The document provides instructions for installing and configuring the Addonspro OnePage Checkout Joomla plugin, including uploading and enabling the plugin, selecting a style and whether to show step icons, and enabling Ajax features for login, updates, and deletes.
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2. I. How to install
- Go to Administrator Panel
o 1. In the Extensions tab, select Extension manager.
o 2. Click Browse.
o 3. Choose file.
o 4. Click Upload&Install.
I. Config and Use
1. Enable Plugin
- 1. In the Extensions tab, select Plug-in Manager.
- 2. Fill onepage and click Search.
- 3. Find Addonspro OnePage Checkout Plugin and tick enable.
2. Config Plugin
3. - In the Extensions tab, select Plug-in Manager
- Find Plugin with name Addonspro OnePage Checkout
- Config :
o Select Status is Enable.
Basic Option :
o Style : select style you want to display(available blue, green, red, pink,
o Show Icon : Select yes/no to show icon step.