Developers and asset managers operate in two different worlds with little trust between them. Developers are concerned that asset managers will not respect their intellectual property rights or have the expertise to properly evaluate investment strategies. There is also no independent party to vet strategies and ensure a constructive long-term relationship between the parties.
Identifying Your Agency's Vulnerabilities Emily2014
This document provides an overview of operational risks and how to identify vulnerabilities within an agency. It discusses the types of operational risks including people, processes, systems, and external events. An operational risk assessment can show where gaps have opened in existing programs related to human error, lack of procedures, system failures, and external dependencies. The document recommends not relying on historical data alone to predict future risks, and suggests improving communication and managing risks in real time. It also provides examples of how to assess risks from vendors and contractors through background checks, contract terms, and onsite reviews.
Ringkasan dokumen tersebut adalah:
1. Dokumen tersebut merupakan laporan praktikum fisika tentang penjumlahan vektor gaya.
2. Percobaan dilakukan dengan menggunakan dinamometer dan beban untuk mengukur gaya dengan panjang tali yang berbeda.
3. Hasilnya menunjukkan besarnya resultan vektor gaya akan semakin besar seiring dengan besarnya gaya awal dan sudut di antara kedua vektor gaya a
El documento explica el significado del Mi辿rcoles de Ceniza y la tradici坦n de ponerse ceniza en la frente en esta fecha. Se単ala que para algunos es una costumbre supersticiosa o una oportunidad de presumir, mientras que en realidad conmemora el arrepentimiento por los pecados y la mortalidad humana, prepar叩ndonos para celebrar la pasi坦n, muerte y resurrecci坦n de Cristo durante la Cuaresma.
This document proposes an app called Charades for Mobile that allows users to play charades asynchronously with friends over video. Users select a phrase to act out on video without sound and send it to a friend, who tries to guess it. The app would include leaderboards, achievements, and monetization through an in-app store to purchase items like video filters or longer video times. Questions about the proposal can be directed to the listed contacts.
El documento explora por qu辿 las personas gritan cuando est叩n enojadas. Un maestro explica que cuando dos personas est叩n enojadas, sus corazones se alejan, por lo que deben gritar fuerte para poder escucharse el uno al otro a trav辿s de la gran distancia. En contraste, cuando dos personas se aman, sus corazones est叩n muy cerca, por lo que solo necesitan hablar suavemente o susurrar. El maestro concluye enfatizando la importancia de mantener la cercan鱈a del coraz坦n durante los conflictos para evitar que la distancia se haga demasiado
Mobario developed the super-widget technology, which enables mobile users to stay connected to their favourite content and social networks, at any time and on top of any app. The super-widget enhances the mobile experience, allowing users to consume content while interacting with any other app, i.e composing an email while reading recent tweets; or watching a YouTube video while posting a Facebook status.
Mobario's unique On-Top-Widget adds a customizable media layer above' any active app, allowing the users to stay updated with their social activities and favorite content at all times, while interacting with any another app. For example, you can post a Facebook status while watching a video on YouTube, without having to switch apps.
Integrating the Mobario SDK in your apps, will improve the mobile experience of your users while you keep your revenue stream flowing whenever the mobile device is in use, on top of any application currently active, based on high accessibility to search engines and Offers wall. Our team will work very, very closely with the first round of developers to join our platform to ensure smooth and effortless integration.
SKF is a leading manufacturer of lubrication products and systems for rotating machinery. Their catalog provides an overview of their extensive product offerings, which include lubricants, manual lubrication tools, automatic lubricators, centralized lubrication systems, and accessories. SKF has over 100 years of experience in bearings and lubrication science. They offer a wide range of greases and oils that are carefully formulated for different applications based on extensive research.
Port of seattle security presentation david morrisEmily2014
This document discusses cyber security threats and recommendations for addressing them. It begins with an overview of the history of threats like Melissa in 1999 and Slammer in 2003. Today's threats are described as persistent, sophisticated, and targeted. The document then outlines the anatomy of a common attack involving phishing emails, drive-by downloads, gaining access to internal networks, and exfiltrating data. It recommends building a strong security foundation with controls and guidelines, developing an incident response plan, and establishing partnerships for assistance in responding to incidents.
The document summarizes Washington state's efforts to improve cybersecurity planning and response capabilities. It discusses the development of a cyber integrated project team to create a cyber incident annex and concept of operations. The annex and CONOPS outline how the National Guard can support the state's cyber continuum from steady state to significant incident response. Planned cyber exercises in 2013 aim to validate the coordination framework and National Guard support concepts. To date, accomplishments include funding for cyber planning and a National Guard exercise through DHS grants.
El documento ofrece informaci坦n sobre las consecuencias del sexo libre, incluyendo embarazos no deseados, enfermedades de transmisi坦n sexual como el VIH/SIDA, s鱈filis y herpes. Advierte sobre los riesgos para la salud del aborto, el sexo oral y anal. Resalta que el 炭nico modo seguro de prevenir estas consecuencias es mediante la fidelidad y abstinencia sexual.
El documento describe el problema del abuso sexual infantil en Per炭, se単alando que la mayor鱈a de los agresores son personas conocidas por las v鱈ctimas como familiares o amigos cercanos. Tambi辿n detalla signos f鱈sicos y emocionales de abuso, estad鱈sticas alarmantes sobre la prevalencia del problema, y recomienda la necesidad de educar a los ni単os, investigar acusaciones de abuso, y buscar ayuda de profesionales para detener el ciclo de abuso.
