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Open Source
Erik Zetterstr旦m, ICT Enablers
t12t meetup, November 22 - 2018
Open Source
 Open Source wasnt that a thing 10 years ago?
 What is Open Source?
- Software
source code is released under a license in which the copyright holder grants users the rights to study,
change, and distribute the software to anyone and for any purpose  Wikipedia
- Hardware
- Creative Commons
 License type djungel
(MIT, BSD, GNU GPL,GNU Lesser GPL and more)
Successful Open Source
 Use a commercial friendly license
 Needs a strong community
- too add new features
- maintain the code
- fix and find bugs, vulnerabilities
 Be aware of security risks
- hijacking code for malicious purposes
Accessibility Open
Source Main-stream open source projects
- Can be used to create accessible products and assistive technology
asterisk  Open source framework for communication.
Can for example be used to build a relay service,
or an accessible call center service.
Arduino  Open source hardware.
Can be used to build assistive technology or
provide physical accessibility.
WebRTC  Provides browsers and mobile applications with
Real-Time Communications (RTC) capabilities.
Can be used to build sign-language communication
Accessibility Open
Source Specialized accessibility open source projects
WebSpeech  An easy to use API providing in-browser
speech recognition and speech synthesis.
Can be used for live or video captioning,
or speaking web-sites/services.
Open source in Firefox and Chromium.
NVDA  Open source screen reader.
ATbar  In-browser accessibility toolbar
Accessibility Open
Source Creative Commons license
- 6 different licenses, basic concept; give attribution to the author (BY).
Basic license is CC BY. This is combined with attributes for limitations.
 Media Resources
- Images for various uses
- Symbols for Augmented and Alternative Communication
- Sound effects
- Music
Creative Commons resource list
Revenue Streams
 Build or use an open source base 
build premium features on top
 Build an open source app 
charge for proprietary content
 Build an open source service 
charge for reliable service access
 Build an open source app 
charge for user training and/or installation of the
system/assistive technology
The Crystal Ball
 Open source AI is going to have a big impact on
- Natural language conversation interfaces
- Predicting user intent, actions and input
- Autonomous wheelchairs and guidance systems for people with low vision.
Current open source toolkits: The Microsoft Cognitive toolkit, TensorFlow
 Government entities will adapt to the Software as a
Service approach.
- Making it easier to sell open source accessibility solutions.
 Of the WebSpeech API, ifthere is time 
- Web Captioner
- Webbkonversation.se
Thank you for listening!

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Open Source and Accesssiblity - t12t meetup 181122

  • 1. Open Source and Accessibility Erik Zetterstr旦m, ICT Enablers t12t meetup, November 22 - 2018
  • 2. Open Source Open Source wasnt that a thing 10 years ago? What is Open Source? - Software source code is released under a license in which the copyright holder grants users the rights to study, change, and distribute the software to anyone and for any purpose Wikipedia - Hardware - Creative Commons License type djungel (MIT, BSD, GNU GPL,GNU Lesser GPL and more)
  • 3. Successful Open Source Use a commercial friendly license Needs a strong community - too add new features - maintain the code - fix and find bugs, vulnerabilities Be aware of security risks - hijacking code for malicious purposes
  • 4. Accessibility Open Source Main-stream open source projects - Can be used to create accessible products and assistive technology examples: asterisk Open source framework for communication. Can for example be used to build a relay service, or an accessible call center service. https://www.asterisk.org/ Arduino Open source hardware. Can be used to build assistive technology or provide physical accessibility. https://www.arduino.cc/ WebRTC Provides browsers and mobile applications with Real-Time Communications (RTC) capabilities. Can be used to build sign-language communication services. https://webrtc.org/
  • 5. Accessibility Open Source Specialized accessibility open source projects WebSpeech An easy to use API providing in-browser speech recognition and speech synthesis. Can be used for live or video captioning, or speaking web-sites/services. Open source in Firefox and Chromium. NVDA Open source screen reader. https://www.nvaccess.org/ ATbar In-browser accessibility toolbar https://www.atbar.org/
  • 6. Accessibility Open Source Creative Commons license - 6 different licenses, basic concept; give attribution to the author (BY). Basic license is CC BY. This is combined with attributes for limitations. Media Resources - Images for various uses https://www.flickr.com/creativecommons/ - Symbols for Augmented and Alternative Communication https://www.opensymbols.org/ - Sound effects https://freesound.org/ - Music Creative Commons resource list
  • 7. Revenue Streams Build or use an open source base build premium features on top Build an open source app charge for proprietary content Build an open source service charge for reliable service access Build an open source app charge for user training and/or installation of the system/assistive technology
  • 8. The Crystal Ball Open source AI is going to have a big impact on accessibility! - Natural language conversation interfaces - Predicting user intent, actions and input - Autonomous wheelchairs and guidance systems for people with low vision. Current open source toolkits: The Microsoft Cognitive toolkit, TensorFlow Government entities will adapt to the Software as a Service approach. - Making it easier to sell open source accessibility solutions.
  • 9. Demo Of the WebSpeech API, ifthere is time - Web Captioner - Webbkonversation.se
  • 10. Thank you for listening! erik@ictenablers.com @ICTEnablers