The document describes various probability distributions that can arise from combining Bernoulli random variables. It shows how a binomial distribution emerges from summing Bernoulli random variables, and how Poisson, normal, chi-squared, exponential, gamma, and inverse gamma distributions can approximate the binomial as the number of Bernoulli trials increases. Code examples in R are provided to simulate sampling from these distributions and compare the simulated distributions to their theoretical probability density functions.
talked by CI/CD Conference 2021 by CloudNative Days
This document summarizes a microservices meetup hosted by @mosa_siru. Key points include:
1. @mosa_siru is an engineer at DeNA and CTO of Gunosy.
2. The meetup covered Gunosy's architecture with over 45 GitHub repositories, 30 stacks, 10 Go APIs, and 10 Python batch processes using AWS services like Kinesis, Lambda, SQS and API Gateway.
3. Challenges discussed were managing 30 microservices, ensuring API latency below 50ms across availability zones, and handling 10 requests per second with nginx load balancing across 20 servers.
The document describes various probability distributions that can arise from combining Bernoulli random variables. It shows how a binomial distribution emerges from summing Bernoulli random variables, and how Poisson, normal, chi-squared, exponential, gamma, and inverse gamma distributions can approximate the binomial as the number of Bernoulli trials increases. Code examples in R are provided to simulate sampling from these distributions and compare the simulated distributions to their theoretical probability density functions.
talked by CI/CD Conference 2021 by CloudNative Days
This document summarizes a microservices meetup hosted by @mosa_siru. Key points include:
1. @mosa_siru is an engineer at DeNA and CTO of Gunosy.
2. The meetup covered Gunosy's architecture with over 45 GitHub repositories, 30 stacks, 10 Go APIs, and 10 Python batch processes using AWS services like Kinesis, Lambda, SQS and API Gateway.
3. Challenges discussed were managing 30 microservices, ensuring API latency below 50ms across availability zones, and handling 10 requests per second with nginx load balancing across 20 servers.
I introduce Milkcocoa to non-Japanese people.
Maybe you wonder what Milkcocoa is? Because Too less English documents.
We wanna increase English contents.
Milkcocoa is a backend as a service (BaaS) that allows developers to build applications without having to maintain their own backend infrastructure. It provides simple APIs for storing and syncing data with real-time updates and authentication services. Developers can launch a backend with one click and implement functions like data storage, authentication, and real-time messaging using Milkcocoa's client SDK without having to manage servers, databases, or other backend components themselves.
Clooca is a web service for creating Domain Specific Modeling Languages (DSMLs). DSMLs allow developing software using abstract models that are automatically generated into source code, saving significant time compared to conventional coding. The document discusses DSMLs, provides two examples of DSMLs created for robot contests and Android activities, and explains the three-step process for creating a new DSML on Clooca: 1) defining the meta-model, 2) previewing the editor, and 3) modifying the code generator.
7. Data Availabilityがない状態とは?
h = Hash(tx)
例)PlasmaのExit Game