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Opinion Mining
Mohammed Al-Mashraee
Corporate Semantic Web (AG-CSW)
Institute for Computer Science,
Freie Universit辰t Berlin

AG Corporate Semantic Web
Freie Universit辰t Berlin
 Facts and Opinions and motivations
 Saentiment Analysis (SA) or Opinion Mining
 Why Sentiment Analysis
 What is Sentiment and Sentiment Analysis
 Sentiment Analysis Applications
 Sentiment Analysis Components
 Sentiment Analysis Model
 Sentiment Analysis Levels
 Document Level
 Sentence Level
 Feature Level
 Sentiment Analysis Approaches
 Supervised Approach
 Unsupervised Approach
 Case Studies
AG Corporate Semantic Web

 Facts and Opinions and motivations
 Saentiment Analysis (SA) or Opinion Mining
 Why Sentiment Analysis
 What is Sentiment and Sentiment Analysis
 Sentiment Analysis Applications
 Sentiment Analysis Components
 Sentiment Analysis Model
 Sentiment Analysis Levels
 Document Level
 Sentence Level
 Feature Level
 Sentiment Analysis Approaches
 Supervised Approach
 Unsupervised Approach
 Case Studies
AG Corporate Semantic Web

Facts and Opinions
Types of data
 Expressess facts

 I bought a new car yesterday.
 This is a Canon Camara.

 Expressess personal feelings or beliefs.
 This Camara ist amazing.
 The resolution of this camera is fantastic.

AG Corporate Semantic Web

Why Opinions!
Everyone needs it



Health Care
AG Corporate Semantic Web



Making Decisions
I need
to buy a

I need to
attend a

I need to
Know about
this medicine

Why do
you vote
for X?

AG Corporate Semantic Web

Opinion Sources:

Making Decisions
How satisfy
our customers

What about
our new

How to face
and improve

Opinion Sources:
 Focus Groups
 Opinion Polls

AG Corporate Semantic Web

Search Engines

AG Corporate Semantic Web

More interesting - Web 2.0
 social media Networks:


AG Corporate Semantic Web

 Facts and Opinions and motivations

 Sentiment Analysis (SA) or Opinion Mining
 Why Sentiment Analysis
 What is Sentiment and the Sentiment Analysis
 Sentiment Analysis Applications
 Sentiment Analysis Components
 Sentiment Analysis Model
 Sentiment Analysis Levels
 Document Level
 Feature Level

 Sentiment Analysis Approaches
 Supervise Approach
 Unsupervised Approach

 Case Studies

AG Corporate Semantic Web

Sentiment Analysis
Why Sentiment Analysis (SA)?

AG Corporate Semantic Web

OM Synonyms
[Arti Buche, 2013]

Sentiment Analysis
Opinion Extraction
Sentiment Mining
Subjectivity Analysis
Affect Analysis,
Emotion Analysis,
Review Mining

AG Corporate Semantic Web

What is Sentiment
Feeling, attitude, or opinions expressed by some
one towards something

Sentiment Analysis (SA)?
Sentiment analysis, also called opinion mining, is the field of study
that analyzes peoples opinions, sentiments, evaluations, appraisals,
attitudes, and emotions towards entities such as products, services,
organizations, individuals, issues, events, topics, and their attributes.
(Bing Liu 2012)

Text Mining

Machine Learning
Machine Learning

Information Retrieval
Information Retrieval
Sentiment Analysis

Natural Language
Natural Language

Data Mining
Data Mining

Related areas of sentiment analysis
AG Corporate Semantic Web

SA Applications
SA Applications
 Consumer Products and Services.
 Real-time Application Monitoring using
Twitter and/or Facebook.
 Financial Market Services.
 Political Elections.
 Social Events.
 Web advertising.

AG Corporate Semantic Web

OM Components
Opinion Mining Components
Opinion Holder (source)
The person or organization that
holds a specific opinion on a particular
Opinion Target
A product, person, event,
organization, topic or even an




Opinion Components

Opinion Content
A view, attitude, or appraisal on an
object from an opinion holder.
AG Corporate Semantic Web

 Facts and Opinions and motivations
 Sentiment Analysis (SA) or Opinion Mining
 Why Sentiment Analysis
 What is Sentiment and Sentiment Analysis
 Sentiment Analysis Applications
 Sentiment Analysis Components

 Sentiment Analysis Model
 Sentiment Analysis Levels
 Document Level
 Supervised Approaches
 Unsupervised Approaches
 Sentence Level
 Construct a Sentiment Lexicon
 Manually-based Method
 Dictionary-based Method
 Corpus-based Method
 Feature Level
 Feature Extration
 Feature Sentiment Orientation Detection

AG Corporate Semantic Web

OM Model
Opinion Mining Model:
[Bing Liu, ]

An object O is an entity which can be a product,
topic, person, event, or organization. It is associated
with a pair, O: (T, A), where T is a hierarchy or
taxonomy of components (or parts) and subcomponents of O, and A is a set of attributes of O.
Each component has its own set of sub-components
and attributes.

AG Corporate Semantic Web

Opinion Mining Model
 The general term object is used to denote the entity that has
been commented on.
 An object has a set of components (or parts) and a set of
 Each component may also have its sub-components and its
set of attributes, and so on.
Camera X





Camera X and ist related features
AG Corporate Semantic Web

Opinion Mining Model
 An opinion is a quintuple (ej, ajk, soijkl, hi, tl)
such that

ej is the target entity,
ajk is an aspect of the entity ej ,
hi is the opinion holder,
Tl is the time when the opinion is expressed, and
soijkl is the sentiment orientation of opinion holder hi
on feature ajk of entity ej at time tl

AG Corporate Semantic Web

Opinion Mining Model
 Explicit Attributes
Appears in the sentence as nouns or noun phrases.
The resolution of this camera is great.

 Implicit Attributes
Adjectives, adverbs, verbs, verb phrases, etc. that indicate
This laptop is heavy.  (weight).
I installed the software easily.  (installation)

AG Corporate Semantic Web

 Facts and Opinions and motivations
 Sentiment Analysis (SA) or Opinion Mining
 Why Sentiment Analysis
 What is Sentiment and Sentiment Analysis
 Sentiment Analysis Applications
 Sentiment Analysis Components
 Sentiment Analysis Model
 Sentiment Analysis Levels
 Document Level
 Sentence Level
 Feature Level
 Sentiment Analysis Approaches
 Supervised Approach
 Unsupervised Approach
 Case Studies

AG Corporate Semantic Web

OM Levels
Document level

object for each document
 Single opinion holder

Determine the overall sentiment orientation in
a document/post/review (positive, negative, neutral)

AG Corporate Semantic Web

Document level
I bought a new X phone yesterday. The voice
quality is super and I really like it. However, it
is a little bit heavy. Plus, the key pad is too soft
and it doesnt feel comfortable. I think the
image quality is good enough but I am not sure
about the battery life

AG Corporate Semantic Web

SA Levels
Sentence level
 Single opinion holder
The opinion is on a single object
Subjectivity Classification (subjective, objective)
Sentence polarity (positive, negative, neutral)
This is my car
My car is good

AG Corporate Semantic Web

SA Levels
 Document and sentence level sentiment
analysis is too coarse for most
 Review assigned positive polarity for a
particular object does not mean people
are totally agree with that object

AG Corporate Semantic Web

SA Levels
Feature level:
Goal: produce a feature-based opinion summary of
multiple reviews
Task 1: Identify and extract object features that
have been commented on by an
opinion holder (e.g. picture,battery life).
Task 2: Determine polarity of opinions on features
classes: positive, negative and neutral
Task 3: Group feature synonyms
AG Corporate Semantic Web

Example Review
I bought a new X phone yesterday. The voice
quality is super and I really like it. The video is
clear. However, it is a little bit heavy. Plus, the
key pad is too soft and it doesnt feel
comfortable. The zoom is great. I think the
image quality is good enough. I am not sure
about the battery life
AG Corporate Semantic Web

Example Review
The voice quality is super and I really like it (- po)
The video is clear (po)
However, it is a little bit heavy (ne)
Plus, the key pad is too soft and it doesnt feel
comfortable (-ne)
The zoom is great (- po)
I think the image quality is good enough (- po)
I am not sure about the battery life

AG Corporate Semantic Web

Example Review
voice quality
However, it is
key pad
image quality
battery life

super and I really like it
(- po)
too soft and doesnt feel comfortable (-ne)
(- po)
good enough
(- po)
not sure
(ne/ neutral)

