The document discusses the Open Knowledge Foundation and its work promoting open data. It describes CKAN, an open source data portal software, and how it can be used to publish, share, and find data. It outlines the Foundation's goals of utilizing digital information to improve governance, the economy, and research. It also notes increasing momentum around open data and data portals, with a focus on open source tools and sharing experiences.
2. The OpenKnowledgeFoundation
We are anot-for-profitorganisationdedicated topromoting openness
inallitsforms (data + content)
We build:
Communities + Tools
3. What does openmean?
A piece of content or dataisopen if anyoneisfreetouse,
reuse,andredistributeit subject only, at most, to the
requirement to attribute and share-alike.
4. What problem are we trying to solve?
To utilize digital information more effectively to improve
governance, the economy and research
For example:
Find a better way to get to work
Build more sustainable cities
Spend government money more effectively and
Explosion of digital information
Ever improving information technology
5. OpenSolution
Step 1: get the data openly licenced
Step 2: make it accessible- metadata, formats,
portal (
Step 3: start building, linking and turning datainto
something more -information
7. Built on CKAN(
Opensource data portal software that
makes it easy to publish, share and find data.
Richsearch and datapublishing tools
Integrated data storage,processing,viewingand
Geospatial metadata & search (including support for
Extensible and flexible: easy to adapt, extend and
Componentized structure with variety of add-ons: stats,
analytics, comments etc
Rich restful JSON API
11. Evolution
This means publishingdata needs to become an ingrained
central part of the process
Valuable, coredatasetsareneeded
(national map vs park bench locations)
Data portals need to beuser
lowering barriers to entry (in
browser previews)
engagement (related items)
better user experience and
tools (data API)
12. Current Climate
Accelerating momentum (e.g.
Focus on OpenSource - reusable tools &
sharing of experiences (UK, US, EU)
Global CKAN User Group
Open Government Partnership
Agreeing on standards (e.g. DCAT) -
13. Europe
Connecting Europe Facility
- 9 billion for Digital 2014 - 2020
Pan-European Open Data Portal
2013 (building on
Supporting the data ecosystem in
public bodies with training, tools
and consultancy