The document summarizes a project to improve the image and social mix of a primary school experiencing multicultural problems and a bad reputation. It analyzes the school's situation through field research and interviews. It then maps the school's stakeholders and identifies what is missing. A three-step solution is proposed to identify the school's culture, express its identity, and create a positive image through short and long-term activities using various channels to engage parents, students, and local media. The vision is for the school to become transparent, connected to all interested people, and designed through participation from the entire community.
5. Getting the way 1. identifying the culture 2. expressing the identity 3. creating the image
6. Getting the message what wants/needs: the school? the parents? the media? How do we transport that? school parents media
7. Getting the channels three-step-solution: short term - long term short distance - long distance activities -> interaction -> cloud
8. The result trustful parents confident school B reak down the wall Interested media Open mindsets
9. Visions A network, no walls a school transparent and reachable for everyone a school connected with all interested people a school designed by all participants