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Department of I.T. Engineering
Operator Overloading
Academic year 2018-19
Laxmi Institute of Technology, Sarigam
Approved by AICTE, New Delhi; Affiliated to Gujarat Technological University, Ahmedabad
160860116018 Nishant P. Joshi
160860116029 Raj M. Patel
160860116032 Udit A. Patel
 Operator overloading
 Defining operator overloading
 Overloading Input/output operator
 Overloading Unary Operator
 Overloading Binary Operator
 Rules for overloading operator
 Restrictions on Operator Overloading
 Overloading an operator
 Write function definition as normal
 Function name is keyword operator followed by the
symbol for the operator being overloaded
 operator+ used to overload the addition operator (+)
 Using operators
 To use an operator on a class object it must be
overloaded unless the assignment operator(=)or the
address operator(&)
 Assignment operator by default performs
memberwise assignment
 Address operator (&) by default returns the address
of an object
Operator overloading
 Addition (+) operator can work on operands of type
char, int, float & double.
 However, if s1, s2, s3 are objects of the class string, the
we can write the statement,
s3 = s1 + s2;
 This means C++ has the ability to provide the operators
with a special meaning for a data type.
 Mechanism of giving special meaning to an operator is
known as operator overloading.
Operator overloading
 Operator  is a symbol that indicates an operation.
 Overloading  assigning different meanings to an
operation, depending upon the context.
 For example:
input(>>) / output(<<) operator
 The built-in definition of the operator << is for
shifting of bits.
 It is also used for displaying the values of various
data types
Defining operator overloading
 The general form of an operator function is:
return-type class-name :: operator op (argList)
function body // task defined.
 where return-type is the type of value returned by
the specified operation.
 op is the operator being overloaded.
 operator op is the function name, where operator is
a keyword.
Overloading Input/output operator
 C++ is able to input and output the built-in data types
using the stream extraction operator >> and the stream
insertion operator <<.
 Overloaded to perform input/output for user defined data
 Left Operand will be of types ostream & and istream &.
 Function overloading this operator must be a Non-
Member function because left operand is not an Object
of the class.
 It must be a friend function to access private data
Overloading Input/output operator
using namespace std;
class time
int hr,min,sec;
public: time()
hr=0, min=0; sec=0;
time(int h,int m, int s)
hr=h, min=m; sec=s;
friend ostream& operator << (ostream &out, time &tm);
//overloading <<' operator
Overloading Input/output operator
ostream& operator << (ostream &out, time &tm) //operator function
out << "Time is " << tm.hr << "hour : " << tm.min<< "min : " <<
<< "sec";
return out;
int main()
time tm(3,15,45); cout << tm; return 0;
Time is 3 hour : 15 min : 45 sec
Overloading Unary Operator
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class temp
int count;
{ }
void operator ++()
void Display()
int main()
temp t;
/* operator function void
operator ++() is called */
return 0;
Count: 6
Overloading Binary Operator
class complex
int a,b;
void getvalue()
cout<<"Enter the
value of Complex Numbers
operator+(complex ob)
{ complex t;
t.a=ob.a +a;
complex operator-(complex ob)
complex t;
t.a=ob.a - a;
t.b=ob.b -b;
void display()
cout<<"Input Values:n";
void main()
result = obj1+obj2;
Overloading Binary Operator
In overloading of binary operators the left hand operand
is used to invoke the operator function and the right hand
Rules for overloading operator
 Only existing operators can be overloaded. We cannot
create a new operator.
 Overloaded operator should contain one operand of
user-defined data type.  Overloading operators are only
for classes. We cannot overload the operator for built-in
data types.
 Overloaded operators have the same syntax as the
original operator.
 Operator overloading is applicable within the scope
(extent) in which overloading occurs.
