Russia has a large online market with over 59 million internet users. Russians spend over $20 billion online annually, with over 40% of purchases being travel related. To successfully market online in Russia, a business should: 1) provide a Russian language version of their website, 2) advertise on popular Russian sites like Yandex and Vkontakte, 3) get listed on relevant directories, 4) understand the Russian audience, 5) accept common Russian payment methods, and 6) allow content sharing on social media.
8. 1 Provide a version of your website in Russian language
9. Over 34,5% market share Over 64% market share
Over 1,5 million users Over 100 million users
Sources: 1 2 3 2 Go where users are
10. Yandex Direct
Pay per click
advertising system
Similar to AdWords
Allows you to geo-
target your
advertisement within
Russia very well
11. Yandex catalog
Directory of Russian
Similar to Yahoo
directory or Dmoz
Free and paid options
One time fee 130
12. Vkontakte
PPC and CPM models
Targeting similar to Facebook
Interest based
Allows businesses to setup fan
page and groups
Supports creating social
application similar to Facebook
20. Summary
1. Provide a version of your website in Russian language
2. Go where users are
3. Get listed on related websites
4. Understand your audience
5. Accept Russian methods of payment
6. Provide service in Russian
7. Allow people to share your content easily
21. Thank you!
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