Plan International India Chapter introduced Open Defecation Free (ODF) Clinics to address sustainability challenges around communities maintaining ODF status. The clinics are a platform where government officers, community leaders, and monitoring committees can solve issues to ensure community engagement. Plan International helped launch ODF Clinics in the districts of Sonbhadra and Bhadhoi in Uttar Pradesh by facilitating orientations for government administrators and reaching over 1,800 people with information on the clinics. The organization supported documentation of the launch events.
2. Open defecation Free ( ODF) Clinic : An introduction
We aware that the most important objective of the SBM ( Gramin) is achievement &
sustainability of ODF Status. Now villages, GP, block, districts & state are now
becoming ODF but still its sustainability is a major challenges.
So to address the all key issues & maintain the sustainability it is very important that
community have a platform where all these issues solved by the Govt officers,
Pradhan , Swachhagarhis & Nigrani Samiti on local level.
To ensure the community engagement to address all key issues solution under
UNICEF Programme Accelerating ODF in five district of Uttar Pradesh Plan
International has initiated a very innovative approach ODF Clinic i.e. a convergent
action of Health, ICDS, Panchayati Raj department under the supervision of district
magistrate in Bhadhoi & Sonbhadra.
In mirzapur Swachhata Clinic was already launched before 3 month now our team
pushing district administration for its implementation. With our support ODF clinic
roaster is now prepared in Mirzapur & Bhadhoi & in Sonbhadra it is under process.
In bhadhoi we have facilitated one day orientation of ADOs & BC on ODF Clinic for
their understanding & its implementation.
Plan India as a part of its project to accelerate Open Defecation Free (ODF) outcome
in partnership with UNICEF, supports the district administration in five districts of the
country - Ambedkar Nagar, Faizabad, Mirzapur, Bhadoi and Sonbhadra.
A total 1800 persons in Badhoi & 114 in Sonbhadra including Govt officers,
Swachhgrahi, Pradhan, Nigrani Samiti , BC & community leaders school were
reached out through messages on the concept of ODF Clinic .
Plan Indias project team engaged in the process of planning the event, monitoring the
process and also facilitating sessions on ODF Clinic in district level orientation. Team
also supported the district administration for documenting the process.
3. Lauching of ODF Clinic at Sonbhadra & Bhadhoi district
Figure 1ODF clinic launched by DM, CDO & DPRO at Sonbhadra
Figure 2ODF clinic launced by DM, CDO at Bhadhoi
4. Block level orientation at Bhadhoi
Figure 3District Level Orientation on ODF Clinic at Bhadhoi in presence of CDO,
DRPO, DPC by UNICEF & Plan International Consultant