The document provides a mission strategy that assigns objectives and squad orders to multiple teams. It outlines that teams E, B, and C will hold objectives, while teams D and A will be attacked. Specific squads are assigned to objectives A through E, with squad members and orders listed for each. The overall goal is for all squads to carry out their assigned objectives and member roles in support of the mission strategy.
2. Mission Strategy
? Hold Obj E
? Hold Obj B
? Hold Obj C
? Attack D & A
MI Offices Team Command
E D ? ¡ï KaoS
Army Outpost ? ¡î Monkey Boy
? A- Thonsor
Construction? B- Ginga
A ? C- Adam
AD B Spez
C Warehouses ? D- Danger
Filling Stn
3. A C
98th Airborne Div 62th Motorised I
1. Take 2 Tanks. 1. Take and Hold E
2. Take and Hold C 2. 2 Tanks in
3. Support Spetz at formation.
B 3. Haras and attack
Members D
1. Thonsor Members
2. Zynka 1. Adam N26
3. Terry 2. GodMorpheus
4. ApexP2 3. p33kyboo
5. Charlie 4. Pertetotale
447th Warhawks D
1. Air Superiority 7th Spetznas
2. Anti Air Support 1. Capture B &
Fallback Orders Hold B
3. Support to C if 2. Halo into
required Position
Members Members
1. Ginga 1. Danger
2. Peter 24 2. Scammell
3. Silent 3. Cardenas
4. Coyote 4. KristianSax
5. Szmugglers
6. Mardakki
All squads have summary
orders and members are