9. OpenStack user survey_user perspectives
? Which emerging technologies interest OpenStack user?
10. OpenStack user survey deployments
? Which projects are OpenStack users most interested in?
11. OpenStack user survey deployment decisions
? Which OpenStack Network (Neutron) drivers are in use?
12. OpenStack user survey current issues
? Which Neutron features are actively used, interested in, or planned for use?
15. Keynote
? OpenStack ¡°Mitaka¡± Release
¨C 178 Countries / 345 Organizations / 2,336 Developers
¨C 3,500,000 lines of code
¨C Speaker: Jonathan Bryce (Executive Director, OpenStack Foundation)
16. Keynote
? OpenStack user interested
¨C Containers, NFV/SDN, Bare Metal
¨C OpenStack already prepared
¨C Speaker: Mark Collier (Chief Operating Officer, OpenStack Foundation)
17. AT&T Cloud Journey
? Mobile Data growth
¨C must transform building networks
? ACI (AT&T Integrated Cloud)
¨C Open-whitebox HW
? Virtualized & Controlled by AIC
¨C Lower cost & High speed/Agility
¨C Goal
? 75% of network using cloud infra and SDN by 2020
22. SFC in ONOS Architecture
OpenStack Networking-SFC
(ONOS SFC Driver)
ONOS SFC Manager
SB API for SFC Provisioning on
the Device
23. SFC (v1)? ???
? Neutron API ?? (OpenStack/Networking-SFC)
? ??? ??? ?? VM? Traffic Steering
? ?? ??? ?? ??
? ??? ???
? SFC Encapsulation (NSH, MPLS, ..?)
? Reclassification and Branching
? Network Transport Protocol
? SFC Proxying
? Criteria for Elasticity and Load Balancing
? SFC Symmetry
? ??? SFC API ?? (??? ???? ??)
? ??? Port Chaining ?? ??? ?? ??
29. Service Chaining & Injection (1)
2016 OpenStack Summit Austin - Gal Sagie ¨C Container Based Dynamic Service Chaining
30. Service Chaining & Injection (2)
Attack Flow & Normal Flow
? Attack Flow
¨C Service ?? (IPS)
¨C Manager? IPS ?? ?? ??
¨C Drop
? Normal Traffic
¨C Manager? ?? ??? ??
¨C IPS? ??? ??, ?? ??
31. ODL SFC? vADC? ??
2016 OpenStack Summit Austin - Michael OMalley ¨C A better wheel using OPNFV for superior service
32. 6 Top Challenges for Using OpenStack for D-NFV
? Binding Virtual Network Interface Card to the Virtual Network
? Service Chain Modification
? Securing OpenStack over the Internet
? Scalability of the Controller(s)
? Start-up Storms (Or Stampedes)
? Backward Compatibility between Release
2016 OpenStack Summit Austin ¨C T. Khan ¨C Distributed NFV & OpenStack Challenges and Potential Solutions
47. OpenStack project for container
Nova Heat Magnum
A Docker hypervisor driver for
Nova Compute to treat containers
and images as the same type of
resource as virtual machines.
A plugin template for
orchestrating Docker resources on
top of OpenStack resources.
Allows access to full Docker API.
Provides an API to manage multi-
tenant Containers-as-a-Service
leveraging Heat, Nova, and
Kolla Murano Kuryr
Containerizes the OpenStack
control services themselves as
microservices to simplify the
operational experience.
Provides an application catalog
of containerized applications
that can be deployed to an
OpenStack cloud.
Brings the Neutron networking
model to containers. Providing
consistency between bare metal,
virtual machines, and containers.
48. OpenStack with Container_User Story
? Stackanetes (CoreOS)
¨C OpenStack over Kubernetes
¨C Clustering Node = Seamless OpenStack service
49. Containers.. more faster, more light
? LXD (canonical)
¨C LXD provides machine containers
? Application container
¨C Linux container(LXC) hypervisor
? more container, more faster, more light
¨C Dozens of LXD instances launch in seconds
¨C Service migrate in real time
¨C OpenStack mitaka plugin
¨C REST API for managing system containers
52. Problems with current Nested Containers Network
? Two Separate Networking infrastructures
? Hard to enforce network policy
? Security and isolation
? Performance and unneeded overhead of management
56. Nested Container Networking in OpenStack
? Nested/baremetal container to nested/baremetal container
same/different hosts
? Nested/baremetal container to virtual machine communication
? Nested/baremetal container to baremetal communication
? Container networking as a first class entity in Neutron
? Consistent policy enforcement across containers, VMs, bare metal
? Enable advanced networking services like FWaas, LBaas, VPNaas etc
60. Container Networking in OpenStack Next Step
? Follow up on the Neutron Trunk port implementation
? Finish COE(Container Orchestration Engine) baremetal integration
¨C Policy translation
¨C Make Neutron resources available through native APIs
? Magnum deployment prototype of worker VM with Kuryr agent
? Magnum administrator VM that communicates with Neutron
61. Containerizing Network Services
? Scalability
¨C Container scale-out with the number of available compute nodes
? High Availability
¨C Seamless failover on container or compute failure
? Container Health
¨C Report the running status of the network service software
? Container Migration
¨C Cloud operator tools to manage network service containers
? Scheduling Policies
¨C Container affinity, host selection and fate-sharing