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      Online Learning: What School Boards Should Know
                                   November 17, 2012

The Trends:
 Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Michigan, Virginia and West Virginia require an
   online course before graduation.
 K-12 online courses enrollments now at several million or slightly more than 5% of the
  total K-12 student population.
 Blended programs are the fast-growing segment.

                                                         Promising Practices In
                                                            Course Quality
                                                        Virtual classrooms
                                                        Recorded sessions
                                                        Discussion boards, wikis,
                                                        Virtual Office hours
                                                        Oral Examinations
                                                        Purposeful weekly
                                                         communication from
                                                         teacher to student
                                                        Proctored Exams
                                                     Online Learning is . . .
                                                     education in which instruction and
                                                     content are delivered primarily over
                                                     the Internet. (Watson & Kalmon,

                                                     Blended Learning is . . .
                                                     a formal education program in which
                                                     a student learns at least in part
                                                     through online delivery of content
  Cindy Hamblin, Director, Illinois Virtual         and instruction with some element
    School, chamblin@ilvirtual.org                   of student control over time, place,
 Jeffrey L. Hunt, Director, IL CTO,                 path, and/or pace
   jeff.hunt@ilcto.org                               AND
 Phil Lacey, Director of Instructional              at least in part at a supervised brick-
   Technology, Niles Township High                   and-mortar location away from
   School District, philac@d219.org                  home. (Innosight Institute, 2012)

                                            fourteen different 17- week terms are
                                            available to the student. Students
Illinois Virtual School (IVS) is a          wanting to work hard and finish a
statewide, online program                   course in less time can do it!
supported by the Illinois State             Students needing more time
Board of Education (ISBE).                  reviewing difficult content can do it!
                                            Students needing to pick up a 遜
Why Consider Online Learning                credit course to graduate with their
Through Illinois Virtual School             class, can sign-up for a course after
(IVS)? Online learning expands              the traditional spring term (e.g.,
educational access and improves             February, March or April). Online
educational outcomes in numerous            learning provides flexibility for the
ways, including:                            student and school.

1) Expanding the range of
   courses available to                  3) Affording opportunities to at-
   students, especially in rural            risk students, elite athletes,
   schools, beyond what a                   performers in the arts, and
   single school can offer; IVS             homebound students; allowing
    offers 126 (.5) credit courses to       them to continue their studies
    students. Twenty (20) different         outside the classroom; IVS offers
    (.5) semester AP courses are            a full range of core credit courses.
    available. World language               School districts that have submitted
    courses covering six different          a Remote Education Policy and Plan*
    languages. In addition, electives       to ISBE, can use IVS courses to meet
    from science, social science, fine      the required guidelines. Online
    arts, health, and                       learning meets the needs of non-
    business/technology are                 traditional students.
    available. All courses are              *Public Act 96-0684 (HB 2448,
    facilitated by IL-certified             8/25/09) and modified PA 97-0339
    instructors and are offered to          (HB 3223, 8/12/11): Authorizes
    students in grades 5-12.                school districts to create and offer
                                            remote educational programs
                                            tailored to individual student needs
                                            and claim GSA for those programs.
2) Providing flexibility to                 105 ILCS 10-29.
   students facing scheduling
   conflicts and enrollment
   needs beyond the                         Contact IVS today to learn more
   traditional fall and spring              about courses & services available!
   terms; IVS offers flexible
    enrollment. For 2012-2013,

Professional Development
Preparing Teachers for Online Learning

Online Learning Opportunities in District 219

BOE Five Year Goal #3: Engaging students in anywhere/anytime
learning by providing laptop computers to expand their learning op-

Students World: Science Department ran summer hybrid courses
as mandatory for sophomores taking AP courses

Instructional Goal: Use LMS (Moodle) as preparatory instructional

Overall success perceived by instructors
 Students handled technology well
 Students seem to be more successful than in past
 one issue where different instructor taught course in Fall than

Faculty World: Professional Development to develop the capacity
for Virtual Instruction
     Developed 3 Tiered Course offering
     Level 1 Course required

What does it take to prepare instructors to develop / offer hybrid

                       How do I learn more?

   Illinois Virtual School -- http://ilvirtual.org
   iNACOLs How to Start Online Program  http://goo.gl/wJK8B
   Niles Township High School -- https://d219.org/aal

Join our online community  http://ilearnonline.wikispaces.com

               Remote Education Program Act

Public Act 96-0684 (HB 2448, 8/25/09) and modified PA 97-0339 (HB
3223, 8/12/11): Authorizes school districts to create and offer remote
educational programs tailored to individual student needs and claim GSA
for those programs (105 ILCS 10-29 School Code). Guidelines for the REA
are being written by the ISBE.
Definition of Remote Education Program (REP): (a) An educational
program delivered to students in the home or other location outside of
a school building. These programs will be subject to requirements
and parameters as set forth in the Act.

The law requires that the district create a Remote Education Plan for each
student. The plan must account for the following components:
      Progress Reports
      Expectations, processes, and schedules
      Family Responsibilities IEP
      Participation Responsible
      Parent Program
      Administrator Term of
      Participation Location of
      Participation Certification

The Illinois State Board of Education has written rules for tracking
      For the purposes of determining average daily attendance
      for General State Aid under Section 10-29 of the School
      Code [105 ILCS 5/10-29], a school district operating a
      remote educational program shall document, and make
      available to the State Superintendent of Education or his
      designee upon request, a written or online record of
      instructional time for each student enrolled in the
      program that provides sufficient evidence of the students
      active participation in the program (e.g., log in and log off
      process, electronic monitoring, adult supervision, two-way
      interaction between teacher and student, video cam).

