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Optometer &
蟾豌蟲 蟆所螻
  蟲伎襯 豸′ 蠍郁鍵
 觜 蟲蟲伎レ 螳朱 豸′ 蠍郁鍵
 譟一伎  襷襷覦蟯  襷埼 手 
豺襯 谿場 蟲伎伎 谿場企 蠍郁鍵.
 螻 覓殊 螻旧′ 蟯讌 襴  豌危.
 豸 襷襷  螻旧′  谿城 襴企.-襷襷螻旧′
 豐覲伎朱 蟲 螳螻 蟆 豸′   レ
 貅狩覩誤 蠍磯 伎
 1.1619 scheiner disk 襴
 1877 Schmidt Rimpler  襴蟲
 2.1920 Thorner, Kuhl, Henker  れ朱 螳
 3. 1970 启 螻朱 蟲伎襴覩誤郁 螳覦
 4. 1980 朱蓋 磯
 5. 磯Μ朱 1985  覦襷る.
The Scheiner Principle
 螳(subjective optometer
  襴 (blurred- ness)
 覈 (sharpness)襯  蠍一
 螳(objective optometer)
: 襷襷朱覿 覦 觜 覯 豸′
 蟆一 : 蟾  覈
 豺 : 蟾 豢蟯 蟯襦襯 襦 覿襴貅
襷襷 蟆一
Simple Optometer
 譟一 : 蠏殊螳. 譯殊覲碁
 豐 :
 觜 蠍
 蟆語 襷襷 蠍(retinal image size) 覲
  豸′ 螻る
 Badal optometer
 觜蠍, 蟾 襷襷 蠍郁 覲 螳
 optometer lens 豐  ,豐 
Young's Optometer
 Scheiner disc principle
  蟯 蟾
 螳:  覿襴 觜襦
 豢螻 譯手化 殊
螳 蟲伎螻
 襷襷朱覿 覦   觜 る 觜
覯 豸′
 蟆語  襷襷 覦覃  覈蟆 蟆一
蟾讌 朱 れ願 觜 覯るゼ 譟一
Astron Refractometer
 讌 蟆蟆
 譟磯螻+ 螳 蟾
 蟆螳 蟆  覈 
 Optometer lens蠍一 蟾 豺 螳覲
 覈 蟯谿磯襦 蟯 覯殊 覲
  豸′ 覿   .
  覦蠍郁 誤讌 覈詩.
 豐螳 蟾.
 蟆 譴 譟一  蟆渚
Rodenstock Refractometer(PR-50)
 襷襷 讌 蟆語  蟯谿
  蟆蟆曙 伎 : 覦襯 蟇
 譟一 :讀
 蟆一 :
 蟯谿一 襷蟆 (observing telescope)螻 襴讀
譟一蠍(prism adjuster)磯
  覦蠍郁 誤讌 覈詩.
 螳 豸′ 譟一 蟆渚レ .
 豐螳 蟾
Hartinger coincidence
 蟾 讌  暑.
 蟾  螳襦 覿襴 蟆暑 谿
語 蟲伎螻(infra-red optometer)
 螳蟯 蟲伎螻 覓語 : 譟一  覿譟
 覓伎^ 蟾 
 蟾 覯殊れ .
 蟾 譟磯覲  .
 谿 覦 : 
 語 覲レ
 豸′ 覦覯
 Grating focus principle
 Scheiner disc principle
瑚 覦 螳覿 覈豺

 覦焔伎リ襯  蟯蠍磯
 螳豈讌蟆 覦 螻牛蠍一検
 Rgp 螻°覦蟆曙検
豸′ 蟯蟆暑
螳襷 豸′ 蟯蟆暑
 蟾 れり れ 覈
 企企讀 企
 蟯谿一朱螳 讌り 豈語曙朱 企
襷伎伎 覲
豸′ 覿螳ロ 蟆曙
 覲企  螻
一危 伎
AR レ
 蟲伎蟆  レ螻 覓  螻
 覓願 螳
 蟆蟆郁骸 讌
 焔 覦覲旧煙 螻
 螳襷螻 蟲 螳蟯 襭 螻
 螳 蟲伎蟆  
 螳襷 覿 蠍郁規
o 手螳 讌 譟一
o 手 譯手 
o 譟一 レ .
o 1.Badal Optometer
2.Youngs Optometer
o 覈 蟆一 : 蟆 譯手
o 蟆 蟆渚螻 蠍一 
o optometer 襴, Scheiners
豐蠍 牛覃一 覓語
1. Alignment Problems
1. 手 譟 
2. 螻糾化  Scheiners 襴 
2. Irregular Astigmatism
1.  覦リ骸 蟆曙 覿殊
2. 蟆曙覲 貅 覈谿
3. Instrument Accommodation
1. 蠍郁蠏殊 覦
2. 譟一覦 : 譯殊, 朱, 譯殊 覦, 譟磯,
 覦, 襷襷 覈, 襴
Modern refractometers
Features Objective refractometers Subjective
蟯 譟磯 語 螳蟯
螳 2-4 mins 4-8 mins
襭  ル煙 覿螳覲 螻
覿螳 (Humphrey )
ル れ 覲
  譟 .(>5 years) 螳 讌 蠍郁鍵 譟一
蟆讌.(>8 years)
Ocular factors 襷 襷れ螻 覦覿
讌覲覲 讌螻
襴 襷れ  覿螳 蠍一襭  螳
Over-refraction 螻る.
