VJUG - Building Modular Java Applications in the Cloud AgeBert Ertman
Modularity is an architectural theme that you'll hear about more and more. Being able to deal with change in a codebase is not something trivial and requires some serious thought. In this talk I will show you that it is actually pretty easy to achieve a modular architecture using OSGi, and the right set of tools. Of course everything will be demonstrated using live coding!
In this presentation you will learn how to create modular, robust, and durable enterprise Java applications fit for the Cloud Age. Using a modular development approach with Java, OSGi, and a wealth of open source components, you will be shown how to combine these into coherent applications without locking into one of the existing PaaS providers. Finally, we will focus on deployment, introducing Apache ACE, that allows to centrally manage and distribute software components to target systems in the cloud or on premise. The presenter of this talk authored the book 'Building Modular Cloud Apps with OSGi' and is using these techniques in high profile production applications on a daily basis.
Java EE 6 is an awesome platform, but how do you design a system that can evolve for many years in production? And how do we run this stuff in the cloud?
Designing a system that can evolve without creating a maintenance nightmare is far from trivial. A service oriented, modular architecture will help a lot to replace parts of a system without breaking others. The only mature modularity approach for Java is OSGi - a framework that enables low-level modularity and services, but you still need APIs to create web applications, use transactions, access data sources etc. Without these APIs you will have a hard time building applications. Unfortunately OSGi and Java EE did not interoperate well in the past; But what if we want modularity in our architecture but also the ease-of-use of Java EE 6?
In this university you will:
1. Understand the benefits of a modular code base
2. Learn how to mix OSGi and Java EE
3. Manage modular cloud deployments using Apache ACE
..and of course there will be lots of live coding!
Building Modular Cloud Applications in Java - Lessons LearnedBert Ertman
Over the past couple of years we have been building large scale Java applications and deployed them in the cloud. While dealing with typical cloud issues such as auto scaling, failover, and incremental deployments we meanwhile had to refactor them for significant functional changes.
Being able to deal with change and dynamics are important reasons for companies to resort to the cloud for application development. Short time to market and rapidly changing requirements can lead to experimental software design however. Dealing with constant change in a codebase is non-trivial. In order to facilitate much change a modular codebase is of great importance.
In this talk we will show you what we have learned on how to create modular Java applications and how to deploy them in the cloud using an Open Source approach without locking into one of the PaaS providers. We will discuss OSGi, scalable web application architecture, and Apache ACE for deployment and provisioning.
This document discusses ArtOmnia's goals, values, and brand. It asks questions about what ArtOmnia aims to achieve, how it can support its brand through its activities, products and services, and how it can involve customers in developing its brand over time. The questions focus on defining ArtOmnia's purpose and vision, understanding what is worth preserving, and determining how to begin the journey toward the desired future state.
This document discusses how to grow a business from zero to 18,000 using social media. It recommends networking with other entrepreneurs and role models while also using a strong support network. It advises that an individual determines their own success by building the business while employed, being consistent and focused, setting written goals, and learning important business skills. Contact information is provided for following the author on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and Google+.
Microservices is the new popular kid on the block. Crowd pleaser at many conferences. With popular poster children such as Netflix and Amazon it seems to be the killer approach to 21st century architectures, right? But is this stuff only for Hollywood Coders pioneering on the bleeding edge of our profession? Or is this stuff ready to be used for your projects and your customers? This presentation is a warning. Microservices don't fix broken organizations and distributed computing is still hard. I will go over the benefits, but more so the pitfalls, of using a Microservices based architecture. What impact does it have on your applications, on dealing with scale and failures, and how do you prevent your systems landscape from becoming an unmaintainable nightmare.
JavaOne 2011: Migrating Spring Applications to Java EE 6Bert Ertman
The Spring Framework has no-doubt played a major role in evolving the way we write enterprise applications on the Java platform today. However, it is still a proprietary framework owned by a single company. The age of having to rely on such proprietary frameworks in order to develop decent enterprise applications is now over and Java EE 6 has become an even easier way to develop enterprise applications based on standards which makes it the best choice for any enterprise application. In this session you will experience how to migrate a typical full stack Spring application to a standards based, completely portable, Java EE 6 application including integration tests.
Learn about tools available to research yourself online and what you can do to control what potential employers see when they search for you. Tips and advice on how to clean up or focus your personal online reputation. We'll talk about blogging, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, creating social profiles, increasing your Google ranking.
This document discusses ArtOmnia's goals, values, and brand. It asks questions about what ArtOmnia aims to achieve, how it can support its brand through its activities, products and services, and how it can involve customers in developing its brand over time. The questions focus on defining ArtOmnia's purpose and vision, understanding what is worth preserving, and determining how to begin the journey toward the desired future state.
This document discusses how to grow a business from zero to 18,000 using social media. It recommends networking with other entrepreneurs and role models while also using a strong support network. It advises that an individual determines their own success by building the business while employed, being consistent and focused, setting written goals, and learning important business skills. Contact information is provided for following the author on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and Google+.
