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 Think the exact content is key as a starting
  point in order to de鍖ne the format of the
  game, worlds/characters etc as it should 鍖t
  with the content.

 Bit lost as to what is right to teach this age
  level so have made assumptions for this

 Trying to keep Robot/Environmental theme
  for now but adding more variety of tasks and
  an adventure theme.
What program presents

 Basic concepts taught in a non-
  programming way
 Logic/way of thinking油
 Real programming languages at a
  later stage
Concepts in non-programming way

 Early on introduce kids to concepts/foundations of Computer
   Science in general- arm them with transferable tools for future.
 Initially present concepts in none obviously 卒programming卒
   way as this could work against us and put kids off.

 Aim to get them hooked by what they can do with
   programming but without realizing they are programming
   (inspiration from CS Unplugged who teach kids CS concepts
   through games but WITHOUT using computers)
 Not sure Robot them is best idea (too obviously computer
   related), alternative could be 鍖nd parallels between
   programming & nature to make the ideas more tangible, eg,
   Chameleon can be used for showing how can use programming
   to change colour of pixels to match background.
Logic/way of thinking油
 The Light-Bot style activity is good to show how
  to think like a programmer
 But this format only could be very repetitive
  and think kids will loose interest

 Plus there is new competition in form of iPad
  game Cargo-Bot, which emulates LightBot well
  so think we need something different.
 Propose either a module (6 lessons) only in
  Light-bot style or to use this type of activity
  only part of the time, e.g. end of unit challenges.
Real programming
 Real programming languages introduced
  at a later stage once kids have the basics

 Separate courses that can be followed

 Possibly油mini courses for each languages
  or even油separate add on modules, so that
  teachers can pick and choose the ones
  they want to use
Possible content for 鍖rst
 Sequences - e.g. press buttons, switch things on or off,where
   actions are dependent on other factors so only one order is

 Image representation - idea of pixels and transforming
   images into pixels.

 Image modi鍖cation - expand/zoom
 RGB colours - mixing colours /changing hue in pictures
 Binary - instead of 0 & 1 can use lights on and off - to show
   only 2 possible states, could have some memory game here
   with different combinations

 Text compression - looking for patterns in text, e.g. rhymes
   or poems, or songs
What the child sees/
     interacts with
 Eco-Bot character act as tutor/guide to help
  child navigate game

 Child works alongside Eco-Bot, helping him.
  This puts child in the game, involving them
  directly (this way they are also acting as the
  programmer as they are the ones
  controlling what happens.)

 Chance to avatar themselves to get them
  even more engaged, feeling connected to the
Basic storyline to engage children, idea of good vs evil and their
role to help Eco-Bot.
Idea of having missions to complete, and different worlds to
investigate, have to complete tasks to move on to the next stage,
and to get the parts needed to build robots to help Eco-Bot.
What the child sees/
     interacts with
 Visually use a tablet format, so the activity
  is full screen. No toolbar, clear and
  uncluttered so can focus on task

 Can click to bring up menu bar when needed
 Hints/instructions appear as large or full
  screen popups
 Have to click popups to close them or go to
  the next one to give each kid time they need
  to read and understand activity
Using trial and error to teach, but with hints very
early on so kids dont feel too lost. Aim to get robot to
speak. Pressing play runs text command but will not
hear anything if syntax isnt correct.
Drag and drop 鍖rst do
                   there are limited
                   possibilities and
                   sooner or later kids
                   will 鍖nd the correct

Then next
challenge they
actually have to
modify the code
What the child sees/
      interacts with
 Hints - given by the EcoBot character to build
   relationship between child and Eco-bot (can be
   audio & text to make them clear and easy to
 Extra hint coins can be used when extra help
   needed, kids have limited number of coins to spend
   throughout game.
 Once all coins are spent kids can still get help but
   will have to ask the teacher for the hints (teachers
   supplied with full list).
 Help teachers can track who needs extra help
Eco bot
The 鍖ow between
 Add in 'secret' jokes or fun facts, google-
  doodle style animations when kids scroll
  over certain aspects of the backdrop they
  can 鍖nd fun stuff hidden - as an added
  level of amusement - not part of the
  mission or game but just a bit of
 Lots of congratulatory messages either
  audio or pop up to encourage and motivate
Eco bot
Flow between sections
 Different worlds/themes for levels eg. natural

 For some lessons it would be good if students
   could choose the order of the tasks, so for
   example having 4 tasks of similar level (which
   are not dependent on each other) so students
   can feel like they in control a bit - not just all
   following the same thing at the same time.

