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OFFICE ROMANCE? Think Twice Before Getting Into An Office Affair
HE or SHE may …
Be drop dead gorgeous  Listen and understand you like nobody else Have all the attributes you require in a spouse  Make you feel comfortable  Be trustworthy without a doubt
But before you decide to throw caution to the wind, weigh the pros and cons of the journey you are about to embark on.
Why Does This Happen? Many attractive, intelligent people work in close proximity for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, 12 months a year They end up sharing hobbies, personality traits and intimacies They share similar educations, interests, attitudes, and values
RESULTS-1  During the Relationship  Poor productivity Office gossip Lost credibility and reputation Loss of job Difficulties finding a new job
Breaks Up, In some cases, colleagues will handle it like an adult and move on with their respective lives. In other cases, the results can be long-lasting.
RESULTS-2  After Break-Up Emotional stress Heartbreak every day He/she can sabotage your career OR spread nasty rumors Negative influence on your work assignments and future promotions
If it’s going well, it’s great because you see them all the time. If it’s going poorly, it’s awful because you see them all the time.
Find out what your organization's policies and norms are around this issue

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Office Affair?

  • 1. OFFICE ROMANCE? Think Twice Before Getting Into An Office Affair
  • 2. HE or SHE may …
  • 3. Be drop dead gorgeous Listen and understand you like nobody else Have all the attributes you require in a spouse Make you feel comfortable Be trustworthy without a doubt
  • 4. But before you decide to throw caution to the wind, weigh the pros and cons of the journey you are about to embark on.
  • 5. Why Does This Happen? Many attractive, intelligent people work in close proximity for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, 12 months a year They end up sharing hobbies, personality traits and intimacies They share similar educations, interests, attitudes, and values
  • 6. RESULTS-1 During the Relationship Poor productivity Office gossip Lost credibility and reputation Loss of job Difficulties finding a new job
  • 7. Breaks Up, In some cases, colleagues will handle it like an adult and move on with their respective lives. In other cases, the results can be long-lasting.
  • 8. RESULTS-2 After Break-Up Emotional stress Heartbreak every day He/she can sabotage your career OR spread nasty rumors Negative influence on your work assignments and future promotions
  • 9. If it’s going well, it’s great because you see them all the time. If it’s going poorly, it’s awful because you see them all the time.
  • 10. Find out what your organization's policies and norms are around this issue
  • 11. ?