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Online learning handout 2012

  • 1. IL-CTO IASB-IASA-IASBO JOINT ANNUAL CONFERENCE Online Learning: What School Boards Should Know November 17, 2012 The Trends: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Michigan, Virginia and West Virginia require an online course before graduation. K-12 online courses enrollments now at several million or slightly more than 5% of the total K-12 student population. Blended programs are the fast-growing segment. Promising Practices In Course Quality Virtual classrooms Recorded sessions Discussion boards, wikis, blogs Virtual Office hours Oral Examinations Purposeful weekly communication from teacher to student Proctored Exams Online Learning is . . . education in which instruction and content are delivered primarily over the Internet. (Watson & Kalmon, 2005). Blended Learning is . . . a formal education program in which Presenters a student learns at least in part through online delivery of content Cindy Hamblin, Director, Illinois Virtual and instruction with some element School, chamblin@ilvirtual.org of student control over time, place, Jeffrey L. Hunt, Director, IL CTO, path, and/or pace jeff.hunt@ilcto.org AND Phil Lacey, Director of Instructional at least in part at a supervised brick- Technology, Niles Township High and-mortar location away from School District, philac@d219.org home. (Innosight Institute, 2012)
  • 2. IL-CTO fourteen different 17- week terms are available to the student. Students Illinois Virtual School (IVS) is a wanting to work hard and finish a statewide, online program course in less time can do it! supported by the Illinois State Students needing more time Board of Education (ISBE). reviewing difficult content can do it! Students needing to pick up a 遜 Why Consider Online Learning credit course to graduate with their Through Illinois Virtual School class, can sign-up for a course after (IVS)? Online learning expands the traditional spring term (e.g., educational access and improves February, March or April). Online educational outcomes in numerous learning provides flexibility for the ways, including: student and school. 1) Expanding the range of courses available to 3) Affording opportunities to at- students, especially in rural risk students, elite athletes, schools, beyond what a performers in the arts, and single school can offer; IVS homebound students; allowing offers 126 (.5) credit courses to them to continue their studies students. Twenty (20) different outside the classroom; IVS offers (.5) semester AP courses are a full range of core credit courses. available. World language School districts that have submitted courses covering six different a Remote Education Policy and Plan* languages. In addition, electives to ISBE, can use IVS courses to meet from science, social science, fine the required guidelines. Online arts, health, and learning meets the needs of non- business/technology are traditional students. available. All courses are *Public Act 96-0684 (HB 2448, facilitated by IL-certified 8/25/09) and modified PA 97-0339 instructors and are offered to (HB 3223, 8/12/11): Authorizes students in grades 5-12. school districts to create and offer remote educational programs tailored to individual student needs and claim GSA for those programs. 2) Providing flexibility to 105 ILCS 10-29. students facing scheduling conflicts and enrollment needs beyond the Contact IVS today to learn more traditional fall and spring about courses & services available! terms; IVS offers flexible enrollment. For 2012-2013,
  • 3. IL-CTO Professional Development Preparing Teachers for Online Learning Online Learning Opportunities in District 219 BOE Five Year Goal #3: Engaging students in anywhere/anytime learning by providing laptop computers to expand their learning op- portunities. Students World: Science Department ran summer hybrid courses as mandatory for sophomores taking AP courses Instructional Goal: Use LMS (Moodle) as preparatory instructional context Overall success perceived by instructors Students handled technology well Students seem to be more successful than in past one issue where different instructor taught course in Fall than summer Faculty World: Professional Development to develop the capacity for Virtual Instruction Developed 3 Tiered Course offering Level 1 Course required What does it take to prepare instructors to develop / offer hybrid instruction? How do I learn more? Illinois Virtual School -- http://ilvirtual.org iNACOLs How to Start Online Program http://goo.gl/wJK8B Niles Township High School -- https://d219.org/aal Join our online community http://ilearnonline.wikispaces.com
  • 4. IL-CTO Remote Education Program Act Public Act 96-0684 (HB 2448, 8/25/09) and modified PA 97-0339 (HB 3223, 8/12/11): Authorizes school districts to create and offer remote educational programs tailored to individual student needs and claim GSA for those programs (105 ILCS 10-29 School Code). Guidelines for the REA are being written by the ISBE. Definition of Remote Education Program (REP): (a) An educational program delivered to students in the home or other location outside of a school building. These programs will be subject to requirements and parameters as set forth in the Act. The law requires that the district create a Remote Education Plan for each student. The plan must account for the following components: Goals Assessments Progress Reports Expectations, processes, and schedules Family Responsibilities IEP Requirements Participation Responsible Parent Program Administrator Term of Participation Location of Participation Certification The Illinois State Board of Education has written rules for tracking attendance. For the purposes of determining average daily attendance for General State Aid under Section 10-29 of the School Code [105 ILCS 5/10-29], a school district operating a remote educational program shall document, and make available to the State Superintendent of Education or his designee upon request, a written or online record of instructional time for each student enrolled in the program that provides sufficient evidence of the students active participation in the program (e.g., log in and log off process, electronic monitoring, adult supervision, two-way interaction between teacher and student, video cam).