In computer programming, operator overloading, sometimes termed operator ad hoc polymorphism, is a specific case of polymorphism, where different operators have different implementations depending on their arguments. Operator overloading is generally defined by a programming language, a programmer, or both.
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The document discusses key concepts in C++ classes including encapsulation, information hiding, access specifiers, and constructors. It defines a class as a way to combine attributes and behaviors of real-world objects into a single unit. A class uses encapsulation to associate code and data, and information hiding to secure data from direct access. Access specifiers like public, private, and protected determine member visibility. Constructors are special member functions that initialize objects upon instantiation.
The document discusses constructors and destructors in C++. It describes constructor functions as special member functions that initialize object values when an object is created. It covers default constructors, parameterized constructors, copy constructors, and constructor overloading. Destructors are described as special functions that destroy objects and perform cleanup when objects go out of scope. The key characteristics and uses of constructors and destructors are summarized with examples.
Constructors are special class functions which performs initialization of every object. The Compiler calls the Constructor whenever an object is created. Destructor on the other hand is used to destroy the class object.
Classes allow users to bundle data and functions together. A class defines data members and member functions. Data members store data within each object, while member functions implement behaviors. Classes support access specifiers like public and private to control access to members. Objects are instances of classes that allocate memory for data members. Member functions can access object data members and are called on objects using dot notation. Friend functions allow non-member functions to access private members of classes.
This document discusses pointers in C++. It defines pointers as variables that store memory addresses and can be used to access and manipulate data at those addresses. It explains how to declare and initialize pointers, including pointer to pointer declarations. It discusses using pointers as function arguments and dynamic memory allocation using pointers with the new and delete operators. Pointers allow referencing variables indirectly and allocating memory dynamically at runtime.
Inheritance allows one class to inherit properties and behaviors from another base class. There are two main types of inheritance: implementation inheritance, where a derived class takes on all members of the base class; and interface inheritance, where a derived class inherits only function signatures without implementations. Key aspects of inheritance in C# include defining virtual methods that can be overridden, using modifiers like sealed to restrict inheritance, and implementing interfaces that define common behaviors without implementations.
This document discusses the diamond problem that can occur with multiple inheritance in C++. Specifically, it shows an example where a class "four" inherits from classes "two" and "three", which both inherit from class "one". This results in two copies of the base class "one" being present in objects of class "four", leading to ambiguity when trying to access attributes from the base class. The document presents two ways to resolve this issue: 1) manual selection using scope resolution to specify which attribute to access, and 2) making the inheritance of the base class "one" virtual in classes "two" and "three", which ensures only one copy of the base class exists in class "four" objects. The virtual
Abstraction in c++ and Real Life Example of Abstraction in C++Hitesh Kumar
1. Real life examples of abstraction in C++ include operating a mobile phone without understanding its internal details and driving a car without knowing its inner mechanisms like how the accelerator increases speed.
2. Abstraction in C++ refers to hiding background implementation details and exposing only essential features to users. For example, a user presses the accelerator of a car to increase speed without knowing how this actually works internally.
3. Advantages of abstraction in C++ include increased code reusability and readability by hiding complex workings, enhanced security by restricting access to class members and functions, and allowing users to write code at a high level without dealing with low-level implementation.
Functions allow code to be reused by defining formulas that can be called from different parts of a program. Functions take in inputs, perform operations, and return outputs. They are defined outside of the main body with a function prototype, and can be called multiple times from within main or other functions. This document demonstrates how to define a FindMax function that takes in two numbers, compares them, and returns the maximum number. It shows function prototypes, defining the function outside of main, and calling the function from within main to find the maximum of two user-input numbers.
Method overriding allows a subclass to provide a specific implementation of a method that is already provided by its superclass. The subclass method must have the same name, parameters and return type as the superclass method. This allows the subclass to modify the behavior as needed and is how polymorphism is implemented. The super keyword can be used to call the superclass method from the overriding method.
Constructor is a special member function that initializes objects of a class. Constructors have the same name as the class and do not have a return type. There are two types of constructors: default constructors that take no parameters, and parameterized constructors that allow passing arguments when creating objects. Constructors are automatically called when objects are created to initialize member variables, unlike regular member functions which must be explicitly called.