Microservices is the new popular kid on the block. Crowd pleaser at many conferences. With popular poster children such as Netflix and Amazon it seems to be the killer approach to 21st century architectures, right? But is this stuff only for Hollywood Coders pioneering on the bleeding edge of our profession? Or is this stuff ready to be used for your projects and your customers? This presentation is a warning. Microservices don't fix broken organizations and distributed computing is still hard. I will go over the benefits, but more so the pitfalls, of using a Microservices based architecture. What impact does it have on your applications, on dealing with scale and failures, and how do you prevent your systems landscape from becoming an unmaintainable nightmare.
JavaOne 2011: Migrating Spring Applications to Java EE 6Bert Ertman
The Spring Framework has no-doubt played a major role in evolving the way we write enterprise applications on the Java platform today. However, it is still a proprietary framework owned by a single company. The age of having to rely on such proprietary frameworks in order to develop decent enterprise applications is now over and Java EE 6 has become an even easier way to develop enterprise applications based on standards which makes it the best choice for any enterprise application. In this session you will experience how to migrate a typical full stack Spring application to a standards based, completely portable, Java EE 6 application including integration tests.
Learn about tools available to research yourself online and what you can do to control what potential employers see when they search for you. Tips and advice on how to clean up or focus your personal online reputation. We'll talk about blogging, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, creating social profiles, increasing your Google ranking.
5. MONUMENTUAK BIG BEN: Erlojua da munduan dagoen lau aurpegiko erloju kanpaidun handiena. Dorrea Westminsterreko jauregiaren ipar-ekialdeko muturrean kokatuta dago. Jakina denez, Erresuma Batuetako Parlamentuaren egoitza da Westminsterreko jauregia. BUCKINHAM PALACE: Buckinham Palace, Londreseko oso monumentu bizitatua da. Londreseko erregina bertan bizi da, eta oso famatua Guardiek egiten duten aldaketagatik. LONDON EYE: London eye edo Londreseko Noria izenez ere ezagutua, munduko Noriarik handiena da, 135 metroko altuera hartzen du. Londreseko bistak ikusteko, bikaina!!!. TOWER OF LONDON: Londreseko zubirik garrantzitsuena da, bertatik egunero milaka pertsona eta auto pasatzen dira eta baita ere oso famatua da itsasontzi bat pasatzean, erditik irekitzen delako. http :// www.viajaralondres.com /
7. MONUMENTUAK TRIUNFOKO ARKUA: Garaipen Arkua Parisko XVI. barrutian dagoen monumentua da. Ziur aski, munduko garaipen arku ezagunena da. 50 metro garai eta 45 metro zabal da. NOTRE DAME: Parisko Notre-Dame Katedrala Parisko 4.barrutian dagoen katedral gotikoa da. 1163aneraikitzen hasi eta 1245an amaitu zen. Sena ibaiaren urek inguratzen dutena. EIFFEL DORREA: Eiffel Dorrea Gustave Eiffel ingeniari frantsesak Parisko 1889ko Nazioarteko Erakusketan eraikitako burdinezko egitura da. 1887 eta 1889 artean eraiki zen, urte horretako martxoaren 31n inauguratu zelarik. LOUVRE: Louvre museoa munduko museorik garrantzitsu eta zaharrenetakoa da, Parisen, antzinako erregeren Louvre jauregian. Bere bilduma guztiak esfortzu historiko baten emaitza dira: http :// www.visitarparis.com /
10. MONUMENTUAK MANHATTAN: Manhattan New York osatzen duten 5 barrutietako bat da, hiriko erdigunean dagoena eta Hudson ibaian kokatutako uhartea delarik. Dorre Bikiak auzoko ikurra ez ezik hiri osokoa izan ziren ia 30 urtetan zehar. CENTRAL PARK : Central Park New York hiriko parke publiko handi bat da, Manhattan uhartearen erdian kokatua. Urtero hogeita bost milioi inguru bisitari izaten dituenez, Estatu Batuetako hiri-parke bisitatuena da BRONX: Bronx New Yorkeko bost auzo nagusietakoa da, iparraldeen kokaturik dagoena. 1.357.589 biztanle zituen2005ean. Bronxen dugu AEBtako hiri barneko zoologikorik handiena ASKATASUNAREN ESTATUA: Askatasunaren Estatua (jatorrizko izena, Mundua argitzen duen askatasuna. Munduan zehar badaude estatua honen kopia eta imitazio ugari. http :// www.usatourist.com / espanol /
12. MONUMENTUAK BEVERLY HILL: Kaliforniako hiri oso famatua da eta bertan aktore eta aktoresa famatu asko bizi dira: Hilary Duff, Jonh Travolta, Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise, Zac Efron, Julia Roberts.... SAN FRANTZISCO: Ameriketako Estatu Batuetako Kalifonia estatuko laugarren hiririk handiena. Bertako monumenturik garrantzitsuena, Golden Gate zubia da. PASEO DE LA FAMA: Kaliforniako kalerik famatuenetariko bat da, bertan Hollywood-eko aktore famatuen izar bat jartzen dute bere omenez. SAN DIEGO: Ameriketako Estatu Batuetako hiria da, Kalifornia estatuko bigarren handiena http :// www.tripadvisor.es / Tourism -g28926-California- Vacations.html