (Attribution + Share-Alike) New creation must be licensed under identical terms. Similar to copyleft software licenses; any derivatives would also allow commercial use. Used by Wikipedia. CC BY-ND (Attribution + No Derivative) Allows commercial & non-commercial redistribution, as long as it is passed along unchanged and in whole, with credit to the original creator. The next three include the non-commercial limitation.
  • 21. What does that look like in real life? 21 TheOGRepository, Creating OER and Combining Licenses https://youtu.be/Hkz4q2yuQU8 CC-BY
  • 22. How do I attribute? 22 A-Author T-Title S Source (usually a link) L Creative Commons license C- Changes made (if any) http://wiki.creativecommons.org/Marking/Users has more information and several examples
  • 23. This is a modified image based on the image Shark! by guitarfish CC-BY Text and arrow were added. Shark text from Wikipedia used under a CC-BY- SA license This image is released under a CC-BY-SA license THIS example of attribution is from Finding & using OER by Clint Lalonde (CC-BY license for the slide show, CC-BY-SA for this image) Never will be me Sharks are a group of fish characterized by a cartilaginous skeleton, five to seven gill slits on the sides of the head, and pectoral fins that are not fused to the head. 23 Example of except otherwise noted so that CC-BY-SA image could be included in a CC-BY work
  • 25. Lets Find Some OER (YES, ITS OER NOT OERS ) 25
  • 26. Where can you find the already done ones? 26
  • 27. Where can you find the already done ones? http://oerconsortium.org/find-oer/ - Recent comprehensive list of OER resources. OERCOMMONS.ORG -- mixture of open and free. Searchable by topic; many activities have been evaluated. http://www.col.org -- Commonwealth of Learning https://www.illustrativemathematics.org/ Open resources with comments and critiques https://www.illustrativemathematics.org/content-standards/tasks/365 -- example http://www.col.org/Pages/default.aspx Commonwealth of Learning GOORU aimed at K12 http://www.goorulearning.org/ YOUTUBE now has an option for creators to use Attribute option www.google.com Google advanced search MERLOT http://www.merlot.org/merlot/index.htm CONNEXIONS http://cnx.org/ http://phet.colorado.edu/ -- interactive simulations open! State by state: http://ioer.ilsharedlearning.org/ Illinois shared learning (OER status unclear) http://florida.theorangegrove.org/og/access/home.do -- *Many* other sites like this. Wisconson Technical College https://www.wisc-online.com/learn 27
  • 28. Search Filters **Always** verify on the site itself. GOOGLE: Go to settings in the bottom right corner, then advanced search and scroll on down to Usage Rights and take your pick. YouTube: first search for something and then click the Filters for Creative Commons OERCOMMONS advanced search https://www.oercommons.org/advanced-search https://www.flickr.com/creativecommons goorulearning.com click on search and then click on the cc OER filter in the upper left corner. ** Always ** verify 28
  • 29. 29
  • 30. 30
  • 31. Note that the curricular and educational resources on our site may only be linked to - not copied, reproduced, or modified in any way, nor placed within a frame. 31
  • 32. If its not open, ask! Many people are willing to make their works open by request; many dont know about the Creative Commons licenses (especially for YouTube videos). 32
  • 33. Search for your own and add them to this document: https://goo.gl/c9YQz4 http://oerconsortium.org/find-oer/ - Recent comprehensive list of OER resources. OERCOMMONS.ORG -- mixture of open and free. Searchable by topic; many activities have been evaluated. http://www.col.org -- Commonwealth of Learning https://www.illustrativemathematics.org/ Open resources with comments and critiques http://www.col.org/Pages/default.aspx Commonwealth of Learning GOORU aimed at K12 http://www.goorulearning.org/ YOUTUBE now has an option for creators to use Attribute option www.google.com Google advanced search http://phet.colorado.edu/ -- interactive simulations open! http://ioer.ilsharedlearning.org/ Illinois shared learning (OER status unclear) http://florida.theorangegrove.org/og/access/home.do -- *Many* other sites like this. Wisconson Technical College https://www.wisc-online.com/learn 33
  • 34. Quality, quality!! At Oercommons.org, many resources have been evaluated using a thorough rubric (as opposed to clicking a number of stars or thumbs up or thumbs down). If you use an OER, consider evaluating it and sharing your experience. 34
  • 36. Universal Design/ Accessibility Is it really open if its not accessible to people who use screen readers, or have hearing impairments? Open resources can be adapted. 36 http://www.news- gazette.com/blogs/starting- line/2015-05/new-way- tandem.html Jodi Heckel May 19