The document discusses arrays of objects and pointers to objects in C++. It defines an array of objects as a collection of objects of the same type. Syntax for an array of objects is Class_name object_name[size]. It also defines a pointer to an object as a variable that stores the address of an object. A pointer can be used to access members of a class using dot (.) or arrow (->) operators. The document provides examples of an array of objects, a pointer to an object, and an array of object pointers in C++.
The document discusses classes and objects in object-oriented programming. It defines a class as a blueprint for objects that bind data and functions together. A class defines data members and member functions. Objects are instances of a class that can access class data and functions. The document provides examples of defining a class called "test" with private and public members, and creating objects of the class to demonstrate accessing members.
The document discusses file input and output streams in C++. It covers key topics like:
- Opening files using constructors and the open() function
- Using input and output streams like ifstream and ofstream to read from and write to files
- Controlling file pointers using functions like seekg(), seekp(), tellg(), and tellp()
- Performing sequential and random access file I/O using functions like put(), get(), read(), and write()
- Handling errors during file operations using functions in the ios class like fail(), eof(), bad(), and good()
View study notes of Function overloading .you can also visit to get complete description step wise of the concerned topic.Other topics and notes of C++ are also explained.
This Powerpoint presentation covers following topics of C Plus Plus:
Features of OOP
Classes in C++
Objects & Creating the Objects
Constructors & Destructors
Friend Functions & Classes
Static data members & functions
Operator overloading and type conversion in cpprajshreemuthiah
This document discusses operator overloading and type conversion in C++. It defines operator overloading as providing new definitions for most C++ operators in relation to a class. It covers overloading unary operators like minus and binary operators like addition. Friend functions can also be used to overload binary operators. Rules for operator overloading include only existing operators can be overloaded and some operators cannot be overloaded. Type conversion automatically converts the type on the right side of an assignment to the type on the left. Constructors can be used to convert basic types to class types.
This document discusses input and output in C++. It explains that C++ uses stream classes to implement input/output operations with the console and disk files. It describes the different stream classes like istream, ostream, and iostream. It discusses unformatted I/O functions like cin, cout, get(), put(), getline(), and write() for console input/output. It also covers formatted I/O functions like width(), precision(), fill(), and setf() to control formatting of output.
The document discusses object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts in C++. It defines key OOP concepts like classes, objects, encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism. It explains that in OOP, classes encapsulate both data and functions that operate on that data. Classes define public and private sections to control access to members. The document also provides examples to demonstrate class definition, object creation, member functions and destructors.
This document discusses pointers in C++. It defines pointers as variables that store memory addresses of other variables. It covers declaring and initializing pointers, using the address and dereference operators, pointer arithmetic, references, and passing pointers as function arguments. The document includes examples of pointer code and output to demonstrate these concepts.
This document discusses different types of inheritance in object-oriented programming, including single inheritance where a class extends one other class, multilevel inheritance where a derived class inherits from another derived class, and multiple inheritance where a class can inherit from more than one parent class, which is achieved through interfaces. It provides examples of code implementing single inheritance with a BaseClass and DerivedClass, and multiple inheritance using interfaces Car and Bus implemented by the Vehicle class.
The document discusses inline functions in C++. Inline functions allow code from a function to be pasted directly into the call site rather than executing a function call. This avoids overhead from calling and returning from functions. Good candidates for inline are small, simple functions called frequently. The document provides an example of a function defined with the inline keyword and the optimizations a compiler may perform after inlining. It also compares inline functions to macros and discusses where inline functions are best used.
The document discusses structures and classes in C++. It defines a structure called student with data members like name and roll number. It then defines a class called person with data members name and number and demonstrates creating an object of the class and accessing its members. The document also discusses concepts like defining member functions inside and outside classes, access specifiers, nesting member functions, and making outside member functions inline.
A friend function in C++ can access the private and protected members of a class. It is declared inside the class using the friend keyword. A friend function is not a member of the class and is defined outside the class like a normal function. It can access private and protected members of its friend class but cannot access members directly. A friend class can also access private and protected members of another class where it is declared as a friend.
This document discusses function overloading, inline functions, and friend functions in C++. It defines function overloading as having two or more functions with the same name but different parameters, allowing for compile-time polymorphism. Inline functions have their body inserted at call sites for faster execution. Friend functions are non-member functions that have access to private members of a class. Examples are provided to demonstrate overloaded functions, inline functions checking for prime numbers, and using a friend function to check if a number is even or odd. Important concepts and questions for discussion are also outlined.
