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ONOS SDN Controller
れ 覿 覦 SDN 螳覦
Mobile Convergence Lab, Computer Engineering,
Kyung Hee University
Sangyun Han
Email : sangyun0628@khu.ac.kr
SDN/NFV 企, れ, 豕
[ONOS 蟆曙れ, 觜 覦 ろ 蟆 蟲豢]
Mobile Convergence Laboratory 2
A Table of Contents
螳襾語 , ろ語 蟆 れ
譟伎SW れ 覦 觜
蟯 ろ れ 覦 覲 れ, 觜
ろ 蟆 蟲豢
SDN 貉碁, ろ碁ゼ  覓朱Μ 覦 螳 蟆 
 Ubuntu 14.04 LTS 64bits
 2GB or more RAM
 2 or more processors
 8GB or more storage
 Java 8 JDK
 Apache Maven(3.3.9 and later)
 Apache Karaf(3.0.5 and later)
Mobile Convergence Laboratory 3
螻給 VM instance
 Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
 2GB memory
 12GB hard disk
(dynamic allocation)
 eth0 NAT / eth1 host-only
 username : sdn
 password : mclab
Mobile Convergence Laboratory 4
1. Installing VM
2. Creating VM instance
3. Configuring network option
Mobile Convergence Laboratory 5
Virtual Box
 Virtual Box れ企 覦 れ
 Ubuntu れ
Mobile Convergence Laboratory 6
Set VM (1/2)
Mobile Convergence Laboratory 7
 螳襾語  覦 Ubuntu れ
Set VM (2/2)
 豕  螻糾 8GB
 Ubuntu OS  螻糾 + 留
Mobile Convergence Laboratory 8
Install Ubuntu (1/2)
Mobile Convergence Laboratory 9
Install Ubuntu (2/2)
 username : sdn // れ 語ろ伎 れ  
Mobile Convergence Laboratory 10
VM Network Setting
 れ 竪 ろ語 竪 企 1 竪 NAT
 For connecting internet
 れ 竪 ろ語 竪 企 2 竪 語ろ  企
 For communicating ONOS cluster member
Structure of Machines
 れ 語ろ伎 れ ,  襾語れ 蟲譟
Mobile Convergence Laboratory 12
Physical machine
Virtual machine Virtual machine Virtual machine
Instance 1 Instance 2 Instance 3
Eth0 Eth1 Eth0 Eth1 Eth0 Eth1
Host-Only Network
Structure of Machines
 れ 語ろ伎 れ ,  襾語れ 蟲譟
Mobile Convergence Laboratory 13
Physical machine
Virtual machine Virtual machine Virtual machine
Instance 1 Instance 2 Instance 3
Eth0 Eth1 Eth0 Eth1 Eth0 Eth1
Host-Only Network
 れ 譴
語ろ伎 Instance Duplication
ONOS - Install
Single Instance setting
1. Getting ONOS
2. Installing ONOS
3. Start ONOS
Mobile Convergence Laboratory 14
1. Install Java 8
$ sudo apt-get install software-properties-common -y
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java -y
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer oracle-java8-set-default
Mobile Convergence Laboratory 15
Single Instance Setting (1/10)
1. Install Java 8
Mobile Convergence Laboratory 16
Single Instance Setting (1/10)
 Java8 殊伎
2. Configure Java Path
 on Ubuntu
$ env | grep JAVA_HOME
$ export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle
Mobile Convergence Laboratory 17
Single Instance Setting (2/10)
3. Install Git
$ sudo apt-get install git-core
$ git --version
Mobile Convergence Laboratory 18
Single Instance Setting (3/10)
4. Set Maven
$ cd; mkdir Downloads Applications
$ cd Downloads
$ wget http://archive.apache.org/dist/maven/maven-
$ tar -zxvf apache-maven-3.3.9-bin.tar.gz -C ../Applications/
Mobile Convergence Laboratory 19
Single Instance Setting (4/10)
4. Set Maven
$ cd; mkdir Downloads Applications
$ cd Downloads
$ wget http://archive.apache.org/dist/maven/maven-
$ tar -zxvf apache-maven-3.3.9-bin.tar.gz -C ../Applications/
Mobile Convergence Laboratory 20
Single Instance Setting (4/10)
static path
5. Set Karaf
$ cd Downloads
$ wget http://archive.apache.org/dist/karaf/3.0.5/apache-karaf-
$ tar -zxvf apache-karaf-3.0.5.tar.gz -C ../Applications/
Mobile Convergence Laboratory 21
Single Instance Setting (5/10)
