The TechM team at Old Mutual was brainstorming how to develop a roadmap for the company's CRM vision for 2020. They discussed drivers for change, business case elements, ROI, and timeline with country leaders from several African nations. The team also considered technical architecture, processes, KPIs, and how to define an art of the possible, reference architecture, roadmap, business case, and value chains to align with Old Mutual's strategic priorities and achieve its CRM vision.
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Old Mutual - Story thru Pictures
1. TechM Team at Old Mutual South Africa,
Brainstorming Art of the Possible for drawing the Roadmap
2. Rajesh On Call with country leaders from Kenya, Ghana, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Malawi & Nigeria
3. Achin in action setting the Directional Correctness to approach the situation at hand
while Shirish shares his point of view and Rohit drawing Change Management plan
4. Amitabh thinking deep on Technical Architecture while Achin and Sirish discuss Processes
5. Team discussing the Drivers for Change, Business Case Elements, ROI, Timeline and Roadmap
6. Achin, Rajesh, Amitabh, Shirish, Sathya, Deepak, & Muttu
Discussing the KPIs that align to Business Architecture and Old Mutual CRM vision 2020
7. Why What How When
Strategic Priorities and
Business Objectives
Define Art of Possible
Define Reference
Roadmap and Business
case with ROI
Value Chains, Process Maps,
Data Models and Technology
Capabilities of the chosen
CRM platform
Mapping the benefits with
capabilities on the timeline to
address business priorities
Old Mutual priorities based on
the outcome of Key Economic
Indicators and Market Drives