This document appears to be from a 2014 library institute focusing on effective brainstorming and research techniques. It includes sections on implementing brainstorming activities, evaluating information sources, mobile learning, and plagiarism. Library resources like databases, archives, and liaisons are also mentioned. The document provides examples and prompts for discussion to help instructors learn techniques to teach students key research concepts and skills.
The document discusses plans for rolling out an eBook and iPad project on campus. It covers topics like faculty iPad checkout, academic training, shared calendars, tech support, purchasing iPads for faculty, and providing accessories. It outlines goals for students using iPads, the benefits of iPads in education, and plans for training faculty, champions, and students. Resources like a SharePoint site and Apple resources are highlighted. Finally, it discusses support from Brown Mackie and AppleCare and goes over a checklist for the academic rollout.
Geoff Dubber - The Big Leap: Library Transition from Sixth Form into Higher E...SLA
From the SLA 2009 Weekend Course. Moving from the familiarity of the school library to using complex HE library resources and services can be a challenge especially when basic study and information literacy skills also need honing. Come along to consider and reflect on the issues.
This document provides tips for motivating and connecting with online learners. It recommends starting with a face-to-face meeting to greet learners and have them introduce themselves. Instructors should help learners find personal relevance in the material, encourage adapting it to their own situations, and connecting it to practical problems. The document also suggests giving timely feedback, including responses in chat and to activities, and using activities to help learners connect with each other by sharing views or responses. Regular motivational videos can help build a feeling of togetherness among online learners.
This document discusses the benefits of using open educational resources (OER) instead of traditional textbooks. It notes that many students cannot afford textbooks, which can prevent them from taking classes or delay their coursework. OER materials are free to students and can be customized by professors. The document provides examples of successful OER projects and recommends professors start small by using OER for single assignments before fully adopting open resources. It also lists several repositories where instructors can find open educational materials and resources.
Best practice in the classroom: Teaching Young Learners - Kylie Malinowskaeaquals
The document discusses best practices for teaching young learners. It addresses whether teaching young learners is significantly different than teaching adults and what activities typically take place in a young learner classroom. Some key considerations for teaching young learners include their shorter attention spans, creativity, and need for movement compared to adult learners. The document also provides examples of activities that can engage young learners and be adapted to use a single sheet of scrap paper for multiple learning activities.
Presentation at the Enhancing digi-pedagogical skills of higher education staff and change of learning environments. How wise is Peerwise for assessment?
What possibilities exist today in today's Digital Culture? Do you want to "flip" your sacramental preparation? What does it mean to "flip" sacramental preparation? Do you want to supplement what you teach in sacramental preparation with a digital activity or two? What is possible and how can I do it?
Answering a complicated question with the power of Youtube. #PSEWEBSteve Krysak
What does Knowledge Integration mean to you? What would you study if you were in a program with that name? Turns out, it can mean a lot of things depending on the students in the program. This makes recruitment a challenge, but also provided an opportunity.
Ill walk attendees through the video campaign we created to reboot recruitment efforts in an enrolment-troubled program at the University of Waterloo. A case study in a low budget, quick turn around project that made a high impact because of its integration into a bigger strategy and a confusing concept boiled down to a simple message.
Link to video:
Link to playlist:
From #PSEWEB on June 25th in Vancouver BC
Dinesh Mobilearn Asia Singapore PresentationDinesh Poorun
This document summarizes the largest iPad rollout at UWSCollege involving teachers and students. It discusses providing iPads to teachers in 2012 to familiarize them with apps for mobile learning. Based on student surveys about using technology, the college planned to rollout iPads to students in 2013. Learning pods with iPad charging stations were set up. While there were initial concerns about workload and sharing, the culture transformed. Students were given tips on using apps like Corkulous and GoSoapbox for engagement. An iPad film festival competition among student groups was a success. The future involves converting workbooks to iBooks and an innovation called Culture on Demand app.
Presentation as part of the SUNY Remote Teaching Clinic - The Remote Teaching Clinic is designed to help you temporarily deliver your face-to-face instructional materials at a distance. The free webinars in this clinic will provide you with the information and skills you need to teach anywhere.
