This document provides the agenda for the ON Track 2017 conference being held February 7-9 in Saskatoon, SK. The conference is for CPS Canada branch managers and will have over 200 attendees. It will include presentations and workshops on key business topics to provide information, learning, and networking opportunities. There will be sessions on profitability, people development, products, and leadership. Presenters will discuss topics like managing profits and losses, cultivating excellence in employees, market updates, and intent-based leadership. The agenda also lists event sponsors and evening keynote speakers.
3. Agenda | West Region
Welcome to ON Track 2017 CPS Canadas first branch managers conference! The next three
days will be an energizing development event for you and 200 of your colleagues with valuable
information, learning and networking around important business topics.
8 - 11:30 a.m. Registration 損損 Main lobby
9 - 11 a.m. R&D or Access Facility tour 損損 Buses depart
main lobby損損 Advanced registration required
11:30 - 12:15 p.m. Lunch 損損 Ballroom B
12:15 - 12:45 p.m. Welcome 損損 Ballroom B
損損 Kevin Helash, Managing Director, Agrium Retail Canada
PILLAR: PROFIT 損損 Ballroom A
1 - 3 p.m. Managing your P & L for success
損損 Kevin Semmens, Regional Finance Manager and team
3 - 3:15 p.m. Break
3:15 - 4:15 p.m. Success story sharing
損損 Division representatives
4:15 - 4:45 p.m. How CPS Financial can help your profitability
損損 Kerrin Kerney, Regional Credit Manager
4:45 - 5 p.m. Division Action Planning
5 - 6 p.m. Room check-in 損損 Main lobby
5:30 - 6 p.m. Cocktails 損損 Ballroom B
6 - 9 p.m. Banquet
損損 Keynote speaker: Lyndon Carlson
Brand building - The courage to be disciplined
Tuesday, February 7
4. Agenda | West Region
Wednesday, February 8
7 - 8 a.m. Breakfast 損損 Ballroom B
8 - 9 a.m. Keynote: Execute...or Be Executed
損損 Sam Geist, President, Geist & Associates Inc.
PILLAR: PEOPLE 損損 Ballroom C
9:15 - 11:45 a.m. Cultivating Excellence: Achieving results and developing a
culture of accountability
損損 Paul Lauret & Paul Schultz, Agrium Learning & Development
11:45 - 12:45 p.m. Lunch 損損 Ballroom B
12:45 - 1:45 p.m. Cultivating Excellence (continued...) 損損 Ballroom C
1:45 - 2 p.m. Division Action Planning
PILLAR: PRODUCT 損損 Canadian Room
2:15 - 3:00 p.m. Fertilizer market update
損損 Ryan Hiebert, Agrium Wholesale
3:30 - 5 p.m. Leadership Panel & Discussion 損損 Ballroom B
5:00 - 5:45 p.m. Cocktails 損損 Ballroom B
5:45 - 6:30 p.m. Awards & Recognition
6:30 - 9 p.m. Banquet
損損 Keynote speaker: Andy Worshek
Intent-based leadership
5. Thursday, February 9
6:45 - 7:30 a.m. Breakfast 損損 Ballroom B
損損 Room check out, as required
7:30 - 10:15 a.m. Value-added selling workshop 損損 Ballroom B
損損 David Parker, Agribusiness Consultant
PILLAR: PRODUCT 損損 Canadian Room
10:30 - 11:15 a.m. What can nutritionals do for your business?
損損 Eric Moon, Plant Nutrition Manager
11:15 - 12:15 p.m. Digital solutions for CPS and growers
損損 Richard Penhale, Director, Digital Solutions
12:15 - 1 p.m. What can precision agriculture do for your business?
損損 Tom Staples, Director, Echelon
1 - 2 p.m. Lunch 損損 Ballroom B
2 - 3 p.m. Division learning presentations
3 - 3:30 p.m. Closing comments
損損 Stephen Dyer, SVP Agrium & President, Retail
6. Lyndon Carlson, Former Executive VP & CMO at Farm Credit Canada
As the former Senior Vice-President of Marketing at Farm Credit Canada, Lyndon Carlson has over 30 years
of experience in several areas of agribusiness and marketing. In 2012, he was named the Canadian Agri-
Marketing Associations Agri-Marketer of the Year and was presented with the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond
Jubilee Medal for his contributions to 4-H Canada as Past President.
