Open Education Resources (OER) are educational materials that can be freely used and modified by others under an open license. OERs provide benefits such as reducing education costs by allowing students to access resources without purchase, sharing high-quality teaching content to prevent instructors from relying on outdated materials, and assisting in course development. However, challenges include potential issues with the quality of some resources, questions around long-term sustainability without continued funding, misunderstandings about open licensing terms, and lack of understanding around appropriate OER usage.
2. What are
Open Education Resources
 Educational materials that have been …
ï‚› released under an open license that
permits free use and repurpose by others.
ï‚› resides in the public domain.
ï‚› (definition by Hewlett Foundation)
3. Benefit
ï‚› Cut down on the cost of education by
providing resources that otherwise
students would need to purchase.
4. Benefit
ï‚› Share the good stuff. As instructors we
can get in a rut of presenting material in
our own way. Sometimes another way of
presenting this may be just what we need!