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                              From the Desk of OMESA

POINTS OF                     V O L U M E      1 ,   I S S U E    2                                     A U G U S T     2 3 ,   2 0 1 0

                                              Welcome Class of 2014!
    Meet the Clinical
    Skills and Simula-
    tion Team

    Save the Dates!
                         Emory University School of                                                   various hospital sites and got
                         Medicine is shining just a little                                            a glimpse of what life on the
                         bit brighter with the arrival of                                             wards was like. Although
                         our new class of medical stu-                                                the students do not start
                         dents. The Class of 2014                                                     clinical years until much later,
                         kicked off their new start with                                              this helps to give them an
                         the week long new student                                                    idea of what to expect, when
                         orientation. It was during this                                              that time comes. Students
                         time, students were intro-                                                   also got a chance to familiar-
                         duced to faculty, staff and ad-                                              ize themselves with the vari-
 Coming next Issue:
                         ministrators while getting ac-                                               ous departments and special-
                         climated to their new environ-                                               ties available within the
      Meet the Office    ment. The student got a                                                      School of Medicine. Emory
      of Multicultural
                         chance to meet and greet                                                   University School of Medicine
      Affairs            with each other, as well as                                                  programs of study are
                         other seasoned medical stu-                                                  designed to educate excel-
      Upcoming           dents. The student then re-                                                  lent, caring and compassion-
      Events             ceived their first experience in      Dr. Ira Schwartz and June Edding-
                                                                                                      ate clinicians and scientists
                         the hospital during the follow-       field, Director and Associate Direc-   for the service and advance-
                         ing week, which we call               tor of Admissions. Both are very       ment of healthcare, both lo-
                         Week on the Wards. It was           instrumental in making students feel   cally and around the world!
                         during this week that students        welcome when they enter into           To the Class of 2014,
                         were introduced to the                Emory School of Medicine.              WE WELCOME YOU!

                                         White Coat Ceremony 2010
                         The White Coat Ceremony               As tradition stands, students are      Ceremony a right of passage in
                         (WCC) is a relatively new tradi-      given a small ceremony for which       their journey toward a medical
                         tion to medical schools across        they are officially given their        school career.
                         the nation. It is a ceremony to       white coat. A reading of the           Emory University School of Medi-
                         symbolize when a student has          Hippocratic Oath is done, typi-        cine White Coat ceremony will be
                         transitioned from the study of        cally with families and friends of     Saturday, October 9, 2010 at 1:00
                         pre-clinical to clinical health       the students watching. A little        pm at Glen Memorial Auditorium.
                         science, or as some would call it,    over 100 medical schools have a
                                                                                                      Please contact the OMESA or Ad-
                         the official induction into medi-   WCC in the US and many stu-
                                                                                                      missions office for more details.
                         cal school.                           dents now consider this type of
PAGE      2

                                   Meet the Clinical Skills and Simulation Centers Team
                                   The Clinical Skills and Simulation Centers provide experiential learning experiences during
                                   all phases of medical education and the academic health programs. The Clinical Skills
                                   Center is a 16-room suite used to educate and facilitate medical learning experiences for
                                   the medical students. The Simulation Center is a 4-room facility that houses various simu-
                                   lation experiences for students in the medical school. Both were created and built with the
                                   new curriculum in mind.
                                   Below is a listing of the staff members of the Clinical Skills and Simulation Centers and
                                   their positions:

Students in the simulation         Connie Coralli: Associate Director of the OSCE Clinical Skills Center oversees staff and
lab. To see pics of the staff,     activities in the Clinical Skills Center including the end of third year clinical skills exam.
please go to http://
med.emory.edu/excel/               Andrea Haynes: OSCE Program Coordinator-recruits and coordinates standardized pa-
                                   tients for the Clinical Skills Center.

                                   Douglas Ander, MD: Director of the SOM Simulation Lab-

                                   Kim Fugate: Associate Director of the SOM Simulation Lab oversees staff and activities in
                                   the Simulation Center.

                                   Robin Kirk: SIM LAB Program Coordinator Coordinates activities in the Simulation lab.

                                                Please visit http://med.emory.edu/excel/index.html for more information.

                                   Student Organization and Activities Fair
                                       The Student Organization and Activities Fair will be held in the School of Medicine
                                       on Monday, August 23rd from 1:00-3:00pm. This is an opportunity for the 1st year
                                       medical students to explore the various options for getting involved at the School of
                                       Medicine and at Emory. If you have any questions or need more information about
                                       this event, please contact the Admission office in the School of Medicine.
Original Artist from

                                                                 Get Involved!

                  FROM       THE   DESK     OF    OMESA
VOLUME         1,   ISSUE      2                                                                                         PAGE       3

                                      NBME Make-up Policy
 Students are required to take their NBME Subject Shelf Examination on the last Friday of the clerkship at the scheduled time and
location. Those students granted special accommodations for testing must present the Associate Director for Medical Education
a letter from the Office of Disability Services each semester outlining the students specific accommodations. Individual arrange-
ments will be made for the student at each exam in accordance with the letter.

 To prevent additional charges, exam orders must be placed at least 22 days prior to the testing date. Exams cannot be placed
less than 14 days prior to testing. Therefore it is important for the Office of Medical Education and Student Affairs (OMESA) to
know well in advance the number of students scheduled to test at every exam.

 In accordance with the Student Handbook, attendance is mandatory for all examinations. Tardiness for an NBME exam may
result in the student not being allowed to take the exam. Students requesting to re-schedule an NBME exam must obtain permis-
sion via email from the Associate Dean of Clinical Education or the Executive Associate Dean. Requests for rescheduled NBME
exams will be considered only for the following circumstances:

    Medical or Family Emergency

    Oral or poster presentation at a national meeting

    Mandatory attendance at a meeting where the student will run for or serve as an officer of a national medical organization.

    Residency interviews (as specified in Student Handbook Section 3-A-5.)
The Associate Dean for Clinical Education or Executive Associate Dean will submit a decision via email to the student and to the
Associate Director for Medical Education. The Associate Director for Medical Education will coordinate with OMESA staff to order
the required exams and communicate with the clerkship director, clerkship coordinator, and the student regarding the next avail-
able scheduled NBME testing date. Any requests to test outside of the normal testing schedule must be approved by the Associ-
ate Director for Medical Education.
All NBME exams must be administered at an NBME-approved testing site; the School of Medicine Building is the only approved
testing site for Emory students.
If you have any questions or concerns about the NBME policy, please contact Tyrese Hinkins at thinkin@emory.edu.

                                Save the Dates
          4: Class Meeting (C/O 2011)
          9: First day of class for C/O 2014
          20: NBME- Medicine, Neurology, Surgery, Psychiatry and OB/GYN
          23: Student Organization Fair
          1: USMLE Step 1 Information Session (C/O 2013)
          24: NBME Neurology
          8: NBME Psychiatry and OB/GYN
          9: White Coat Ceremony
          22: NBME Neurology, Medicine and Surgery
Emory University School of

                                           1648 Pierce Drive NE
                                             Atlanta, GA 30322

                                            Phone: 404-727-5655
                          Website: http://www.med.emory.edu/education/omesa

Office of Medical Education and Student Affairs ( OMESA)
The Executive Associate Dean directs the Office of Medical Education and Student Affairs (OMESA) for Medi-
cal Education and Student Affairs. Matters concerning the curriculum of the School of Medicine as well as ad-
 missions, clinical education, multicultural affairs, medical student financial aid, academic counseling, student
 orientations, grades and evaluations, academic progress and promotions, student life and student advocacy,
  tutoring, National Board subject examinations, Registration for US medical licensing examinations, special
            events and classroom space monitoring and scheduling fall under the aegis of this office.

                            WE ARE HERE FOR YOU!
Thanks for taking the time out to read the OMESA Newsletter! In an effort to connect with our students, we are
 using this avenue as a means to an end. We hope to be able to provide this to you on a quarterly basis in the
 future. If you have any suggestion, ideas or would like to help in any way, please contact Tyrese Hinkins at