 語 蟯
 蠍郁蠏殊 旧
 襷襷 覿 覦
 谿 螳
 0.75D  1.50D 
 譯殊 蟆
 譯朱覿 襴一: 譟一伎
 豺螳 螻
 Badal optometer
 る 蟲
 螻 讀 螳 蟯螻
 譟一伎 覦覯
 蟆 譴 襴 蟆 企語螻
1. The Scheiner principle
2. The optometric principle (retinoscopic principle)
3. The best-focus principle
4. The knife-edge principle
5. The ray-deflection principle
6. The image size principle
Modern refractometers 豸′覦
Image Quality Analysis
 Grating focus(best focus)
 1970  Dioptron 覦, R-l (Canon).
 豕螻 螳 optometer lens 豕 豺
 殊  蟯 願骸 豢蟯 伎
螳 殊
Scheiner principle
 譯殊 覦
 螻旧 2螳 LED蟯 
  : 蟯螻 覓朱讀 豐豺
 Led襯 企  企語 
 企蟇磯Μ : 蟲伎伎
  : 4螳 Led
1. Acuity Systems 6600 (NA)
2. Grand Seiko (RH Burtons BAR 7, BAR 8 with AutoK)
3. Nidek (Marcos AR-800 & 820, ARK -900 with AutoK)
4. Takagi
Scheiner principle
Retinoscopic principle
 蟆(grating ), 襴(slit) 伎.
 襷襷覦 企 谿 覦レ姶襯 伎
 企 覦 蟆讌 : Baush & Lomb
  螳讌 :Nikon NR-5500, Nikon Retinomax, Tomey
TR-1000,Nidek OPD-Scan
 Knife Edge principle
 讌 襴 
 Welch Allen Suresight and Power Refractor II
 Zeiss(humphrey) Hark 599
Retinoscopic principle - drum
 讌 , 蟆曙 襴 譟伎
 螳覲 蟆讌蠍郁 螳讌 螳谿 覦
 讌 襴 : 讌蟆曙 蟲伎 豸′
 蟆曙襴 : 殊螳 螳讌螳谿 覦 企ゼ 牛
豢 蟲伎 豢
- ray deflection
 讌  蟲伎蟆蠍 
   讌  觜 蟲伎  豸′
 蟯蟆暑 覃 豸′ (螳襷 豌 襷れ 襷襷 )
 蟯蟆暑 覃 豸′ (螳襷 豌 襷れ 襷襷 )
 螻 谿  谿襦 誤 レ 
 蠍一ヾ 蟲伎蟆蠍一 螻 蠏豪概
 蠍一ヾ 蠍郁鍵 觜 
 襦 , 覈, 手   豸
 襦  蟆 貊碁讀 豌覦 螳
  瑚 覿ク
 蟆レ 螻蠏豪概
 蠍郁蠏殊 覦 蟇
Automated Refraction
Subjective Autorefractor
 Vision analyser:
 觜 蟯螻 
 螳 蟆 覲
 SR-IV programmed subjective refractor
 Optometer 襴 
 Subjective autorefractor-7
 蟲覃 蟲伎伎 豸′
 Screening instrument

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  • 2. 蟲伎螻(Optometer) 蟲伎襯 豸′ 蠍郁鍵 觜 蟲蟲伎レ 螳朱 豸′ 蠍郁鍵 譟一伎 襷襷覦蟯 襷埼 手 豺襯 谿場 蟲伎伎 谿場企 蠍郁鍵. 螻 覓殊 螻旧′ 蟯讌 襴 豌危. 豸 襷襷 螻旧′ 谿城 襴企.-襷襷螻旧′ 豐覲伎朱 蟲 螳螻 蟆 豸′ レ 貅狩覩誤 蠍磯 伎 1.1619 scheiner disk 襴 1877 Schmidt Rimpler 襴蟲 2.1920 Thorner, Kuhl, Henker れ朱 螳 3. 1970 启 螻朱 蟲伎襴覩誤郁 螳覦 4. 1980 朱蓋 磯 5. 磯Μ朱 1985 覦襷る.
