Audience research involves interacting with specific demographic groups to understand their interests, behaviors, and opinions. This information can be used to improve media products and determine their popularity. Both quantitative and qualitative methods are used. Quantitative research examines statistics like ratings, circulation figures, box office numbers, and sales to analyze what programs, newspapers, films, music, and games are most and least popular. Qualitative research seeks in-depth viewer perspectives through sources like film and game reviews, fan websites, and collecting attitudes towards media products. The goal is to better understand audiences and make informed decisions about content.
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Opening sequences and films
1. Opening Sequences and films
Programme ratingsare usedto see howmuch of the audience are entertainedbyshowsandhow
popularthe showsare.Thiscan be usedto determine atthe endof the serieswhetherthe
programme can continue beingairedornot.Circulationfiguressetratesforadvertising.Itisalways
the amountof something.The figuresare usedtosee the mostpopularand the leastpopular
newspapers inalocal area resultinginwhyone newspaperisdoingbetterthananotherone.
YouTube isa website andapplicationwithhitssuchasmillionsof subscriptionseachday,over1
billionpeopleaccessYouTube eachdayand everyminute,thereare 100 hoursof videosare
uploaded.Box office figuresshowsthe title,the rank,the countryitoriginatedfrom, the film
distributors, the numberof cinemasitwasshownin,the site average,the date release,the
percentagesandhowmanyweeksitwasshown.CDsand DVDs salesaware people of the bestand
mostpopularand the leastpopular.
Audience Research
Audience researchisaresearchwhere youare interactingwithspecificsegmentsof people togather
informationwhichcouldbe whattheyare interestedin,there issues,behaviours,preferences
knowledge andwhattheythinkof whatyourbringingtothem.The specificaudiencesthatthismay
be targetedat are certainraces,ethnicitiesandage.The purpose of thisisto get a betterviewpoint
of whatthe audience likesanddislikesenablingyoutoalterand decisionsalreadymade.
Filmreviewsare asource of thisresearch.Thisisdone a specificpersonratingafilmoutof 5 stars
with5 beingexcellentand1 beingpoor.Thisthenleadstoan explanationof whattheythoughtof
the whole entire movie.Anothersource of thisresearchare game reviews.Thisisdone byplayinga
specificgame andafterplayinggivingashortoverview of the game withoutrevealingthe game.
Graphics, musicand cinematographymaybe commented.Fanzine websitesare similarto
magazineswhere people putstuff theyhave certaininterestsinmostcommonly,sportsandmusic.
Attitudestomediaproductsisanothersource,itgetsthe thoughtsof specificpeoplewhocouldbe
dislikedbythe publicbutcouldbe makingsense onthe thingtheyare sayingabouta specific