AG Corporate Semantic Web


AG Corporate Semantic Web

 Facts and Opinions and motivations
 Sentiment Analysis (SA) or Opinion Mining
 Why Sentiment Analysis
 What is Sentiment and Sentiment Analysis
 Sentiment Analysis Applications
 Sentiment Analysis Components
 Sentiment Analysis Model
 Sentiment Analysis Levels
 Document Level
 Sentence Level
 Feature Level
 Sentiment Analysis Approaches
 Supervised Approach
 Unsupervised Approach
 Case Studies

AG Corporate Semantic Web

OM Approaches
Supervised Approach

 Supervise Approaches
 Availability of big amount of data
 Data representation
 Training data
 Testing data
 Unsupervised Approaches

AG Corporate Semantic Web

Unsupervised Approaches
 Sentiment words and phrases are the main
indicators of sentiment classification
(e.g., adjectives, adverbs, etc.).
 Does not require big amount of data sets

AG Corporate Semantic Web

The state of the art Cont.
( Turney. 2002)

 PMI-IR but this time to classify reviews into recommended and
not recommended in three steps:
1. Extract phrases containing adjectives or adverbs.
2. Estimate the semantic orientation of each extracted phrase
PMI(word1;word2) =
SO(phrase) = PMI(phrase; "excellent") - PMI(phrase; "poor").
3. Classify the review based on the the average semantic
orientation of the phrases.
 If the average semantic orientation is possitive then the review is
classied as recommended and vice versa.

How to sentiment analysis
1. Pre-processing steps
 Collect a large body of reviews in text form
 Tokenization: break them down to a word by word level,
where each word is tagged with a part of speech token that
classifies it.
 The part of speech tagging can identify punctuation,
adjectives, verbs, nouns, pronouns.
 Stop words removal (the, of, at, in, )
 Stemming: Relate words to their roots
(e.g., played, plays, playing  Play)

AG Corporate Semantic Web

How to sentiment analysis
2. Sentiment classification
Apply a classifier to specify the the polarity of the given reviews
 Naive Bayes
 Decision Tree

AG Corporate Semantic Web

Thank you!

B. Pang, L. Lee, and S. Vaithyanathan, Thumbs up?: sentiment classication usingmachine learning techniques," in Proceedings of
the ACL-02 conference on Empirical methods in natural language processing - Volume 10, EMNLP '02, (Stroudsburg, PA, USA),
pp. 79{86, Association for Computational Linguistics, 2002.
K. Dave, S. Lawrence, and D. M. Pennock, Mining the peanut gallery: opinion
extraction and semantic classication of product reviews," in Proceedings of the
12th international conference on World Wide Web, WWW '03, (New York, NY,
USA), pp. 519{528, ACM, 2003.
Harb, M. Planti, G. Dray, M. Roche, Fran, o. Trousset, and P. Poncelet, "Web opinion mining: how to extract opinions from
blogs?," presented at the Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Soft computing as transdisciplinary science and
technology, Cergy-Pontoise, France, 2008.
Case study


