Student presentation on exhibition evening for parents and visitors. Students used this presentation to explain the process they went through for their inquiry projects.
5. Central IdeaOngoing changes in technologyimpactour society and environment requiringus to use itappropriately and withresponsibility whilemaintainingbalance in our lives.
6. Identifying an area of interestLook back on the page where the class classified the concepts and knowledge in our exhibition topic. Using this list and what you have already learned about the topic, pick the top three areas that you would like to investigate for the exhibition. On each line, write your choice and why you picked it.Area of Interest 1: ________________________________________________Area of interest 2: ________________________________________________Area of interest 3: _________________________________________________On the lines below, write the names of three people that you would like to work with during the exhibition and why you chose that person. Think about the PYP profile and attitudes, the work qualities those people have, and how they could help you and your group have a successful exhibition experience.Person 1: _______________________________________________________Person 2: _______________________________________________________Person 3:_______________________________________________________Planning and Preparing
23. Our program5 essential elementsKnowledge: WhatweknowConcepts: WhatweunderstandSkills: Whatwe are able to doAttitudes: WhatwedemonstrateActions: Howweact
39. Por favor den su feedback a los alumnos en papel o en l鱈nea. ComedorAnd much more!
40. Cambio de TurnoPor favor permanezcaen el 叩rea que le corresponde hasta las 19:45.
41. El sonido de una campanilla marcar叩 el cambio de turno. GruposGrupos con nombres de alumnos correspondientes a los Gorilas o Tel辿fonos est叩n publicados en: