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Oiseau Overview
        Executive Summary        3
       Company Description       4
                   Location      4
          Product Overview       4
                   Branding      8
           Market Analysis       10
              Target Consumer    10
                Market Outlook   11
                  Competitors    12
               SWOT Analysis     13
Marketing Recommendations        13
                      Product    13
                      Service    14
                  Atmosphere     14
                         Price   15
                    Placement    16
                    Promotion    16
                  Sources        17
oiseau     eco fashion

Catamount Ventures, L.P.
400 Pacific Ave., 3rd Floor
San Francisco, CA 94133-4607

To Whom It May Concern:

Oiseau, the French translation for bird, is a contemporary women's boutique that focuses exclusively
on sustainable and eco-friendly fashion and accessories. The store will be located in the Fillmore Street
shopping area.
The goal of Oiseau is to show our customer that she doesnt have to wear hemp and tie-dye to be
green. She can still be fun, playful, and fashionable. The store will intend to carry a mix of basic and
fashion items from brands that focus on the idea of sustainability, such as Alternative Apparel,
Loomstate, and Edun.

Oiseau seeks to target young women aged 18-30 who are urban, trend-aware, and of course,
interested in the environment and sustainability. These consumers would already live in the San
Francisco area, and likely frequent the Fillmore shopping district. The median income of Oiseau
shoppers would be in the middle-middle to upper-middle income class bracket.
Pricing will be aligned with stores with somewhat similar demographics, especially where they pertain to
fashion-conscious, relatively affluent, Generation Y consumers. Essentially, Oiseau will aim to replace
items that would normally be offered to this consumer with eco-friendly ones. The store will focus on
products in the contemporary price point.
Notably, Oiseau will essentially have no direct competition within the San Francisco area. While there
are some stores focusing on eco-friendly clothing, none seem to focus solely on contemporary fashion.
Store that carry eco-conscious lines are most often not promoting them as such.
Industry reports strongly suggest that not only does green fashion have a strong and loyal following,
but that the trend is expected to grow despite economic adversity.

Oiseau would surely be a strong addition to Catamounts environmentally conscious portfolio.


Raylin Wright
Founder and Owner

   2176 Fillmore Street San Francisco, Ca 94115                 415.607.5609        oiseausf.com
Company Description
Oiseau, the French translation for bird, is a contemporary women's boutique that focuses exclusively
on sustainable and eco-friendly fashion and accessories.
Located in the stylish Fillmore District of San Francisco, Oiseau seeks to target young women aged 18-
30 who are urban, trend-aware, and of course, interested in the environment and sustainability. Ideally,
select publications that focus on fashion and an eco-friendly lifestyle would also be included. The
interior of the store would have a very natural, organic feel.

Located at 2185 Fillmore Street, Oiseau would take over the space, which was formerly Shabby Chic.
At this location, a major bus route stops nearby, driving traffic. Marc by Marc Jacobs is across the
street, bringing stylish consumers to the area. Jurlique, a store offering natural cosmetics, is also
nearby, bringing in consumers who are interested in ecologically friendly products.

Product Overview
Greg Alterman, founder of Alternative Apparel, once said in an interview, Everybody has to wear
clothing, so you might as well wear something good for the earth.1

Oiseau seeks to carry a mix of basic and fashion items from brands that focus on the idea of

Our goal is to show our customer that she doesnt have to wear hemp and tie-dye to be green. She
can still be fun, playful, and fashionable. Below are brands that Oiseau feel be key performance
brands because of existing market presence, assortment, and fashionability.

    Consumer Trend News. Alternative Apparel. Youtube.
Alternative Apparel focuses on authenticity and comfort. In 1995, the company set out to create the
perfect t-shirt  one that was designed for fashion, made for comfort, and tailored for a flawless fit.
The company has since expanded to include a multitude of fashion garments. Oiseau will carry the
lined titled Alternative Earth, which focuses on eco-friendly and sustainable apparel. 2

Alternative Earth will be Oiseaus primary source of basic items such as tee shirts (non-graphic),
sweatshirts, jersey pants, and non-fashion cardigans. While Alternative Earth is a diffusion line,
consumers would likely recognize Alternative Apparel.

The mission of Edun is to help build Africa as a viable source of production for fashion. Founded on
the premise of trade not aid, EDUN is a for profit business that aims to raise awareness of the
possibilities in Africa to encourage emulation. To help achieve this goal, EDUN is investing in the
development of a community-based value chain, beginning with organic cotton. 3
Edun would be a source of fashion apparel for Oiseau. Products would include dresses, fashion tops,
sweaters and cardigans, outerwear, and select graphic tees.

    About Alternative. <http://www.alternativeapparel.com/About-Alternative/>.
    About Edun. <http://www.edunonline.com/about.aspx>.
Dedicated to creating a demand for organic cotton and socially responsible methods of production,
Loomstate focuses their design approach on their respect for nature. Natural shapes and colors
influence their casual clothing, which is primarily made up of graphic tees and jeans. 4
Loomstate will likely become the primary denim brand of Oiseau, both because of their relatively wide
assortment of styles, and because the brand is already well known and will be familiar to consumers.
Graphic tee shirts will also be included. Loomstate does produce other garments such as fashion tops,
dresses and outerwear. Oiseau will consider these items, but they will be carried to a much lesser
extent than the brands denim or tee shirts.

