Formato proyecto 47038angelmanuel22Este proyecto pedagógico utilizará el software educativo Sebran para enseñar matemáticas de manera lúdica a estudiantes de 2o y 3o grado durante 2 meses. Se realizarán dos actividades: la primera explicará qué es Sebran y la segunda consistirá en que los estudiantes completen ejercicios matemáticos usando el software. El objetivo es incorporar las TIC en la enseñanza de las matemáticas para motivar a los estudiantes.
Teoría General de SistemasJuan Piizz Z“Análisis y Diseño de Sistemas de Información” “Universidad de la Salle”
"Sistemas de Información y Documentación"
"Análisis y diseño de sistemas"
"Teoría General de Sistemas"
"Sistemas de Información"
Historia del mouseamigakim25El mouse fue inventado en la década de 1950 por la Marina Canadiense como un dispositivo para mover un cursor en pantalla llamado TrackBall. En 1963, Douglas Engelbart creó el primer prototipo de mouse de madera con un botón y cable. En 1970, la empresa Telefunken comercializó el primer mouse con una bola de goma. El mouse se popularizó en las computadoras personales de Xerox en los años 1970 y Apple lanzó su primer mouse de metal en 1983. En la actualidad, los mouses ópticos y sin contacto son los más comunes.
Integracion De Los Textos De Informatica EduvativayeticongeladoEl documento presenta un resumen de varios textos sobre Informática Educativa. Incluye los títulos y autores de 4 textos, así como una lista de 11 puntos que describen los dilemas y debates clave que han surgido en el campo de la Informática Educativa a lo largo de los años, incluyendo debates sobre su enfoque, aplicaciones prácticas versus teóricas, y su relación con otras tecnologías educativas.
C Of 2009misracheThis document contains short messages to graduates of the Southeast Raleigh Magnet High School Class of 2009. The messages congratulate various graduates by name and wish them well in their future endeavors, referencing college and career plans as well as personal qualities and relationships. Well wishes are given to graduates attending Texas A&M University and staying strong through challenges.
Larry and Judy Borrowdale's 50th anniversaryJonathan MathenyLarry and Judy are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary. Their children wanted to acknowledge the special occasion and express their congratulations. The grandchildren also wanted to wish their grandparents a happy anniversary.
Fp without functional languageHumberto StrebThis document discusses how to implement functional programming principles like pure functions, immutability, and higher-order functions when using non-functional languages. Pure functions always return the same result for the same inputs and avoid side effects, making them easier to test. It is recommended that objects be immutable and constructed without later modification. The strategy design pattern allows code to be decoupled from algorithms via functions, improving concurrency, simplifying code, and enabling better testing.
TrabajojuanEl documento describe los conceptos clave de comercio electrónico (e-commerce), incluyendo sus ventajas como mayor disponibilidad, bajos costos y facilidad de investigación, así como sus desventajas como riesgos sin asesoría y pérdida de derechos. Explica los tipos principales de e-commerce como empresa-consumidor, empresa-empresa y ciudadano-ciudadano. Finalmente, proporciona un ejemplo del sitio web
EcoBeautyLab (Mock-Up) - Version 1.0Melissa LimThe document describes the steps to customize a beauty product on the ECOBEAUTYLAB website. It shows the user progressing through choosing a product type, selecting ingredients like oils and fragrances, and ultimately uploading a design and purchasing a customized body butter for $25. The website offers to refund customers if they are not satisfied.
Redalyc 2.1, La Habana, CubaREDALYCRedalyc es una plataforma que ofrece resúmenes de artículos científicos. La nueva versión 2.1 incluye funciones mejoradas como perfiles de actividad científica para instituciones, países y áreas, colecciones de revistas, y métricas bibliométricas. También permite visualizaciones de datos y búsquedas avanzadas.
FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH HUMAN IMMUNODEFICIENCY VIRUS COUNSELLING AND TESTING ...Razak Mohammed Gyasi Since 2003, the HIV Voluntary Counselling and Testing (VCT) has been identified as one of the key strategies in the HIV/AIDS prevention, control and care programmes in Ghana. However, utilization of this service is low among Ghanaian youth. This study examined predictors associated with VCT utilization among youth in Ghana. This study utilized quantitative and qualitative data in a cross-sectional survey in three sub-metropolitan areas in Kumasi. Using a multi-variate regression, evidence from 120 respondents showed potential factors associated with VCT utilization. The qualitative data were subjected to a content analysis through direct quotes. The results suggest that less than 30% of the youth had ever tested for HIV through VC. Women were more likely to avail themselves for counselling testing than men. Psychological and emotional trauma experienced by the seropositive, lack of confidentiality, proximity to VCT sites, HIV-related stigma inter alia, were found to be strongly associated with HIV VCT in the study prefecture. VCT utilization among the youth in Ghana was low and affected by HIV/AIDS-related stigma and residence. In order to increase VCT acceptability, HIV/AIDS prevention and control programs in the country should focus on reducing HIV/AIDS-related stigma.