Presentation given for the National College Learning Center Association
In these unprecedented times, the face of higher education is rapidly changing, and our learning centers must adapt to find ways to help our students (the privileged and underprivileged) engage effectively with technology. The realities of how we support students and the services we offer them must adapt to the current shifts to online learning in their content courses. 油We must expand upon existing online services and/or develop new ones. We must also support/train our staff members to manage the new ways in which our learning centers must operate.油
Learning centers professionals are going to have to think of ways to deliver services 100% online. We need to think about our staff (students and professionals) and how we train them as well as the ways in which we engage our students who might be struggling with the demands of shifting to new modes of learning. 油Join this evolving conversation in one or both webinars:
Part 1 - Identifying Immediate Needs - this week (3/20/2020)
How we can triage and respond in real time to a rapidly evolving change to our operations?
Part 2 - Planning for the Long-term - next week (3/27/2020)
How do we reflect, assess, resource for sustainability, and plan for future change?
OER at LCC: A Journey of a Thousand StepsRegina Gong
This presentation summarizes Lansing Community College's journey with open educational resources over several years. It began in 2015 with a few faculty adopting OER and has grown significantly, with over 150 courses now using OER that have saved students over $1.5 million in textbook costs. The library leads the initiative and various strategies were used to increase awareness and adoption among faculty and students. Assessment of the impact on students shows high satisfaction with OER quality and appreciation for the cost savings. The goal is to reach half of all courses using OER to maximize access and affordability.
Train the Trainer: Tips for Enhancing Employee Learning (Presented at HighEdW...Katie Santo
Lets be honest: no one truly enjoys sitting through an hour or more of training that is required as part of their job. This is especially the case when said topic is less than exciting or ever so slightly technical in nature. Come sit for an hour to learn a web content management system so I can update the university website? Well, that sounds super fun and at the top of my to-do list! Said no one, ever. When its your job to facilitate training, it can be discouraging to know that your participants may not be as engaged in the topic at hand as you are. In this presentation, well cover three things that you as a training facilitator can do to enhance the learning experience of your participants, so they walk away not only having learned the required material, but actually having enjoyed their time with you.
Flying Start: supporting student transitionHelen Howard
Presentation given at the University of Limerick's seminar on the Academic Library's Role in Supporting New Students: Transition Success and Retention. It outlines the Flying Start programme at the University of Leeds which introduces students pre-arrival to the key academic skills they will need to success at University.
Collecting feedback on quality indicators of the higher education student exp...Sonia Whiteley
Presentation about Australia's national system for collecting feedback from undergraduate university students about their teaching and learning experiences.
Practical Strategies to Modify Your Curriculum for Students Working Below Gra...Brookes Publishing
Educators use a variety of strategies and learning accommodations to teach diverse learners. However, educators can struggle to make grade-level curriculum possible and achievable for students with intellectual disabilities. An educational process, known as modifying curriculum, can open doors to an inclusive, high quality education for students who work below grade level. In this edWebinar, Nicole Eredics, author of Inclusion in Action: Practical Strategies to Modify Your Curriculum, will give you step-by-step instruction on when and how to modify curriculum.
Nicole, a seasoned inclusion teacher, has the information, tools, and strategies you need to take grade-level curriculum and transform it into rigorous content that is intellectually and developmentally appropriate for students who work below grade level. Most importantly, learn:
The fundamentals of creating and maintaining truly inclusive classrooms
An overview of ways to support diverse learners through universal design for learning, social and emotional supports, and accommodations
The role of curriculum modifications in the education process
How to modify any curriculum for students with intellectual disabilities
Strategies that will quickly and easily modify curriculum in any classroom with suggestions for interventions and extensions
Useful educational resources for modifying curriculum
Classroom and special education teachers across all grade levels as well as administrators will benefit from this recorded session. Learn more about modifying curriculum to support all students.
Watch the recorded webinar:
About the Presenter, Nicole Eredics:
Nicole Eredics is an educator who advocates for the inclusion of students with disabilities in the general education classroom. She draws upon her years of experience as a full inclusion teacher to write, speak, and consult on the topic of inclusive education to various local and national organizations. Nicole uses her unique insight and knowledge to provide practical strategies for fully including and instructing students of all abilities in the classroom.