Designed by a former sculptor and a fashion industry buff, Prairie Underground creates unique, earth
                       friendly garments crafted from organic cotton and wool. 5
                                 Prairie Underground will be Oiseaus largest supplier of outerwear. The
                                 company carries an impressive selection of blazers and jackets, and fashion
                                 knits such as sweatshirts, leggings, and dresses.

    . About Loomstate. <http://www.loomstate.org/about/>.
    About Us. <http://www.prairieunderground.com/aboutUs.html>.
Oiseau will also consider merchandise and clothing that promotes a charity, cause, or social issue.
These items will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

               Katharine Hamnett          CFDA Haiti Charity      Nahui Ollin - made by
               for Enviornmental           Tee  proceeds are      impoverished Mexicans
               Justice Campaign to         donated to efforts to   from discarded candy
               end illegal fishing         rebuild                 wrappers

In addition to providing consumer with sustainable merchandise, Oiseau seeks to educate the public on
the eco-conscious lifestyle. Publications might include Boho, and Peppermint (from Australia). Books
could include Green Chic, Eco-Chic: The Fashion Paradox, and Style, Naturally.
The logo of Oiseau is a green bird. The bird, of course, relates to the name, which is the French
translation. Consumers can also connect the color to the idea of eco-friendly merchandise, and to
nature. The typeface is clean and modern, and is meant to
appeal to the stores contemporary demographic.


In lieu of traditional bags, Oiseau would utilize reusable
shopping bags made from organic cotton. This would serve to
strengthen the idea of the sustainability, even after the
consumer has left the store.

Business Card


                                                       Bird silhouette is cut

                                                        Branch embossed -
                                                        convex on front

                                                        Recycled cardboard


                                                        Bird silhouette is cut

                                                        Branch embossed -
                                                        concave on back

         2185 Fillmore Street San Francisco, Ca 94115      415.607.5609    oiseausf.com
Market Analysis
                                                                       GREEN NOT JUST A TREND
Target Consumer
Oiseau seeks to target young women aged                     Fashion and the business of fashion are all
18-30 who are urban, trend-aware, and of                    about trends. Green acts like a trend... It has the
course, interested in the environment and                   same energy. As a fashion director, I look for
                                                            energy. And with Green, you cant get enough
sustainability. These consumers would already
                                                            of it  you want a piece of it. It is the only trend I
live in the San Francisco area, and likely                  have ever seen that is a movement. In fashion,
frequent the Fillmore shopping district.                    movements are never really talked about. But
The median income of Oiseau shoppers                        this is real. And it has the energy of a trend, but
would be in the middle-middle to upper-middle               will change and garner even more energy. It is
class bracket. Because many consumers are                   going to get more sophisticated and edgier.
                                                            People are going to figure out how to internalize
young, they may be independently-                          and externalize it. It is not going to go away. If a
dependent. While they themselves may be                    store like Barneys is feeling that on all different
students without significant income, they may               levels, then you can be sure it is here for good.
be getting allowance from parents. In addition,
because the store focuses on green                                Julie Gilhart, Barneys New York, senior
merchandise, not just a specific fashion style,                     vice president and fashion director
more affluent consumers may be attracted
because of the product attributes.
Barbie M. Casasus, senior director and consumer strategist at Iconoculture, a global consumer
research and advisory company, states that 20-28 year olds represent approximately $520 billion in
buying power. They are also willing to pay more for organic and fair-trade merchandise.
Gen Y and the Millennials are really driving this trend, she says. And theyre pretty passionate about
it. While its a category thats still in its infancy, the demand is growing. 6
According to a study conducted by Maritz, a consumer research
company, 47% of generation Y consumers would be willing to pay more
for green brands. Of this, 77% stated they would do so because they
care about the environment. 21% because they feel it is the right thing to
do. 2% would do so so that others knew they were environmentally
In addition, 46% of those polled said they would shop at a retailer more
often if they knew they were environmentally conscious. 6
Iconoculture has discovered four distinct shopping groups interested in
sustainable fashion: the Living Green, the core fashionista, the Walking
Green, and the Spending Green.7
The Living Green: This consumer has embraced all aspects of an eco-
friendly lifestyle, from eating organic foods, buying used clothing from
vintage and thrift stores, to buying garments made from recycled fabrics.
[She] is driven by dedication, purity, and awareness, notes Casasus.
 The Core Fashionista: This consumer is ultimately fashion-driven. In a traditional marketing sense, she
would be the trendsetter. She sees herself in a power position, states Casasus. She is rethinking and
redefining her sense of style and eco-chic.
    Mahoney, Sarah. Gen Y Demands It: Green Fashion Thats Chic. Marketing Daily. 7 April
          2008. <http://www.mediapost.com/publications/fa=Articles.showArticle&art_aid=80029>.
    47% of Gen Y Would Pay More For Green Brands. Environmental Leader. 14 September 2007.
The Walking Green: These are the trend followers. They are often
                                     interested in eco-fashion because they want to belong to a community
                                     that they feel is important. Style wise, these are the early to late trend
                                     adaptors. This is the riskiest group, as they may not legitimately be
                                     interested in the green movement, and are not trendsetters.
                                     The Spending Green: Iconoculture found that this group is interested in
                                     green fashion because, that sense of exclusivity and entitlement are
                                     important to her. She embraced green when it was still very much a
                                     luxury category, and she intends to keep it that way. For her, buying
                                     green connotes luxury, not any kind of sacrifice."

