This document provides a summary of a project report on big data Twitter data retrieval and text mining. The project involved creating a Twitter application, installing and loading R packages for Twitter API access and text analysis, authenticating with Twitter via OAuth, extracting text from Twitter timelines, transforming and analyzing the text through techniques like stemming words and finding frequent terms and word associations, and showcasing results with a word cloud. The project was completed as part of a summer training program at the GEOPIC center of ONGC in India under the guidance of a chief manager.
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ongc report
Btech CSE, Final Year (7th
Indian School of Mines(ISM), Dhanbad
JUNE 2015 - 31ST
JULY 2015
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I hereby declare that this project on BIG DATA- Twitter Data Retrieval and Text Mining is an
authentic work carried out by me during the summer training at GEOPIC, ONGC, Dehradun, under
the guidance and supervision of Mr P.R Meena, Chief Manager(Programming), as per a compulsory
curriculum in B.Tech in Computer Science & Engineering.
This project has not been submitted anywhere else for the award of any degree. Information derived
from the published or unpublished work of others has been acknowledged in the list of references
I hereby declare that the above stated information is true to the best of my knowledge.
Chief Manager, Programming,
3. 3
The contentment and bliss which accompanies the successful completion of any work is incomplete
without thanking the people who made it possible.
First of all, I would like to extend my special thanks to Mr.Anil Sood, Executive Director, Head of
Institute, GEOPIC for granting me the privilege to undertake summer training at the prestigious
organization like GEOPIC, ONGC.I wish to convey my deep gratitude to Sh. C. Kumar, General
Manager (Programming), Head, System Management (Hardware & Software), CS(S/W) Division,
GEOPIC for his unbridled support. I am thankful to Mr. P.R. Meena, Chief Manager (Programming)
GEOPIC, ONGC for his guidance and constant supervision which paved a way towards the success of
the study and the project.
Finally, I would like to thank ONGC and all those who directly or indirectly helped me in the
successful completion of this project
Prachi Chauhan,
Final year, B-Tech C.S.E. 7th Sem
Admn. No. 2012JE0738
ISM Dhanbad,
Dhanbad (Jharkhand)
5. 5
COMPANY PROFILE-ONGC................................................................................................ 5
ABOUT GEOPIC, ONGC .................................................................................................... 6
INFRASTRUCTURE AT GOEPIC .......................................................................................... 7
INTRODUCTION TO BIGDATA & R .................................................................................... 8
1. CREATING A TWITTER APPLICATION ................................................................. 11
2. INSTALL AND LOAD R PACKAGES ...................................................................... 15
5. EXTRACT TEXT FROM TWITTER ............................................................................... 17
5. TRANSFORMING TEXT & STEMMING WORDS ............................................................ 18
6. FREQUENT TERMS & ASSOCIATIONS, TEXT REPLACEMENT........................................ 19
8. WORD CLOUD ........................................................................................................ 20
CONCLUSION AND INFERENCE .................................................................................... 23
BIBLIOGRAPHY............................................................................................................ 24
6. 6
The Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited was incorporated under the companies Act, 1956 on
. June 1993 after conversion from Oil and Natural Gas Commission, a statuary body established
under ONGC Act 1956. The Company has its registered office at New Delhi and Corporate Office at
Dehradun.The organization set-up of Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited is on the basis of
functional specialization. Corporate ONGC works on the basis of Basins and Assets.
Oil and Natural Gas Corporation limited (ONGC) is a Navaratna Public Sector Undertaking.It has
impressive track record of progressive growth. ONGC ranks among the top 20 Exploration &
Production oil companies of the world, with operations spanning across India & abroad. It is a
premier national corporate contributing over 40% of domestic oil and gas production.
ONGC produces crude oil, natural gas and value added products. It is engaged in all the facets of
explorations and production activities, which includes seismic survey, drilling, Oil and Gas field
development, production and related engineering activities. The company owns and operates land
seismic crews, off shore seismic vessels, land rings, off shore drill ships and production & process
installation in both land and off-shore areas. It has instituted various R&D centers under ONGC
Integrated Institutes Services (OIIS) catering to various E&P activities including research, engineering,
management and safety needs
To be world-class Oil and Gas Company integrated in energy business with dominant Indian
leadership and global presence.