This document discusses operator overloading in C++. It begins by defining operator overloading as giving special meanings to operators for user-defined data types. It then covers overloading unary and binary operators using member functions and friend functions. Some key points include: only existing operators can be overloaded, binary operators take operands as arguments, and type conversions between basic and user-defined types require custom conversion routines like constructors or casting functions. The document also provides examples of overloading operators for complex numbers and strings.
This document discusses operator overloading in C++. It defines operator overloading as polymorphism that gives user-defined meaning to operators when used with custom data types. It provides examples of overloading operators like + for addition of integers and strings. It lists operators that cannot be overloaded and discusses implementing operator overloading using member, non-member, and friend functions. Finally, it provides rules for operator overloading such as preserving precedence and arity of operators.
This document discusses the diamond problem that can occur with multiple inheritance in C++. Specifically, it shows an example where a class "four" inherits from classes "two" and "three", which both inherit from class "one". This results in two copies of the base class "one" being present in objects of class "four", leading to ambiguity when trying to access attributes from the base class. The document presents two ways to resolve this issue: 1) manual selection using scope resolution to specify which attribute to access, and 2) making the inheritance of the base class "one" virtual in classes "two" and "three", which ensures only one copy of the base class exists in class "four" objects. The virtual
Abstraction in c++ and Real Life Example of Abstraction in C++Hitesh Kumar
1. Real life examples of abstraction in C++ include operating a mobile phone without understanding its internal details and driving a car without knowing its inner mechanisms like how the accelerator increases speed.
2. Abstraction in C++ refers to hiding background implementation details and exposing only essential features to users. For example, a user presses the accelerator of a car to increase speed without knowing how this actually works internally.
3. Advantages of abstraction in C++ include increased code reusability and readability by hiding complex workings, enhanced security by restricting access to class members and functions, and allowing users to write code at a high level without dealing with low-level implementation.
Functions allow code to be reused by defining formulas that can be called from different parts of a program. Functions take in inputs, perform operations, and return outputs. They are defined outside of the main body with a function prototype, and can be called multiple times from within main or other functions. This document demonstrates how to define a FindMax function that takes in two numbers, compares them, and returns the maximum number. It shows function prototypes, defining the function outside of main, and calling the function from within main to find the maximum of two user-input numbers.
Method overriding allows a subclass to provide a specific implementation of a method that is already provided by its superclass. The subclass method must have the same name, parameters and return type as the superclass method. This allows the subclass to modify the behavior as needed and is how polymorphism is implemented. The super keyword can be used to call the superclass method from the overriding method.
Constructor is a special member function that initializes objects of a class. Constructors have the same name as the class and do not have a return type. There are two types of constructors: default constructors that take no parameters, and parameterized constructors that allow passing arguments when creating objects. Constructors are automatically called when objects are created to initialize member variables, unlike regular member functions which must be explicitly called.
The document discusses arrays of objects and pointers to objects in C++. It defines an array of objects as a collection of objects of the same type. Syntax for an array of objects is Class_name object_name[size]. It also defines a pointer to an object as a variable that stores the address of an object. A pointer can be used to access members of a class using dot (.) or arrow (->) operators. The document provides examples of an array of objects, a pointer to an object, and an array of object pointers in C++.
The document discusses classes and objects in object-oriented programming. It defines a class as a blueprint for objects that bind data and functions together. A class defines data members and member functions. Objects are instances of a class that can access class data and functions. The document provides examples of defining a class called "test" with private and public members, and creating objects of the class to demonstrate accessing members.
The document discusses file input and output streams in C++. It covers key topics like:
- Opening files using constructors and the open() function
- Using input and output streams like ifstream and ofstream to read from and write to files
- Controlling file pointers using functions like seekg(), seekp(), tellg(), and tellp()
- Performing sequential and random access file I/O using functions like put(), get(), read(), and write()
- Handling errors during file operations using functions in the ios class like fail(), eof(), bad(), and good()
View study notes of Function overloading .you can also visit to get complete description step wise of the concerned topic.Other topics and notes of C++ are also explained.
