Caesar's assassination in 44 BC by a group of senators led by Brutus and Cassius had major political consequences for the late Roman Republic. Initially Antony gained control in Rome and a compromise was reached to pardon the assassins. However, Antony's actions to consolidate power alarmed his opponents, while the reading of Caesar's will and Antony's funeral speech turned public opinion against the assassins. Meanwhile, Caesar's adopted heir Octavian emerged to claim his inheritance, gaining support from Caesar's veterans, which allowed him to challenge Antony's dominance.
3. The story of Caesars assassination.
Never before had a Roman citizen allowed
himself to receive the honours and marks of
Distinction normally reserved for the gods
(COWELL) Many Romans found his power
Unacceptable and the possibility of a
perpetual dictator ruling Rome from the east
could not be endured.
A group of sixty leading Romans, who had
formed a conspiracy to assassinate him,
decided to strike on 15 March (the Ides or
March) three days before he was due to
depart to the east.
The following is the account of Suetonius.
The Death of Caesar, by Vincenzo
Camuccini (1773-1844)
4. More than sixty joined the
conspiracy against him, led by
Gaius Cassius and Marcus and
Decimus Brutus. At first they
hesitated whether to form two
divisions at the elections in the
Campus Martius, so that while
some hurled him from the bridge
as he summoned the tribes to
vote, the rest might wait below
and slay him; or to set upon him in
the Sacred Way or at the entrance
to the theatre. When, however, a
meeting of the Senate was called
for the Ides of March in the Hall of
Pompey, they readily gave that
time and place the preference.
Obverse: Head of Brutus
right, bearded;
around, BRVT揃IMP;
around, L揃PLAET揃CEST.
Border of dots.
Reverse: Pileus between
two daggers;
below, EID揃MAR. Border of
5. Now Caesar's approaching murder was foretold to
him by unmistakable signs. A few months
before, when the settlers assigned to the colony at
Capua by the Julian Law were demolishing some
tombs of great antiquity, to build country
houses, and plied their work with the greater vigour
because as they rummaged about they found a
quantity of vases of ancient workmanship, there was
discovered in a tomb, which was said to be that of
Capys, the founder of Capua, a bronze
tablet,inscribed with Greek words and characters to
this purport: "Whenever the bones of Capys shall
be moved, it will come to pass that a son of Ilium
shall be slain at the hands of his kindred, and
presently avenged at heavy cost to Italy." 2And let
no one think this tale a myth or a lie, for it is
vouched for by Cornelius Balbus, an intimate friend
of Caesar. Shortly before his death, as he was
told, the herds of horses which he had dedicated to
the river Rubicon when he crossed it, and had let
loose without a keeper, stubbornly refused to graze
and wept copiously.
Assassination of Julius Caesar
Artist: Vasily Surikov
Completion Date: c.1875
6. Again, when he was offering
sacrifice, the soothsayer Spurinna
warned him to beware of danger,
which would come not later than the
Ides of March; 3 and on the day
before the Ides of that month a little
bird called the king-bird flew into the
Hall of Pompey with a sprig of laurel,
pursued by others of various kinds
from the grove hard by, which tore it
to pieces in the hall. In fact the very
night before his murder he dreamt
now that he was flying above the
clouds, and now that he was clasping
the hand of Jupiter; and his wife
Calpurnia thought that the
pediment72 of their house fell, and
that her husband was stabbed in her
arms; and on a sudden the door of
the room flew open of its own
'Julius Caesar', Act III, Scene
1, the Assassination
by William Holmes Sullivan
7. Both for these reasons and because of
poor health he hesitated for a long time
whether to stay at home and put off what
he had planned to do in the senate; but at
last, urged by Decimus Brutus not to
disappoint the full meeting which had for
some time been waiting for him, he went
forth almost at the end of the fifth hour;
and when a note revealing the plot was
handed him by someone on the way, he
p111put it with others which he held in his
left hand, intending to read them
presently. Then, after several victims had
been slain, and he could not get
favourable omens, he entered the House
in defiance of portents, laughing at
Spurinna and calling him a false
prophet, because the Ides of March were
come without bringing him harm; though
Spurinna replied that they had of a truth
come, but they had not gone.
Caesar's Death Makes
Cleopatra Mourn from The
Story of Caesar and Cleopatra,
c. 1680 Wool and silk, slit and
double interlocking tapestry
8. As he took his seat, the conspirators
gathered about him as if to pay their
respects, and straightway Tillius
Cimber, who had assumed the
lead, came nearer as though to ask
something; and when Caesar with a
gesture put him off to another
time, Cimber caught his toga by both
shoulders; then as Caesar
cried, "Why, this is violence!" one of
the Cascas stabbed him from one side
just below the throat. Caesar caught
Casca's arm and ran it through with his
stylus, but as he tried to leap to his
feet, he was stopped by another
wound. When he saw that he was
beset on every side by drawn
daggers, he muffled his head in his
robe, and at the same time drew down
its lap to his feet with his left hand, in
order to fall more decently, with the
lower part of his body also covered.
9. And in this wise he was stabbed with
three and twenty wounds, uttering
not a word, but merely a groan at
the first stroke, though some have
written that when Marcus Brutus
rushed at him, he said in Greek, "You
too, my child? All the conspirators
made off, and he lay there lifeless for
some time, and finally three
common slaves put him on a litter
and carried him home, with one arm
hanging down. And of so many
wounds none turned out to be
mortal, in the opinion of the
physician Antistius, except the
second one in the breast.
The conspirators had intended after
slaying him to drag his body to the
Tiber, confiscate his property, and
revoke his decrees; but they
forebore through fear of Marcus
Antonius the consul, and Lepidus,
the master of horse.