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Om 2

  • 1. Opinion Mining Mohammed Al-Mashraee Corporate Semantic Web (AG-CSW) Institute for Computer Science, Freie Universit辰t Berlin almashraee@inf.fu-berlin.de http://www.inf.fu-berlin.de/groups/ag-csw/ AG Corporate Semantic Web Freie Universit辰t Berlin http://www.inf.fu-berlin.de/groups/ag-csw/
  • 2. Agenda Introduction Facts and Opinions and motivations Saentiment Analysis (SA) or Opinion Mining Why Sentiment Analysis What is Sentiment and Sentiment Analysis Sentiment Analysis Applications Sentiment Analysis Components Sentiment Analysis Model Sentiment Analysis Levels Document Level Sentence Level Feature Level Sentiment Analysis Approaches Supervised Approach Unsupervised Approach Case Studies AG Corporate Semantic Web http://www.inf.fu-berlin.de/groups/ag-csw/ 2
  • 3. Agenda Introduction Facts and Opinions and motivations Saentiment Analysis (SA) or Opinion Mining Why Sentiment Analysis What is Sentiment and Sentiment Analysis Sentiment Analysis Applications Sentiment Analysis Components Sentiment Analysis Model Sentiment Analysis Levels Document Level Sentence Level Feature Level Sentiment Analysis Approaches Supervised Approach Unsupervised Approach Case Studies AG Corporate Semantic Web http://www.inf.fu-berlin.de/groups/ag-csw/ 3
  • 5. Types of data Facts/Objective Expressess facts E.g., I bought a new car yesterday. This is a Canon Camara. Opinions/Subjective Expressess personal feelings or beliefs. E.g., This Camara ist amazing. The resolution of this camera is fantastic. AG Corporate Semantic Web http://www.inf.fu-berlin.de/groups/ag-csw/ 5
  • 7. Everyone needs it Firms Education Health Care AG Corporate Semantic Web http://www.inf.fu-berlin.de/groups/ag-csw/ Politics Individuals 7
  • 8. Making Decisions I need to buy a camera I need to attend a movie I need to Know about this medicine Why do you vote for X? AG Corporate Semantic Web http://www.inf.fu-berlin.de/groups/ag-csw/ Opinion Sources: Parents Friends Neighbors 8
  • 9. Making Decisions How satisfy our customers are? What about our new products? How to face competitors and improve products? Opinion Sources: Surveys Focus Groups Opinion Polls AG Corporate Semantic Web http://www.inf.fu-berlin.de/groups/ag-csw/ 9
  • 10. Search Engines AG Corporate Semantic Web http://www.inf.fu-berlin.de/groups/ag-csw/ 10
  • 11. More interesting - Web 2.0 social media Networks: Reviews: Blogs AG Corporate Semantic Web http://www.inf.fu-berlin.de/groups/ag-csw/ 11
  • 12. Agenda Introduction Facts and Opinions and motivations Sentiment Analysis (SA) or Opinion Mining Why Sentiment Analysis What is Sentiment and the Sentiment Analysis Sentiment Analysis Applications Sentiment Analysis Components Sentiment Analysis Model Sentiment Analysis Levels Document Level Feature Level Sentiment Analysis Approaches Supervise Approach Unsupervised Approach Case Studies AG Corporate Semantic Web http://www.inf.fu-berlin.de/groups/ag-csw/ 12
  • 14. Why Sentiment Analysis (SA)? http://www.google.com/shopping AG Corporate Semantic Web http://www.inf.fu-berlin.de/groups/ag-csw/ 14
  • 15. OM Synonyms [Arti Buche, 2013] Sentiment Analysis Opinion Extraction Sentiment Mining Subjectivity Analysis Affect Analysis, Emotion Analysis, Review Mining AG Corporate Semantic Web http://www.inf.fu-berlin.de/groups/ag-csw/ 15
  • 16. What is Sentiment Feeling, attitude, or opinions expressed by some one towards something 16
  • 17. Sentiment Analysis (SA)? Sentiment analysis, also called opinion mining, is the field of study that analyzes peoples opinions, sentiments, evaluations, appraisals, attitudes, and emotions towards entities such as products, services, organizations, individuals, issues, events, topics, and their attributes. (Bing Liu 2012) Text Mining SA Machine Learning Machine Learning Information Retrieval Information Retrieval Sentiment Analysis Natural Language Natural Language Processing Processing Data Mining Data Mining Related areas of sentiment analysis AG Corporate Semantic Web http://www.inf.fu-berlin.de/groups/ag-csw/ 17
  • 19. SA Applications Consumer Products and Services. Real-time Application Monitoring using Twitter and/or Facebook. Financial Market Services. Political Elections. Social Events. Healthcare. Web advertising. AG Corporate Semantic Web http://www.inf.fu-berlin.de/groups/ag-csw/ 19