This Powerpoint presentation covers following topics of C Plus Plus:
Features of OOP
Classes in C++
Objects & Creating the Objects
Constructors & Destructors
Friend Functions & Classes
Static data members & functions
Operator overloading and type conversion in cpprajshreemuthiah
This document discusses operator overloading and type conversion in C++. It defines operator overloading as providing new definitions for most C++ operators in relation to a class. It covers overloading unary operators like minus and binary operators like addition. Friend functions can also be used to overload binary operators. Rules for operator overloading include only existing operators can be overloaded and some operators cannot be overloaded. Type conversion automatically converts the type on the right side of an assignment to the type on the left. Constructors can be used to convert basic types to class types.
This document discusses input and output in C++. It explains that C++ uses stream classes to implement input/output operations with the console and disk files. It describes the different stream classes like istream, ostream, and iostream. It discusses unformatted I/O functions like cin, cout, get(), put(), getline(), and write() for console input/output. It also covers formatted I/O functions like width(), precision(), fill(), and setf() to control formatting of output.
The document discusses object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts in C++. It defines key OOP concepts like classes, objects, encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism. It explains that in OOP, classes encapsulate both data and functions that operate on that data. Classes define public and private sections to control access to members. The document also provides examples to demonstrate class definition, object creation, member functions and destructors.
This document discusses pointers in C++. It defines pointers as variables that store memory addresses of other variables. It covers declaring and initializing pointers, using the address and dereference operators, pointer arithmetic, references, and passing pointers as function arguments. The document includes examples of pointer code and output to demonstrate these concepts.
This document discusses different types of inheritance in object-oriented programming, including single inheritance where a class extends one other class, multilevel inheritance where a derived class inherits from another derived class, and multiple inheritance where a class can inherit from more than one parent class, which is achieved through interfaces. It provides examples of code implementing single inheritance with a BaseClass and DerivedClass, and multiple inheritance using interfaces Car and Bus implemented by the Vehicle class.
The document discusses inline functions in C++. Inline functions allow code from a function to be pasted directly into the call site rather than executing a function call. This avoids overhead from calling and returning from functions. Good candidates for inline are small, simple functions called frequently. The document provides an example of a function defined with the inline keyword and the optimizations a compiler may perform after inlining. It also compares inline functions to macros and discusses where inline functions are best used.
The document discusses structures and classes in C++. It defines a structure called student with data members like name and roll number. It then defines a class called person with data members name and number and demonstrates creating an object of the class and accessing its members. The document also discusses concepts like defining member functions inside and outside classes, access specifiers, nesting member functions, and making outside member functions inline.
A friend function in C++ can access the private and protected members of a class. It is declared inside the class using the friend keyword. A friend function is not a member of the class and is defined outside the class like a normal function. It can access private and protected members of its friend class but cannot access members directly. A friend class can also access private and protected members of another class where it is declared as a friend.
This document discusses function overloading, inline functions, and friend functions in C++. It defines function overloading as having two or more functions with the same name but different parameters, allowing for compile-time polymorphism. Inline functions have their body inserted at call sites for faster execution. Friend functions are non-member functions that have access to private members of a class. Examples are provided to demonstrate overloaded functions, inline functions checking for prime numbers, and using a friend function to check if a number is even or odd. Important concepts and questions for discussion are also outlined.
This document discusses operator overloading in C++. It begins by defining operator overloading as giving special meanings to operators for user-defined data types. It then covers overloading unary and binary operators using member functions and friend functions. Some key points include: only existing operators can be overloaded, binary operators take operands as arguments, and type conversions between basic and user-defined types require custom conversion routines like constructors or casting functions. The document also provides examples of overloading operators for complex numbers and strings.
This document discusses operator overloading in C++. It defines operator overloading as polymorphism that gives user-defined meaning to operators when used with custom data types. It provides examples of overloading operators like + for addition of integers and strings. It lists operators that cannot be overloaded and discusses implementing operator overloading using member, non-member, and friend functions. Finally, it provides rules for operator overloading such as preserving precedence and arity of operators.
This document discusses operator overloading in C++. It defines operator overloading as polymorphism that gives user-defined meaning to operators when used with custom data types. Almost any operator can be overloaded except a few like :: and sizeof. Overloaded operators can be implemented as member functions, non-member functions, or friend functions. There are also rules for operator overloading, such as preserving precedence and arity of operators and requiring certain operators like [] and -> to be member functions. The document provides examples of overloading unary and binary operators as member and friend functions.