7. 7
Geodata Processing and Interpretation Center (GEOPIC) is the premier seismic data processing
and interpretation centre in India. Located in one of the most beautiful Doon Valley, the centre came
into existence in the year 1987 to cater to the specialized needs of seismic data processing and
interpretation. The centre has dedicated state-of-the-art infrastructure and specialists in the field of
seismic data processing, geo scientific data interpretation, reservoir characterization and software
GEOPIC possesses one of the finest capabilities in the world in the area of data evaluation. It has
bagged a number of processing and interpretation contracts from Indian and foreign clients. These
contracts were executed with perfection and have been highly acclaimed by the customers for
outstanding quality of services rendered. There are four technology divisions in GEOPIC:
Processing Division (PROC),
Interactive Interpretation Group (INTEG),
Computer Services (S/W),
Computer Services (H/W)
The Computer Services (S/w) Division has historically played a pivotal role in the organizational
framework of Geo-data Processing & Interpretation Center, from its inception. Its primary role is to
give application software consultancy to user groups in their process of enhancing the production of
2D and 3D seismic data processing. CS (SW) takes care of system administration, system software
maintenance and third party seismic software catering to routine administration as related issues.
Consultancy forms a major junk of the work done. It also designs and develops state-of-the-art
scientific software pertaining to seismic and allied data processing. These specific seismic utilities/
programs are required by the users to augment the capability of the production mode seismic
software. CS (SW) takes care of internal application software maintenance and support. Long-term
development activities are also part of the work plan. Expertise of the CS (SW) is offered to other
centers of ONGC as well. This involves both consultancy and solution development.
8. 8
IBM PC Cluster
a) Linux (Redhat) cluster with 1200+ cpu cores, 12GB per node memory, 54TB storage on GPFS
RHEL Workstations for end user applications Altix: Single system image HPCC Linux (SUSE) SMP
machine from SGI with 64 CPU, 240GB memory, 20TB storage
SGI MIPS ORIGIN 2000 20 CPU parallel computer
a) SGI MIPS Octane work stations
b) SGI MIPS low end workstations and X-terminals
Robotic tape library with over 1300TB capacity
Sun E10K and E15K servers.
Gigabit/Fast Ethernet Production LAN for Processing workstations
Gigabit/Fast Ethernet Production LAN for INTEG workstations
Pentium PCs on Client-Server GEOPIC-LAN/Wifi network
Leased line Internet connectivity on all machines in GEOPIC-LAN
CentOS, Redhat Linux for major servers in PC LAN
Fedora, MS Windows XP/Vista, MS Windows 2000 for other PC/Servers
RHEL 4.x, SGI IRIX 6.x and Sun Solaris 8 for productions work stations and servers
Seismic Processing packages like FOCUS/GeoDepth, Omega, Geocluster
Seismic Interpretation software from Landmark and other venodrs on Sun Solaris, Linux
Oracle 8i for thrid party applications
MySQL and Apache for all inhouse applications
Firefox and IE browser front end on workstation
9. 9
Big data is a popular term used to describe the exponential growth and availability of data, both
structured and unstructured. This data is so large that it is difficult to process using traditional
database and software techniques. In most scenarios, the volume of data is too big for storage or it
moves too fast exceeding the current processing capacity. Despite these problems, big data has the
potential to help companies to improve operations and take more intelligent decisions.
This big data is analyzed to uncover hidden patterns, unknown correlations, market trends,
customer preferences and other useful business information.
Here are a few examples how companies are turning big data into decision-making power on
customers, security, health and more:
A 360 degree view of the customer: Online retailers want to find out what shoppers are
doing on their sites -- pages they visit, where they linger, how long they stay, and when
they leave.
Internet of things: The second most popular use case involves IoT-connected devices
managed by hardware, sensor, and information security companies. These devices are
sitting in their customers' environment, and they phone home with information about the
use, health, or security of the device
Information security: This involves large enterprises with sophisticated information
security architectures, as well as security vendors looking for more efficient ways to store
petabytes of event or machine data, where Hadoop serves as a better option.
R is a complete, interactive, object-oriented language: designed by statisticians, for statisticians. The
language provides objects, operators and functions that make the process of exploring, modeling,
and visualizing data a natural one. Complete data analyses can often be represented in just a few
lines of code.
R is an environment for statistical analysis: Available in the R language are functions for virtually
every data manipulation, statistical model, or chart that the data analyst could ever need. Not only
are all the "standard" methods available, but because most cutting-edge research in statistics and
predictive modeling is done in R, the latest techniques are usually available first in the R system.
There are lots of software available for data analysis today: spreadsheets like Excel, batch-oriented
procedure-based systems like SAS; point-and-click GUI-based systems like SPSS; data mining
systems, and so on. What makes R different?
