The OneWorld Foundation was founded in 2015 to improve lives of deprived children through stable childhoods and education. Within six months, it donated 37,500 euros helping 750 children, and by 2016 allocated over 250,000 euros across 44 projects in 18 countries helping 3,000 children total. The foundation supports programs providing meals, scholarships, supplies, and facilities to help children in locations like Romania, Guatemala, Myanmar, and India.
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OneWorld Foundation
1. OneWorld Foundation
The organization was founded in 2015 by Ruja Ignatova to
improve the lives of children who have been deprived of stable,
healthy childhoods and basic education. The charity is funded by
the proceeds of OneLife and OneCoin. More than half of the
children who get help are girls.
Six months after the foundation was formed, it had donated
37,500 euros to help more than 750 children. As of October 2016,
more than 250,000 euro were allocated to 44 projects in 18
countries. The charity helped 3,000 children all told.
Some of the programs: helping children in north-east
Romania to stay in school by providing hot meals, social and
medical support; scholarships to children in Guatemala; providing
teaching supplies and school materials for kids in Myanmar; and
helping to build a roof that will provide space for two classrooms
in India.