 Similarly would be good to be able to choose
   which world to explore in other lessons, so the
   content is the same but the look is different.

 Same for the rewards (robot parts) would be
   good to have choices so each student can
   customize their robots
Flow between sections
 Mini activities per level with a bigger end of level
   task. (5-10 minutes per task) so teachers can
   easily break it up with their own material and also
   avoid students getting too far ahead or behind.

 Need to pass to go onto the next level (could be a
   review sessions as consolidation)

 End of unit task could be collaborative, work with
   another classmate to answer questions & get past
   the baddie, idea of competition but against the
   computer and working together in groups within
   the class
What it feels like
 Some guidance to help kids through activities (especially at
   start) - aimed at getting them started experimenting on their
   own rather than walking through the exercises themselves.

 Feel like part of the game but controlling it from outside
 Controlled environment in which to experiment
 Simple, clear, intuitive
 Nothing too cartoonish or childish
 Can explore and investigate (walk around worlds looking for
   robot parts once task is completed correctly)

 Chance to be creative & build something (their own robots to
   help Eco-Bot)
Break-down of lesson
 Lessons split into short quick tasks (5-10 minutes each) eg. 6 tasks per lesson
   (for shorter lessons teachers would aim to do less tasks per lesson)

 Variety of task types, if not within lesson then within module (block of 6 lessons)
 First task should aim to present idea in context without explaining it directly, to
   give students the chance to 鍖gure it out for themselves.

 Next task would explain more speci鍖cally what they are learning/doing
 Then tasks 3 & 4 would allow for practice, at 鍖rst more controlled then freer.
 Task 5 could be something interactive with classmates, where they have to
   challenge or test each other.

 Task 6 would be to consolidated what has been learnt and some sort of test to
   pass to next level.
Sample tasks

Should be some activities where there is no one single right
answer, for example the task to the left to convert an picture
to a simple pixel style image by colouring in grid squares.
Here there are many options which would all be acceptable,
this gives to option to get classmates involved in evaluating
each others work.
Sample tasks
The work created by the
students can also be used
for them to play games
against each other. For
example the pixel images
can then be used, so a
student will be shown
another students image
(eg. random grid squares
revealed one by one) and
they have to guess the
animal. Extra rewards can
be given for fastest times.
This also ensures that the
activities are different.

