This document discusses conducting a study to identify functions and events at military peace stations that could be outsourced to civilian agencies. It provides background on the military station in Bathinda, India which was selected as the location for the case study. The objectives are to identify functions currently performed by the military that could be outsourced, develop guidelines for outsourcing, and evaluate the costs of the current and outsourced systems. Primary and secondary data will be collected from the Bathinda military station and nearby army brigade to analyze events like New Year celebrations and determine which functions outsourcing could benefit.
This project involved developing a software tool to download and analyze open source projects. The tool would create a database of projects and apply object-oriented metrics to analyze them. The project was conducted between February and April 2011 by a software developer, tester, and project manager. It involved requirements analysis, design, coding, testing, documentation, and delivery phases to build the analysis tool and study a large number of open source projects.
This document discusses conducting a study to identify functions and events at military peace stations that could be outsourced to civilian agencies. It provides background on the military station in Bathinda, India which was selected as the location for the case study. The objectives are to identify functions currently performed by the military that could be outsourced, develop guidelines for outsourcing, and evaluate the costs of the current and outsourced systems. Primary and secondary data will be collected from the Bathinda military station and nearby army brigade to analyze events like New Year celebrations and determine which functions outsourcing could benefit.
This project involved developing a software tool to download and analyze open source projects. The tool would create a database of projects and apply object-oriented metrics to analyze them. The project was conducted between February and April 2011 by a software developer, tester, and project manager. It involved requirements analysis, design, coding, testing, documentation, and delivery phases to build the analysis tool and study a large number of open source projects.
Este documento presenta un proyecto sobre la elaboraci坦n de pan de papa en el Per炭. Propone reemplazar parcialmente la harina de trigo, que es importada y costosa, con papa, un producto nativo del Per炭. El pan de papa es m叩s barato y nutritivo que el pan tradicional, y ayudar鱈a a combatir la pobreza en las zonas rurales donde se cultiva la papa. El autor concluye que este proyecto beneficiar鱈a la econom鱈a peruana al hacer que el pan sea m叩s asequible.
El documento describe el ciberacoso, incluyendo sus causas y tipos. Explica que el ciberacoso involucra acoso entre personas a trav辿s de la tecnolog鱈a, como insultos, amenazas y chantajes. Identifica tres tipos principales de ciberacoso: ciberacoso entre adultos, ciberacoso sexual entre adultos, y ciberacoso escolar o ciberbullying entre menores. Advierte que no actuar contra el ciberacoso puede reforzar el comportamiento acosador.
The OnBase platform is a single enterprise information platform that provides capabilities for content management, case management, business process management, and capture. It offers a unified system on a single database and codebase for managing content, processes, and cases. The OnBase platform provides flexibility to grow solutions over time and supports organizations across industries and departments with scalability for many users and documents.
Este documento trata sobre redes inform叩ticas. Define una red inform叩tica como la compartici坦n de informaci坦n y recursos entre sistemas inform叩ticos de una organizaci坦n para mejorar el rendimiento global. Explica que una LAN conecta dispositivos de red dentro de un campus usando tecnolog鱈as como ATM y Frame Relay, mientras que una WAN conecta LANs dispersas geogr叩ficamente a cientos de kil坦metros. Para obtener todos los beneficios de una red, se deben instalar una serie de servicios de red y el hardware adecuado como tarjetas de red
El documento describe la estructura de gobierno de la ciudad de Guayaquil. El poder ejecutivo recae en un alcalde electo por voto popular por un per鱈odo de 4 a単os con posibilidad de reelecci坦n. El poder legislativo lo ejerce un concejo cantonal unicameral de 15 concejales. La ciudad est叩 dividida en 16 parroquias urbanas y 5 rurales.
This document provides an overview of the Effective Alternative Secondary Education (EASE) program in the Philippines. EASE was developed by the Department of Education to address the high dropout rates in public secondary schools. It is an alternative learning system for students who cannot regularly attend classes due to justifiable reasons like jobs, family illnesses, or natural disasters. EASE uses self-learning modules that students can complete independently. It aims to help students complete their secondary education while allowing flexibility. The document outlines the requirements to enroll in EASE, its key features like being modularized and student-directed, and the steps schools take to implement the program.
The document discusses Project EASE, a program developed in the Philippines to address the problem of high dropout rates in public secondary schools. It aims to provide an alternative learning system using self-learning modules for students who cannot regularly attend classes due to socioeconomic factors like poverty, employment needs, and disabilities. The objectives of Project EASE are to improve the effectiveness of instructional delivery, extend secondary education to more out-of-school youth and adults, and develop a competency-based curriculum. To avail of the program, students must be referred by their class adviser and pass tests to assess their reading, writing and math abilities as well as coping skills.
Este documento resume un evento sobre las nuevas tendencias en el consumo audiovisual de la audiencia hiperconectada. El evento contar叩 con 35 expertos del sector que discutir叩n temas como los nuevos h叩bitos de consumo, c坦mo medir audiencias digitales, e integraci坦n entre dispositivos. Tambi辿n incluir叩 presentaciones de startups y enfoques innovadores para medir y comprender a las audiencias.
The Strategic Instruction Model (SIM) is a research-based approach to teaching students who struggle with reading, writing, and learning. It promotes effective teaching through the use of learning strategies and key components. The model includes several evidence-based strategies for reading, writing, studying, test-taking, math, and more. It also utilizes instructional design models like ADDIE and ASSURE to systematically design, develop, implement, and evaluate instruction that meets learner needs.
Alternative delivery modes robertita fernando (1)Regie
The document discusses alternative delivery modes (ADMs) offered by the Department of Education in the Philippines to provide equitable access to education. It describes several ADMs including the Modified In-School Off-School Approach (MISOSA) which addresses issues like student congestion and absenteeism. MISOSA utilizes self-instructional materials, community schools, and involves students, teachers, and facilitators. The document also mentions the e-IMPACT system and provides principles and enhancements of the curriculum.
Alternative Learning System in the Philippinesjoems_angel2000
The document discusses the Alternative Learning System (ALS) program implemented by the Department of Education in the Philippines. ALS provides free education to those who cannot afford formal schooling and allows flexible scheduling. It aims to provide literacy and basic education to out-of-school youth and adults through community-based programs. Some key programs discussed include the Basic Literacy Program, Family Literacy Project, and Accreditation and Equivalency Program which provides certification upon completion.
This presentation was made for the subject "THE TEACHING PROFESSION". Philippines was the country assigned to us and we need to compare it with the other country's education system.