Restrictions on Operator Overloading
 Overloading restrictions
 Arity (number of operands) cannot be changed
 Unary operators remain unary, and binary operators remain
 No new operators can be created
 Use only existing operators
 No overloading operators for built-in types
 Cannot change how two integers are added
 Produces a syntax error
Restrictions on Operator Overloading
 C++ operators that can be overloaded
 C++ Operators that cannot be overloaded
Operators that cannot be overloaded
. .* :: ?: sizeof
Operators that can be overloaded
+ - * / % ^ & |
~ ! = < > += -= *=
/= %= ^= &= |= << >> >>=
<<= == != <= >= && || ++
-- ->* , -> [] () new delete
Thank you

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operator overloading

  • 1. Department of I.T. Engineering Presentation On Operator Overloading Academic year 2018-19 Laxmi Institute of Technology, Sarigam Approved by AICTE, New Delhi; Affiliated to Gujarat Technological University, Ahmedabad Enrolment number Name 160860116018 Nishant P. Joshi 160860116029 Raj M. Patel 160860116032 Udit A. Patel
  • 2. Content Introduction Operator overloading Defining operator overloading Overloading Input/output operator Overloading Unary Operator Overloading Binary Operator Rules for overloading operator Restrictions on Operator Overloading
  • 3. Introduction Overloading an operator Write function definition as normal Function name is keyword operator followed by the symbol for the operator being overloaded operator+ used to overload the addition operator (+) Using operators To use an operator on a class object it must be overloaded unless the assignment operator(=)or the address operator(&) Assignment operator by default performs memberwise assignment Address operator (&) by default returns the address of an object
  • 4. Operator overloading Addition (+) operator can work on operands of type char, int, float & double. However, if s1, s2, s3 are objects of the class string, the we can write the statement, s3 = s1 + s2; This means C++ has the ability to provide the operators with a special meaning for a data type. Mechanism of giving special meaning to an operator is known as operator overloading.
  • 5. Operator overloading Operator is a symbol that indicates an operation. Overloading assigning different meanings to an operation, depending upon the context. For example: input(>>) / output(<<) operator The built-in definition of the operator << is for shifting of bits. It is also used for displaying the values of various data types
  • 6. Defining operator overloading The general form of an operator function is: return-type class-name :: operator op (argList) { function body // task defined. } where return-type is the type of value returned by the specified operation. op is the operator being overloaded. operator op is the function name, where operator is a keyword.
  • 7. Overloading Input/output operator C++ is able to input and output the built-in data types using the stream extraction operator >> and the stream insertion operator <<. Overloaded to perform input/output for user defined data types. Left Operand will be of types ostream & and istream &. Function overloading this operator must be a Non- Member function because left operand is not an Object of the class. It must be a friend function to access private data members.
  • 8. Overloading Input/output operator #include<iostream> using namespace std; class time { int hr,min,sec; public: time() { hr=0, min=0; sec=0; } time(int h,int m, int s) { hr=h, min=m; sec=s; } friend ostream& operator << (ostream &out, time &tm); //overloading <<' operator };
  • 9. Overloading Input/output operator ostream& operator << (ostream &out, time &tm) //operator function { out << "Time is " << tm.hr << "hour : " << tm.min<< "min : " << tm.sec << "sec"; return out; } int main() { time tm(3,15,45); cout << tm; return 0; } Output: Time is 3 hour : 15 min : 45 sec
  • 10. Overloading Unary Operator #include <iostream> using namespace std; class temp { private: int count; public: temp():count(5) { } void operator ++() { count=count+1; } void Display() { cout<<Count:<<count; } }; int main() { temp t; ++t; /* operator function void operator ++() is called */ t.Display(); return 0; Output Count: 6
  • 11. Overloading Binary Operator #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> class complex { int a,b; public: void getvalue() { cout<<"Enter the value of Complex Numbers a,b:"; cin>>a>>b; } complex operator+(complex ob) { complex t; t.a=ob.a +a; t.b=ob.b+b; return(t); complex operator-(complex ob) { complex t; t.a=ob.a - a; t.b=ob.b -b; return(t); } void display() { cout<<a<<"+"<<b<<"i" <<"n"; } };
  • 12. cout<<"Input Values:n"; obj1.display(); obj2.display(); cout<<"Result:"; result.display(); result1.display(); getch(); } void main() { clrscr(); complex obj1,obj2,result,result1; obj1.getvalue(); obj2.getvalue(); result = obj1+obj2; result1=obj1-obj2; Overloading Binary Operator In overloading of binary operators the left hand operand is used to invoke the operator function and the right hand
  • 13. Rules for overloading operator Only existing operators can be overloaded. We cannot create a new operator. Overloaded operator should contain one operand of user-defined data type. Overloading operators are only for classes. We cannot overload the operator for built-in data types. Overloaded operators have the same syntax as the original operator. Operator overloading is applicable within the scope (extent) in which overloading occurs.
  • 14. Restrictions on Operator Overloading Overloading restrictions Arity (number of operands) cannot be changed Unary operators remain unary, and binary operators remain binary No new operators can be created Use only existing operators No overloading operators for built-in types Cannot change how two integers are added Produces a syntax error
  • 15. Restrictions on Operator Overloading C++ operators that can be overloaded C++ Operators that cannot be overloaded Operators that cannot be overloaded . .* :: ?: sizeof Operators that can be overloaded + - * / % ^ & | ~ ! = < > += -= *= /= %= ^= &= |= << >> >>= <<= == != <= >= && || ++ -- ->* , -> [] () new delete