Infinum Android Talks #04 - How to publish an Android archive (.aar) to Maven...Denis_infinum
In this lecture we show you how to publish your android library to Maven Central for simple inclusion in any Android Studio project, complete with example code - the whole deal.
Couchbase Lite is a NoSQL mobile database that uses a document data model with key-value pairs and handles data one document at a time. It supports push and pull replication for syncing documents between devices and servers, including both continuous and one-shot replication with options for persistent or non-persistent settings. The document provides details on Couchbase Lite's data structures, basic operations, replication features, and includes links to related resources and a demo app that uses Cloudant as the backend data layer.
This certificate certifies that Bertrand Sicot successfully completed the requirements for SolidWorks Associate - Mechanical Design and is entitled to receive the associated recognition and benefits. The certificate was awarded on June 12, 2014 for an academic exam taken at the University of Leeds.
SketchUp (o Trimble SketchUp) es un programa de dise単o gr叩fico y modelado en tres dimensiones (3D) basado en caras. Para entornos de arquitectura, ingenier鱈a civil, dise単o industrial, dise単o esc辿nico, GIS, videojuegos o pel鱈culas. Es un programa desarrollado por @Last Software, empresa adquirida por Google en 2006 y finalmente vendida a Trimble en 2012.
The 13th Annual Bridal Showcase will be held on Sunday, January 19th from noon to 4pm at the new location of Central Middle School Auditorium and Gym. Vendors can choose from table top or floor space display areas to showcase their business. The event is coordinated by the Muscatine Journal and will feature a fashion show from noon to 1pm along with vendor displays until 4pm. Set up begins at 8am and tear down must be completed by 4pm. The deadline to sign up is January 7th to receive promotions in the bridal guide. A variety of promotional opportunities are available including bride bag inserts and prizes for brides.
Android Talks #3 Android Design Best Practices - for Designers and DevelopersDenis_infinum
The goal of the presentation is to improve the level of cooperation between designers and developers. Designers will get a look at how the layout designing process for Android works. In turn, developers will learn best practices to better handle design changes and improve code quality.
We've discussed the presentation in advance with both developers and designers, to pinpoint the topics that are of real interest to both parties.
Why use trace cloud to manage your requirements (includes audio)Shambhavi Roy
In any large, distributed project, managing your requirements effectively determines the success of failure of the project. This slide deck identifies some common pitfalls and show solutions to better manage them
Infinum Android Talks #04 - Google Maps Android API utility libraryDenis_infinum
Android maps utils is an open-source library, which provides advanced features for our maps. We'll demonstrate the most important set of features on live examples, like heatmaps, marker clustering and spherical geometry algorithms.
Android lint tool is a static code analysis tool that checks your Android project source files for potential bugs and optimization improvements for correctness, security, performance, usability, accessibility, and internationalization.
I'll show few examples and suggestions how we can use it to make application development more enjoyable.
Infinum iOS Talks S01E02 - Things every iOS developer should know about Core ...Denis_infinum
Core Data is a framework for managing and persisting objects in iOS and macOS applications. It allows objects to be saved to and retrieved from persistent storage without having to write any of the data access code directly. Core Data includes entities to represent data, managed object contexts to work with entities, and a persistent store coordinator to coordinate saving to persistent stores like SQLite or custom stores. Entities are represented by managed objects that live within managed object contexts.
The document is an introduction to SQL that covers the basic SQL statements and concepts. It defines SQL and its uses, including retrieving, inserting, updating, and deleting data from databases. It also covers key SQL statements like SELECT, WHERE, ORDER BY, JOIN, and aggregate functions. The document provides syntax examples for each SQL statement and concept discussed.
Nisha Tiwari is a content writer with 1.2 years of experience seeking new assignments. She has strong collaboration, communication, and interpersonal skills, is able to adapt to client needs, and has successfully completed all tasks offered by previous clients. Nisha has a computer diploma and graduated from Jabalpur University in 2007.
Programa de Mentoria Online para professores iniciantes: fases de um processoProfessorPrincipiante
Este artigo descreve as fases de um Programa de Mentoria Online para professores iniciantes da UFSCar, incluindo uma fase inicial de aproxima巽達o, uma fase de desenvolvimento e uma fase de desligamento, cada uma com caracter鱈sticas e objetivos pr坦prios. O programa envolveu 42 professoras iniciantes acompanhadas por 10 mentoras experientes por meio de correspond棚ncia eletr担nica. Os resultados indicam que o processo de mentoria ocorreu em fases distintas que promoveram o desenvolvimento profissional das participantes.
This document discusses distance education and the technologies used to facilitate it. It defines distance education as a formal learning activity that occurs when students and instructors are separated by geographic distance or time, and aims to deliver quality university education to students unable to attend campus physically. Distance education utilizes communications technologies like television, computers, and mail to deliver course material. It can use all forms of technology from print to computers, including radio, TV, video conferencing, e-learning, and previously utilized postal mail and media storage formats. Newer technologies that have enabled distance education include video conferencing, social media, and e-learning over broadband internet connections.
Microsoft's Photo Story is a free Windows program that allows users to create digital storytelling by importing photos, adding titles and narration, customizing motion, including background music, and saving as WMV files. The document provides step-by-step instructions for using Photo Story to arrange pictures, add titles and narration, customize motion between pictures, select or create background music, and save the finished digital story. It also includes self-assessment questions to check understanding of key features of the Photo Story program.
This document discusses copper and copper alloys, including their properties, extraction, production, uses, and applications. It covers the physical properties of copper, its major ores, and worldwide production levels. Extraction techniques for copper from sulfide and oxide ores are described, involving processes like froth flotation, roasting, smelting, and electrolytic refining. Key copper alloys like brasses, bronzes, cupronickels, and nickel silvers are classified and their phase diagrams discussed. Major applications of copper and its alloys span building construction, pressure vessels, marine uses, and more.
This document provides an overview of a marketing project submitted by a student named Aftab Manihar for their Bachelor of Management Studies program. The project discusses the key components of a company's marketing environment, including the microenvironment made up of customers, suppliers, competitors, publics, and the company itself. It also examines the macroenvironment which includes broader demographic, economic, technological, political, cultural and natural forces outside a company's control. The document outlines the importance of environmental scanning for a company to monitor changes in these internal and external factors and avoid strategic surprises.
De prachtige ligging in het zuiden van Groningen, in de regio Westerwolde, aan de uitlopers van de Drentsche Hondsrug, ook wel het andere Groningen genoemd, zal u absoluut verrassen. Er wordt niet voor niks gezegd; het mooiste stukje van Drenthe ligt in Groningen. Komt u het ook zelf ontdekken?
Infinum Android Talks #04 - Google Maps Android API utility libraryDenis_infinum
Android maps utils is an open-source library, which provides advanced features for our maps. We'll demonstrate the most important set of features on live examples, like heatmaps, marker clustering and spherical geometry algorithms.
Android lint tool is a static code analysis tool that checks your Android project source files for potential bugs and optimization improvements for correctness, security, performance, usability, accessibility, and internationalization.
I'll show few examples and suggestions how we can use it to make application development more enjoyable.
Infinum iOS Talks S01E02 - Things every iOS developer should know about Core ...Denis_infinum
Core Data is a framework for managing and persisting objects in iOS and macOS applications. It allows objects to be saved to and retrieved from persistent storage without having to write any of the data access code directly. Core Data includes entities to represent data, managed object contexts to work with entities, and a persistent store coordinator to coordinate saving to persistent stores like SQLite or custom stores. Entities are represented by managed objects that live within managed object contexts.
The document is an introduction to SQL that covers the basic SQL statements and concepts. It defines SQL and its uses, including retrieving, inserting, updating, and deleting data from databases. It also covers key SQL statements like SELECT, WHERE, ORDER BY, JOIN, and aggregate functions. The document provides syntax examples for each SQL statement and concept discussed.
Nisha Tiwari is a content writer with 1.2 years of experience seeking new assignments. She has strong collaboration, communication, and interpersonal skills, is able to adapt to client needs, and has successfully completed all tasks offered by previous clients. Nisha has a computer diploma and graduated from Jabalpur University in 2007.
Programa de Mentoria Online para professores iniciantes: fases de um processoProfessorPrincipiante
Este artigo descreve as fases de um Programa de Mentoria Online para professores iniciantes da UFSCar, incluindo uma fase inicial de aproxima巽達o, uma fase de desenvolvimento e uma fase de desligamento, cada uma com caracter鱈sticas e objetivos pr坦prios. O programa envolveu 42 professoras iniciantes acompanhadas por 10 mentoras experientes por meio de correspond棚ncia eletr担nica. Os resultados indicam que o processo de mentoria ocorreu em fases distintas que promoveram o desenvolvimento profissional das participantes.
This document discusses distance education and the technologies used to facilitate it. It defines distance education as a formal learning activity that occurs when students and instructors are separated by geographic distance or time, and aims to deliver quality university education to students unable to attend campus physically. Distance education utilizes communications technologies like television, computers, and mail to deliver course material. It can use all forms of technology from print to computers, including radio, TV, video conferencing, e-learning, and previously utilized postal mail and media storage formats. Newer technologies that have enabled distance education include video conferencing, social media, and e-learning over broadband internet connections.
Microsoft's Photo Story is a free Windows program that allows users to create digital storytelling by importing photos, adding titles and narration, customizing motion, including background music, and saving as WMV files. The document provides step-by-step instructions for using Photo Story to arrange pictures, add titles and narration, customize motion between pictures, select or create background music, and save the finished digital story. It also includes self-assessment questions to check understanding of key features of the Photo Story program.
This document discusses copper and copper alloys, including their properties, extraction, production, uses, and applications. It covers the physical properties of copper, its major ores, and worldwide production levels. Extraction techniques for copper from sulfide and oxide ores are described, involving processes like froth flotation, roasting, smelting, and electrolytic refining. Key copper alloys like brasses, bronzes, cupronickels, and nickel silvers are classified and their phase diagrams discussed. Major applications of copper and its alloys span building construction, pressure vessels, marine uses, and more.
This document provides an overview of a marketing project submitted by a student named Aftab Manihar for their Bachelor of Management Studies program. The project discusses the key components of a company's marketing environment, including the microenvironment made up of customers, suppliers, competitors, publics, and the company itself. It also examines the macroenvironment which includes broader demographic, economic, technological, political, cultural and natural forces outside a company's control. The document outlines the importance of environmental scanning for a company to monitor changes in these internal and external factors and avoid strategic surprises.
De prachtige ligging in het zuiden van Groningen, in de regio Westerwolde, aan de uitlopers van de Drentsche Hondsrug, ook wel het andere Groningen genoemd, zal u absoluut verrassen. Er wordt niet voor niks gezegd; het mooiste stukje van Drenthe ligt in Groningen. Komt u het ook zelf ontdekken?