This document outlines procedures for operating and maintaining public infrastructure and income-generating subprojects completed under the Kalahi-CIDSS program. It discusses how completed subprojects will be turned over to community user groups for operation and maintenance. It also describes how income-generating subprojects should have separate financial management systems to fund ongoing O&M activities through an association collecting fees. The document provides details on the financial roles and processes involved in collecting, recording, and reporting on funds to ensure the long-term sustainability of the subprojects.
2. O and M
Operation is defined as making use of the
completed infrastructure so that it becomes
an economically and socially productive
community facility.
Maintenance is purposely to keep the
infrastructure in its original form as far as
possible to maintain its serviceability.
3. O and M
All completed sub-projects shall be turned
over by the KALAHI-CIDSS Barangay
Management Committee (BSPMC) to user
groups within the community who will take
over the actual operation and maintenance
of the sub-project.
The community shall implement the O&M
plan agreed upon during the proposal
preparation stage.
5. KC Manual of Operations
SPs that are income-generating (IGPs) shall
have a separate financial management
systems to ensure project sustainability.
The Community shall organize and form an
association for the primary purpose of
generating funds to carry on the various
operational and maintenance activity of
the IGPs.
7. KC Manual of Operations
The Association shall open a bank account
separate from the community bank
account for the SP implementation which
shall have at least two co-signatories for
control purposes.
The Collector/Cashier shall issue a pre-
number OR or AR or equivalent receipt in
two copies for all cash collections.
Organizational Structure and FM Roles of
Cash Receipts/Collections
Cash Disbursements/Payments
Recording and Filing
Determining Non-cash Transactions
Preparation of Financial Reports
Operation In-charge of the day operation of the facility
In-charge Shall see to it that all revenues generated from the facility/SP are
properly and accurately accounted for
The association shall assign replacement in OICs absence in order
not to hamper the operations
Treasurer Takes custody of the funds coming from day to day collections
The association shall assign replacement in Treasurers absence in
order not to delay collection of revenues
Cashier In-charge of collecting fees from beneficiaries/customers
Shall remit to the Treasurer the total amount collected at the end
of the day
The association shall assign replacement in Cashiers absence in
order not to delay collection of revenues
Bookkeeper Records the financial transactions of the Association (collections
and disbursements) and prepares Financial Report or Income
Statement when required
Cashier shall issue a pre-numbered OR or AR or equivalent receipt in
2 copies for all cash collections
Original copy to customer
Duplicate copy to file
Cashier shall accomplish List of Collection in 3 copies every day
Original copy to Treasurer
Duplicate copy to Bookkeeper
Triplicate copy to file
Treasurer shall verify cash remittances with List of Collection; record
in the Treasurers Journal and keep cash in the Cash box for deposit
the next banking day
Bookkeeper records transaction in the Cashbook
12. OR / AR
Color-coded: white for original copy and
other color for duplicate copy
Use carbon paper to produce duplicate
In no case shall both copies be prepared
Date Particular Amount OR/AR No.
List of Collection
Date ________________
No: ________________
No. Particular Amount OR/AR
Prepared by: Verified by: Recorded by:
Cashier Bookkeeper Treasurer
Daily recording is greatly recommended
Safekeeping the books of accounts, records,
accounting forms and reports are major
responsibilities of the Bookkeeper
All records and documents should be locked and
subjected to limited access
Association Officers should agree on report to
be prepared, who received the report and how
frequent is the submission
Non-compliance by concerned LGUs on the
allocation of funds for the operations and
maintenance of SPs, affected the
functionality and utilization of SPs. (Mutual
Partnership Agreement)
Sustainability of some IGPs are uncertain
due to failure of the Barangay Committee
to comply with the requirements pertaining
to the completed SPs. (KC Manual of