This document provides an introduction and overview of the open source version control system Git. It outlines 10 tasks for learning about Git, including installing Git, understanding version control systems and how Git works, making a website, using basic Git commands like init, status, add, commit, branch, checkout and merge, signing up for GitHub, cloning repositories, resolving conflicts, using pull requests and code reviews, and exploring different Git workflows. Links are provided for downloading Git and for an example pull request. The overall document serves as a guide for getting started with Git.
2. Tasks for today
1. Install git
2. So what is it?
a. But first, lets know VCS
i. Centralised
b. Now about git..
3. Making a website for Codefoster
4. Git init, status, add, commit
5. Git branch, checkout, merge
4. Install Git
Ubuntu & Mint: enter the following command on Terminal
sudo apt-get install git
Windows & Other Linux: search git scm download it.