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Showing BOEs the
Impor tance of Your Job

Necia Nicholas, Superintendent
 Mad River Local Schools
Relying On PR

 School PR professionals monitor how the
  district is perceived by stakeholders and then
  can help implement strategies to improve public
  opinion. Any district that chooses not to employ
  at least one school PR professional is clearly
  leaving the public opinion function to chance.
  - Bob Noyed, APR
Relying On PR

 As superintendents we
  must always prepare for the
 Not to be caught off guard.
 Have effective
 If we arent campaigning for a
  levy we should be
  campaigning as if we are.
Relying On PR

 Communications Office plays a
  central role in engaging all
  stakeholders by fostering two-way
 This office is responsible for the
  district's internal and external
    media relations, website, publications,
     email, One Call Now, crisis
     communications, social media
Relying On PR

Without good communication, people tend
to feel out of the loop, and as a result, they
become less invested in the schools
success. This is true for staff, parents,
students, and community partners.
Relying On PR

 According to the American Association of School
  Administrators (AASA), the average tenure of a
  superintendent in 2007 is less than six years. The
  Council of Great City Schools reports the average tenure
  of an urban superintendent to be less than three years.
  Parents care not so much about big policy issues, but
  more about what is happening in their childs school and,
  most especially, in their childs classroom. So the
  credibility is key to parental satisfaction with school and
  the school system, and good communication makes a
  substantial contribution to that credibility.
Relying On PR

 Good communication between the
  school and parentsand between
  the school district and the
  communitycreates a climate of
  trust and respect in which teachers
  can teach and students can learn.
 Good communication builds a team
  and that team surrounds and
  supports a student so that he or
  she can succeed.
Relying On PR

 Each week:
 Meet with Jenny, my communications director.
 Review our communications plan.
  Discuss current issues.
 Confer about upcoming activities.
 Chart our roles into a framework for success and
 We found this method to be very helpful during
  our levy campaign last year.
Relying On PR
Relying On PR
Relying On PR
Relying On PR

 Our communications plan was developed in the
  beginning of the year by both Jenny and I as a
  framework of what we wanted our goals to be.
 We facilitated the achievement of district goals,
  strategies and tactics, developed short-term
  and long-term goals to accomplish, and tried to
  make the objectives measurable so we could
  achieve them.
Relying On PR
Relying On PR

 Developing A Close                    Jenny and I trust each other.
                                         Some differences are bound
  Relationship                           to occur, but honest, open
   Jenny and I have a very close        discussions can overcome
    relationship                        many obstacles to progress.
   I believe in an open door
    policy  we are often texting,
    emailing and calling each
    other at all hours of the
    evening to discuss various
    school issues.
Relying On PR

 Strategies That Keep Relations
 Provide ideas and updates about whats going on in the
 Remember mutual respect and communication is a
 Set up a communications plan that works well for both
  parties. The stage is set to manage measurable goals.
 Positive relationships provide a concrete basis for
  reporting to the community.
Relying On PR

 Strategies that
  Keep Relations
   Agree on roles, relationships
    and responsibilities.
   Work together toward
    communication goals. When
    the focus and common goal is
    students and their education,
    team members work on
    finding common ground and
    making sound decisions.
Relying On PR

    "Just because you wear a mock black turtleneck, blue jeans, and sneakers
    doesn't make you Steve Jobs."
 PR Pitfalls 
    Forgetting to contact the
     communications person when
     serious issues arise.
    Not communicating frequently
    PR doesn't stand for "Press
     Press releases should be reserved for
     true announcements of value and major
     milestones of interest. Instead, try
     engaging a specific reporter, producer
     or editor with your story before they
     contact you.
Relying On PR

 PR Pitfalls                                 Youre Too Insignificant: Dont
   Internet. Blog, tweet and use               underestimate the value of any
    Facebook.                                   and all good press. We had a
   Keep good relationships with                local story picked up by the
    reporters. As a former news                 Today Show several years back.
    anchor/reporter, I rely on Jennys          A minor story possibility could
    contacts with local TV stations and         mean losing a fabulous PR
    newspapers. Jenny tries to                  opportunity.
    maintain good working
    relationships with local reporters so
    that when difficult situations arise,
    they are willing to work with us. If
    they request an interview, we
    always make ourselves available.
Relying On PR

 We have nearly doubled the amount of internal and
  external communication strategies/plans that come
  out of the communications office:
 Reinstituted Spaghetti Fest
 Education Fair
 Superintendent Blog
 Senior Blogs by High School Seniors
 Facebook & Twitter pages
 Passed Levy
 New website
Relying On PR

 We have nearly doubled the amount of internal and
  external communication strategies/plans that come out
  of the communications office:
 Staff Appreciation Picnic
 Revamped Opening Day
 Video Blogs for staff
 Began Staff Newsletter with staff Lunch Bunch section
 Rumor Mill on website to answer questions constituents may
  have about district
 Working on Marketing Video for district
 Weekly meetings with communications director
Relying On PR
Relying On PR
Relying On PR

 Communications:                Investment:
 Helps schools welcome all      Invest in a school
  stakeholders in meaningful      communications person.
  ways.                          If you already have one, make
                                  sure you are using them
 Provides the accountability
                                  effectively. Can be the key to
  framework for planning,         positive school relations with
  monitoring and evaluating       your community.
  accomplishments and their
  links to student and school
Relying On PR

