A quick recap on OpenBanking UK and it's current status, as presented during the OpenID Foundation Workshop at the European Identity Conference in May 2019.
2. Joseph Heenan: FAPI Certification Program May 2019 Update
A Quick Recap
Largest 9 banks (the CMA9) in the UK were found to be having
an adverse effect on competition
UK Government required these 9 banks to implement APIs
similar to PSD2
o 18 months ahead of PSD2 timelines
oUsing a standardised API
o Covering only current accounts
Security profile derived from FAPI-RW specifications
3. Joseph Heenan: FAPI Certification Program May 2019 Update
UK Banks
Largest 9 banks (the CMA9) are using standards derived from
AIB, Barclays, BOI, Danske, HSBC, Lloyds, Nationwide, RBS,
Further UK banks due to deploy same standards
o Sainsburys, Creation, Cynergy, ClearBank, Cumberland BS, Yorkshire
BS, Vanquis,
Currently banks are not returning customer identity
CMA9 have all passed an older (pre-FAPI) version of the FAPI
conformance tool
Banks aligning to FAPI standard within the next year
CIBA is allowed but not required
4. Joseph Heenan: FAPI Certification Program May 2019 Update
UK API Consumers
>23 API-consuming services live with end-users as of March
>38 million API calls in March 2019
Uses vary
o Account aggregation
oAffordability checks
o Credit scoring
o Financial forecasting
Editor's Notes
#4: The smaller banks are effectively required to adopt an established standard by PSD2, as doing otherwise is essentially impossible due to the requirement to prove to the relevant regulator 'is widely used and is easy for TPPs to use, a requirement thats almost impossible for a small bank that few TPPs are keen to integrate with.
Banks are actually aligning to a OB specific profile of API with a few extra requirements, however (unlike the previous Open Banking Security Profile) it is now a true profile, nothing conflicts with or weakens FAPI.