                                     Market Outlook
                                     The author of the book, Style, Natrually, notes that she is persistently
                                     confronted with the question, Is green fashion a trend, or here to stay?
Her answer is, companies are...assembling entire divisions to address sustainability, not only in their
products, but across their companys practices... I highly doubt that companies are going to
disassemble those divisions and design philosophies two seasons from now because its out of style.

David E. Wigder. Senior Vice President of Digitas, a marketing solutions firm, states, Even mainstream
retailers are weaving green into their overall merchandise... Even during tough economic times, there
will always be interest in green clothing by those that can afford the premium for them. 6
Sustainable fashion may perhaps be most commonly associated with higher-end designers such as
Stella McCartney, or with low end, hippie apparel. But there are, of course, many contemporary
designers, such as Loomstate and Edun, who are perhaps more well-known in urban environments.
But even big-box retailers are beginning to cash in on this trend. In a report by Deloitte titled, 2009
Industry Outlook: Challenging Times, Emerging Opportunities, stores such as JC Penneys are focusing
on sustainability because, sustainability is a growing priority for shoppers.
However, the report also notes that firms focusing on long-tail retailing (meaning, they focus on niche
rather than mass markets,) seem to be quite lucrative. In that sense, specialty stores, like Oiseau,
would have an advantage, in that it would focus specifically on a niche market, and seek to be the
expert. 9

             Behavior                  Demographics                    Geography                  Psychographics
      Actively seeking green,            Age 18-34                San Francisco local         Interested in eco-friendly
     fashionable merchandise              Generation Y                                                   lifestyle
      Regular users, first-time             Female                     From affluent               Purchases organic
        users; attracted to                                           neighborhood                      groceries
         product attributes                                        94108, 94115, 94123,
            High Usage                Student, new grad,                                          Supports charities for
                                      young professional                                             ethical change

    Oakes, Summer Rayne. Style, Naturally. Page 20. 2009 Chronicle Books.
    Deloitte. 2009 Industry Outlook: Challenging Times, Emerging Opportunities.<http://www.deloitte.com/-
Target consumers would be from more affluent neighborhoods in the San Francisco metro area.
Neighborhoods would include Union Square, Fillmore, Marina, and Noe Valley. 10, 11
          Union Square 94108
                o Population 13,716
                o 51.3% female
                o 28.5% 20-34 YO
                o Total: 2,005
          Fillmore 94115
                o Population 33,115
                o 51.8% female
                o 37% 20-34
                o Total: 6,347
          Marina 94123
                o Population 22,903
                o 53.3% female
                o 42.1% 20-34
                o Total: 5,139
          Noe Valley 94114
                o Population 30,574
                o 40.2% female
                o 33.9% 20-34
                o Total: 4,117
           Total: 17,608
                   8,276 Potential Consumers
*According to a study by Maritz, 47% of Generation Y consumers are interested in green fashion.
Oiseau, essentially, has no direct competition within the San Francisco area. While there are some
stores focusing on eco-friendly clothing, none seem to focus solely on contemporary fashion.
          Eco Citizen: while this store, located in the Marina district, does carry brands like Edun and
           Loomstate (only tops), they focus on higher-priced designer apparel. Lines carried include
           Organic by John Patrick (Jacket priced at $565), Linda Loudermilk (dress priced at $759), and
           Sara Shepherd (dress priced at $1,200.) Being in the Marina district, the store likely has a higher
           frequency of Gen X consumers.

          American Rag: located on Van Ness near Polk Gulch, American Rag does have a relatively
           similar demographic to Oiseaus (18-30, urban, trend aware, fashionable) and carries lines such
           as Loomstate, Levis organic, and Toms shoes. They also carry a large selection of vintage
           items. This store is not focused on eco-fashion by any means, however. It seems to be purely

     San Francisco Demographics. <http://www.zillow.com/local-info/CA-San-Francisco-
     San Francisco County, California. <http://quickfacts.census.gov/qfd/states/06/06075.html>.
     Azalea: this boutique, for men and women, is located in Hayes Valley. While, like AR, the store is
         not focused on eco-fashion, it has a well-defined, contemporary consumer. Items are on trend
         or fashion-forward. Notably, this store has a well-developed e-commerce site.

SWOT Analysis

           Strengths               Weaknesses                      Opportunities                   Threats
   Located in ideal location   Vendor selection highly           Can easily expand        Volatile economic climate
                                      limited                     brand could include
                                                                 cosmetics, mens etc.
       Strong brand image      Store personnel must be         Green market expected     As eco-fashion grows in
                               familiar with product and         to grow in popularity      popularity, other stores
                                        attributes                                         could simply carry more
                                                                                                  green brands
   Entering green market       Must be able to sell           Many smaller vendors       Little explicit market data
    during growth phase        product on aesthetics if          do not require large-      on eco-fashion makes
                                attributes dont interest      quantity purchase orders         predictability hard
       No direct competition   No similar stores means             More brands are          Growing number of e-
                                  it is difficult to tell if   adopting eco, meaning     commerce sites focusing
                                   concept will work            product selection in the          on eco-fashion
                                                                  future will be larger
    Unique store concept       Concept trumps product