6. Clone ONOS
$ cd ~/
$ git clone https://gerrit.onosproject.org/onos/
$ cd onos
if> getting specific ONOS version
$ git checkout onos-1.5
Mobile Convergence Laboratory 22
Single Instance Setting (6/10)
7. Configure ONOS Path
$ export ONOS_ROOT=~/onos
$ source $ONOS_ROOT/tools/dev/bash_profile
Mobile Convergence Laboratory 23
Single Instance Setting (7/10)
# add bash
sudo vi /etc/bash.bashrc
export ONOS_ROOT=~/onos
source $ONOS_ROOT/tools/dev/bash_profile
8. Build ONOS
$ cd ~/onos
$ mvn clean install
Mobile Convergence Laboratory 24
觜 炎概
Single Instance Setting (8/10)
9. Start ONOS CLI
$ ok clean
Mobile Convergence Laboratory 25
Single Instance Setting (9/10)
10. Start ONOS GUI
 start ONOS (ONOS CLI)
 In web browser
Default ID: karaf / PW: karaf
Mobile Convergence Laboratory 26
Single Instance Setting (10/10)
Mobile Convergence Laboratory 27
Mobile Convergence Laboratory 28
Activate ONOS app
onos> app activate <APP_NAME>
onos> app deactivate <APP_NAME>
Mobile Convergence Laboratory 29
1. mininet 伎 螳 ろ 蟆 蟲豢
2. Open vSwitch襯 伎 覓朱Μ ろ 蟆 蟲豢
Mobile Convergence Laboratory 30
 Open source ろ語 覡危
 ろ語 ろ, 覯蟾 煙 襦 螳
  Linux kernel  覦 螳 螳 host, switch, router 蟲豢
 螳 node Linux sw襯 ろ螳
 wireshark, tcpdump, web server, etc
 OpenFlow 讌
 Python API襯 伎 custom topology 
Mobile Convergence Laboratory 31
1. mininet 伎 螳 ろ 蟆 蟲豢 (1/6)
mininet れ
 Ubuntu package
 $ apt-get install mininet
 $ sudo mn
 Source build
 $ git clone git://github.com/mininet/mininet.git
 $ ./mininet/util/install.sh -nfw
 $ sudo mn
Mobile Convergence Laboratory 32
1. mininet 伎 螳 ろ 蟆 蟲豢 (2/6)
启讌  覦 ONOS 磯
 mininet 伎 tree 启讌 
 // OpenFlow 1.0 蟆曙, 6633 碁ゼ , ONOS OpenFlow 1.0螻 1.3襷 讌
 $ sudo mn -- [topology][,depth=][,fanout=]
 $ sudo mn --topo tree,2,3 --controller=remote,ip=,port=6633
Mobile Convergence Laboratory 33
1. mininet 伎 螳 ろ 蟆 蟲豢 (3/6)
Python 伎
mininet 貉れろ
ping test & host discovery
mininet> pingall
Mobile Convergence Laboratory 34
襷 SDN controlle襯
磯讌 る
pingall ろ 
unreachable 覓語 覦
( 覓語)
1. mininet 伎 螳 ろ 蟆 蟲豢 (4/6)
ping test & host discovery
Mobile Convergence Laboratory 35
1. mininet 伎 螳 ろ 蟆 蟲豢 (5/6)
mininet tool
 node terminal 
 xterm <node_name>
 <node_name> ifconfig
 <src_node_name> ping <dst_node_name>
 node螳 郁屋 覲 豢
Mobile Convergence Laboratory 36
1. mininet 伎 螳 ろ 蟆 蟲豢 (6/6)
Open vSwitch襯 伎 覓朱Μ ろ 蟆 蟲豢
 PC/Server/RaspberryPi襯 蠍磯朱 OpenFlow れ豺襯 蟲豢
 ろ碁襦 れ 襷  覦 ろ 螳
Mobile Convergence Laboratory 37
Open vSwitch襯 伎 覓朱Μ ろ 蟆 蟲豢
Mobile Convergence Laboratory 38
 Pi Stack Switch
 襴 蠍磯企朱 Raspberry Pi  螻殊 蠏碁襦
Mobile Convergence Laboratory 39
れ 貂殊 襷 れ 覦 ろ
Mobile Convergence Laboratory 40
Pi only SDN (1/3)
Raspberry Pi
Mobile Convergence Laboratory 41
Pi only SDN (2/3)
ONOS controller
Pi Stack Switch
(SDN Switch)
Mobile Convergence Laboratory 42
Pi only SDN (3/3)
Raspberry Pi Screen running ONOS
Mobile Convergence Laboratory 43

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豢 蟾
[OpenStack Days Korea 2016] Track4 - ろろ 螻給 - 貉るる ろ磯 覿螻 螳
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OpenStack Korea Community
Open vSwitch Mininet 伎 螳 ろ語 炎骸 OpenDaylight襯 ろ語 伎ろ
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ONOS - setting, configuration, installation, and test

  • 1. ONOS SDN Controller れ 覿 覦 SDN 螳覦 Mobile Convergence Lab, Computer Engineering, Kyung Hee University Sangyun Han Email : sangyun0628@khu.ac.kr SDN/NFV 企, れ, 豕 [ONOS 蟆曙れ, 觜 覦 ろ 蟆 蟲豢]
