This document is a diploma certificate issued to Musetha Mulalo by PC Training & BUSINESS College. The certificate certifies that Musetha Mulalo has completed the requirements for a Diploma in Information Technology during the 2008 academic year. The certificate was issued on July 30, 2009 in Durban, South Africa by the college which is registered as a private higher education institution with the Department of Education.
This document is an official transcript from Burapha University in Thailand for Mr. Namngoen Boonprasert. It lists the courses he took between 2008-2010 to earn his Master of Business Administration degree. It shows he achieved a cumulative grade point average of 3.43 out of 45 total credits. His research paper focused on motivation for building a renewable energy power plant in Kaeng Khoi District, Saraburi Province.
University of Stellenbosch Academic ResultsMargie Nortje
Margaret Francis Nortje received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Social Informatics from the University of Stellenbosch in December 2011. She completed the degree requirements over the course of 2009 to 2011, obtaining satisfactory marks in modules related to social informatics, economics, philosophy, psychology, and Xhosa. Her academic record and conduct at the university were certified as satisfactory.
Brendon James Fourie attended the University of Cape Town from 2014-2016 where he obtained a Bachelor of Commerce degree with a specialization in Financial Accounting. This two page transcript details the courses he completed each year, the credits earned, and his results which were mostly in the 2+ to 2- range. He qualified for his degree in 2016 with satisfactory conduct.
Jasurbek Bozorov received a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting and Finance from the University of Bradford on December 5, 2013 with Second Class Honours, First Division. The document certifies that Jasurbek completed the approved course of study and was admitted to this degree at a congregation held on that date.
This document is a final transcript for Hassan Arif who completed a Bachelor of Computer Software Engineering degree from Foundation University in 2013. It shows that he completed 130 credit hours over 8 semesters, earning grades ranging from A- to A+ in all of his courses. His semester and cumulative grade point averages were consistently high, ranging from 3.8 to 3.97. He successfully completed all degree requirements and requirements to graduate.
This document is a student transcript for Hamza Shahid who is pursuing a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) degree from the University of Central Punjab. It shows all the courses he has taken each semester from Spring 2012 to Spring 2016, the grades received in each course, and his cumulative grade point average (CGPA) over time. By the end of his degree, Hamza had attempted 126 credits and earned a CGPA of 3.11.
Krystal Lee Norman attended the London School of Economics and Political Science from 2014-2015, where she earned an MSc in History of International Relations. Her academic transcript shows that she received marks of 66, 59, and 55 for courses in secret intelligence, European integration, and her dissertation respectively, earning a 'Pass' grade. Additional data compares her performance to others in her program and courses.
This document certifies that Thi Thuy Hang Nguyen was awarded a Certificate of Higher Education with Distinction by the University of Exeter on September 13, 2010. It provides details of her program of study, including marks achieved in individual modules from 2009-2010. The supplement also describes the level and content of the qualification, entry requirements, grading scheme, and potential access to further study.
This document is an official transcript from Kaplan University detailing the academic record of Kris Long. It shows that Kris earned a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration in June 2014 with a cumulative GPA of 3.99 and honors of Summa Cum Laude. Kris later began a Master of Business Administration at Kaplan but withdrew in February 2016 with a GPA of 3.5 after completing 8 courses. The transcript contains instructions for verifying its authenticity using a digital certificate and describes security features to prevent alteration.
This document is an official transcript from Burapha University in Thailand for Mr. Namngoen Boonprasert. It lists the courses he took between 2008-2010 to earn his Master of Business Administration degree. It shows he achieved a cumulative grade point average of 3.43 out of 45 total credits. His research paper focused on motivation for building a renewable energy power plant in Kaeng Khoi District, Saraburi Province.
University of Stellenbosch Academic ResultsMargie Nortje
Margaret Francis Nortje received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Social Informatics from the University of Stellenbosch in December 2011. She completed the degree requirements over the course of 2009 to 2011, obtaining satisfactory marks in modules related to social informatics, economics, philosophy, psychology, and Xhosa. Her academic record and conduct at the university were certified as satisfactory.
Brendon James Fourie attended the University of Cape Town from 2014-2016 where he obtained a Bachelor of Commerce degree with a specialization in Financial Accounting. This two page transcript details the courses he completed each year, the credits earned, and his results which were mostly in the 2+ to 2- range. He qualified for his degree in 2016 with satisfactory conduct.
Jasurbek Bozorov received a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting and Finance from the University of Bradford on December 5, 2013 with Second Class Honours, First Division. The document certifies that Jasurbek completed the approved course of study and was admitted to this degree at a congregation held on that date.
This document is a final transcript for Hassan Arif who completed a Bachelor of Computer Software Engineering degree from Foundation University in 2013. It shows that he completed 130 credit hours over 8 semesters, earning grades ranging from A- to A+ in all of his courses. His semester and cumulative grade point averages were consistently high, ranging from 3.8 to 3.97. He successfully completed all degree requirements and requirements to graduate.
This document is a student transcript for Hamza Shahid who is pursuing a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) degree from the University of Central Punjab. It shows all the courses he has taken each semester from Spring 2012 to Spring 2016, the grades received in each course, and his cumulative grade point average (CGPA) over time. By the end of his degree, Hamza had attempted 126 credits and earned a CGPA of 3.11.