While at FCC, Lyndon was responsible for the corporations brand, communications, lending products and
customer-facing programs. Lyndon lives in Regina and maintains close ties to his familys grain farm in
east-central Saskatchewan.
Sam Geist, President, Geist & Associates Inc.
Sam Geist is President of Geist & Associates Inc. based in Toronto, Ontario. His focus for the past 15 years
as a speaker, consultant and facilitator, is business strategy, leadership, customer service, marketing, the
changing marketplace and maximizing employee and corporate productivity. A previous twelve years of
retail business experience, together with 14 years of advertising and marketing experience enables him to
utilize the perspective of both client and marketer.
As president of The Outdoor Stores, he personally grew his single location sporting goods store into a
15-store national chain, directing its day-to-day operations as well as developing and executing its long-
term strategy. After selling to his largest competitor he capitalized on his extensive experience by opening
his own advertising, marketing and consulting firm, serving a wide variety of clients, including franchisor/
franchisee, retail, manufacturing and service organizations. His agency grew into a 32-man shop with
billings over $35 million.
His years of hands-on experience in a great many industries and business sectors as well as a degree in
business management enables him today to speak, facilitate and consult with clients who operate in a wide business arena. Clients especially
appreciate Geists customization process which maximizes participant engagement and re-enforces the actionability of the strategies he presents.
Geist ensures interactive discussions by using the Socratic method encouraging participants to question themselves, and to think about their
businesses in new and innovative ways. He insists that asking tough questionsand answering them honestlyis crucial to the well being of
every organization, no matter its focus. Geist is a regular speaker at business conferences and meetings. He is an active board member of several
business organizations.
Geist has written several business books including Why Should Someone Do Business With You Rather Than Someone Else? Would You Work
for You and Execute or Be Executed.
Keynote speakers
7. Andy Worshek, Master Chief Petty Officer (Ret.), U.S. Navy
Andy Worshek imagines a workplace where everyone engages and contributes their full intellectual capacity,
a place where people are healthier and happier because they have more control over their worka place
where everyone is a leader.
Andy served in the navy for 24 years, and achieved the rank of Master Chief. Assigned to the nuclear
powered submarine USS Santa Fe with Captain David Marquet then ranked last in retention and operational
standing they teamed up and turned that ship around by developing a new model of leadership that built
leaders at every level. Intent-Based Leadership took the Santa Fe from worst to first, achieving the highest
retention and operational standings in the navy.
After Andys departure from the ship, the USS Santa Fe continued to win awards and promoted a
disproportionate number of officers and crew to positions of leadership, including ten subsequent submarine
captains. Stephen R. Covey rode the USS Santa Fe and said it was the most empowering organization hed
ever seen and wrote about the USS Santa Fe leadership practices in his book, The 8th Habit.
Andy is prominently featured in the bestselling leadership book, Turn the Ship Around! A True Story of Turning Followers Into Leaders, which tells
the turnaround story of the USS Santa Fe. Fortune magazine named it the #1 must-read book to read, and USA Today put it on their list of the 12
best business books of all time.
Before joining the Turn the Ship Around Team, Andy practiced intent-based leadership as the director of Human Resources and Personnel
Development at McGee, Hearne & Paiz, LLP, the premier accounting firm in Wyoming. Andy is a SPHR certified Human Resources Professional.
David Parker, Agribusiness Consultant
David is the executive vice president of Asurgo, an FLM+ Company. He has spent his entire 35-year career
helping individuals and organizations improve performance. Prior to joining Asurgo, he was an original
management team member of ABG/Adayana. Specializing in sales and marketing, financial management
value-based solutions and branding initiatives, his focus is on the people side of the business. David is a
nationally known speaker and facilitator, having delivered over 2,500 presentations, and he has consulted
with small, large and Fortune 500 companies.