Operator overloading allows user-defined types in C++ to behave similarly to built-in types when operators are used on them. It allows operators to have special meanings depending on the context. Some key points made in the document include:
- Operator overloading enhances the extensibility of C++ by allowing user-defined types to work with operators like addition, subtraction, etc.
- Common operators that can be overloaded include arithmetic operators, increment/decrement, input/output, function call, and subscript operators.
- To overload an operator, a member or friend function is declared with the same name as the operator being overloaded. This function performs the desired operation on the class type.
Operator overloading allows operators like + and - to be used with user-defined types in C++. Certain operators like = and [] must be overloaded as member functions, while others like friends and non-members can also be overloaded. Unary operators operate on a single operand, while binary operators require two operands. Overloaded operators are implemented via member functions, non-member functions, or friend functions depending on whether the left operand is of the class type. Strings can also be manipulated using overloaded operators by defining a string class with a character pointer and length.
The document discusses operator overloading in C++. It defines operator overloading as giving normal C++ operators like +, -, etc. additional meanings when applied to user-defined data types. It categorizes operators as unary and binary. It lists the operators that can and cannot be overloaded and provides examples of overloading unary, binary, and assignment operators. The document also discusses automatic and user-defined type conversion between basic and user-defined types.
This document discusses operator overloading in C++. It provides the following key points:
1. Operator overloading allows defining new meanings for most C++ operators when used with user-defined types. Operators that cannot be overloaded include ., ->, ::, sizeof, and ?:.
2. To overload an operator, a member function is written with the name operator followed by the operator symbol. This function performs the new task defined for the operator on class objects.
3. Common operators that can be overloaded include +, -, *, /, %, <<, >>, ==, !=, etc. Examples are provided for overloading unary, binary, and subscript operators to manipulate class objects.
The term overloading means providing multiple definitions of. Overloading of functions involves defining distinct functions which share the same name, each of which has a unique signature. Function overloading is appropriate for:
Defining functions which essentially do the same thing, but operate on different data types.
Providing alternate interfaces to the same function.
Function overloading is purely a programming convenience.
Operators are similar to functions in that they take operands (arguments) and return a value. Most of the built-in C++ operators are already overloaded. For example, the + operator can be used to add two integers, two reals, or two addresses. Therefore, it has multiple definitions. The built-in definitions of the operators are restricted to built-in types. Additional definitions can be provided by the programmer so that they can also operate on user-defined types. Each additional definition is implemented by a function.
Operator overloading allows operators like + and - to have different implementations depending on the types of their operands. It allows user-defined types to be manipulated using the same syntax as built-in types. The document discusses various aspects of operator overloading like overloading unary, binary, and stream insertion/extraction operators. It also covers type conversions between basic and user-defined types using constructors and conversion functions. Restrictions on which operators can be overloaded and how different conversion scenarios are handled are explained.
Operator overloading allows programmers to define special member functions to customize the behavior of operators (like +, -, etc.) for user-defined types. It can be implemented through member functions, non-member functions, or friend functions. Inline functions replace function calls with the function code directly, which can improve performance for short functions.
Operator overloading in C++ allows operators to be redefined for user-defined types like classes. It simplifies writing expressions involving user-defined types. Operators can be overloaded as non-static member functions or global functions. Common operators like +, -, *, / can be overloaded to work with custom classes, allowing expressions like complex_number1 + complex_number2. Stream insertion and extraction operators << and >> are typically overloaded as global functions.
Operator Overloading
The keyword Operator
Overloading Unary Operator
Operator Return Type
Overloading Assignment Operator (=)
Rules for Overloading Operators
Types of Inheritance
Virtual Base Classes
Object as a Class Member
Abstract Classes
Advantages of Inheritance
Disadvantages of Inheritance
Operator overloading allows functions and operators to be defined for user-defined types. This customizes the behavior of operators for new types. The lecture discusses unary operators like prefix and postfix ++ and --, binary operators like + and <, and which operators cannot be overloaded. It also covers automatic type conversion between basic types and user-defined conversion between types using cast operators.
The document discusses C++ functions. It explains that functions allow code to be reused by grouping common operations into reusable blocks of code called functions. Functions have three parts: a prototype that declares the function, a definition that implements it, and calls that execute the function. Functions can take parameters as input and return a value. Grouping common code into well-named functions makes a program more organized and maintainable.
