This document outlines a "One Minute Meeting" approach for managing people. It involves brief daily meetings between managers and individual employees, lasting one minute, to discuss team and personal goals, praise good performance, and address any issues. The meetings are meant to happen twice daily and focus the conversation on goals, specific praise or constructive feedback, and leaving the employee feeling respected and motivated. Some examples of team and personal goals are provided related to tasks like cleaning up, preparing activities, and engaging children in learning.
7. The 1 minute meeting:
Briefing meeting
Twice daily per person (start and midshift)
Team Target
Personal Target
Scheduling and logistics
What needs to be prepared
16. One minute reprimand
Confirm facts
Precisely what they did wrong
How you feel (ACTION not PERSON)
Pause Silence sink in
Affectionate touch
Remind how much you respect and value them
Its over!
17. Team goal example # 1
Lunch space is cleared up and afternoon
activities set out and ready by 1:00
18. Team goal example # 2
Every child has participated in two table top
activities independently by the end of the
19. Team goal example # 3
All staff focus on reminding children to pick
up scattered resources and equipment
20. Personal goal example # 1
To clean up from lunch independently, have
floors swept, tables cleaned and chairs
wiped down by 12:45
21. Personal goal example # 2
To engage 1-2 children in deep
conversation and demonstrate/model how to
use the dice each time they come to the
22. Personal goal example # 3
To explain the purpose of each activity you
do with children