David is a native of central Indiana, where he grew up on a still-active grain and livestock farm. He holds
a degree in agricultural economics from Purdue University and is an active alumnus of the Alpha Gamma
Rho fraternity, both locally and nationally. David was instrumental in the organization of the MidAmerica
National Agri-Marketing Association (NAMA) Chapter. He has also served as Director of the Indiana FFA
Foundation and as a member of the External Advisory Committee for Secondary and Adult Vocational
Education. Recently, David also served as a member of the Purdue Libraries Development and Deans
Advisory Board. He was Purdues first recipient of the Special Boilermaker Award for service to the Purdue
13. Attendees
Alberta - Central
Barkshire, Wade Delburne
Cameron, Grant Stettler
Church, Greg Marketing Manager
Danderfer, Don Trochu
Dudley, Leigh General Manager
Farwell, Lance Rosedale
Fortin, Marc Crossfield
Harty, Scott Rimbey
Huber, Tyler Crossfield
Jenkins, John Red Deer
Jones, Curtis Leduc
Kohut, Bob Penhold
Loesch, Rob Ponoka
Norton, Rob Coronation
Rice, Grant Rosebud
Stender, Andy Strathmore
Stoklosa, Trevor Bentley
Walker, Ryan Balzac
Alberta - North Central
Andrukow, Chad Ryley
Barber, Dallas Rosalind
Baxandall, Dean Mundare
Bratrud, Richard Ryley
Degenhardt, Dallas Edgerton
Docksteader, Clayton Killam
Eldering, Edgar Amisk
Helgeland, Darrell Camrose
Herman, Colin Marketing Manager
Hillyer, Devon General Manager
Jacobsen, Lyndon Viking
Lindballe, Dean Innisfree
Mazure, Richard Irma
Pelley, Bradley Paradise Valley
Reinhart, Brian Camrose
Richards, Lyle Dewberry
Stefan, Laine Vegreville
Tovell, Phil Vermilion
Alberta - Northern
Borowicz, Stanley Fort St. John, BC
Chabot, Deanna Marketing Manager
Chrapko, Peter Fort Sask
Gray, Ian RAM
Green, Terrence Westlock
Husch, Chris General Manager
Kiteley, Robert Boyle
Lee, Jesse St. Paul
Ludkin, Geoffrey Stony Plain
Morin, David Falher
Richter, Blaine Sexsmith
Seabrook, Michael Fairview
Verchomin, Stefan Marketing Manager
Alberta - Southern
Burrows, Randal Enchant
Conway, Layne Warner
Egeland, Randall Bow Island
Fyfe, Daniel Magrath
Gaja, Alan High River
Hudec, Andy General Manager
Klempnauer, Jens Fort Macleod
Lowen, Ron Brooks
MacDougall, Doug Marketing Manager
Mitchell, Peter Vauxhall
Sigurdson, Ryan Marketing Manager
Umscheid, Lorne Milo
Unger, Al Iron Springs
Unser, Lance Taber
Unser, Tyler Medicine Hat
Van Ryn, Charlotte Coaldale
Adair, Kevin General Manager
Anderson, Stephen Marketing Manager
Brinkman, James Fork River
Brinkman, Todd Gilbert Plains
Cook, Carla Reston
Debacker, Dan Holland
Dyck, Ryan St. Jean
Godard, Darrell Glenboro
Griffin, Wade Darlingford
McIntosh, Graham Carman
Mintenko, John Winkler
Nicholson, Kevin Ninga
Peters, Jason Kane
Peters, Scott Hamiota
Pierce, Scott Deloraine
Sanders, Peter Beausejour
Scora, Brad Arborg
Usick, Randy Basswood
Van Damme, Chrissy Carberry
Van De Kerckhove, Perry Souris
White, Maegan Teulon
Saskatchewan - East
Bjola, Greg Yorkton
Cherneski, Terry Roblin, MB
Coleridge, Robert Waldron
Dercach, Robert Pelly
Desjarlais, Patricia Raymore
Dietz, Tim General Manager
Fisher, Brent Swan River, MB
Grund, Kelly Southey
Jones, David Theodore
Kenny, Jeremy Grenfell
Klus, Garry Ituna
Lingelbach, Kelvin Balcarres
MacKesey, Rob Melville
Miller, Dale Lemberg
Neiszner, Ray Craik
Nelson, Sheldon Sturgis
Sefton, Mike Lumsden
Strachan, Allan Indian Head
Trask, Kerry Canora
Wagar, Cal Regina
Ziola, Todd Marketing Manager
Saskatchewan - North Central
Appelt, Kevin Wakaw
Bartko, Patrick Watrous
Bell, Gerald Biggar
Bells, James Perdue