Raceof wineJose Luis MiravalThe document describes a game called "Race of Wine" where teams of two people compete to uncork bottles of wine using only a corkscrew and clothes hanger within 20 minutes. Each team member is responsible for one end of the process - one attaches the corkscrew to the hanger and places it on a rail, while the other removes the cork from the bottle. The goal is to uncork the most bottles without breaking them within the time limit, with points awarded for each uncorked bottle and penalties for broken bottles.
Bri q4sbop-mediaThe document discusses the use of various new media technologies in the production of a music video project. Premier Pro was used to edit video footage, applying effects like split screens, fades, color correction, and cutting footage to the beat of the music. Photoshop was used to edit images for a digital packaging design, allowing manipulation of brightness, color, filters and placement of elements. YouTube, ݺߣshare and blogs were utilized to share the final video, research presentations, and provide analysis of the work.
Eco botashleycramerThe document proposes an educational game to teach computer science concepts to children in a non-programming way. It would involve helping an Eco-Bot character complete missions through logic puzzles and problem-solving. Lessons would introduce concepts like sequences, image representation with pixels, and text compression. Children would interact directly by dragging and dropping code blocks or modifying code. Hints from Eco-Bot would provide guidance. The game would have different levels with rewards to encourage progression. Lessons would include a variety of short tasks to keep engagement, with a bigger final task to pass each level.
Tiendas VirtualesmaaldiberEste documento describe las funciones de un software de comercio electrónico que permite a empresas crear tiendas virtuales para vender productos en Internet de manera fácil y actualizable. El software asegura que las tiendas se adapten a las necesidades y comportamientos específicos de cada público objetivo para persuadirlos a comprar. El sistema también ofrece seguridad avanzada como HTTPS, acceso restringido y validación de registros.
K spice teachbackkj422K-Spice, also known as spice or synthetic marijuana, refers to herbal mixtures that are sold as legal alternatives to marijuana but produce similar mind-altering effects. It contains chemicals that act on the same brain receptors as THC. While effects aim to mimic marijuana, K-Spice can cause more extreme anxiety, paranoia, and hallucinations. Its popularity among teens and young adults may stem from perceived safety and its legal status, though it has been linked to thousands of emergency room visits and cases of withdrawal.
English GlossarymerysmurfsTotal Physical Response (TPR) is a teaching technique that combines speech and physical activity to teach language. It has three phases: pre-teaching keywords, listening, watching, and doing an activity, and listening and doing the activity without visual cues. Acquisition is a subconscious process for developing language ability similarly to a child's first language, while learning is a conscious process using grammar rules of a foreign language. The silent period refers to the time when students feel unable to communicate orally in a new language, and it is better to wait for them to speak naturally than force them to talk. Mother tongue means the primary language a person has learned from birth.
Motivation in the esl classroomNoor ElemanThe document discusses different types of motivation and how to improve student motivation. It describes intrinsic motivation as motivation coming from within the student, where they want to study for its own sake. Extrinsic motivation refers to studying for external rewards like rewards or avoiding punishment. The document also stresses the importance of parental involvement and promoting the same goals at home that are taught at school.
Emerging kerala 14-night-life zone-at-uec-veli-tvmkeralawatchnewsThe document provides a project profile for developing a Night Life Zone at an Urban Entertainment Centre in Veli, Kerala. It details plans to develop an 18-acre site into an integrated tourism destination with entertainment, commercial, and accommodation components. Specifically, it outlines plans for a 40,000 square foot Night Life Zone on the roof of a proposed Family Entertainment Centre within the development, with an estimated cost to investors of Rs. 20 Crore. The project aims to leverage the location's proximity to the airport and city to attract tourists and businesses.
EcoBeautyLab (Mock-Up) - Version 1.0Melissa LimThe document describes the steps to customize a beauty product on the ECOBEAUTYLAB website. It shows the user progressing through choosing a product type, selecting ingredients like oils and fragrances, and ultimately uploading a design and purchasing a customized body butter for $25. The website offers to refund customers if they are not satisfied.
Redalyc 2.1, La Habana, CubaREDALYCRedalyc es una plataforma que ofrece resúmenes de artículos científicos. La nueva versión 2.1 incluye funciones mejoradas como perfiles de actividad científica para instituciones, países y áreas, colecciones de revistas, y métricas bibliométricas. También permite visualizaciones de datos y búsquedas avanzadas.
FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH HUMAN IMMUNODEFICIENCY VIRUS COUNSELLING AND TESTING ...Razak Mohammed Gyasi Since 2003, the HIV Voluntary Counselling and Testing (VCT) has been identified as one of the key strategies in the HIV/AIDS prevention, control and care programmes in Ghana. However, utilization of this service is low among Ghanaian youth. This study examined predictors associated with VCT utilization among youth in Ghana. This study utilized quantitative and qualitative data in a cross-sectional survey in three sub-metropolitan areas in Kumasi. Using a multi-variate regression, evidence from 120 respondents showed potential factors associated with VCT utilization. The qualitative data were subjected to a content analysis through direct quotes. The results suggest that less than 30% of the youth had ever tested for HIV through VC. Women were more likely to avail themselves for counselling testing than men. Psychological and emotional trauma experienced by the seropositive, lack of confidentiality, proximity to VCT sites, HIV-related stigma inter alia, were found to be strongly associated with HIV VCT in the study prefecture. VCT utilization among the youth in Ghana was low and affected by HIV/AIDS-related stigma and residence. In order to increase VCT acceptability, HIV/AIDS prevention and control programs in the country should focus on reducing HIV/AIDS-related stigma.
Raceof wineJose Luis MiravalThe document describes a game called "Race of Wine" where teams of two people compete to uncork bottles of wine using only a corkscrew and clothes hanger within 20 minutes. Each team member is responsible for one end of the process - one attaches the corkscrew to the hanger and places it on a rail, while the other removes the cork from the bottle. The goal is to uncork the most bottles without breaking them within the time limit, with points awarded for each uncorked bottle and penalties for broken bottles.
Bri q4sbop-mediaThe document discusses the use of various new media technologies in the production of a music video project. Premier Pro was used to edit video footage, applying effects like split screens, fades, color correction, and cutting footage to the beat of the music. Photoshop was used to edit images for a digital packaging design, allowing manipulation of brightness, color, filters and placement of elements. YouTube, ݺߣshare and blogs were utilized to share the final video, research presentations, and provide analysis of the work.
Eco botashleycramerThe document proposes an educational game to teach computer science concepts to children in a non-programming way. It would involve helping an Eco-Bot character complete missions through logic puzzles and problem-solving. Lessons would introduce concepts like sequences, image representation with pixels, and text compression. Children would interact directly by dragging and dropping code blocks or modifying code. Hints from Eco-Bot would provide guidance. The game would have different levels with rewards to encourage progression. Lessons would include a variety of short tasks to keep engagement, with a bigger final task to pass each level.
Tiendas VirtualesmaaldiberEste documento describe las funciones de un software de comercio electrónico que permite a empresas crear tiendas virtuales para vender productos en Internet de manera fácil y actualizable. El software asegura que las tiendas se adapten a las necesidades y comportamientos específicos de cada público objetivo para persuadirlos a comprar. El sistema también ofrece seguridad avanzada como HTTPS, acceso restringido y validación de registros.
K spice teachbackkj422K-Spice, also known as spice or synthetic marijuana, refers to herbal mixtures that are sold as legal alternatives to marijuana but produce similar mind-altering effects. It contains chemicals that act on the same brain receptors as THC. While effects aim to mimic marijuana, K-Spice can cause more extreme anxiety, paranoia, and hallucinations. Its popularity among teens and young adults may stem from perceived safety and its legal status, though it has been linked to thousands of emergency room visits and cases of withdrawal.
English GlossarymerysmurfsTotal Physical Response (TPR) is a teaching technique that combines speech and physical activity to teach language. It has three phases: pre-teaching keywords, listening, watching, and doing an activity, and listening and doing the activity without visual cues. Acquisition is a subconscious process for developing language ability similarly to a child's first language, while learning is a conscious process using grammar rules of a foreign language. The silent period refers to the time when students feel unable to communicate orally in a new language, and it is better to wait for them to speak naturally than force them to talk. Mother tongue means the primary language a person has learned from birth.
Motivation in the esl classroomNoor ElemanThe document discusses different types of motivation and how to improve student motivation. It describes intrinsic motivation as motivation coming from within the student, where they want to study for its own sake. Extrinsic motivation refers to studying for external rewards like rewards or avoiding punishment. The document also stresses the importance of parental involvement and promoting the same goals at home that are taught at school.
Emerging kerala 14-night-life zone-at-uec-veli-tvmkeralawatchnewsThe document provides a project profile for developing a Night Life Zone at an Urban Entertainment Centre in Veli, Kerala. It details plans to develop an 18-acre site into an integrated tourism destination with entertainment, commercial, and accommodation components. Specifically, it outlines plans for a 40,000 square foot Night Life Zone on the roof of a proposed Family Entertainment Centre within the development, with an estimated cost to investors of Rs. 20 Crore. The project aims to leverage the location's proximity to the airport and city to attract tourists and businesses.