The document summarizes a private cloud panel discussion with the following key points:
1. The panelists included Ryan Lane from Wikimedia, Jan Drake from Disney, Ross Lillie from Motorola Solutions, and Narayan Desai from Argonne National Laboratory.
2. Contact information was provided for an OpenStack Operators Mailing List for further discussion.
3. The discussion wrapped up by asking where attendees are in their private cloud journey.
2. @devops_borat
After 3 beer I can able use
any of cloud API.
2012 is year of private
cloud, Linux desktop and
establish which of emacs
and vi is better.
Single point of failure in
private cloud is of usually
Unix guy with neckbeard.
3. Panelists
Ryan Lane Jan Drake
Wikimedia Disney
Principal Cloud
Operations Engineer Architect
Ross Lillie Narayan Desai
Motorola Solutions Argonne National
Distinguished Principal
Member of the Experimental Systems
Technical Staff Engineer
4. Wrap Up
Where are we?
OpenStack Operators Mailing List