Chysyk, Wayne Blaine Lake
Federspiel, Brad Marketing Manager
Krawchuk, Brad Aberdeen
Larochelle, Matthew Waldheim
Madsen, Shawn Langham
14. Attendees
Mantyka, Dale Rosthern
Matechuk, Kevin Colonsay
Piper, Brian General Manager
Sapach, Jared Maymont
Schultz, Wendy Radisson
Sommerfeld, Mat Shellbrook
Warner, Ron Albertville
Zbeeshko, Jason Delisle
Saskatchewan - Northeast
Clarke, Perry Birch Hills
Danderfer, Phil General Manager
Gosling, Ethan Peesane
Hinz, Joe Marketing Manager
LeGatt, Arthur St.Brieux
McCoshen, Bryan Watson
McRae, Monty Melfort
Mihalicz, Ken Kelvington
Russell, Grant Prairie River
Schultz, Robert Choiceland
Simpson, Marcel Humboldt
Statchuk, Calvin Wadena
Szucs, Chris Tisdale
Saskatchewan - Northwest
Beckett, Don Landis
Bisson, Luc Neilburg
Bohn, Deryle Kerrobert
Bru, Henri Delmas
Burzinski, Shaun Lloydminster
Dupuis, Laurent Cut Knife
Gampe, Lindsay General Manager
Gilchrist, Doug Luseland
Halter, Jason Wilkie
Heintz, Dean Major
Hollman, Tom Rockhaven
Kolenosky, Shane Marketing Manager
Moore, Derek Spiritwood
Nyberg, Greg Provost
Sapach, Jared Maymont
Schachtel, Pius Macklin
Sieben, Tom Hamlin
Stifter, Darren RAM
Stonehouse, Daryl Maidstone
Winterhalt, Tyler Paradise Hill
Saskatchewan - Southeast
Bauche, Chantal Redvers
Brandon, Todd Assiniboia
Carlson, Travis Fillmore
Dorrance, Trent Marketing Manager
Fortin, Dean Whitewood
Gamble, Brad Carnduff
Hunter, Phil Moosomin
Klapak, Colin Weyburn
Knudsen, Robin General Manager
Loeffler, Ken Torquay
Ludwar, Mary-Ann Avonlea
Ofukany, Trent Moose Jaw
Parker, Darryl Montmartre
Saskatchewan - Southwest
Bell, Arthur Mankota
Berger, Grant Central Butte
Chenard, Roland Ponteix
Elliott, Brian Elrose
Erixon, Mike Lucky Lake
Hornung, Kelly Gravelbourg
Linsley, Ken Marketing Manager
Moellenbeck, Ryan Rosetown
Mohan, Kevin Eatonia
Olynick, Bob Morse
Roszell, Tim Dinsmore
Simonson, Eric Outlook
Thomas, Perry Eston
Tisdale, Tim Swift Current
Turner, John Shaunavon
Whitehead, Graig General Manager
Bortis, Roger East Region Manager
Brewin, Dan Director, Equipment & Fuel
Bullock, Keith Regional Financial Analyst
Crampton, Jeff Director, Loveland
Crouse, Clayton Regional Financial Analyst
deMilliano, Emile Manager, Training
Dyer, Stephen SVP Agrium &
President, Retail
Einarson, Jeff Chemical Procurement
Emperingham, Gord General Manager, Access
Groeneveld, Shanna Communications Manager
Hamlin, Rob Director, CPP
Harrison, Bruce Sr. Director, Seed
Research & Innovation
Helash, Kevin Managing Director,
Agrium Retail Canada
Hiebert, Ryan Account Manager,
Agrium Wholesale
Kerney, Kerrin Region Credit Manager
Kirkey, Julia Communications Specialist
Lauret, Paul Manager, L&D, Agrium
McCann, Ryan Director, Seed
Moon, Eric NA PN Product Manager
Nelson, Ben Sr. Director, Commercial
Penhale, Richard Director, Digital Solutions
Rose, Dave Financial Analyst
Schultz, Paul Specialist, L&D, Agrium
Semmens, Kevin Finance Manager
Skiba, Cheryl Manager, HR
Solberg, Craig Manager, Special Projects
Staples, Thomas Director, Echelon
Webb, Michael SVP Human Resources,
Wilson, Shannon East Region Admin
15. Hotel map
Saskatoon Inn & Conference Centre
2002 Airport Drive
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, S7L 6M4 Canada
Tel: 306-668-9635 Toll Free: 1-800-667-8789
Fax: 306-244-5672
Old Bowling
Jolly Friar
Champagne Area
Garden Caf辿
Garden Caf辿
Sales &
Front Desk
Service Area
Second Floor
Second Floor
Entrance to Canadian Room
under ramp to
Canadian Room
to the
These rooms are
under the ramp
(under ramp)
Rose &
Pig &
York Street
Ramp to Ballrooms A, B, C
This area is under
Mezzanine A
Second floor