Nicoles advocacy work also includes managing a highly successful blog, The Inclusive Class, which has been a reputable resource on the topic of inclusion for families and schools since 2011. Through the blog, Nicole disseminates information about inclusion, which includes more than 100 episodes of The Inclusive Class podcast, dozens of articles about inclusive education, numerous webinars, and an online introductory course to inclusion. For more information please visit
This document provides information about the New Era Learning Centre, including its mission, facilities, student support services, workshops, fees, acceptance policies, and timetable. The centre is committed to preparing students academically and developing well-rounded individuals. It offers affordable tuition, audio-visual teaching methods, regular tests and exams, a winter carnival, project help, a library, and career workshops. Students must maintain high attendance and adhere to conduct rules. The fees increase with each class from Rs. 13,000 to Rs. 19,000 but discounts are available. Classes are held Monday to Saturday following the given timetable.
The document summarizes a talk given by Joseph Hardin from the University of Michigan about open courseware creation in higher education. It discusses surveys conducted of faculty and students at UMichigan in 2008 and 2009 regarding familiarity with and willingness to contribute to open courseware. The results showed higher willingness among graduate student instructors and lower familiarity overall, especially among tenure-track faculty. Future work aims to study other types of open educational activities and expand the surveys to more institutions.
Engaged Teachers: Using Social Media Tools to Capture the Imagination and Engage the Learner
Using social media tools to transform a potentially static Corporate Social Responsibility course into something much more interesting and engaging.
Building Adaptive Expertise: Exploring Ways to Integrate Learning and Enhance...Seelio
A joint presentation from the AAEEBL 2014 Annual Conference with the University of Michigan's School of Social Work on using portfolios as a tool for integrative learning and professional development.
This document provides information about Work-Based Learning programs and expectations for students. It discusses the benefits of WBL programs for students, schools, and communities. WBL programs allow students to gain real-world job experience through placements related to their career interests while also earning high school credit. To be eligible, students must meet requirements around their class schedule, attendance, transportation, and other factors. The document outlines time requirements to earn credit and notes benefits of WBL programs for employers in developing skilled local workforces.
The document discusses "trade secrets" for effective online teaching based on an instructor's experience. It outlines six secrets: 1) Put out a welcoming environment and over-communicate with students; 2) Create a consistent weekly course structure; 3) Manage students' expectations; 4) Use introductory videos each week and vary activities; 5) Retain all course materials; 6) Express care for students in writing. Research cited found online and blended learning can be as or more effective than traditional teaching when properly implemented.
This document outlines a developmental sequence for career exploration activities from elementary through high school. It provides examples of school-wide, classroom, and small group activities to address career readiness competencies at each grade level. In elementary school, activities include career-themed weeks, classroom lessons connecting jobs to school subjects, and interest inventories. Middle school focuses on online career research, resume writing, and career cafes with speakers. High school emphasizes maintaining career portfolios, selecting coursework related to career goals, and work-based learning opportunities. The document aims to comprehensively address career competencies through developmental and multi-faceted guidance activities.
Ten principles of effective instruction for el ls principalsrussechd
The document provides 10 principles of effective instruction for English language learners. It discusses creating a classroom culture that fosters language acquisition, teaching both content and academic language, drawing on students' backgrounds, selecting meaningful themes, contextualizing new ideas visually, explicitly teaching academic strategies and norms, engaging students with varied tasks, maximizing collaboration, giving opportunities to apply knowledge, and using authentic assessment. It also mentions the SIOP model and importance of ongoing professional development support for teachers.
This document provides an overview and information about Ashleigh Bright's INTR 101: College Success Strategies course. It introduces Ashleigh as the instructor and provides her contact information. It outlines the main goals and structure of the course, including that it will be a blend of in-person and remote work. It details the participation requirements, grading structure, instructor check-ins, and final project. Additional resources and ways for students to get involved on campus and in the local community are also presented.
ITI Turner Question Paper MCQ E-Book Free DownloadSONU HEETSON
ITI Turner Question Paper MCQ Book PDF Free Download. All Questions collected from NIMI Mock Test, CTS Bharat Skills Question Bank, Previous Exam papers. Helpful for CTS Trade Theory 1st & 2nd Year CBT Exam,油Apprentice test, AITT, ISRO, DRDO, NAVY, ARMY, Naval Dockyard, Tradesman, Training Officer, Instructor, RRB ALP CBT 2,油Railway Technician, CEPTAM, BRO, PWD, PHED, Air India, BHEL, BARC, IPSC, CISF, CTI, HSFC, GSRTC, GAIL, PSC, Viva, Tests, Quiz油& all other technical competitive exams.