R is free. As an open-source project, you can use R free of charge: no worries about
subscription fees, license managers, or user limits
10. 10
R is a language. In R, you do data analysis by writing functions and scripts, not by
pointing and clicking. It's an easy language to learn, and a very natural and expressive one
for data analysis. Once you learn the language, there are many benefits. Is an interactive
language (as opposed to a data-in-data-out black-box procedures).
Graphics and data visualization. It has excellent tools for creating graphics, from staples
like bar charts and scatterplots to brand new graphics of your own devising.
A flexible statistical analysis toolkit. All of the standard data analysis tools are built
right into the R language, from accessing data in various formats, to data manipulation
(transforms, merges, aggregations, etc.), to traditional and modern statistical models
(regression, ANOVA, GLM, tree models, etc.).
Access to powerful, cutting-edge analytics. Leading academics and researches from
around the world use R to develop the latest methods in statistics, machine learning, and
predictive modeling.
A robust, vibrant community. If you are stuck anywhere, you can easily lookup for a
Unlimited possibilities. With R, you're not restricted to choosing a pre-defined set of
routines. You can use code contributed by others in the open-source community, or
extend R with your own functions. R is excellent for "mash-ups" with other applications:
combine R with a MySQL database, an Apache web-server, and the Google Maps API and
you've got yourself a real-time GIS analysis toolkit.
It refers to information that doesn't reside in a traditional row-column database. As you might
expect, it's the opposite of structured data the data stored in fields in a database. Unstructured
data is data that does not follow a specified format for big data. If 20 percent of the data available to
enterprises is structured data, the other 80 percent is unstructured.
Examples: satellite images, scientific data, Videos and Photographs, SONAR data and human
generated unstructured data-text, mobile data, website content, social media data.
Many organizations believe that their unstructured data stores include information that could help
them make better business decisions
Structured data generally resides in a relational database, and as a result, it is sometimes
called relational data. The term big data is closely associated with unstructured data. Big data refers
to extremely large datasets that are difficult to analyze with traditional tools. Big data can include
both structured and unstructured data, but IDC estimates that 90 percent of big data is unstructured
data. The overall goal of the data mining process is to extract information from a data set and
transform it into an understandable structure for further use
11. 11
Twitter is a popular service that allows users to broadcast short messages (tweets) for others to
read. Over the years this has become a valuable tool not just for standard social media purposes but
also for data mining experiments such as sentiment analysis. The twitteR package is intended to
provide access to the Twitter API within R, allowing users to grab interesting subsets of Twitter data
for their analyses. This study encompasses a comprehensive understanding of the functionalities
and some basic examples of how they can be used while illustrating Text Extraction and Mining.
R-studio version 3.2.0
Twitter API
Already installed RStudio(3.2.0).
Used Twitter login ID and password to sign in at Twitter Developers.
Create a twitter app.
Extract data from twitter
Perform text cleaning
Analyse word frequencies
Perform text replacement
Showcase a WORD CLOUD
12. 12
a. Login to your twitter account and sign in.
b. Go to Twitter Developers at and Click on the Create New App tab.
13. 13
c. Fill out the new app form. Keeping the names unique. Callback URL can be left blank. Once
youve done this, read and accept the agreement fill in the CAPTCHA and click the Create App
button. Then the following would be the newly formed app.
14. 14
d. Note the values of Consumer key and Consumer secret and keep them handy for future use.
You should keep these secret. If anyone was to get these keys, they could effectively access
your Twitter account.
e. Take a notice of your app keys and settings. Your settings can be modified and updated as per
f. Check the app read/write permissions
16. 16
R comes with a standard set of packages. A number of other packages are available for
download and installation. For the purpose of this project, we will need the following packages
from CRAN:
On windows we need to get the cacert.pem object file. Download the cacert.pem file from the
specified URL and store it in your working directory.
Create an object cred that will save the authenticated object for later sessions and initiate the
handshake. This is where you will enter the ConsumerKey and ConsumerSecret from the first
step. Once the handshake is complete it will direct you to a hyperlink in the console window.
Navigate to the specified link to authorize app and click Authorize App
Note the pin number generated.
17. 17
In RStudio, type in the pin number. Save the object cred on your local machine as twitter
Enter the access_token and access_secret to establish a session.
Here rdmTweets serves as a variable to store the tweets from the User Timeline of rdatamining.
A Twitter timeline is simply a stream of tweets. There are two timelines, the user timeline and the
home timeline. The former provides the most recent tweets of a specified user while the latter is
used to display your own most recent tweets. These both return a list of status objects. To look at a
particular users timeline that user must either have a public account or you must have access to
their account. You can either pass in the users name or an object of class user.