Marketing Recommendations
Based on consumer breakdowns as identified by Iconoculture in regards to Gen Y eco shoppers,
Oiseaus projected core consumers would be The Core Fashionista, who is ultimately fashion driven
trend-setters while being interested in sustainable fashion, The Walking Green, who are trend followers
interested in eco fashion because of its rise in popularity, and The Spending Green, who view eco-
fashion as a luxury item. The Living Green may make up some of Oiseaus demographic, however,
that customer may not see the merit of purchasing a new item versus a recycled or used one.
While Oiseaus key consumers may be interested in trends, it is important that entrance items, likely
price-sensitive basics, not be excluded from the product mix. While The Core Fashionista, The Walking
Green, and the Spending Green may be interested in a more fashion forward item, another Gen Y
consumer who does not fit into these groups may not be. She may be interested in the idea of eco-
fashion, but not necessarily be fashion-driven. In addition, it would be assumed that consumers not
even in Gen Y, but likely Gen X, would make up some of Oiseaus sales. This secondary group of
consumers may view trend items as being a bit too young for their tastes, but be interested in the
idea of eco-friendly fashion none-the-less. In this case, and again, more basic items would satiate this
But one major advantage, of course, is that basic items, such as tee shirts, have become fashionable.
There is no reason to expect that the basic items would not immediately appeal to the key consumers
as well.


Oiseaus level of service will likely fall under full-service, as it is a specialty retailer. Associates will not
only have to sell consumers merchandise on aesthetics and style recommendations, but on attributes.
They would need to know about the benefits of the brand or product (ie, organic, fair trade, etc.) and
be aware of the ecological issues that traditional products may be involved in. (For instance, that leather
tanning uses harmful chemicals.)
Oiseau will combine traditional elements used in fashion-forward, contemporary stores, with more
organic ones.

45 RPM
Opening Ceremony
Associates would wear current Oiseau merchandise, and likely be given an allowance in which to
purchase new clothing.
Pricing will be aligned with stores with somewhat similar demographics, especially where they pertain to
fashion-conscious, relatively affluent, Generation Y consumers. Essentially, Oiseau will seek to replace
items that would normally be offered to this consumer with eco-friendly ones. The store will focus on
products in the contemporary price point.
Azalea vs. Oiseau

7 For All Mankind     Vince          Acne          Shakuhachi       Cheap Monday
$190                 $128            $359          $125              $170

Loomstate      Alt. Earth     Edun          Edun           Prairie Underground
$158           $25            $165          $ 145          $265
Oiseau is a brick-and-mortar retail store. There are no plans for a warehouse-type facility, therefore if
an e-commerce site existed, merchandise would come directly from the store itself.
Oiseau will utilize a traditional marketing channel, as merchandise will be purchased from third-party

  Producer             Wholesaler              Retailer        Consumer
The intermediaries used would be company sales representatives for the selected brands. The biggest
challenge Oiseau will face is having to research companies beforehand to ensure that they are truly
eco=friendly and have a positive reputation, Merchandise will be purchased via fashion trade show
(such as Magic in Las Vegas), from company show-rooms, or from lookbooks.
There is no need to deal directly with vendors in this situation, as details such shipping and distribution
will be contracted from the wholesaler. More that likely, this detail will not even be discussed. Only ship
dates and lead times will be negotiated. The shipping costs that Oiseau will incur will likely be from the
distribution center to the store, as freight costs will likely be included in the garments wholesale price.

Oiseau seeks to take advantage of the natural foot-traffic in the area. Again, there are stores in this
location that already cater to either consumers interested in eco-friendly products, or women in a
similar demographic.
Media: advertisements would be places in local magazines or publication such as Soma or 7x7
Packaging: a reusable shopping bag would be given to the consumer to strengthen the idea of
Sales Promotion: associated would be required to be well informed of product attributes as well as
industry details such as why organic cotton is superior, etc.
Point of Purchase: the store will carry books and publications that inform customers about the eco-
friendly lifestyle
Direct Marketing: the store will utilize social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook to inform
consumers about new merchandise, trends, sales, events, etc. Emails could also be sent to consumers
on a mailing list.
Special Events: many boutiques host special nights where a designer or person of interest in present.
Oiseau will utilize this tactic in an effort to gain interest for the store and to draw in new consumers.
In addition, Oiseau will likely be present at
events that concern fashion or a sustainable
lifestyle. For instance, Ethical Fashion Night just
took place in San Francisco. This would have
been an ideal event for the store to be
present at.
47% of Gen Y Would Pay More For Green Brands. Environmental Leader. 14 September 2007.
Alternative Apparel. About Alternative. <http://www.alternativeapparel.com/About-Alternative/>.

Consumer Trend News. Alternative Apparel. Youtube.

Deloitte. 2009 Industry Outlook: Challenging Times, Emerging Opportunities.<http://www.deloitte.com/-
Edun. About Edun. <http://www.edunonline.com/about.aspx>.

