This document summarizes population and infrastructure data from various Cambodian government sources. It compares household and population numbers between the National Committee for Sub National Democratic Development database and the 2008 Census for several communes, finding some differences. It also presents maps of wells across Cambodia from 2010, showing locations of wells and their types overlaid with economic land and mining concession boundaries.
7. NCDD Database 2006 to 2010
The National Committee For Sub National Democratic
Development (NCDD) maintains a database for
public use.
8. Comparisons
Census 2008 and NCDD 2008 (Commune Database Online)
Location NCDD 2008 Census 2008
Province District Commune HH Top HH Top
Kratie Chhlong Chhlong 1,411 9,257 1490 6931
Kratie Chhlong Damrei Phong 1,270 5,626 1534 7198
Kratie Chhlong Damrei
498 2,323 885 4165
Kratie Chhlong Han Chey 1,569 8,177 1520 6856
Kratie Chhlong Kanh Chor 994 5,128 1319 6285
Kratie Chhlong Khsach Andaet 1,125 5,052 1103 4669
Kratie Chhlong Pongro 1,711 9,125 1628 7160
9. Comparisons
Census 2008 and NCDD 2008 (Commune Database Online)
Location NCDD 2008 Census 2008
Province District Commune HH Top HH Top
Ratanakiri Meas
Malik 556 2,535 395 2678
Ratanakiri Meas
Nhang 1,204 5,856 758 5559
Ratanakiri Meas
Ta Lav 451 2,165 371 2128
Ratanakiri Ou Yar Dav Bar Kham 421 2,161 361 2050
Ratanakiri Ou Yar Dav Lum Choar 457 2,384 493 2758
Ratanakiri Ou Yar Dav Pak Nhai 589 2,288 558 3034
Ratanakiri Ou Yar Dav Pate 414 1,996 377 1940
10. Comparisons
Census 2008 and NCDD 2008 (Commune Database Online)
Location NCDD 2008 Census 2008
Province District Commune HH Top HH Top
Kampong Prasat
Thom Sambour
Chhuk 2,204 9,973 2057 9008
Kampong Prasat
Thom Sambour
Koul 1,083 4,641 976 4354
Kampong Prasat
Thom Sambour
Sambour 2,586 12,699 2585 12117
Kampong Prasat
Thom Sambour
Sraeung 1,095 4,958 1059 4966
Kampong Prasat
Thom Sambour
Trang Krasau 2,126 10,157 1974 8957
Sandan Chheu Teal 1,477 7,341 1532 7489
Sandan Dang Kambet 417 2,116 364 2055
11. Wells Map 2010
Wells Map 2010 : 62060 wells
Wells Type : Dug Well , Drilled Well and
Facility : School and Pagoda , Unknown