18. 18
The tweets are first converted to a data frame and then to a corpus. A corpus is a collection of text
documents. VectorSource specifies that the source is character vectors.
After that, the corpus needs a couple of transformations, including changing letters to lower case,
removing punctuations/numbers and removing stop words. The general English stop-word list is
tailored by adding "available" and "via" and removing "r". Stop words are words which are filtered out
before or after processing of natural language data, stop words can cause problems when searching
for phrases that include them so they have to be removed first before processing and then added
Stemming is the term used in linguistic morphology and information retrieval to describe the
process for reducing inflected or derived words to their word stem, i.e. base or root formgenerally
a written word form.
Words need to be stemmed to retrieve their radicals. For instance, "example" and "examples" are
both stemmed to "exampl". However, after that, one may want to complete the stems to their
original forms, so that the words would look normal. The tm package does the step completion for
19. 19
We can pull the most recent results from the public timeline and see the clients that were used to
post those statuses. We can look at a pie chart to get a sense for the most common clients. We can
search a particular hashtag and mine other relevant data. A users likes and dislikes can be observed
over a time. The patterns in the mined data is the particularly important information that the
companies seek for. This helps in market trend analysis and future predictions of the sales.
Frequency analysis is based on the fact that, in any given stretch of written language, certain letters
and combinations of letters occur with varying frequencies. Moreover, there is a characteristic
distribution of letters that is roughly the same for almost all samples of that language.
Here, we calculated and stored the frequencies of the words course and info in the variables
coursefreq and infofreq respectively.
We can also replace a particular word in the entire text by another word or group of words. This way
we do not have to scan the big data for a particular word and then replace it everywhere which is a
tedious task. This technique can be used by companies to keep their information regularly updated.
Here, we replaced the word mining by miners in our text.
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10. The Word Cloud
A word cloud is a text mining method that allows us to highlight the most frequently used keywords
in a paragraph of texts. It is also referred to as a text cloud or tag cloud. The procedure of creating
word cloud is very simple in R software if you know the different steps to execute. A text
mining package (tm) and word cloud generator package (wordcloud) are available in R for helping us
to analyze texts and to quickly visualize the keywords words as a word cloud.
Why to prefer a Word Cloud?
A Tag cloud is a powerful method for text mining and, it add simplicity and clarity. The most
used keywords stand out better in a word cloud.
Word clouds are a potent communication tool. They are easy to understand, to be shared and
are impactful.
Word clouds are visually engaging than a table data.
21. 21
Utility of a Word Cloud.
The word cloud finds its utility in various field workers today, namely:
Researchers : for reporting qualitative data
Marketers : for highlighting the needs and pain points of customers
Educators : to support essential issues
Politicians and journalists : for analysis trends in various issues
social media sites : to collect, analyze and share user sentiments
To create a word cloud, first load the requires packages, tm and wordcloud. A text file is loaded
using its file path and readlines function. Using the Corpus() function from tm package, a corpus
of the text file is created as docs.
As before, text cleaning and stemming is performed to the corpus. After that, a term document
matrix (tdm or dtm) is constructed. A document-term matrix or term-document matrix is a
mathematical matrix that describes the frequency of terms that occur in a collection of documents
(Corpus). In a document-term matrix, rows correspond to documents in the collection and columns
correspond to terms.
22. 22
Then the word cloud is generated as follows:
This word cloud has been created after text cleaning and stemming, though stem completion could
not be performed due to unfixed bugs in the current version of the tm package (0.6). Hence only the
stemmed words could be incorporated. Here the size and color of the words correspond to the
higher frequency words in the document. Word with nearly similar frequencies are shown as similar
size and same color.
23. 23
Using proper mining techniques and correct packages various types of analysis can be done on a big
data. R is an extremely functional language which encompasses a wide range of methods of analysis
as well as illustrating a data. Big data itself is a combination of structured as well as unstructured
data of peta bytes or more, handling such a data is not practically feasible by ordinary data structure
so hadoop can be further used for storage purposes.
This work was a comprehensive study of how big unstructured data is handled and how companies
utilize this data for a better future productivity. Text extraction was performed and illustrated well.
Major data mining tasks including, text replacements, word frequency analysis, and word cloud
creation were successfully implemented. The document text matrix itself has a wide range of
applications ranging from Latent semantic analysis for improving search results to Multivariate
analysis of reveling themes and topics of the corpus to data clustering. Finally the word cloud was
created which has an immense application set including education, evaluation and text comparisons.