Loomstate. About Loomstate. <http://www.loomstate.org/about/>.
Prairie Underground.About Us. <http://www.prairieunderground.com/aboutUs.html>.
Mahoney, Sarah. Gen Y Demands It: Green Fashion Thats Chic. Marketing Daily. 7 April
       2008. <http://www.mediapost.com/publications/fa=Articles.showArticle&art_aid=80029>.
Oakes, Summer Rayne. Style, Naturally. Page 20. 2009 Chronicle Books.
San Francisco County, California. <http://quickfacts.census.gov/qfd/states/06/06075.html>.
San Francisco Demographics. <http://www.zillow.com/local-info/CA-San-Francisco-

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Oiseau Overview

  • 2. Content Executive Summary 3 Company Description 4 Location 4 Product Overview 4 Branding 8 Market Analysis 10 Target Consumer 10 Market Outlook 11 Competitors 12 SWOT Analysis 13 Marketing Recommendations 13 Product 13 Service 14 Atmosphere 14 Price 15 Placement 16 Promotion 16 Sources 17
  • 3. oiseau eco fashion Catamount Ventures, L.P. 400 Pacific Ave., 3rd Floor San Francisco, CA 94133-4607 To Whom It May Concern: Oiseau, the French translation for bird, is a contemporary women's boutique that focuses exclusively on sustainable and eco-friendly fashion and accessories. The store will be located in the Fillmore Street shopping area. The goal of Oiseau is to show our customer that she doesnt have to wear hemp and tie-dye to be green. She can still be fun, playful, and fashionable. The store will intend to carry a mix of basic and fashion items from brands that focus on the idea of sustainability, such as Alternative Apparel, Loomstate, and Edun. Oiseau seeks to target young women aged 18-30 who are urban, trend-aware, and of course, interested in the environment and sustainability. These consumers would already live in the San Francisco area, and likely frequent the Fillmore shopping district. The median income of Oiseau shoppers would be in the middle-middle to upper-middle income class bracket. Pricing will be aligned with stores with somewhat similar demographics, especially where they pertain to fashion-conscious, relatively affluent, Generation Y consumers. Essentially, Oiseau will aim to replace items that would normally be offered to this consumer with eco-friendly ones. The store will focus on products in the contemporary price point. Notably, Oiseau will essentially have no direct competition within the San Francisco area. While there are some stores focusing on eco-friendly clothing, none seem to focus solely on contemporary fashion. Store that carry eco-conscious lines are most often not promoting them as such. Industry reports strongly suggest that not only does green fashion have a strong and loyal following, but that the trend is expected to grow despite economic adversity. Oiseau would surely be a strong addition to Catamounts environmentally conscious portfolio. Sincerely, Raylin Wright Founder and Owner 2176 Fillmore Street San Francisco, Ca 94115 415.607.5609 oiseausf.com
  • 4. Company Description Oiseau, the French translation for bird, is a contemporary women's boutique that focuses exclusively on sustainable and eco-friendly fashion and accessories. Located in the stylish Fillmore District of San Francisco, Oiseau seeks to target young women aged 18- 30 who are urban, trend-aware, and of course, interested in the environment and sustainability. Ideally, select publications that focus on fashion and an eco-friendly lifestyle would also be included. The interior of the store would have a very natural, organic feel. Location Located at 2185 Fillmore Street, Oiseau would take over the space, which was formerly Shabby Chic. At this location, a major bus route stops nearby, driving traffic. Marc by Marc Jacobs is across the street, bringing stylish consumers to the area. Jurlique, a store offering natural cosmetics, is also nearby, bringing in consumers who are interested in ecologically friendly products. Product Overview Greg Alterman, founder of Alternative Apparel, once said in an interview, Everybody has to wear clothing, so you might as well wear something good for the earth.1 Oiseau seeks to carry a mix of basic and fashion items from brands that focus on the idea of sustainability. Our goal is to show our customer that she doesnt have to wear hemp and tie-dye to be green. She can still be fun, playful, and fashionable. Below are brands that Oiseau feel be key performance brands because of existing market presence, assortment, and fashionability. 1 Consumer Trend News. Alternative Apparel. Youtube.
  • 5. Alternative Apparel focuses on authenticity and comfort. In 1995, the company set out to create the perfect t-shirt one that was designed for fashion, made for comfort, and tailored for a flawless fit. The company has since expanded to include a multitude of fashion garments. Oiseau will carry the lined titled Alternative Earth, which focuses on eco-friendly and sustainable apparel. 2 www.alternativeapparel.com/alternativeearth Alternative Earth will be Oiseaus primary source of basic items such as tee shirts (non-graphic), sweatshirts, jersey pants, and non-fashion cardigans. While Alternative Earth is a diffusion line, consumers would likely recognize Alternative Apparel. The mission of Edun is to help build Africa as a viable source of production for fashion. Founded on the premise of trade not aid, EDUN is a for profit business that aims to raise awareness of the possibilities in Africa to encourage emulation. To help achieve this goal, EDUN is investing in the development of a community-based value chain, beginning with organic cotton. 3 www.edunonline.com Edun would be a source of fashion apparel for Oiseau. Products would include dresses, fashion tops, sweaters and cardigans, outerwear, and select graphic tees. 2 About Alternative. <http://www.alternativeapparel.com/About-Alternative/>. 3 About Edun. <http://www.edunonline.com/about.aspx>.