What possibilities exist today in today's Digital Culture? Do you want to "flip" your sacramental preparation? What does it mean to "flip" sacramental preparation? Do you want to supplement what you teach in sacramental preparation with a digital activity or two? What is possible and how can I do it?
Answering a complicated question with the power of Youtube. #PSEWEBSteve Krysak
What does Knowledge Integration mean to you? What would you study if you were in a program with that name? Turns out, it can mean a lot of things depending on the students in the program. This makes recruitment a challenge, but also provided an opportunity.
Ill walk attendees through the video campaign we created to reboot recruitment efforts in an enrolment-troubled program at the University of Waterloo. A case study in a low budget, quick turn around project that made a high impact because of its integration into a bigger strategy and a confusing concept boiled down to a simple message.
Link to video:
Link to playlist:
From #PSEWEB on June 25th in Vancouver BC
Dinesh Mobilearn Asia Singapore PresentationDinesh Poorun
This document summarizes the largest iPad rollout at UWSCollege involving teachers and students. It discusses providing iPads to teachers in 2012 to familiarize them with apps for mobile learning. Based on student surveys about using technology, the college planned to rollout iPads to students in 2013. Learning pods with iPad charging stations were set up. While there were initial concerns about workload and sharing, the culture transformed. Students were given tips on using apps like Corkulous and GoSoapbox for engagement. An iPad film festival competition among student groups was a success. The future involves converting workbooks to iBooks and an innovation called Culture on Demand app.
Presentation as part of the SUNY Remote Teaching Clinic - The Remote Teaching Clinic is designed to help you temporarily deliver your face-to-face instructional materials at a distance. The free webinars in this clinic will provide you with the information and skills you need to teach anywhere.
Presentation given for the National College Learning Center Association
In these unprecedented times, the face of higher education is rapidly changing, and our learning centers must adapt to find ways to help our students (the privileged and underprivileged) engage effectively with technology. The realities of how we support students and the services we offer them must adapt to the current shifts to online learning in their content courses. 油We must expand upon existing online services and/or develop new ones. We must also support/train our staff members to manage the new ways in which our learning centers must operate.油
Learning centers professionals are going to have to think of ways to deliver services 100% online. We need to think about our staff (students and professionals) and how we train them as well as the ways in which we engage our students who might be struggling with the demands of shifting to new modes of learning. 油Join this evolving conversation in one or both webinars:
Part 1 - Identifying Immediate Needs - this week (3/20/2020)
How we can triage and respond in real time to a rapidly evolving change to our operations?
Part 2 - Planning for the Long-term - next week (3/27/2020)
How do we reflect, assess, resource for sustainability, and plan for future change?
OER at LCC: A Journey of a Thousand StepsRegina Gong
This presentation summarizes Lansing Community College's journey with open educational resources over several years. It began in 2015 with a few faculty adopting OER and has grown significantly, with over 150 courses now using OER that have saved students over $1.5 million in textbook costs. The library leads the initiative and various strategies were used to increase awareness and adoption among faculty and students. Assessment of the impact on students shows high satisfaction with OER quality and appreciation for the cost savings. The goal is to reach half of all courses using OER to maximize access and affordability.
Train the Trainer: Tips for Enhancing Employee Learning (Presented at HighEdW...Katie Santo
Lets be honest: no one truly enjoys sitting through an hour or more of training that is required as part of their job. This is especially the case when said topic is less than exciting or ever so slightly technical in nature. Come sit for an hour to learn a web content management system so I can update the university website? Well, that sounds super fun and at the top of my to-do list! Said no one, ever. When its your job to facilitate training, it can be discouraging to know that your participants may not be as engaged in the topic at hand as you are. In this presentation, well cover three things that you as a training facilitator can do to enhance the learning experience of your participants, so they walk away not only having learned the required material, but actually having enjoyed their time with you.
Flying Start: supporting student transitionHelen Howard
Presentation given at the University of Limerick's seminar on the Academic Library's Role in Supporting New Students: Transition Success and Retention. It outlines the Flying Start programme at the University of Leeds which introduces students pre-arrival to the key academic skills they will need to success at University.