  • 37. Accessibility How To http://udloncampus.cast.org/page/media_oer#.VXrf4vlVhBc CASTs comprehensive collection of resources about OER and Universal Design Flexible Learning for Open Education: www.floeproject.org http://handbook.floeproject.org/index.php/Home WebAIM: www.wabaim.org http://easi.cc/ Equal Access to Software and Information Designing OER with diversity in mind HTML5 Accessibility Code Examples-- for web developers http://disability.illinois.edu/accessible-it-group/training/accessible-design- using-aria-and-html5-meet-wcag-20-requirements - next week! Here! Learn how to do it Creating Accessible Powerpoints (from Microsoft) http://fullmeasure.co.uk/powertalk/ -- a powerpoint reader (free) that explains how to design powerpoint shows so that they can be read. 37
  • 38. For starters If its text, make sure the computer knows its text (and not just a picture). Use built-in resources (Word, PDF) Add alt text to pictures. If its a video, get it transcribed. Find somebody who knows 38 More information at Una Dailys Designing OER with Diversity in Mind CC-BY
  • 39. Lets Create! Start with REMIX: YouTube Editor https://www.youtube.com/editor https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V k9vIKT8FRs --- intro into how to use it (and explanations of its limitations). 39 Integer Review for ALEKS
  • 40. http://www.educanon.com/curriculum/browse - add interactivity and quizzes to movies (free; can use educational coop sites like edmodo for class management& data collection) Educanon 40 Zaption http://www.zaption.com - add interactivity and quizzes to movies (free, with pro option with data collection & ability to form classes and groups)
  • 41. Be an author! Oer Commons contribute options 41 https://www.oercommons.org /open-author-help
  • 42. Make your own interactive simulation http://phet.colorado.edu/en/about/source-code -- information about the simulations (using HTML5) and how to make new ones including links to a Google group. https://github.com/Khan/perseus link to Khan Academy activities code (also open). 42
  • 43. Screencasting Screencast-o-matic http://www.screencast-o-matic.com/ -- free Jing https://www.techsmith.com/jing.html free SnagIt and Camtasia http://www.techsmith.com many editing features 43
  • 45. Integrating OER into lessons 45
  • 46. Post to your wall: The learning curve for students for figuring out how to use OER is usually underestimated. 46
  • 47. Integrating OER Being able to modify OER and frame them with structures students are already accustomed to can be a big help. Use a template for lesson plan Look it over -- do students need to learn 8 different ways of accessing and working with OER? ... While theyre supposed to be learning the content? 47
  • 48. An example of an integrated lesson: Link to Leecy Wises Lesson Plan for Learning Measurement https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VeX1fHE1hlRki3L3564g6wwjgx ER3tUa9yM7X6xVifY/edit?usp=sharing Link to CK-12 resource http://www.ck12.org/measurement/Metric-System/lesson/Metric- System/?referrer=concept_details - 48
  • 49. 49
  • 50. Edit to your hearts content 50
  • 51. Give it a try! Use an OER you found (https://goo.gl/c9YQz4 ) What is the learning objective? What should students be able to do? What do students need to know how to do already? This might include: -- navigate activities on a website ( a good idea to do in face to face session or to provide screencast if online). -- prepare Word documents or PowerPoint presentations What *part* of the lesson does the OER facilitate? -- introduction -- skills practice -- opportunity for students to create their own or adapt -- opportunity for students to share what they do online Link to document you can download or do it yourself https://goo.gl/ehyLMG (Word .doc) https://goo.gl/Llfdpr .rtf document 51
  • 52. Open courses & Modules TEXTBOOKS AND MODULES AND COURSES, OH MY! 52
  • 53. BrightSpace, Canvas, Lumen, Moodle and Merlot all host open courses, the content of which is often also open (but verify ) http://lumenlearning.com/browse-courses/ http://www.tru.ca/distance/ -- an example of schools developing credentials and degrees built on open resources. http://www.openculture.com/freeonlinecourses 53
  • 54. Get out and ride / Questions??? Just like riding a bicycle, the only way to get comfortable is to get out and start doing it, asking questionsand its easier with a group. Lets get rolling 54 pd_whitney Paceline through the park, flickr.com, CC-BY
  • 55. Please attribute to Susan Jones with a link to http://www.resourceroom.net Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ This license lets others modify work even for commercial purposes, as long as credit is given to me. See https://creativecommons.org/licenses/ for more information & links to the license deed and legal code. My email is sujones@parkland.edu 55

Editor's Notes

  1. (Working title page... Subject to change... ) Dont forget to add the mooc about blended learning! Its all OER now, baby blue Get OER it!
