1) OpenStreetMap is a collaborative project to create a free editable map of the world. It was founded in 2004 and allows anyone to add and edit map data.
2) Data is collected through GPS devices, aerial imagery tracing, and local knowledge. Elements include nodes, ways, and areas tagged with descriptive keys and values.
3) OpenStreetMap data is used by many organizations and helps with disaster response. Its data and tools are freely available and it aims to map the entire world.
7. How does data gets in?
Imports of open data
¨C Imports (e.g. US: 2007 TIGER imports)
Around the world: lots of people uploading and
tidying up GPS tracks
Tracing aerial imagery (Bing, MapBox, etc)
Local knowledge
Someone puts it there, and others look at it and
confirm that it is correct
12. Tags
OSM objects are described by key:value pairs
referred to as tags.
14. What do I map?
Anything that physically exists and is permanent
15. Recording data
Names of streets
Types of streets (trunk, residential, motorway)
One-way restrictions
Footpaths, tracks, pedestrian, rivers, railways
Parks, woodland, industrial areas, cemeteries
POI (pubs, cash machines, post offices,
post boxes, bus stops, toilets, supermarkets,
restaurants, monuments, hotels, picnic sites, barriers, light
houses, piers, sports centres, petrol stations, playgrounds,
cinemas, car parks, universities, tourist information, etc etc etc
28. ¡°Please be assured that
we are using your data - I
just wish we knew about
this earlier.¡±
29. Editing OpenStreetMap
Goto http://osm.org and click Sign Up
Where and what? Go back to http://osm.org
Find a neighborhood you know well
Think and locate places you know about ¨C Local
Find something missing? Add it.
Choose and editor: iD, Potlatch, JOSM
Save regularly.
30. Am I doing it Right? (Quality Assurance)
Wiki http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/
Conflict resolution (Validator) in JOSM and
Live Help on IRC: (#osm at
Taginfo : http://taginfo.openstreetmap.de/
Talk to a mailing list: newbie, talk-gh, talk, etc
31. Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
Coordinating remote mapping
Brokering release of imagery
On-the ground deployment follow up
Mapping in the developing world
Getting organised
32. OSM Impacts
2010 ¨C Haiti earthquake
2013 ¨C Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines
2013 ¨C Mali disaster
2014 ¨C Ebola virus epidemic in West Africa
2015 ¨C Nepal earthquake
33. OSM Tasking Manager
Mapping tool designed and built for the
Humanitarian OSM Team collaborative
mapping. The purpose of the tool is to divide
up a mapping job into smaller tasks that can be
completed rapidly. It shows which areas need
to be mapped and which areas need the
mapping validated.
36. Missing Maps
¡ñ To map most vulnerable places in the
developing world
¡ñ To OSM, through HOT in developing
technologies, skills, workflow and communities.
¡ñ http://www.missingmaps.org/
37. How can I use this data ?
Data is stored as XML (open)
Convertible to: postGIS, SHP, geoJSON & more
41. References
Mele Sax-Barnett, ¡°An Introduction to
OpenStreetMap¡± - State of the Map US 2014
Will Skora, ¡°OpenStreetMap¡±, 2013.01.24
Harry Wood, ¡°Tzedek Training OpenStreetMap¡±