Collecting feedback on quality indicators of the higher education student exp...Sonia Whiteley
Presentation about Australia's national system for collecting feedback from undergraduate university students about their teaching and learning experiences.
Practical Strategies to Modify Your Curriculum for Students Working Below Gra...Brookes Publishing
Educators use a variety of strategies and learning accommodations to teach diverse learners. However, educators can struggle to make grade-level curriculum possible and achievable for students with intellectual disabilities. An educational process, known as modifying curriculum, can open doors to an inclusive, high quality education for students who work below grade level. In this edWebinar, Nicole Eredics, author of Inclusion in Action: Practical Strategies to Modify Your Curriculum, will give you step-by-step instruction on when and how to modify curriculum.
Nicole, a seasoned inclusion teacher, has the information, tools, and strategies you need to take grade-level curriculum and transform it into rigorous content that is intellectually and developmentally appropriate for students who work below grade level. Most importantly, learn:
The fundamentals of creating and maintaining truly inclusive classrooms
An overview of ways to support diverse learners through universal design for learning, social and emotional supports, and accommodations
The role of curriculum modifications in the education process
How to modify any curriculum for students with intellectual disabilities
Strategies that will quickly and easily modify curriculum in any classroom with suggestions for interventions and extensions
Useful educational resources for modifying curriculum
Classroom and special education teachers across all grade levels as well as administrators will benefit from this recorded session. Learn more about modifying curriculum to support all students.
Watch the recorded webinar:
About the Presenter, Nicole Eredics:
Nicole Eredics is an educator who advocates for the inclusion of students with disabilities in the general education classroom. She draws upon her years of experience as a full inclusion teacher to write, speak, and consult on the topic of inclusive education to various local and national organizations. Nicole uses her unique insight and knowledge to provide practical strategies for fully including and instructing students of all abilities in the classroom.
Nicoles advocacy work also includes managing a highly successful blog, The Inclusive Class, which has been a reputable resource on the topic of inclusion for families and schools since 2011. Through the blog, Nicole disseminates information about inclusion, which includes more than 100 episodes of The Inclusive Class podcast, dozens of articles about inclusive education, numerous webinars, and an online introductory course to inclusion. For more information please visit
This document provides information about the New Era Learning Centre, including its mission, facilities, student support services, workshops, fees, acceptance policies, and timetable. The centre is committed to preparing students academically and developing well-rounded individuals. It offers affordable tuition, audio-visual teaching methods, regular tests and exams, a winter carnival, project help, a library, and career workshops. Students must maintain high attendance and adhere to conduct rules. The fees increase with each class from Rs. 13,000 to Rs. 19,000 but discounts are available. Classes are held Monday to Saturday following the given timetable.
The document summarizes a talk given by Joseph Hardin from the University of Michigan about open courseware creation in higher education. It discusses surveys conducted of faculty and students at UMichigan in 2008 and 2009 regarding familiarity with and willingness to contribute to open courseware. The results showed higher willingness among graduate student instructors and lower familiarity overall, especially among tenure-track faculty. Future work aims to study other types of open educational activities and expand the surveys to more institutions.
Engaged Teachers: Using Social Media Tools to Capture the Imagination and Engage the Learner
Using social media tools to transform a potentially static Corporate Social Responsibility course into something much more interesting and engaging.
Building Adaptive Expertise: Exploring Ways to Integrate Learning and Enhance...Seelio
A joint presentation from the AAEEBL 2014 Annual Conference with the University of Michigan's School of Social Work on using portfolios as a tool for integrative learning and professional development.
This document provides information about Work-Based Learning programs and expectations for students. It discusses the benefits of WBL programs for students, schools, and communities. WBL programs allow students to gain real-world job experience through placements related to their career interests while also earning high school credit. To be eligible, students must meet requirements around their class schedule, attendance, transportation, and other factors. The document outlines time requirements to earn credit and notes benefits of WBL programs for employers in developing skilled local workforces.
The document discusses "trade secrets" for effective online teaching based on an instructor's experience. It outlines six secrets: 1) Put out a welcoming environment and over-communicate with students; 2) Create a consistent weekly course structure; 3) Manage students' expectations; 4) Use introductory videos each week and vary activities; 5) Retain all course materials; 6) Express care for students in writing. Research cited found online and blended learning can be as or more effective than traditional teaching when properly implemented.