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OMESA Newsletter August2010

  • 1. EMORY UNIVERSITY From the Desk of OMESA SCHOOL OF MEDICINE SPECIAL POINTS OF V O L U M E 1 , I S S U E 2 A U G U S T 2 3 , 2 0 1 0 INTEREST: Welcome Class of 2014! Meet the Clinical Skills and Simula- tion Team Save the Dates! Emory University School of various hospital sites and got Medicine is shining just a little a glimpse of what life on the bit brighter with the arrival of wards was like. Although our new class of medical stu- the students do not start dents. The Class of 2014 clinical years until much later, kicked off their new start with this helps to give them an the week long new student idea of what to expect, when orientation. It was during this that time comes. Students time, students were intro- also got a chance to familiar- duced to faculty, staff and ad- ize themselves with the vari- Coming next Issue: ministrators while getting ac- ous departments and special- climated to their new environ- ties available within the Meet the Office ment. The student got a School of Medicine. Emory of Multicultural chance to meet and greet University School of Medicine Affairs with each other, as well as programs of study are other seasoned medical stu- designed to educate excel- Upcoming dents. The student then re- lent, caring and compassion- Events ceived their first experience in Dr. Ira Schwartz and June Edding- ate clinicians and scientists the hospital during the follow- field, Director and Associate Direc- for the service and advance- ing week, which we call tor of Admissions. Both are very ment of healthcare, both lo- Week on the Wards. It was instrumental in making students feel cally and around the world! during this week that students welcome when they enter into To the Class of 2014, were introduced to the Emory School of Medicine. WE WELCOME YOU! White Coat Ceremony 2010 The White Coat Ceremony As tradition stands, students are Ceremony a right of passage in (WCC) is a relatively new tradi- given a small ceremony for which their journey toward a medical tion to medical schools across they are officially given their school career. the nation. It is a ceremony to white coat. A reading of the Emory University School of Medi- symbolize when a student has Hippocratic Oath is done, typi- cine White Coat ceremony will be transitioned from the study of cally with families and friends of Saturday, October 9, 2010 at 1:00 pre-clinical to clinical health the students watching. A little pm at Glen Memorial Auditorium. science, or as some would call it, over 100 medical schools have a Please contact the OMESA or Ad- the official induction into medi- WCC in the US and many stu- missions office for more details. cal school. dents now consider this type of
  • 2. PAGE 2 Meet the Clinical Skills and Simulation Centers Team The Clinical Skills and Simulation Centers provide experiential learning experiences during all phases of medical education and the academic health programs. The Clinical Skills Center is a 16-room suite used to educate and facilitate medical learning experiences for the medical students. The Simulation Center is a 4-room facility that houses various simu- lation experiences for students in the medical school. Both were created and built with the new curriculum in mind. Below is a listing of the staff members of the Clinical Skills and Simulation Centers and their positions: Students in the simulation Connie Coralli: Associate Director of the OSCE Clinical Skills Center oversees staff and lab. To see pics of the staff, activities in the Clinical Skills Center including the end of third year clinical skills exam. please go to http:// med.emory.edu/excel/ Andrea Haynes: OSCE Program Coordinator-recruits and coordinates standardized pa- tients for the Clinical Skills Center. Douglas Ander, MD: Director of the SOM Simulation Lab- Kim Fugate: Associate Director of the SOM Simulation Lab oversees staff and activities in the Simulation Center. Robin Kirk: SIM LAB Program Coordinator Coordinates activities in the Simulation lab. Please visit http://med.emory.edu/excel/index.html for more information. Student Organization and Activities Fair The Student Organization and Activities Fair will be held in the School of Medicine on Monday, August 23rd from 1:00-3:00pm. This is an opportunity for the 1st year medical students to explore the various options for getting involved at the School of Medicine and at Emory. If you have any questions or need more information about this event, please contact the Admission office in the School of Medicine. Original Artist from www.cartoonstock.com Get Involved! FROM THE DESK OF OMESA
  • 3. VOLUME 1, ISSUE 2 PAGE 3 NBME Make-up Policy Students are required to take their NBME Subject Shelf Examination on the last Friday of the clerkship at the scheduled time and location. Those students granted special accommodations for testing must present the Associate Director for Medical Education a letter from the Office of Disability Services each semester outlining the students specific accommodations. Individual arrange- ments will be made for the student at each exam in accordance with the letter. To prevent additional charges, exam orders must be placed at least 22 days prior to the testing date. Exams cannot be placed less than 14 days prior to testing. Therefore it is important for the Office of Medical Education and Student Affairs (OMESA) to know well in advance the number of students scheduled to test at every exam. In accordance with the Student Handbook, attendance is mandatory for all examinations. Tardiness for an NBME exam may result in the student not being allowed to take the exam. Students requesting to re-schedule an NBME exam must obtain permis- sion via email from the Associate Dean of Clinical Education or the Executive Associate Dean. Requests for rescheduled NBME exams will be considered only for the following circumstances: Medical or Family Emergency Oral or poster presentation at a national meeting Mandatory attendance at a meeting where the student will run for or serve as an officer of a national medical organization. Residency interviews (as specified in Student Handbook Section 3-A-5.) The Associate Dean for Clinical Education or Executive Associate Dean will submit a decision via email to the student and to the Associate Director for Medical Education. The Associate Director for Medical Education will coordinate with OMESA staff to order the required exams and communicate with the clerkship director, clerkship coordinator, and the student regarding the next avail- able scheduled NBME testing date. Any requests to test outside of the normal testing schedule must be approved by the Associ- ate Director for Medical Education. All NBME exams must be administered at an NBME-approved testing site; the School of Medicine Building is the only approved testing site for Emory students. If you have any questions or concerns about the NBME policy, please contact Tyrese Hinkins at thinkin@emory.edu. Save the Dates August 4: Class Meeting (C/O 2011) 9: First day of class for C/O 2014 20: NBME- Medicine, Neurology, Surgery, Psychiatry and OB/GYN 23: Student Organization Fair September 1: USMLE Step 1 Information Session (C/O 2013) 24: NBME Neurology October 8: NBME Psychiatry and OB/GYN 9: White Coat Ceremony 22: NBME Neurology, Medicine and Surgery
  • 4. Emory University School of Medicine 1648 Pierce Drive NE Atlanta, GA 30322 OMESA Phone: 404-727-5655 Website: http://www.med.emory.edu/education/omesa Office of Medical Education and Student Affairs ( OMESA) The Executive Associate Dean directs the Office of Medical Education and Student Affairs (OMESA) for Medi- cal Education and Student Affairs. Matters concerning the curriculum of the School of Medicine as well as ad- missions, clinical education, multicultural affairs, medical student financial aid, academic counseling, student orientations, grades and evaluations, academic progress and promotions, student life and student advocacy, tutoring, National Board subject examinations, Registration for US medical licensing examinations, special events and classroom space monitoring and scheduling fall under the aegis of this office. WE ARE HERE FOR YOU! Thanks for taking the time out to read the OMESA Newsletter! In an effort to connect with our students, we are using this avenue as a means to an end. We hope to be able to provide this to you on a quarterly basis in the future. If you have any suggestion, ideas or would like to help in any way, please contact Tyrese Hinkins at thinkin@emory.edu.