One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) is a non-profit initiative that began in 2005 with the goal of providing children around the world with affordable, robust, low-cost laptop computers to enhance education. Over 2 million children in 42 countries now use the XO laptops designed by OLPC to be durable, run without batteries, and support hands-on, collaborative learning. Evaluations of OLPC deployments show positive impacts like increased school registration and completion rates, improved test scores, and the development of valuable digital skills. OLPC continues working to expand access to quality education through new tablet designs, educational software, and teacher training programs.
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OLPC past and present
Northeast GNU/Linux Fest 2013
Sam Klein
3. Foreshadowing
History and Development
Designing for Learning
Results so far
What's Next:
Tablets & OLPC Academy
Over 2 million children and teachers in 42 countries use XO in education
5. The Vision
Every child deserves the chance
to learn.
Children learn best when they
are active -- exploring,
collaborating, & expressing
Laptops can enable this active
style of learning and transform
6. MIT Media Lab
A team of educators and
Convergence of technology,
pedagogy, education policy
Focus on solutions for the
hardest environments
8. From Theory to Reality
2005: Announcement of
'One Laptop per Child
initiative with UN Secretary
General Kofi Annan
9. Getting to the Lowest Price
Gross Breakdown in Laptop Costs, 2006
Display Sales
Windows Support Distribution
OLPC Proposal
$100 Laptop Cost 2005
Minimal Marketing, Distribution
Large Purchases
Linux only
x Reduce display cost
17. Learning by Doing
Critical thinking &
problem solving
Robotics via the XO laptop:
Butiabot, LEGO WeDo
18. Usable anywhere
The transflective screen is crisp
in bright sunlight, can run
without a backlight
XOs can be solar-powered
where there is no reliable
source of electricity
22. Uruguay
The first country with one
laptop per child and wifi in
every school and home.
600,000 children and
teachers (grades 1-10)
A social transformation
project: more enrollment,
less violence.
24. Per炭
900,000 XOs in primary
and secondary schools
Challenging deployment
due to geography and
cultural diversity
Small remote communities
with limited electricity
26. Argentina
60,000 XOs in La Rioja
Project developed by the
provincial government
Complete saturation
Effort to bring Internet to
the whole province
27. Paraguay
9,000 children across Paraguay
Supported by a dedicated
national NGO, ParaguayEduca
SWIFT donated 3,500+ Xos to
children in Caacupe
Agreements with hydroelectric
providers to improve regional
28. Nicaragua
30,000 XOs distributed by the Zamora-Ter叩n Foundation
Support from public and private companies
Support from other countries (Denmark)
29. Rwanda
120,000 children so far, part of
Rwanda 2020 vision for
universal computer access
An OLPC Regional Learning
Center since 2009
'Feeding mind and body'
partnership with World Food
Program to distribute food
and laptops
30. Nigeria
8,000 XOs deployed by
Schlumberger Seed Program
First deployment in Africa
First patent troll lawsuit
Ongoing support from
private partners
Currently expanding with
support of local municipalities
31. Canada
Alliance with the
Belinda Stronach
5,000 students and
teachers across 12
First Nation
Source: One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) Canada: Backgrounder programs
32. US: Miami, Charlotte
Alliance with the Knight
Foundation and TFA to
reach 500 children in
Liberty City, Miami.
A similar partnership this
year helping 2000 children
in Charlotte, NC
33. Deployment strategies
Government ownership
Exploratory mission to gauge interest of host government and key stakeholders
Based on the above, work with government and key stakeholders to develop a deployment strategy
along the following lines
Develop Community Awareness
Educate population on program benefits and XO functionality
Develop social inclusion campaigns to achieve local support
Launch training programs to promote XO usage, including teachers
Customize XO platform to address local needs
Meet with officials from the minister of education to align on curriculum requirements
Develop customized applications
Digitize textbooks, perform translations
34. Deployment strategies II
Train the core team
Government to select 'Core Team' for execution of local program (IT expertise, etc)
Train core team in all learning and technical elements of the product and program
Train a set of local trainers who will be sent throughout the country
Develop infrastructure
Provide advisory/ support for government in development of infrastructure
(Electrical, IT, network management)
Local capacity building (inventory management, logistics, distribution, maintenance, financial tracking)
Development of Internet access and connectivity infrastructure
Monitoring & Evaluation
Initial field assessment baseline study
Monitor initial program roll out; evaluate social, academic impacts annually
Human Dignity
Human Dignity
Poverty Eradication
Poverty Eradication
Individual Empowerment
Individual Empowerment
Social Inclusion
Social Inclusion
Digital Inclusion
37. Supporting UN Millenium Development Goals
Development beyond
economic growth: One Laptop at a time
combating social One Laptop per Child
Enabling equal access
to education.
XO programs in Nepal
and Pakistan
Solar power
Digital Library: access OLPC is a Public
to 1.6 M books Private Partnership
Knowledge transferred program worldwide
39. OLPC Private Partners
Direct donations
Software development
Hardware production
Promotional campaigns
Public-private partnerships
Matching donations with
local Governments
Content distribution
Strategic Initiatives
Internship programs
40. Students exposed to collaborative learning
Interactive collaborative learning and critical thinking
proven to increase a child's intelligence, aptitude
41. Dramatic reduction in the digital divide
Children 6 to 11 years with computer access at home,
income quintiles. Trends 2008-2009 (%) homes.
Jan - Mar Apr - Jun Jul - Sep Oct - Dec Jan - Mar Apr - Jun Jul - Sep Oct - Dec
200 200
Quintile 1 8 Quintile 2 Quintile 3 9
Quintile 4 Quintile 5
Source: Assessment Area Ceibal, DSPE ANEP / Based on microdata from the Continuous
Household Survey 2008 and 2009, the National Statistics Institute (INE).
43. Improvements in registration and completion
Nicaragua, 2-year program
School registration rate
Drop-out rate
Repetition rate
Source: Results of impact OLPC project in Nicaragua, evaluation Zamora Teran Foundation 2010
50. Make Your Own Sugar Activities (James Simmons, 2013)