Developers and asset managers operate in two different worlds with little trust between them. Developers are concerned that asset managers will not respect their intellectual property rights or have the expertise to properly evaluate investment strategies. There is also no independent party to vet strategies and ensure a constructive long-term relationship between the parties.
Identifying Your Agency's Vulnerabilities Emily2014
This document provides an overview of operational risks and how to identify vulnerabilities within an agency. It discusses the types of operational risks including people, processes, systems, and external events. An operational risk assessment can show where gaps have opened in existing programs related to human error, lack of procedures, system failures, and external dependencies. The document recommends not relying on historical data alone to predict future risks, and suggests improving communication and managing risks in real time. It also provides examples of how to assess risks from vendors and contractors through background checks, contract terms, and onsite reviews.
Ringkasan dokumen tersebut adalah:
1. Dokumen tersebut merupakan laporan praktikum fisika tentang penjumlahan vektor gaya.
2. Percobaan dilakukan dengan menggunakan dinamometer dan beban untuk mengukur gaya dengan panjang tali yang berbeda.
3. Hasilnya menunjukkan besarnya resultan vektor gaya akan semakin besar seiring dengan besarnya gaya awal dan sudut di antara kedua vektor gaya a
El documento explica el significado del Mi辿rcoles de Ceniza y la tradici坦n de ponerse ceniza en la frente en esta fecha. Se単ala que para algunos es una costumbre supersticiosa o una oportunidad de presumir, mientras que en realidad conmemora el arrepentimiento por los pecados y la mortalidad humana, prepar叩ndonos para celebrar la pasi坦n, muerte y resurrecci坦n de Cristo durante la Cuaresma.
This document proposes an app called Charades for Mobile that allows users to play charades asynchronously with friends over video. Users select a phrase to act out on video without sound and send it to a friend, who tries to guess it. The app would include leaderboards, achievements, and monetization through an in-app store to purchase items like video filters or longer video times. Questions about the proposal can be directed to the listed contacts.
El documento explora por qu辿 las personas gritan cuando est叩n enojadas. Un maestro explica que cuando dos personas est叩n enojadas, sus corazones se alejan, por lo que deben gritar fuerte para poder escucharse el uno al otro a trav辿s de la gran distancia. En contraste, cuando dos personas se aman, sus corazones est叩n muy cerca, por lo que solo necesitan hablar suavemente o susurrar. El maestro concluye enfatizando la importancia de mantener la cercan鱈a del coraz坦n durante los conflictos para evitar que la distancia se haga demasiado
Mobario developed the super-widget technology, which enables mobile users to stay connected to their favourite content and social networks, at any time and on top of any app. The super-widget enhances the mobile experience, allowing users to consume content while interacting with any other app, i.e composing an email while reading recent tweets; or watching a YouTube video while posting a Facebook status.
Mobario's unique On-Top-Widget adds a customizable media layer above' any active app, allowing the users to stay updated with their social activities and favorite content at all times, while interacting with any another app. For example, you can post a Facebook status while watching a video on YouTube, without having to switch apps.
Integrating the Mobario SDK in your apps, will improve the mobile experience of your users while you keep your revenue stream flowing whenever the mobile device is in use, on top of any application currently active, based on high accessibility to search engines and Offers wall. Our team will work very, very closely with the first round of developers to join our platform to ensure smooth and effortless integration.
SKF is a leading manufacturer of lubrication products and systems for rotating machinery. Their catalog provides an overview of their extensive product offerings, which include lubricants, manual lubrication tools, automatic lubricators, centralized lubrication systems, and accessories. SKF has over 100 years of experience in bearings and lubrication science. They offer a wide range of greases and oils that are carefully formulated for different applications based on extensive research.
Port of seattle security presentation david morrisEmily2014
This document discusses cyber security threats and recommendations for addressing them. It begins with an overview of the history of threats like Melissa in 1999 and Slammer in 2003. Today's threats are described as persistent, sophisticated, and targeted. The document then outlines the anatomy of a common attack involving phishing emails, drive-by downloads, gaining access to internal networks, and exfiltrating data. It recommends building a strong security foundation with controls and guidelines, developing an incident response plan, and establishing partnerships for assistance in responding to incidents.
The document summarizes Washington state's efforts to improve cybersecurity planning and response capabilities. It discusses the development of a cyber integrated project team to create a cyber incident annex and concept of operations. The annex and CONOPS outline how the National Guard can support the state's cyber continuum from steady state to significant incident response. Planned cyber exercises in 2013 aim to validate the coordination framework and National Guard support concepts. To date, accomplishments include funding for cyber planning and a National Guard exercise through DHS grants.
El documento ofrece informaci坦n sobre las consecuencias del sexo libre, incluyendo embarazos no deseados, enfermedades de transmisi坦n sexual como el VIH/SIDA, s鱈filis y herpes. Advierte sobre los riesgos para la salud del aborto, el sexo oral y anal. Resalta que el 炭nico modo seguro de prevenir estas consecuencias es mediante la fidelidad y abstinencia sexual.
El documento describe el problema del abuso sexual infantil en Per炭, se単alando que la mayor鱈a de los agresores son personas conocidas por las v鱈ctimas como familiares o amigos cercanos. Tambi辿n detalla signos f鱈sicos y emocionales de abuso, estad鱈sticas alarmantes sobre la prevalencia del problema, y recomienda la necesidad de educar a los ni単os, investigar acusaciones de abuso, y buscar ayuda de profesionales para detener el ciclo de abuso.