  • 6. Dedicated to creating a demand for organic cotton and socially responsible methods of production, Loomstate focuses their design approach on their respect for nature. Natural shapes and colors influence their casual clothing, which is primarily made up of graphic tees and jeans. 4 www.loomstate.org Loomstate will likely become the primary denim brand of Oiseau, both because of their relatively wide assortment of styles, and because the brand is already well known and will be familiar to consumers. Graphic tee shirts will also be included. Loomstate does produce other garments such as fashion tops, dresses and outerwear. Oiseau will consider these items, but they will be carried to a much lesser extent than the brands denim or tee shirts. Designed by a former sculptor and a fashion industry buff, Prairie Underground creates unique, earth friendly garments crafted from organic cotton and wool. 5 www.prairieunderground.com Prairie Underground will be Oiseaus largest supplier of outerwear. The company carries an impressive selection of blazers and jackets, and fashion knits such as sweatshirts, leggings, and dresses. 4 . About Loomstate. <http://www.loomstate.org/about/>. 5 About Us. <http://www.prairieunderground.com/aboutUs.html>.
  • 7. Oiseau will also consider merchandise and clothing that promotes a charity, cause, or social issue. These items will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Katharine Hamnett CFDA Haiti Charity Nahui Ollin - made by for Enviornmental Tee proceeds are impoverished Mexicans Justice Campaign to donated to efforts to from discarded candy end illegal fishing rebuild wrappers In addition to providing consumer with sustainable merchandise, Oiseau seeks to educate the public on the eco-conscious lifestyle. Publications might include Boho, and Peppermint (from Australia). Books could include Green Chic, Eco-Chic: The Fashion Paradox, and Style, Naturally.
  • 8. Branding The logo of Oiseau is a green bird. The bird, of course, relates to the name, which is the French translation. Consumers can also connect the color to the idea of eco-friendly merchandise, and to nature. The typeface is clean and modern, and is meant to appeal to the stores contemporary demographic. Packaging In lieu of traditional bags, Oiseau would utilize reusable shopping bags made from organic cotton. This would serve to strengthen the idea of the sustainability, even after the consumer has left the store. Business Card Front: Bird silhouette is cut out Branch embossed - convex on front Recycled cardboard Back: Bird silhouette is cut out Branch embossed - concave on back
  • 9. Letterhead 2185 Fillmore Street San Francisco, Ca 94115 415.607.5609 oiseausf.com
  • 10. Market Analysis GREEN NOT JUST A TREND Target Consumer Oiseau seeks to target young women aged Fashion and the business of fashion are all 18-30 who are urban, trend-aware, and of about trends. Green acts like a trend... It has the course, interested in the environment and same energy. As a fashion director, I look for energy. And with Green, you cant get enough sustainability. These consumers would already of it you want a piece of it. It is the only trend I live in the San Francisco area, and likely have ever seen that is a movement. In fashion, frequent the Fillmore shopping district. movements are never really talked about. But The median income of Oiseau shoppers this is real. And it has the energy of a trend, but would be in the middle-middle to upper-middle will change and garner even more energy. It is class bracket. Because many consumers are going to get more sophisticated and edgier. People are going to figure out how to internalize young, they may be independently- and externalize it. It is not going to go away. If a dependent. While they themselves may be store like Barneys is feeling that on all different students without significant income, they may levels, then you can be sure it is here for good. be getting allowance from parents. In addition, because the store focuses on green Julie Gilhart, Barneys New York, senior merchandise, not just a specific fashion style, vice president and fashion director more affluent consumers may be attracted because of the product attributes. Barbie M. Casasus, senior director and consumer strategist at Iconoculture, a global consumer research and advisory company, states that 20-28 year olds represent approximately $520 billion in buying power. They are also willing to pay more for organic and fair-trade merchandise. Gen Y and the Millennials are really driving this trend, she says. And theyre pretty passionate about it. While its a category thats still in its infancy, the demand is growing. 6 According to a study conducted by Maritz, a consumer research company, 47% of generation Y consumers would be willing to pay more for green brands. Of this, 77% stated they would do so because they care about the environment. 21% because they feel it is the right thing to do. 2% would do so so that others knew they were environmentally aware. In addition, 46% of those polled said they would shop at a retailer more often if they knew they were environmentally conscious. 6 Iconoculture has discovered four distinct shopping groups interested in sustainable fashion: the Living Green, the core fashionista, the Walking Green, and the Spending Green.7 The Living Green: This consumer has embraced all aspects of an eco- friendly lifestyle, from eating organic foods, buying used clothing from vintage and thrift stores, to buying garments made from recycled fabrics. [She] is driven by dedication, purity, and awareness, notes Casasus. The Core Fashionista: This consumer is ultimately fashion-driven. In a traditional marketing sense, she would be the trendsetter. She sees herself in a power position, states Casasus. She is rethinking and redefining her sense of style and eco-chic. 6 Mahoney, Sarah. Gen Y Demands It: Green Fashion Thats Chic. Marketing Daily. 7 April 2008. <http://www.mediapost.com/publications/fa=Articles.showArticle&art_aid=80029>. 7 47% of Gen Y Would Pay More For Green Brands. Environmental Leader. 14 September 2007. <http://www.environmentalleader.com/2007/09/14/47-of-gen-y-would-pay-more-for-green-brands/>