  • 21. Opinion Mining Components Opinion Holder (source) The person or organization that holds a specific opinion on a particular object/target. Opinion Target A product, person, event, organization, topic or even an opinion. Source Opinion Target Opinion Components Opinion Content A view, attitude, or appraisal on an object from an opinion holder. AG Corporate Semantic Web http://www.inf.fu-berlin.de/groups/ag-csw/ 21
  • 22. Agenda Introduction Facts and Opinions and motivations Sentiment Analysis (SA) or Opinion Mining Why Sentiment Analysis What is Sentiment and Sentiment Analysis Sentiment Analysis Applications Sentiment Analysis Components Sentiment Analysis Model Sentiment Analysis Levels Document Level Supervised Approaches Unsupervised Approaches Sentence Level Construct a Sentiment Lexicon Manually-based Method Dictionary-based Method Corpus-based Method Feature Level Feature Extration Feature Sentiment Orientation Detection AG Corporate Semantic Web http://www.inf.fu-berlin.de/groups/ag-csw/ 22
  • 24. Opinion Mining Model: [Bing Liu, ] An object O is an entity which can be a product, topic, person, event, or organization. It is associated with a pair, O: (T, A), where T is a hierarchy or taxonomy of components (or parts) and subcomponents of O, and A is a set of attributes of O. Each component has its own set of sub-components and attributes. AG Corporate Semantic Web http://www.inf.fu-berlin.de/groups/ag-csw/ 24
  • 25. Opinion Mining Model The general term object is used to denote the entity that has been commented on. An object has a set of components (or parts) and a set of attributes. Each component may also have its sub-components and its set of attributes, and so on. Camera X Lens Baterry Picture Zoom Camera X and ist related features AG Corporate Semantic Web http://www.inf.fu-berlin.de/groups/ag-csw/ 25
  • 26. Opinion Mining Model An opinion is a quintuple (ej, ajk, soijkl, hi, tl) such that ej is the target entity, ajk is an aspect of the entity ej , hi is the opinion holder, Tl is the time when the opinion is expressed, and soijkl is the sentiment orientation of opinion holder hi on feature ajk of entity ej at time tl AG Corporate Semantic Web http://www.inf.fu-berlin.de/groups/ag-csw/ 26
  • 27. Opinion Mining Model Explicit Attributes Appears in the sentence as nouns or noun phrases. E.g., The resolution of this camera is great. Implicit Attributes Adjectives, adverbs, verbs, verb phrases, etc. that indicate aspects implicitly E.g., This laptop is heavy. (weight). I installed the software easily. (installation) AG Corporate Semantic Web http://www.inf.fu-berlin.de/groups/ag-csw/ 27
  • 28. Agenda Introduction Facts and Opinions and motivations Sentiment Analysis (SA) or Opinion Mining Why Sentiment Analysis What is Sentiment and Sentiment Analysis Sentiment Analysis Applications Sentiment Analysis Components Sentiment Analysis Model Sentiment Analysis Levels Document Level Sentence Level Feature Level Sentiment Analysis Approaches Supervised Approach Unsupervised Approach Case Studies AG Corporate Semantic Web http://www.inf.fu-berlin.de/groups/ag-csw/ 28
  • 30. Document level Assumptions: Single object for each document Single opinion holder Task: Determine the overall sentiment orientation in a document/post/review (positive, negative, neutral) AG Corporate Semantic Web http://www.inf.fu-berlin.de/groups/ag-csw/ 30
  • 31. Document level E.g., I bought a new X phone yesterday. The voice quality is super and I really like it. However, it is a little bit heavy. Plus, the key pad is too soft and it doesnt feel comfortable. I think the image quality is good enough but I am not sure about the battery life AG Corporate Semantic Web http://www.inf.fu-berlin.de/groups/ag-csw/ 31
  • 32. SA Levels Sentence level Assumptions: Single opinion holder The opinion is on a single object Tasks: Subjectivity Classification (subjective, objective) Sentence polarity (positive, negative, neutral) Eg., This is my car My car is good AG Corporate Semantic Web http://www.inf.fu-berlin.de/groups/ag-csw/ 32
  • 33. SA Levels Document and sentence level sentiment analysis is too coarse for most applications. Review assigned positive polarity for a particular object does not mean people are totally agree with that object AG Corporate Semantic Web http://www.inf.fu-berlin.de/groups/ag-csw/ 33
  • 34. SA Levels Feature level: Goal: produce a feature-based opinion summary of multiple reviews Task 1: Identify and extract object features that have been commented on by an opinion holder (e.g. picture,battery life). Task 2: Determine polarity of opinions on features classes: positive, negative and neutral Task 3: Group feature synonyms AG Corporate Semantic Web http://www.inf.fu-berlin.de/groups/ag-csw/ 34