Relying On PR

If you would like a copy of todays presentation

[slideshare id=17236306&doc=oshprapresentation-130315133837-phpapp02]
Relying On PR

            Office of the Superintendent
            (937) 259-6606
            Necia Nicholas

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Ohspra presentation

  • 1. Showing BOEs the Impor tance of Your Job Necia Nicholas, Superintendent Mad River Local Schools
  • 2. Relying On PR School PR professionals monitor how the district is perceived by stakeholders and then can help implement strategies to improve public opinion. Any district that chooses not to employ at least one school PR professional is clearly leaving the public opinion function to chance. - Bob Noyed, APR
  • 3. Relying On PR As superintendents we must always prepare for the unexpected Not to be caught off guard. Have effective communications If we arent campaigning for a levy we should be campaigning as if we are.
  • 4. Relying On PR Communications Office plays a central role in engaging all stakeholders by fostering two-way communication. This office is responsible for the district's internal and external communications- media relations, website, publications, email, One Call Now, crisis communications, social media
  • 5. Relying On PR Without good communication, people tend to feel out of the loop, and as a result, they become less invested in the schools success. This is true for staff, parents, students, and community partners.
  • 6. Relying On PR According to the American Association of School Administrators (AASA), the average tenure of a superintendent in 2007 is less than six years. The Council of Great City Schools reports the average tenure of an urban superintendent to be less than three years. Parents care not so much about big policy issues, but more about what is happening in their childs school and, most especially, in their childs classroom. So the credibility is key to parental satisfaction with school and the school system, and good communication makes a substantial contribution to that credibility.
  • 7. Relying On PR Good communication between the school and parentsand between the school district and the communitycreates a climate of trust and respect in which teachers can teach and students can learn. Good communication builds a team and that team surrounds and supports a student so that he or she can succeed.
  • 8. Relying On PR Each week: Meet with Jenny, my communications director. Review our communications plan. Discuss current issues. Confer about upcoming activities. Chart our roles into a framework for success and outcomes. We found this method to be very helpful during our levy campaign last year.
  • 12. Relying On PR Our communications plan was developed in the beginning of the year by both Jenny and I as a framework of what we wanted our goals to be. We facilitated the achievement of district goals, strategies and tactics, developed short-term and long-term goals to accomplish, and tried to make the objectives measurable so we could achieve them.
  • 14. Relying On PR Developing A Close Jenny and I trust each other. Some differences are bound Relationship to occur, but honest, open Jenny and I have a very close discussions can overcome relationship many obstacles to progress. I believe in an open door policy we are often texting, emailing and calling each other at all hours of the evening to discuss various school issues.
  • 15. Relying On PR Strategies That Keep Relations Productive Provide ideas and updates about whats going on in the district. Remember mutual respect and communication is a must. Set up a communications plan that works well for both parties. The stage is set to manage measurable goals. Positive relationships provide a concrete basis for reporting to the community.
  • 16. Relying On PR Strategies that Keep Relations Productive Agree on roles, relationships and responsibilities. Work together toward communication goals. When the focus and common goal is students and their education, team members work on finding common ground and making sound decisions.
  • 17. Relying On PR "Just because you wear a mock black turtleneck, blue jeans, and sneakers doesn't make you Steve Jobs." PR Pitfalls Forgetting to contact the communications person when serious issues arise. Not communicating frequently enough PR doesn't stand for "Press Release." Press releases should be reserved for true announcements of value and major milestones of interest. Instead, try engaging a specific reporter, producer or editor with your story before they contact you.
  • 18. Relying On PR PR Pitfalls Youre Too Insignificant: Dont Internet. Blog, tweet and use underestimate the value of any Facebook. and all good press. We had a Keep good relationships with local story picked up by the reporters. As a former news Today Show several years back. anchor/reporter, I rely on Jennys A minor story possibility could contacts with local TV stations and mean losing a fabulous PR newspapers. Jenny tries to opportunity. maintain good working relationships with local reporters so that when difficult situations arise, they are willing to work with us. If they request an interview, we always make ourselves available.
  • 19. Relying On PR We have nearly doubled the amount of internal and external communication strategies/plans that come out of the communications office: Reinstituted Spaghetti Fest Education Fair Superintendent Blog Senior Blogs by High School Seniors Facebook & Twitter pages Passed Levy New website .
  • 20. Relying On PR We have nearly doubled the amount of internal and external communication strategies/plans that come out of the communications office: Staff Appreciation Picnic Revamped Opening Day Video Blogs for staff Began Staff Newsletter with staff Lunch Bunch section Rumor Mill on website to answer questions constituents may have about district Working on Marketing Video for district Weekly meetings with communications director
  • 23. Relying On PR Communications: Investment: Helps schools welcome all Invest in a school stakeholders in meaningful communications person. ways. If you already have one, make sure you are using them Provides the accountability effectively. Can be the key to framework for planning, positive school relations with monitoring and evaluating your community. communication accomplishments and their links to student and school success.
  • 24. Relying On PR Questions?
  • 25. Relying On PR If you would like a copy of todays presentation [slideshare id=17236306&doc=oshprapresentation-130315133837-phpapp02]
  • 26. Relying On PR Office of the Superintendent (937) 259-6606 Necia Nicholas Superintendent necia.nicholas@madriverschools.org