  • 11. The Walking Green: These are the trend followers. They are often interested in eco-fashion because they want to belong to a community that they feel is important. Style wise, these are the early to late trend adaptors. This is the riskiest group, as they may not legitimately be interested in the green movement, and are not trendsetters. The Spending Green: Iconoculture found that this group is interested in green fashion because, that sense of exclusivity and entitlement are important to her. She embraced green when it was still very much a luxury category, and she intends to keep it that way. For her, buying green connotes luxury, not any kind of sacrifice." Market Outlook The author of the book, Style, Natrually, notes that she is persistently confronted with the question, Is green fashion a trend, or here to stay? Her answer is, companies are...assembling entire divisions to address sustainability, not only in their products, but across their companys practices... I highly doubt that companies are going to disassemble those divisions and design philosophies two seasons from now because its out of style. 8 David E. Wigder. Senior Vice President of Digitas, a marketing solutions firm, states, Even mainstream retailers are weaving green into their overall merchandise... Even during tough economic times, there will always be interest in green clothing by those that can afford the premium for them. 6 Sustainable fashion may perhaps be most commonly associated with higher-end designers such as Stella McCartney, or with low end, hippie apparel. But there are, of course, many contemporary designers, such as Loomstate and Edun, who are perhaps more well-known in urban environments. But even big-box retailers are beginning to cash in on this trend. In a report by Deloitte titled, 2009 Industry Outlook: Challenging Times, Emerging Opportunities, stores such as JC Penneys are focusing on sustainability because, sustainability is a growing priority for shoppers. However, the report also notes that firms focusing on long-tail retailing (meaning, they focus on niche rather than mass markets,) seem to be quite lucrative. In that sense, specialty stores, like Oiseau, would have an advantage, in that it would focus specifically on a niche market, and seek to be the expert. 9 Behavior Demographics Geography Psychographics Actively seeking green, Age 18-34 San Francisco local Interested in eco-friendly fashionable merchandise Generation Y lifestyle Regular users, first-time Female From affluent Purchases organic users; attracted to neighborhood groceries product attributes 94108, 94115, 94123, 94114 High Usage Student, new grad, Supports charities for young professional ethical change 8 Oakes, Summer Rayne. Style, Naturally. Page 20. 2009 Chronicle Books. 9 Deloitte. 2009 Industry Outlook: Challenging Times, Emerging Opportunities.<http://www.deloitte.com/- assets/DcomUnitedStates/Local%20Assets/Documents/us_industryoutlook_ChallengingTimesEmergingOpportunities_ February2009.pdf>.
  • 12. Target consumers would be from more affluent neighborhoods in the San Francisco metro area. Neighborhoods would include Union Square, Fillmore, Marina, and Noe Valley. 10, 11 Union Square 94108 o Population 13,716 o 51.3% female o 28.5% 20-34 YO o Total: 2,005 Fillmore 94115 o Population 33,115 o 51.8% female o 37% 20-34 o Total: 6,347 Marina 94123 o Population 22,903 o 53.3% female o 42.1% 20-34 o Total: 5,139 Noe Valley 94114 o Population 30,574 o 40.2% female o 33.9% 20-34 o Total: 4,117 Total: 17,608 x47%* 8,276 Potential Consumers *According to a study by Maritz, 47% of Generation Y consumers are interested in green fashion. Competitors Oiseau, essentially, has no direct competition within the San Francisco area. While there are some stores focusing on eco-friendly clothing, none seem to focus solely on contemporary fashion. Eco Citizen: while this store, located in the Marina district, does carry brands like Edun and Loomstate (only tops), they focus on higher-priced designer apparel. Lines carried include Organic by John Patrick (Jacket priced at $565), Linda Loudermilk (dress priced at $759), and Sara Shepherd (dress priced at $1,200.) Being in the Marina district, the store likely has a higher frequency of Gen X consumers. American Rag: located on Van Ness near Polk Gulch, American Rag does have a relatively similar demographic to Oiseaus (18-30, urban, trend aware, fashionable) and carries lines such as Loomstate, Levis organic, and Toms shoes. They also carry a large selection of vintage items. This store is not focused on eco-fashion by any means, however. It seems to be purely style-driven. 10 San Francisco Demographics. <http://www.zillow.com/local-info/CA-San-Francisco- people/r_20330/>. 11 San Francisco County, California. <http://quickfacts.census.gov/qfd/states/06/06075.html>.
  • 13. Azalea: this boutique, for men and women, is located in Hayes Valley. While, like AR, the store is not focused on eco-fashion, it has a well-defined, contemporary consumer. Items are on trend or fashion-forward. Notably, this store has a well-developed e-commerce site. SWOT Analysis Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats Located in ideal location Vendor selection highly Can easily expand Volatile economic climate limited brand could include cosmetics, mens etc. Strong brand image Store personnel must be Green market expected As eco-fashion grows in familiar with product and to grow in popularity popularity, other stores attributes could simply carry more green brands Entering green market Must be able to sell Many smaller vendors Little explicit market data during growth phase product on aesthetics if do not require large- on eco-fashion makes attributes dont interest quantity purchase orders predictability hard No direct competition No similar stores means More brands are Growing number of e- it is difficult to tell if adopting eco, meaning commerce sites focusing concept will work product selection in the on eco-fashion future will be larger Unique store concept Concept trumps product Marketing Recommendations Product Based on consumer breakdowns as identified by Iconoculture in regards to Gen Y eco shoppers, Oiseaus projected core consumers would be The Core Fashionista, who is ultimately fashion driven trend-setters while being interested in sustainable fashion, The Walking Green, who are trend followers interested in eco fashion because of its rise in popularity, and The Spending Green, who view eco- fashion as a luxury item. The