The document discusses Kaushik Mukherjee's experience launching a blog and pitching blog post ideas. It also contains questions about whether cooperation between IIM students could strengthen their brand, what goals India should set for 2008, and why Hooda may be Kaushik's biggest competitor in Olympus 2008. Kaushik explains that while he and Rajat have competed before and know each other's strengths and weaknesses, Hooda is less predictable so could pose a greater challenge.
6. Thick and Fast Will cooperation rather than competition amongst the IIM students community, help in building a stronger brand in the long run? On the eve of the new year what targets should India as a country set for itself to achieve in 2008? Educated, energetic and able youngsters of our country (except those belonging to some political linage) often shy away from entering politics and hence do not take up a direct responsibility of making a positive impact on the society. Comment. K A U S H I K . M U K H E R J E E
7. My take Who amongst the other 5 candidates do you think is your biggest competitor in Olympus 2008? K A U S H I K . M U K H E R J E E
8. The Last One Who amongst the other 5 candidates do you think is your biggest competitor in Olympus 2008? If I HAD to pick one amongst the other five, I would go with Hooda. The reasons however are different from what you might think Rajat and I have competed against each other at a similar level before and we have seen each other face the same gruelling questions, mind- bending tasks and rigorous physical activities. In fact, we could almost say with a fair amount of predictability, how the other person would react in a given situation. Sometimes, an opponent who knows a bit about your strengths and weaknesses can be quite a formidable force to reckon with. K A U S H I K . M U K H E R J E E