1. Mr Jihad Ahmed Mohammad
Saudi Readymix Concrete Co. Ltd
PO Box 31839
Saudi Arabia
16 December 2015
Dear Mr Mohammad
Re: Admission to Heriot-Watt DBA Programme
Thank you for your application for entry to the Heriot-Watt DBA programme. I am
pleased to advise you that the DBA Admissions Panel has agreed to accept your
Please note that the offer of a place on the Edinburgh Business School DBA programme
does not guarantee that a candidate will either complete the course or be awarded a
DBA degree. Completion of a doctoral programme depends on the dedicated
commitment and determination needed to overcome factors, both internal and external
to the degree programme, which may inhibit your success. Truly, Doctoral degrees are
earned, not guaranteed.
It is expected that your research question will become formulated and focussed as you
achieve increasing familiarity with the kinds of research that has been published in the
area you are interested in, the kinds of methodologies and techniques that might apply,
and the kind of data that you can expect to obtain. This is entirely normal and indeed
encouraged; few students have a fully formulated research question at this stage.
However, if you already have a precise and fully formulated idea of the research
question you are encouraged to communicate this now so that this can be discussed at
the earliest opportunity.
A Registration Form is included. This contains your personal information and the
requirements of your DBA programme at the moment. You will see from this section
that additional courses maybe required if gaps in your knowledge are identified after
you have completed the business research courses and your research question has been
finalised. The final decision will be taken by the DBA Research Committee.
2. If you would like to accept this offer please check all the details on the Registration
Form before signing and return it directly to Edinburgh Business School, within six
weeks of the date above. It will be possible for you to get started on the course stage
once we have received your signed Registration Form.
Please include a passport-sized photo if you did not supply one with your original
application. If you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact me
on + 44 (0)131 451 3090 or ac@ebs.hw.ac.uk.
Yours sincerely
Adrian Carberry
DBA Operations Manager
Edinburgh Business School