Living Green may make up some of Oiseaus demographic, however, that customer may not see the merit of purchasing a new item versus a recycled or used one. While Oiseaus key consumers may be interested in trends, it is important that entrance items, likely price-sensitive basics, not be excluded from the product mix. While The Core Fashionista, The Walking Green, and the Spending Green may be interested in a more fashion forward item, another Gen Y consumer who does not fit into these groups may not be. She may be interested in the idea of eco- fashion, but not necessarily be fashion-driven. In addition, it would be assumed that consumers not even in Gen Y, but likely Gen X, would make up some of Oiseaus sales. This secondary group of consumers may view trend items as being a bit too young for their tastes, but be interested in the idea of eco-friendly fashion none-the-less. In this case, and again, more basic items would satiate this need. But one major advantage, of course, is that basic items, such as tee shirts, have become fashionable. There is no reason to expect that the basic items would not immediately appeal to the key consumers as well.
  • 14. Fashion/Trend Basic Service Oiseaus level of service will likely fall under full-service, as it is a specialty retailer. Associates will not only have to sell consumers merchandise on aesthetics and style recommendations, but on attributes. They would need to know about the benefits of the brand or product (ie, organic, fair trade, etc.) and be aware of the ecological issues that traditional products may be involved in. (For instance, that leather tanning uses harmful chemicals.) Atmosphere Oiseau will combine traditional elements used in fashion-forward, contemporary stores, with more organic ones. 45 RPM
  • 15. Opening Ceremony Associates would wear current Oiseau merchandise, and likely be given an allowance in which to purchase new clothing. Price Pricing will be aligned with stores with somewhat similar demographics, especially where they pertain to fashion-conscious, relatively affluent, Generation Y consumers. Essentially, Oiseau will seek to replace items that would normally be offered to this consumer with eco-friendly ones. The store will focus on products in the contemporary price point. Azalea vs. Oiseau Azalea: 7 For All Mankind Vince Acne Shakuhachi Cheap Monday $190 $128 $359 $125 $170 Oiseau: Loomstate Alt. Earth Edun Edun Prairie Underground $158 $25 $165 $ 145 $265
  • 16. Placement Oiseau is a brick-and-mortar retail store. There are no plans for a warehouse-type facility, therefore if an e-commerce site existed, merchandise would come directly from the store itself. Oiseau will utilize a traditional marketing channel, as merchandise will be purchased from third-party vendors. Producer Wholesaler Retailer Consumer The intermediaries used would be company sales representatives for the selected brands. The biggest challenge Oiseau will face is having to research companies beforehand to ensure that they are truly eco=friendly and have a positive reputation, Merchandise will be purchased via fashion trade show (such as Magic in Las Vegas), from company show-rooms, or from lookbooks. There is no need to deal directly with vendors in this situation, as details such shipping and distribution will be contracted from the wholesaler. More that likely, this detail will not even be discussed. Only ship dates and lead times will be negotiated. The shipping costs that Oiseau will incur will likely be from the distribution center to the store, as freight costs will likely be included in the garments wholesale price. Promotion Oiseau seeks to take advantage of the natural foot-traffic in the area. Again, there are stores in this location that already cater to either consumers interested in eco-friendly products, or women in a similar demographic. Media: advertisements would be places in local magazines or publication such as Soma or 7x7 Packaging: a reusable shopping bag would be given to the consumer to strengthen the idea of sustainability Sales Promotion: associated would be required to be well informed of product attributes as well as industry details such as why organic cotton is superior, etc. Point of Purchase: the store will carry books and publications that inform customers about the eco- friendly lifestyle Direct Marketing: the store will utilize social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook to inform consumers about new merchandise, trends, sales, events, etc. Emails could also be sent to consumers on a mailing list. Special Events: many boutiques host special nights where a designer or person of interest in present. Oiseau will utilize this tactic in an effort to gain interest for the store and to draw in new consumers. In addition, Oiseau will likely be present at events that concern fashion or a sustainable lifestyle. For instance, Ethical Fashion Night just took place in San Francisco. This would have been an ideal event for the store to be present at.
  • 17. Sources 47% of Gen Y Would Pay More For Green Brands. Environmental Leader. 14 September 2007. <http://www.environmentalleader.com/2007/09/14/47-of-gen-y-would-pay-more-for-green- brands/> Alternative Apparel. About Alternative. <http://www.alternativeapparel.com/About-Alternative/>. Consumer Trend News. Alternative Apparel. Youtube. Deloitte. 2009 Industry Outlook: Challenging Times, Emerging Opportunities.<http://www.deloitte.com/- assets/DcomUnitedStates/Local%20Assets/Documents/us_industryoutlook_ChallengingTimesEme rgingOpportunities_February2009.pdf>. Edun. About Edun. <http://www.edunonline.com/about.aspx>. Loomstate. About Loomstate. <http://www.loomstate.org/about/>. Prairie Underground.About Us. <http://www.prairieunderground.com/aboutUs.html>. Mahoney, Sarah. Gen Y Demands It: Green Fashion Thats Chic. Marketing Daily. 7 April 2008. <http://www.mediapost.com/publications/fa=Articles.showArticle&art_aid=80029>. Oakes, Summer Rayne. Style, Naturally. Page 20. 2009 Chronicle Books. San Francisco County, California. <http://quickfacts.census.gov/qfd/states/06/06075.html>. San Francisco Demographics. <http://www.zillow.com/local-info/CA-San-Francisco- people/r_20330/>.