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Eco bot

  • 2. Limitations/ Assumptions Think the exact content is key as a starting point in order to de鍖ne the format of the game, worlds/characters etc as it should 鍖t with the content. Bit lost as to what is right to teach this age level so have made assumptions for this presentation Trying to keep Robot/Environmental theme for now but adding more variety of tasks and an adventure theme.
  • 3. What program presents Basic concepts taught in a non- programming way Logic/way of thinking油 Real programming languages at a later stage
  • 4. Concepts in non-programming way Early on introduce kids to concepts/foundations of Computer Science in general- arm them with transferable tools for future. Initially present concepts in none obviously 卒programming卒 way as this could work against us and put kids off. Aim to get them hooked by what they can do with programming but without realizing they are programming (inspiration from CS Unplugged who teach kids CS concepts through games but WITHOUT using computers) Not sure Robot them is best idea (too obviously computer related), alternative could be 鍖nd parallels between programming & nature to make the ideas more tangible, eg, Chameleon can be used for showing how can use programming to change colour of pixels to match background.
  • 5. Logic/way of thinking油 The Light-Bot style activity is good to show how to think like a programmer But this format only could be very repetitive and think kids will loose interest Plus there is new competition in form of iPad game Cargo-Bot, which emulates LightBot well so think we need something different. Propose either a module (6 lessons) only in Light-bot style or to use this type of activity only part of the time, e.g. end of unit challenges.
  • 6. Real programming languages Real programming languages introduced at a later stage once kids have the basics Separate courses that can be followed independently Possibly油mini courses for each languages or even油separate add on modules, so that teachers can pick and choose the ones they want to use
  • 7. Possible content for 鍖rst lessons Sequences - e.g. press buttons, switch things on or off,where actions are dependent on other factors so only one order is correct. Image representation - idea of pixels and transforming images into pixels. Image modi鍖cation - expand/zoom RGB colours - mixing colours /changing hue in pictures Binary - instead of 0 & 1 can use lights on and off - to show only 2 possible states, could have some memory game here with different combinations Text compression - looking for patterns in text, e.g. rhymes or poems, or songs
  • 8. What the child sees/ interacts with Eco-Bot character act as tutor/guide to help child navigate game Child works alongside Eco-Bot, helping him. This puts child in the game, involving them directly (this way they are also acting as the programmer as they are the ones controlling what happens.) Chance to avatar themselves to get them even more engaged, feeling connected to the game.
  • 9. Basic storyline to engage children, idea of good vs evil and their role to help Eco-Bot. Idea of having missions to complete, and different worlds to investigate, have to complete tasks to move on to the next stage, and to get the parts needed to build robots to help Eco-Bot.
  • 10. What the child sees/ interacts with Visually use a tablet format, so the activity is full screen. No toolbar, clear and uncluttered so can focus on task Can click to bring up menu bar when needed Hints/instructions appear as large or full screen popups Have to click popups to close them or go to the next one to give each kid time they need to read and understand activity
  • 11. Using trial and error to teach, but with hints very early on so kids dont feel too lost. Aim to get robot to speak. Pressing play runs text command but will not hear anything if syntax isnt correct.
  • 12. Drag and drop 鍖rst do there are limited possibilities and sooner or later kids will 鍖nd the correct order. Then next challenge they actually have to modify the code themselves.
  • 13. What the child sees/ interacts with Hints - given by the EcoBot character to build relationship between child and Eco-bot (can be audio & text to make them clear and easy to understand) Extra hint coins can be used when extra help needed, kids have limited number of coins to spend throughout game. Once all coins are spent kids can still get help but will have to ask the teacher for the hints (teachers supplied with full list). Help teachers can track who needs extra help
  • 15. The 鍖ow between sections Add in 'secret' jokes or fun facts, google- doodle style animations when kids scroll over certain aspects of the backdrop they can 鍖nd fun stuff hidden - as an added level of amusement - not part of the mission or game but just a bit of entertainment. Lots of congratulatory messages either audio or pop up to encourage and motivate
  • 17. Flow between sections Different worlds/themes for levels eg. natural elements For some lessons it would be good if students could choose the order of the tasks, so for example having 4 tasks of similar level (which are not dependent on each other) so students can feel like they in control a bit - not just all following the same thing at the same time. Similarly would be good to be able to choose which world to explore in other lessons, so the content is the same but the look is different. Same for the rewards (robot parts) would be good to have choices so each student can customize their robots
  • 18. Flow between sections Mini activities per level with a bigger end of level task. (5-10 minutes per task) so teachers can easily break it up with their own material and also avoid students getting too far ahead or behind. Need to pass to go onto the next level (could be a review sessions as consolidation) End of unit task could be collaborative, work with another classmate to answer questions & get past the baddie, idea of competition but against the computer and working together in groups within the class
  • 19. What it feels like Some guidance to help kids through activities (especially at start) - aimed at getting them started experimenting on their own rather than walking through the exercises themselves. Feel like part of the game but controlling it from outside Controlled environment in which to experiment Simple, clear, intuitive Nothing too cartoonish or childish Can explore and investigate (walk around worlds looking for robot parts once task is completed correctly) Chance to be creative & build something (their own robots to help Eco-Bot)
  • 20. Break-down of lesson Lessons split into short quick tasks (5-10 minutes each) eg. 6 tasks per lesson (for shorter lessons teachers would aim to do less tasks per lesson) Variety of task types, if not within lesson then within module (block of 6 lessons) First task should aim to present idea in context without explaining it directly, to give students the chance to 鍖gure it out for themselves. Next task would explain more speci鍖cally what they are learning/doing Then tasks 3 & 4 would allow for practice, at 鍖rst more controlled then freer. Task 5 could be something interactive with classmates, where they have to challenge or test each other. Task 6 would be to consolidated what has been learnt and some sort of test to pass to next level.
  • 21. Sample tasks Should be some activities where there is no one single right answer, for example the task to the left to convert an picture to a simple pixel style image by colouring in grid squares. Here there are many options which would all be acceptable, this gives to option to get classmates involved in evaluating each others work.
  • 22. Sample tasks The work created by the students can also be used for them to play games against each other. For example the pixel images can then be used, so a student will be shown another students image (eg. random grid squares revealed one by one) and they have to guess the animal. Extra rewards can be given for fastest times. This also ensures that the activities are different.

Editor's Notes