10. Plutarch maintains that he fell at the
foot of the statue of Pompey, which
was covered with blood so that one
might have thought that Pompey
himself was providing over this act of
vengeance against his enemy
In the period immediately following
Caesars murder Antony quickly took
the initiative. He gained the support of
Lepidus and his troops and obtained
possession of Caesars money and
papers from Calpurnia. He arranged a
meeting of the senate, at which a
compromise was reached the
assassins were granted an amnesty
and those of them who were eligible
to take up provincial commands were
permitted to do so. In return it was
agreed that all Caesars measures
would remain unchanged, his will
would be read in public and his body
would be buried with all the unusual
11. According to Plutarch the senate
passed a vote of thanks to
Antony for having averted the
outbreak of a civil war and for
resolving an exceptionally
difficult and confused situation in
a most prudent and
statesmanlike fashion
Despite his success in calming
things in Rome, Things didnt
quite work out like he planned.
When Caesars will was read he
was extremely disappointed he
had not expected Caesar to
adopt his grandnephew, Gaius
Octavius, as his son and make
him the heir to three quarters of
his estate.
12. Cassius, one of the assassins,
had strenuously opposed the
public reading of the will and
his fears were borne out
when it was revealed that
Caesar had also left 75
denarii to every member of
the Roman plebs (those who
received the corn dole) as
well as the right to use his
gardens beyond the Tiber.
Everyone loved Caesar. A
great wave of affection for
Caesar and a powerful sense
of his loss swept over the
people (Plutarch)
13. Even more serious in its effect on
the conspirators was the reaction
of the people to his funeral
oration delivered by Antony over
the body of Caesar. Here again
Cassius had urged against allowing
Antony this customary
privilege, but Brutus had agreed
to it. Plutarch maintained that in
this Brutus committed a fatal
blunder for when the Romans
were shown Caesars bloodstained
toga with the gashes made by the
daggers, they almost lost control
of their emotions. Serious rioting
broke out, and the conspirators
fled the city.
14. Antony had complete control at this
stage. But Cicero states that he showed
no signs of wanting to be dictator. He
proposed a range of measures that the
Senate approved. According to Cicero
the most admirable step he took was his
proposal to abolish the dictatorship:
The dictatorship, which had come to
usurp virtually monarchical powers, was
completely eliminated from the Roman
He also continued to make compromises
with the assassins. He referred to them
in public with respect and allowed
Decimus Brutus and Trebonius to go to
their provinces and provided an
exemption for Brutus and Cassius from
their duties as praetors (they had fled
after Caesars funeral praetors were
not allowed to leave the city for more
than ten days. They never returned to
In Dante's Inferno, Brutus is one of three
people deemed sinful enough to be chewed
in one of the three mouths of Satan, in the
very center of Hell, for all eternity. The other
two are Cassius, who was Brutus's fellow
conspirator and Judas Iscariot
15. Antony made many attempts to
maintain control. Those who had
hoped that he would in fact restore the
republic were soon disappointed.
To maintain his leadership of the
Caesarians he made Lepidus pontifex
maximus and sent him to his province
in Spain. He also provided land for
Caesars veterans.
Cicero states that Antony forged
documents of Caesar's to gain benefits
such as the appointment of magistrates
and the recall from exile of men he
favoured. He also transferred Gaul from
Decimus Brutus to himself. Cicero
accused Antony of supressing Caesars
laws to upset the constitution. He
lengthened the tenures of provincial
governorships. Instead of protecting
Caesars acts, as he should have, he
annulled them: those relating to
national and private affairs alike.
Brutus (from Asterix)
16. This was the situation in Rome
when the young Octavian
appeared to claim his
inheritance. He returned to Italy
from Macedonia when he learnt
he was heir. He accepted his
inheritance (even though his
parents didnt want him too
they thought it was too
dangerous) and changed his
name to Gaius Julius Caesar
He had two aims to revenge
Caesar and surpass his
A statue of Augustus as a
younger Octavian, dated ca. 30
17. He travelled through Italy and
Caesars veterans and friends
welcomed him. His was smart
enough, however, to know
that he had to be careful to
achieve his goals. Octavian
was able to use the loyalty of
Caesars troops to establish a
power base to challenge his
opponents. Cicero describes
the victorious arrival of
Octavian in a letter to Brutus
and makes this point.
18. When Octavian arrived in Rome, he was
surprised. He did not expect the cold and
hostile reception from Antony, his
adoptive fathers best friend, that he
received. Antony blocked Octavians
attempt to have his adoption made legally
valid and refused to hand over Caesars
money because he had already spent
most of it.
Octavian knew he was obliged to honour
Caesars legacy so he was forced to borrow
money and sell off some property in order
to pay the 75 denarii to each person
promised by Caesar. This won him great
popularity. He put on games for
entertainment which also made him
popular. He recorded that on the day of
the games a comet appeared and it was
thought to be Caesars soul being received
by the gods
Mark Antony and Octavian
19. On those very days of my
games, the comet was seen for
seven days in the region of
heaven which is under the
Great Bear. It would rise at the
eleventh hour of the day and
was evident to all on earth. The
common people believed that
the comet signified the soul of
Caesar being received into the
divinities of the immortal
gods, to whose name his was
added, with a distinguished
likeness of his head
consecrated by us soon
afterwards in the forum
20. Antonys behaviour towards
Octavian probably was not
due to his belief that the
young man was a serious
political rival for leadership of
the Caesarians; it was more
likely that Antonius had been
irritated at Caesars
favouritism towards an
obscure young relative and
acted out of band temper. If
this was indeed the case,
Antony had SERIOUSLY
underestimated Octavian.