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2016-01-12 1
New methods, tools, indicators for
Review, Dissemination, Assessment
2017-11-11 2
Overall Objectives
 Spread innovative Review  Disseminate
 Assess mechanisms
 Promote & support RRI in an Open
Science context
 Advance a more open and gender
sensitive science system
 Perform an extensive landscape scan of
Open Science practices and tools
2017-11-11 3
Expected Results
 Cohesive framework for Review  Disseminate 
Assess phases of the research lifecycle
 7 pilots involving researchers from 4 scientific
communities to validate the proposed mechanisms
 Open dialogue with and training for the
community (workshops, coaching videos, training)
 Practical policy recommendations & guidelines
 Information Hub: https://www.openuphub.eu/

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OpenUP: Rethinking the review, dissemination and assessment of research - Tony Ross-Hellauer - OpenCon 2017

  • 1. 2016-01-12 1 New methods, tools, indicators for Review, Dissemination, Assessment
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