Freelancing involves being hired to work on online jobs for either short or long term projects, working for multiple clients. The practice dates back to the 19th century when freelancers were free mercenary soldiers. Today, freelancing is defined as doing work for different organizations rather than a single employer, with no single employer and the ability to choose various jobs. Freelancing is worthwhile as it allows one to develop new skills and expertise by working with various clients, build a network, showcase talent, work flexibly in terms of location and schedule, spend more time with family, and earn money.
Earning money by being hired to
work on an online job for either
short-term or long-term project.
You can have one or more clients
depending on the nature of your
Freelance dates back to
the 19th century
Originally, freelancers
were free mercenary
soldiers who sold their
5. Cambridge dictionary now
defines freelancing as Doing
particular pieces of work for
different organizations,
rather than working all the
time for a single
6. There is no single employer
whom a freelancer can serve
but rather a number of
businesses with which he/
she can work
In laymans terms, the
contract is non-exclusive,
and he/she choose gigs
8. You work for various clients,
which is useful in terms of
developing new skills and
gaining expertise.
You build a partner
it ignites your creativity and
showcases your talent
9. Youre flexible in terms of your
location and timetable.
you get to be with your family
without the guilt feeling.
And most importantly, Its a
great source of money.