Operator overloading allows normal C++ operators like + and - to have additional meanings when used with user-defined types. It makes statements more intuitive, for example writing d2 = d1 + 45 instead of d2.add_days(d1, 45). Operators can be overloaded by defining operator functions that specify their behavior for a class. Only certain operators can be overloaded, and their syntax and semantics must be preserved.
Operator overloading can transform complex, obscure program listings into intuitively obvious ones. For examples, statements like :
ob3.addobjects ( ob1, ob2) or ob3 = ob1.addobjects( ob2) can be changed to the much more readable like ob3 = ob1 + ob2.
Note : The process of selecting the most appropriate overloaded function or operator is called overload resolution.
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operator overloading
1. Department of I.T. Engineering
Operator Overloading
Academic year 2018-19
Laxmi Institute of Technology, Sarigam
Approved by AICTE, New Delhi; Affiliated to Gujarat Technological University, Ahmedabad
160860116018 Nishant P. Joshi
160860116029 Raj M. Patel
160860116032 Udit A. Patel
3. Introduction
Overloading an operator
Write function definition as normal
Function name is keyword operator followed by the
symbol for the operator being overloaded
operator+ used to overload the addition operator (+)
Using operators
To use an operator on a class object it must be
overloaded unless the assignment operator(=)or the
address operator(&)
Assignment operator by default performs
memberwise assignment
Address operator (&) by default returns the address
of an object
4. Operator overloading
Addition (+) operator can work on operands of type
char, int, float & double.
However, if s1, s2, s3 are objects of the class string, the
we can write the statement,
s3 = s1 + s2;
This means C++ has the ability to provide the operators
with a special meaning for a data type.
Mechanism of giving special meaning to an operator is
known as operator overloading.
5. Operator overloading
Operator is a symbol that indicates an operation.
Overloading assigning different meanings to an
operation, depending upon the context.
For example:
input(>>) / output(<<) operator
The built-in definition of the operator << is for
shifting of bits.
It is also used for displaying the values of various
data types
6. Defining operator overloading
The general form of an operator function is:
return-type class-name :: operator op (argList)
function body // task defined.
where return-type is the type of value returned by
the specified operation.
op is the operator being overloaded.
operator op is the function name, where operator is
a keyword.
7. Overloading Input/output operator
C++ is able to input and output the built-in data types
using the stream extraction operator >> and the stream
insertion operator <<.
Overloaded to perform input/output for user defined data
Left Operand will be of types ostream & and istream &.
Function overloading this operator must be a Non-
Member function because left operand is not an Object
of the class.
It must be a friend function to access private data
8. Overloading Input/output operator
using namespace std;
class time
int hr,min,sec;
public: time()
hr=0, min=0; sec=0;
time(int h,int m, int s)
hr=h, min=m; sec=s;
friend ostream& operator << (ostream &out, time &tm);
//overloading <<' operator
9. Overloading Input/output operator
ostream& operator << (ostream &out, time &tm) //operator function
out << "Time is " << << "hour : " << tm.min<< "min : " <<
<< "sec";
return out;
int main()
time tm(3,15,45); cout << tm; return 0;
Time is 3 hour : 15 min : 45 sec
10. Overloading Unary Operator
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class temp
int count;
{ }
void operator ++()
void Display()
int main()
temp t;
/* operator function void
operator ++() is called */
return 0;
Count: 6
13. Rules for overloading operator
Only existing operators can be overloaded. We cannot
create a new operator.
Overloaded operator should contain one operand of
user-defined data type. Overloading operators are only
for classes. We cannot overload the operator for built-in
data types.
Overloaded operators have the same syntax as the
original operator.
Operator overloading is applicable within the scope
(extent) in which overloading occurs.
14. Restrictions on Operator Overloading
Overloading restrictions
Arity (number of operands) cannot be changed
Unary operators remain unary, and binary operators remain
No new operators can be created
Use only existing operators
No overloading operators for built-in types
Cannot change how two integers are added
Produces a syntax error
15. Restrictions on Operator Overloading
C++ operators that can be overloaded
C++ Operators that cannot be overloaded
Operators that cannot be overloaded
. .* :: ?: sizeof
Operators that can be overloaded
+ - * / % ^ & |
~ ! = < > += -= *=
/= %= ^= &= |= << >> >>=
<<= == != <= >= && || ++
-- ->* , -> [] () new delete