The document provides guidelines for effective online discussions, including allowing creativity and collaboration through editable web content, providing space for questions and comments in online discussions, and facilitating discussions that can happen anytime from anywhere. The facilitator monitors discussions to assess participation levels and content quality. Students can successfully post thoughts and questions or respond with their own ideas, and responses to individual posts, called replies, help broaden discussions when done courteously and by thoroughly considering various viewpoints.
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Online discussion guideline
1. Guidelines for Online Discussions<br />The Web tools provide an environment that supports creativity, collaboration, and allows participants to contribute and edit Web content. The online discussions provide space for questions and comments. A great advantage of online discussions is that they can happen almost anytime, anywhere. Online discussions can also deepen understanding of students. <br />The facilitator monitors the discussions and assesses the content of writing as well as the level of participation. <br />Using the Teachers Guideline: <br />Students can successfully post their thoughts and questions, or can respond whatever their ideas regarding discussion. What for?<br />A response from an individual user is called a post.<br />To open and read a post. (Read post carefully and do ask question or open new issue to broad the discussion).To respond to a post in a discussion forum, open the post student want to reply to. (Thoroughly read replied post and view points which are vital one and respond with courtesy in a discussion forum.)<br />To create a new post. (Can create new point.) <br />Note: Use the Discussion Checklist to help & guide online discussions.<br />