  • 2. Setting Mobile Convergence Laboratory 2 覈谿 A Table of Contents Install Test 蟆曙れ 螳襾語 , ろ語 蟆 れ 譟伎SW れ 覦 觜 蟯 ろ れ 覦 覲 れ, 觜 ろ 蟆 蟲豢 SDN 貉碁, ろ碁ゼ 覓朱Μ 覦 螳 蟆 Q&A 讌
  • 3. Prerequisites Ubuntu 14.04 LTS 64bits 2GB or more RAM 2 or more processors 8GB or more storage Java 8 JDK Apache Maven(3.3.9 and later) Apache Karaf(3.0.5 and later) Git Mobile Convergence Laboratory 3
  • 4. 螻給 VM instance Ubuntu 14.04 LTS 2GB memory 12GB hard disk (dynamic allocation) eth0 NAT / eth1 host-only username : sdn password : mclab Mobile Convergence Laboratory 4
  • 5. Setting 1. Installing VM 2. Creating VM instance 3. Configuring network option Mobile Convergence Laboratory 5
  • 6. Virtual Box Virtual Box れ企 覦 れ https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads Ubuntu れ www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop Mobile Convergence Laboratory 6
  • 7. Set VM (1/2) Mobile Convergence Laboratory 7 螳襾語 覦 Ubuntu れ
  • 8. Set VM (2/2) ろ 豕 螻糾 8GB Ubuntu OS 螻糾 + 留 Mobile Convergence Laboratory 8
  • 9. Install Ubuntu (1/2) Mobile Convergence Laboratory 9
  • 10. Install Ubuntu (2/2) username : sdn // れ 語ろ伎 れ Mobile Convergence Laboratory 10
  • 11. VM Network Setting れ 竪 ろ語 竪 企 1 竪 NAT For connecting internet れ 竪 ろ語 竪 企 2 竪 語ろ 企 For communicating ONOS cluster member 11
  • 12. Structure of Machines れ 語ろ伎 れ , 襾語れ 蟲譟 Mobile Convergence Laboratory 12 Internet Physical machine Virtual machine Virtual machine Virtual machine Instance 1 Instance 2 Instance 3 Eth0 Eth1 Eth0 Eth1 Eth0 Eth1 Host-Only Network
  • 13. Structure of Machines れ 語ろ伎 れ , 襾語れ 蟲譟 Mobile Convergence Laboratory 13 Internet Physical machine Virtual machine Virtual machine Virtual machine Instance 1 Instance 2 Instance 3 Eth0 Eth1 Eth0 Eth1 Eth0 Eth1 Host-Only Network れ 譴 語ろ伎 Instance Duplication
  • 14. ONOS - Install Single Instance setting 1. Getting ONOS 2. Installing ONOS 3. Start ONOS Mobile Convergence Laboratory 14 https://wiki.onosproject.org/display/ONOS/Installing+and+Running+ONOS
  • 15. 1. Install Java 8 $ sudo apt-get install software-properties-common -y $ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java -y $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer oracle-java8-set-default Mobile Convergence Laboratory 15 Single Instance Setting (1/10)
  • 16. 1. Install Java 8 Mobile Convergence Laboratory 16 Single Instance Setting (1/10) Java8 殊伎
  • 17. 2. Configure Java Path on Ubuntu $ env | grep JAVA_HOME JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle $ export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle Mobile Convergence Laboratory 17 Single Instance Setting (2/10)
  • 18. 3. Install Git $ sudo apt-get install git-core $ git --version Mobile Convergence Laboratory 18 Single Instance Setting (3/10)
  • 19. 4. Set Maven $ cd; mkdir Downloads Applications $ cd Downloads $ wget http://archive.apache.org/dist/maven/maven- 3/3.3.9/binaries/apache-maven-3.3.9-bin.tar.gz $ tar -zxvf apache-maven-3.3.9-bin.tar.gz -C ../Applications/ Mobile Convergence Laboratory 19 Single Instance Setting (4/10)
  • 20. 4. Set Maven $ cd; mkdir Downloads Applications $ cd Downloads $ wget http://archive.apache.org/dist/maven/maven- 3/3.3.9/binaries/apache-maven-3.3.9-bin.tar.gz $ tar -zxvf apache-maven-3.3.9-bin.tar.gz -C ../Applications/ Mobile Convergence Laboratory 20 Single Instance Setting (4/10) 譴! static path
  • 21. 5. Set Karaf $ cd Downloads $ wget http://archive.apache.org/dist/karaf/3.0.5/apache-karaf- 3.0.5.tar.gz $ tar -zxvf apache-karaf-3.0.5.tar.gz -C ../Applications/ Mobile Convergence Laboratory 21 Single Instance Setting (5/10)
  • 22. 6. Clone ONOS $ cd ~/ $ git clone https://gerrit.onosproject.org/onos/ $ cd onos if> getting specific ONOS version $ git checkout onos-1.5 Mobile Convergence Laboratory 22 Single Instance Setting (6/10)
  • 23. 7. Configure ONOS Path $ export ONOS_ROOT=~/onos $ source $ONOS_ROOT/tools/dev/bash_profile Mobile Convergence Laboratory 23 Single Instance Setting (7/10) # add bash sudo vi /etc/bash.bashrc export ONOS_ROOT=~/onos source $ONOS_ROOT/tools/dev/bash_profile
  • 24. 8. Build ONOS $ cd ~/onos $ mvn clean install Mobile Convergence Laboratory 24 觜 炎概 Single Instance Setting (8/10)
  • 25. 9. Start ONOS CLI $ ok clean Mobile Convergence Laboratory 25 Single Instance Setting (9/10)
  • 26. 10. Start ONOS GUI start ONOS (ONOS CLI) In web browser http://localhost:8181/onos/ui/login.html Default ID: karaf / PW: karaf Mobile Convergence Laboratory 26 Single Instance Setting (10/10)
  • 29. Activate ONOS app onos> app activate <APP_NAME> onos> app deactivate <APP_NAME> Mobile Convergence Laboratory 29
  • 30. Test 1. mininet 伎 螳 ろ 蟆 蟲豢 2. Open vSwitch襯 伎 覓朱Μ ろ 蟆 蟲豢 Mobile Convergence Laboratory 30
  • 31. Mininet Open source ろ語 覡危 ろ語 ろ, 覯蟾 煙 襦 螳 Linux kernel 覦 螳 螳 host, switch, router 蟲豢 螳 node Linux sw襯 ろ螳 wireshark, tcpdump, web server, etc OpenFlow 讌 Python API襯 伎 custom topology Mobile Convergence Laboratory 31 1. mininet 伎 螳 ろ 蟆 蟲豢 (1/6)
  • 32. mininet れ Ubuntu package $ apt-get install mininet $ sudo mn Source build $ git clone git://github.com/mininet/mininet.git $ ./mininet/util/install.sh -nfw $ sudo mn Mobile Convergence Laboratory 32 1. mininet 伎 螳 ろ 蟆 蟲豢 (2/6)
  • 33. 启讌 覦 ONOS 磯 mininet 伎 tree 启讌 // OpenFlow 1.0 蟆曙, 6633 碁ゼ , ONOS OpenFlow 1.0螻 1.3襷 讌 $ sudo mn -- [topology][,depth=][,fanout=] $ sudo mn --topo tree,2,3 --controller=remote,ip=,port=6633 Mobile Convergence Laboratory 33 1. mininet 伎 螳 ろ 蟆 蟲豢 (3/6) Python 伎 mininet 貉れろ 启讌
  • 34. ping test & host discovery mininet> pingall Mobile Convergence Laboratory 34 襷 SDN controlle襯 磯讌 る pingall ろ unreachable 覓語 覦 ( 覓語) 1. mininet 伎 螳 ろ 蟆 蟲豢 (4/6)
  • 35. ping test & host discovery Mobile Convergence Laboratory 35 1. mininet 伎 螳 ろ 蟆 蟲豢 (5/6)
  • 36. mininet tool xterm node terminal xterm <node_name> ifconfig <node_name> ifconfig ping <src_node_name> ping <dst_node_name> net node螳 郁屋 覲 豢 Mobile Convergence Laboratory 36 1. mininet 伎 螳 ろ 蟆 蟲豢 (6/6)
  • 37. Open vSwitch襯 伎 覓朱Μ ろ 蟆 蟲豢 PC/Server/RaspberryPi襯 蠍磯朱 OpenFlow れ豺襯 蟲豢 ろ碁襦 れ 襷 覦 ろ 螳 Mobile Convergence Laboratory 37
  • 38. Open vSwitch襯 伎 覓朱Μ ろ 蟆 蟲豢 Mobile Convergence Laboratory 38 Pi Stack Switch https://github.com/MobileConvergenceLab/pi-switch 襴 蠍磯企朱 Raspberry Pi 螻殊 蠏碁襦 螳
  • 39. Mobile Convergence Laboratory 39 れ 貂殊 襷 れ 覦 ろ
  • 40. Mobile Convergence Laboratory 40 Pi only SDN (1/3) Raspberry Pi
  • 41. Mobile Convergence Laboratory 41 Pi only SDN (2/3) ONOS controller Pi Stack Switch (SDN Switch)
  • 42. Mobile Convergence Laboratory 42 Pi only SDN (3/3) Raspberry Pi Screen running ONOS