  2. Hello! Im Sue Jones, and I work in the Center for Academic Success just up the road at Parkland College. I provide academic support to students in pre-college level courses in a 16-computer lab. Just across the hall is the Professional Development and Instructional Technology unit, known as P-Dit. Our director, Derrick Baker, and the Directors Assistant, Molly Murphy, have helped immensely in turning a proposal into a presentation.
  3. Im an active member of the LINCS online community: Literacy Information and Communication System. There are groups in the communities that cover all kinds of issues in literacy, including math, which Im in the most demand for, as well as online courses. Belonging in this group has led to several pretty outstanding professional development opportunities. This semesters was especially interesting:
  4. In this Train the trainer course I trained to facilitate an online course in using OER in adult education for math and science (I did math). What really excited me about this course was that it recognizes that hey! Theres some cool stuff on the Internet, and its free! is barely the first step. Im going to try to condense that 8-week course into 50 minutes and hope you will be inspired to plan look more deeply at OER and open learning.
  5. Okay thats one minute.
  6. (will talk more about this later) -- need proper
  7. v
  8. and if I can think of it, something about how the more you get into the culture, the more they grow on you and you find advantages you hadnt thought of. . *could* be making them our own, and get what needs to be done under our own power. People feel intimidated about using them for the long haul, but the more people do it, the better it gets!
  9. Id love images demonstrating a degree of open where the door is unlockable but you go into that little room to do what is provided for you, exactly.... (like share-a-bike) Put pictures of a bunch of different kinds of bikes here
  10. So... You can use it, but you cant make it your own. Okay, first, find one of those not really open at all things from oercommons.org
  11. David Wiley talks about five elements that are important in considering just how open a resource is. You need to finish up the attribution here Retain - the right to make, own, and control copies of the content. Thats really important anywhere live internet access is limited. Reuse the right to use the content in a wide range of ways (e.g., in a class, in a study group, on a website, in a video) Revise the right to alter the content itself (e.g., translate the content into another language, clip things out, add pictures) Remix the right to combine the original or revised content with other open content to create something new (e.g., incorporate the content into a mashup). Redistribute the right to share copies of the original content, your revisions, or your remixes with others (e.g., give a copy of the content to a friend)
  12. http://www.slideshare.net/UnaDaly/cccoer-open-course-design-and-development Open Course Design and Development I dont know if I could link directly to a video version on that page, but I could link to it inside the slide show as long as it isnt on the first three slides. http://www.resourceroom.net/mec/AbsoluteValue.html -- Absolute Value lesson with link to Powerpoint; could also have links to image files and other resources.
  13. Creative Commons recommends these six possibilities for A CClicenseis used when an author wants to give people the right to share, use, and build upon a work that they have created.
  14. https://youtu.be/Hkz4q2yuQU8 - awesome movie about different OER licenses and how to mix and match resources that have them.
  15. (Yes, Im wondering at ways to make this screen-readable without making it too cluttered, and whether to *learn this stuff* properly... Like... Take that course?)
  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9yUejp6iDE -- thats the intro to Merlot. I need to Add phet phet phet
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9yUejp6iDE -- thats the intro to Merlot. I need to Doh --- include 際際滷Share and see if they have an advanced search
  18. ... Somebody could change the content without changing what makes Google decide that its open.
  19. Its worth having a notebook or a Google doc where you can take notes about which resources are most useful. Ive found that the resources from CK-12 are consistently truly open source, though I dont think they have been reviewed as much as, say, the CPALMS resources have been.
  20. (Just like the scene in the video.. You may get permission for you to do what you want but you might also inspire the person to change how theyre doing things. )
  21. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9yUejp6iDE -- thats the intro to Merlot. I need to Doh --- include 際際滷Share and see if they have an advanced search
  22. The Best in track right before me is about screencasting.
  23. Need pic of trike and tandem here! From News-Gazette May 19
  24. Its like the decision to shift to open start moving in that direction and pick up momentum. ADD THE EASI LINK
  25. If you scroll to more and see that a video has a Creative Commons CC-BY license, there will also be a link right there to remix this video.
  26. Can the second one be embedded?
  27. This needs to be expanded ...
  28. This needs to be expanded ...
  29. Okay, logistically
  30. Directions I didnt go in: n **CHANGE THIS TO A PACELINE ***
  31. http://www.achieve.org/EQuIP http://creativecommons.org/tag/k12-oer-collaborative
  32. http://www.compoundchem.com/2013/12/16/element-infographics-group-1/ this is an example of a ND license where they are also selling things.