This document outlines a developmental sequence for career exploration activities from elementary through high school. It provides examples of school-wide, classroom, and small group activities to address career readiness competencies at each grade level. In elementary school, activities include career-themed weeks, classroom lessons connecting jobs to school subjects, and interest inventories. Middle school focuses on online career research, resume writing, and career cafes with speakers. High school emphasizes maintaining career portfolios, selecting coursework related to career goals, and work-based learning opportunities. The document aims to comprehensively address career competencies through developmental and multi-faceted guidance activities.
Ten principles of effective instruction for el ls principalsrussechd
The document provides 10 principles of effective instruction for English language learners. It discusses creating a classroom culture that fosters language acquisition, teaching both content and academic language, drawing on students' backgrounds, selecting meaningful themes, contextualizing new ideas visually, explicitly teaching academic strategies and norms, engaging students with varied tasks, maximizing collaboration, giving opportunities to apply knowledge, and using authentic assessment. It also mentions the SIOP model and importance of ongoing professional development support for teachers.
This document provides an overview and information about Ashleigh Bright's INTR 101: College Success Strategies course. It introduces Ashleigh as the instructor and provides her contact information. It outlines the main goals and structure of the course, including that it will be a blend of in-person and remote work. It details the participation requirements, grading structure, instructor check-ins, and final project. Additional resources and ways for students to get involved on campus and in the local community are also presented.
ITI Turner Question Paper MCQ E-Book Free DownloadSONU HEETSON
ITI Turner Question Paper MCQ Book PDF Free Download. All Questions collected from NIMI Mock Test, CTS Bharat Skills Question Bank, Previous Exam papers. Helpful for CTS Trade Theory 1st & 2nd Year CBT Exam,油Apprentice test, AITT, ISRO, DRDO, NAVY, ARMY, Naval Dockyard, Tradesman, Training Officer, Instructor, RRB ALP CBT 2,油Railway Technician, CEPTAM, BRO, PWD, PHED, Air India, BHEL, BARC, IPSC, CISF, CTI, HSFC, GSRTC, GAIL, PSC, Viva, Tests, Quiz油& all other technical competitive exams.
How to Setup WhatsApp in Odoo 17 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
Integrate WhatsApp into Odoo using the WhatsApp Business API or third-party modules to enhance communication. This integration enables automated messaging and customer interaction management within Odoo 17.
How to Unblock Payment in Odoo 18 AccountingCeline George
In this slide, we will explore the process of unblocking payments in the Odoo 18 Accounting module. Payment blocks may occur due to various reasons, such as exceeding credit limits or pending approvals. We'll walk through the steps to remove these blocks and ensure smooth payment processing.
This course provides students with a comprehensive understanding of strategic management principles, frameworks, and applications in business. It explores strategic planning, environmental analysis, corporate governance, business ethics, and sustainability. The course integrates Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to enhance global and ethical perspectives in decision-making.
Managing expiration dates of products in odooCeline George
Odoo allows users to set expiration dates at both the product and batch levels, providing flexibility and accuracy. By using Odoo's expiration date management, companies can minimize waste, optimize stock rotation, and maintain high standards of product quality. The system allows users to set expiration dates at both the product and batch levels, providing flexibility and accuracy.
Unit 1 Computer Hardware for Educational Computing.pptxRomaSmart1
Computers have revolutionized various sectors, including education, by enhancing learning experiences and making information more accessible. This presentation, "Computer Hardware for Educational Computing," introduces the fundamental aspects of computers, including their definition, characteristics, classification, and significance in the educational domain. Understanding these concepts helps educators and students leverage technology for more effective learning.
Effective Product Variant Management in Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide well discuss on the effective product variant management in Odoo 18. Odoo concentrates on managing product variations and offers a distinct area for doing so. Product variants provide unique characteristics like size and color to single products, which can be managed at the product template level for all attributes and variants or at the variant level for individual variants.
Research Publication & Ethics contains a chapter on Intellectual Honesty and Research Integrity.
Different case studies of intellectual dishonesty and integrity were discussed.
Here is an example of how we can
implement brainstorming into a library
instructional activity.