  • 35. Example Review Document-based I bought a new X phone yesterday. The voice quality is super and I really like it. The video is clear. However, it is a little bit heavy. Plus, the key pad is too soft and it doesnt feel comfortable. The zoom is great. I think the image quality is good enough. I am not sure about the battery life AG Corporate Semantic Web http://www.inf.fu-berlin.de/groups/ag-csw/ 35
  • 36. Example Review Sentence-based The voice quality is super and I really like it (- po) The video is clear (po) However, it is a little bit heavy (ne) Plus, the key pad is too soft and it doesnt feel comfortable (-ne) The zoom is great (- po) I think the image quality is good enough (- po) I am not sure about the battery life AG Corporate Semantic Web http://www.inf.fu-berlin.de/groups/ag-csw/ 36
  • 37. Example Review Feature-based voice quality video However, it is key pad zoom image quality battery life super and I really like it (- po) clear (po) heavy (ne) too soft and doesnt feel comfortable (-ne) great (- po) good enough (- po) not sure (ne/ neutral) AG Corporate Semantic Web http://www.inf.fu-berlin.de/groups/ag-csw/ 37
  • 39. Agenda Introduction Facts and Opinions and motivations Sentiment Analysis (SA) or Opinion Mining Why Sentiment Analysis What is Sentiment and Sentiment Analysis Sentiment Analysis Applications Sentiment Analysis Components Sentiment Analysis Model Sentiment Analysis Levels Document Level Sentence Level Feature Level Sentiment Analysis Approaches Supervised Approach Unsupervised Approach Case Studies AG Corporate Semantic Web http://www.inf.fu-berlin.de/groups/ag-csw/ 39
  • 41. Supervised Approach Supervise Approaches Availability of big amount of data Data representation Training data Testing data Unsupervised Approaches AG Corporate Semantic Web http://www.inf.fu-berlin.de/groups/ag-csw/ 41
  • 42. Unsupervised Approaches Sentiment words and phrases are the main indicators of sentiment classification (e.g., adjectives, adverbs, etc.). Does not require big amount of data sets AG Corporate Semantic Web http://www.inf.fu-berlin.de/groups/ag-csw/ 42
  • 43. The state of the art Cont. ( Turney. 2002) PMI-IR but this time to classify reviews into recommended and not recommended in three steps: 1. Extract phrases containing adjectives or adverbs. 2. Estimate the semantic orientation of each extracted phrase PMI(word1;word2) = log2(p(word1&word2)/p(word1)p(word2)) SO(phrase) = PMI(phrase; "excellent") - PMI(phrase; "poor"). 3. Classify the review based on the the average semantic orientation of the phrases. If the average semantic orientation is possitive then the review is classied as recommended and vice versa. 43
  • 44. How to sentiment analysis 1. Pre-processing steps Collect a large body of reviews in text form Tokenization: break them down to a word by word level, where each word is tagged with a part of speech token that classifies it. The part of speech tagging can identify punctuation, adjectives, verbs, nouns, pronouns. Stop words removal (the, of, at, in, ) Stemming: Relate words to their roots (e.g., played, plays, playing Play) AG Corporate Semantic Web http://www.inf.fu-berlin.de/groups/ag-csw/ 44
  • 45. How to sentiment analysis 2. Sentiment classification Apply a classifier to specify the the polarity of the given reviews Naive Bayes Decision Tree SVM AG Corporate Semantic Web http://www.inf.fu-berlin.de/groups/ag-csw/ 45
  • 47. References B. Pang, L. Lee, and S. Vaithyanathan, Thumbs up?: sentiment classication usingmachine learning techniques," in Proceedings of the ACL-02 conference on Empirical methods in natural language processing - Volume 10, EMNLP '02, (Stroudsburg, PA, USA), pp. 79{86, Association for Computational Linguistics, 2002. K. Dave, S. Lawrence, and D. M. Pennock, Mining the peanut gallery: opinion extraction and semantic classication of product reviews," in Proceedings of the 12th international conference on World Wide Web, WWW '03, (New York, NY, USA), pp. 519{528, ACM, 2003. Harb, M. Planti, G. Dray, M. Roche, Fran, o. Trousset, and P. Poncelet, "Web opinion mining: how to extract opinions from blogs?," presented at the Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Soft computing as transdisciplinary science and technology, Cergy-Pontoise, France, 2008. http://de.slideshare.net/KavitaGanesan/opinion-mining-kavitahyunduk00 Case study http://inboundmantra.com/sentiment-analysis-of-tripadvisor-reviews-hotel-leela-kempinski-case-study/ 47