Krystal Lee Norman attended the London School of Economics and Political Science from 2014-2015, where she earned an MSc in History of International Relations. Her academic transcript shows that she received marks of 66, 59, and 55 for courses in secret intelligence, European integration, and her dissertation respectively, earning a 'Pass' grade. Additional data compares her performance to others in her program and courses.
This document certifies that Thi Thuy Hang Nguyen was awarded a Certificate of Higher Education with Distinction by the University of Exeter on September 13, 2010. It provides details of her program of study, including marks achieved in individual modules from 2009-2010. The supplement also describes the level and content of the qualification, entry requirements, grading scheme, and potential access to further study.
This document is an official transcript from Kaplan University detailing the academic record of Kris Long. It shows that Kris earned a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration in June 2014 with a cumulative GPA of 3.99 and honors of Summa Cum Laude. Kris later began a Master of Business Administration at Kaplan but withdrew in February 2016 with a GPA of 3.5 after completing 8 courses. The transcript contains instructions for verifying its authenticity using a digital certificate and describes security features to prevent alteration.
This transcript summarizes Aaron J. Johnson's college coursework and degree information. It shows that he earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology from Portland State University in August 2006. It provides a breakdown of his transfer credits from Clackamas Community College and courses taken at PSU, including grades, credits, and cumulative GPA. The transcript is unofficial and does not reflect an evaluation of credits for applicability to a PSU degree.
Ian Foster has been awarded a Master of Business Administration with Merit from the University of Cumbria having successfully completed an approved programme in Leadership and Sustainability which he studied at Robert Kennedy College. The Vice Chancellor Professor Peter Strike confirmed the award on 16 March 2015.
This document is an unofficial transcript for Melissa L. Vosburgh from Tacoma Community College. It shows the courses she took each term from Fall 2002 to Summer 2012, along with the grades received. Overall, she earned 124 credits with a cumulative GPA of 3.25. She received certificates in Human Services Case Aide and Business Technology. Her highest achieving terms were Spring 2012 and Summer 2012 where she earned High Honors status.
Elizabeth Wernert earned degrees in Forestry and Plant Sciences from the University of Missouri - Columbia in December 2015. She graduated magna cum laude with a high GPA. Her academic record shows strong performance in courses related to forestry, plant sciences, French language and literature, and natural resources management.
The document is an academic transcript from University College Dublin certifying that Asela Hewapathirana completed a Bachelor of Science degree in Human Resource Management in 2012, obtaining a second class honours grade. It details the modules taken between 2010-2012, the credits attempted and earned for each, and the corresponding grades. The transcript is printed on secure paper and signed by the acting registrar to verify its authenticity.
This transcript is for Gregg Ryan and shows their undergraduate academic record at The University of Arizona, where they earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science with an International Relations emphasis and a minor in Business Administration. The transcript details the courses taken each semester, grades received, term GPAs, cumulative GPAs, degrees and honors awarded. Overall, Gregg graduated with a GPA of 3.287 and honors including Dean's List and Honorable Mention.
This document is a dissertation submitted by Janelle Lindsay Chow to fulfill her Master's in Business Management at Durham University. It examines how participation in sports, particularly at the NCAA Division I level, can contribute to leadership development in women. The dissertation includes a literature review on defining leadership, theories of leadership development, and the importance of developing leadership skills in women. It then outlines the methodology, which uses surveys of current athletes and interviews of former athletes now in leadership roles to understand their experiences. The findings suggest sports participation helps develop leadership identity, self-efficacy, skills from experience, and an understanding of followership in women that carries over to their careers.
This document is a degree certificate from the University of Gothenburg awarding Udaykumar Killi a Master of Pharmaceutical Science degree with a major in Pharmaceutical Science. It lists the courses Killi completed to fulfill the degree requirements, including the titles of his two master's thesis projects. It also provides information on the Swedish higher education system, including details on quality assurance, access requirements, and degree levels.
University of Bradford transcripts - LAITH ALHAMZAH year 2,3(1)Laith Al Hamzah
This document is an official transcript from the University of Bradford. It details the educational qualifications and results of Liyth Abdallah Qasim Alhamzah. He completed a Bachelor of Engineering program in Mechanical Engineering, earning a First Class Honours degree. Over four years of study, he completed modules earning 240 credits towards his degree, achieving marks ranging from 48 to 96.3 percent.
The Strathclyde MBA - University of Strathclyde_Koshy SAMUELKoshy Samuel, MBA
Graduate School of Business, University of Strathclyde | QS ...
University of Strathclyde Business School, Glasgow. Strathclyde Business School is internationally respected as one of the most innovative business schools in ...
This letter confirms that Mahmoud AbdelMeguid Ali Sharaby, born January 1st 1990, has completed the requirements for a Master of Business Administration degree in Project Management from the College of Business and Management at Eton University. The letter states that Mahmoud is a registered graduate student who undertook a course of study for this degree. It also notes that the Board of Graduate Studies approved his completion on April 5th 2016, after which he will receive a degree certificate and transcript.