LLS 1320: Social Media and the Middle East
Brainstorming Activity
In this library session we will begin by examining 2 images and how social media is being used
in the Middle East. We will focus on answering: What is link between social media and Middle
Eastern people. We will be using a series of tags and comments to create a research topic.
Upon the completion of this session you will be able to master the following:
Brainstorming phase
username: okscholarsinstituteM
password: Cgokelly205
-Please add initials after your comment or tag
Locate information using effective, welldesigned search strategies.
What do you think about the Flipped
Instructional Model?
Have you used it before?
Do you plan on using it in the near
Boolean Operators are simple words
(AND, OR, NOT or AND NOT) used as
conjunctions to combine or exclude
keywords in a search, resulting in more
focused and productive results.
Using these operators can greatly reduce
or expand the amount of records returned.
-Alliant Libraries
Each Department has their own collection of:
Video Databases
Educational DVDs
See Search Databases by Subject
The student can determine whether
this information has any credibility
towards their topic and if it fits the
argument they are defending.
How and why is evaluating information
applicable to your field?
The student will be able to
communicate, organize and synthesize
information from sources to achieve a
specific purpose with clarity and depth.
Mobile learning allows a further
breakout, untethering learners from their
desks, from their dwellings, from buildings
Learning can occur anywhere and, in
this sense, has become truly ubiquitous. It
can occur wherever people, individually or
collectively, have problems to solve or
knowledge to share.
How can the library staff assist in
transforming a traditional assignment into
a new (cognitive) project/assignment?
Here are some examples of how we
can implement mobile learning
between the walls and outside of the
walls of the classroom and library.
Show your PowerPoint and Keynote
files and documents on any web
browser, TV or projector and control it
using your device. Since viewers just
need your simple URL to follow
along, setup is a snap.
Students demonstrate a full
understanding of the ethical and legal
restrictions on the use of
published, confidential, and/or
proprietary information.
Students use correctly all of the
Citations and references
Information that is true to original
Distinction between common
knowledge and ideas requiring
Who has experienced a student
plagiarizing in any of the forms shown
in this video?
What methods do you use to help your
students understand the importance of
using information ethically and legally?
Original Passage:
Because women's wages often continue to
re鍖ect the fiction that men earn the family
wage, single mothers rarely earn enough to
support themselves and their children
孫 May, Elaine (1991). Myths and Realities of
the American Family.
In Ari竪s, P. A., Post, A., Duby, G., & Vincent, G.
(1991). A history of private life: Riddles of identity
in modern times. 5: Belknap Press of Harvard
University Press.
Original Passage:
Because women's wages often continue to
re鍖ect the fiction that men earn the family
wage, single mothers rarely earn enough to
support themselves and their children
Since women's wages often continue to reflect
the mistaken notion that men are the main
wage earners in the family, single mothers
rarely make enough to support themselves
and their children very well.
Original Passage:
Because women's wages often continue to
re鍖ect the fiction that men earn the family
wage, single mothers rarely earn enough to
support themselves and their children
As Elaine May points out, "women's wages
often continue to reflect the fiction that men
earn the family wage" (p. 588). Thus many
single mothers cannot support themselves
and their children adequately.
Original Passage:
Because women's wages often continue to re鍖ect the
fiction that men earn the family wage, single mothers rarely
earn enough to support themselves and their children
adequately. ================================
Women today still earn less than men, so much less that
many single mothers and their children live near or below
the poverty line. Elaine May (1991) argues that this
situation stems in part from the fiction that men earn the
family wage (p. 588).
This assumption, in my opinion, does not have the force it
once did. More and more businesses offer in-house daycare facilities, as evidenced by a study conducted in New
York City (May, 1991).
Thomas Flynn
Computer Science
Carl Leak
Health Sciences
Micheal Frye
Science Librarian
Cynthia Levine
Technical Services
Forrest Foster
Mass Communications
Melinda Livas
Distance Education
Lizzie A. Reeder
Human Performance,
Rehabilitation Studies
Janet Malliett
Behavior Science,
Social Work
Patricia Gamble
Fine Arts
Terrence Martin
OK Scholars/
Political Science &
Justice Studies
Ian Hertz
Vicki S. Miller
#2: Add the At OK you Get What you need throughout the presentation. Ad a very simple dash dot border on the very edge of the slides. Color is red on off white