  • 4. 覿襯 螳(subjective optometer 襴 (blurred- ness) 覈 (sharpness)襯 蠍一 螳(objective optometer) : 襷襷朱覿 覦 觜 覯 豸′ 蟆一 : 蟾 覈 豺 : 蟾 豢蟯 蟯襦襯 襦 覿襴貅 襷襷 蟆一
  • 5. Simple Optometer 螳 蟲譟 覓語 譟一 : 蠏殊螳. 譯殊覲碁 豐 : 觜 蠍 蟆語 襷襷 蠍(retinal image size) 覲 豸′ 螻る Badal optometer 觜蠍, 蟾 襷襷 蠍郁 覲 螳 optometer lens 豐 ,豐 豺
  • 6. Young's Optometer Scheiner disc principle 蟯 蟾 螻 覈 螳: 覿襴 觜襦 豢螻 譯手化 殊
  • 7. 螳 蟲伎螻 襷襷朱覿 覦 觜 る 觜 覯 豸′ 蟆覯 蟆語 襷襷 覦覃 覈蟆 蟆一 蟾讌 朱 れ願 觜 覯るゼ 譟一
  • 8. Astron Refractometer 讌 蟆蟆 譟磯螻+ 螳 蟾 蟆螳 蟆 覈 Optometer lens蠍一 蟾 豺 螳覲 覈 蟯谿磯襦 蟯 覯殊 覲 譟一 覓語 豸′ 覿 . 覦蠍郁 誤讌 覈詩. 螳襷覦 豐螳 蟾. 蟆 譴 譟一 蟆渚
  • 9. Rodenstock Refractometer(PR-50) 襷襷 讌 蟆語 蟯谿 蟆蟆曙 伎 : 覦襯 蟇
  • 10. 伎 譟一 :讀 蟆一 : 蟯谿一 襷蟆 (observing telescope)螻 襴讀 譟一蠍(prism adjuster)磯 蟾 覓語 覦蠍郁 誤讌 覈詩. 螳 豸′ 譟一 蟆渚レ . 豐螳 蟾
  • 11. Hartinger coincidence optometer(Zeiss<Jena> 蟾 讌 暑. 蟾 螳襦 覿襴 蟆暑 谿
  • 13. 語 蟲伎螻(infra-red optometer) 螳蟯 蟲伎螻 覓語 : 譟一 覿譟 覓伎^ 蟾 レ 蟾 覯殊れ . 蟾 譟磯覲 . : 谿 覦 : 語 覲レ
  • 14. 豸′ 覦覯 Grating focus principle Retinoscopy Scheiner disc principle
  • 15. 瑚 覦 螳覿 覈豺
  • 16. 襴覩誤 貅狩覩誤 覦焔伎リ襯 蟯蠍磯 螳豈讌蟆 覦 螻牛蠍一検 蠏碁狩 Rgp 螻°覦蟆曙検 PD
  • 20. 企 蟾 れり れ 覈 企企讀 企 蟯谿一朱螳 讌り 豈語曙朱 企
  • 22. 豸′ 覿螳ロ 蟆曙 覲企 螻 襷れ伎 襷襷伎
  • 24.
  • 25. AR レ 蟲伎蟆 レ螻 覓 螻 覓願 螳 蟆蟆郁骸 讌 焔 覦覲旧煙 螻 螳襷螻 蟲 螳蟯 襭 螻 螳 蟲伎蟆 螳襷 覿 蠍郁規
  • 26. 1. EARLY SUBJECTIVE OPTOMETERS: o 手螳 讌 譟一 o 手 譯手 o 譟一 レ . o 1.Badal Optometer 2.Youngs Optometer EARLY REFRACTOMETERS 1. EARLY OBJECTIVE OPTOMETERS: o 覈 蟆一 : 蟆 譯手 o 蟆 蟆渚螻 蠍一 o optometer 襴, Scheiners 襴
  • 27. 豐蠍 牛覃一 覓語 1. Alignment Problems 1. 手 譟 2. 螻糾化 Scheiners 襴 2. Irregular Astigmatism 1. 覦リ骸 蟆曙 覿殊 2. 蟆曙覲 貅 覈谿 3. Instrument Accommodation 1. 蠍郁蠏殊 覦 2. 譟一覦 : 譯殊, 朱, 譯殊 覦, 譟磯, 覦, 襷襷 覈, 襴
  • 28. Modern refractometers Features Objective refractometers Subjective refractometers 蟯 譟磯 語 螳蟯 螳 2-4 mins 4-8 mins 襭 ル煙 覿螳覲 螻 覿螳 (Humphrey ) ル れ 覲 螻 譟 .(>5 years) 螳 讌 蠍郁鍵 譟一 蟆讌.(>8 years) Ocular factors 襷 襷れ螻 覦覿 讌覲覲 讌螻 螳螻 襴 襷れ 覿螳 蠍一襭 螳 Over-refraction 螻る.
  • 29. BASIC DESIGN 語 蟯 800-900nm 蠍郁蠏殊 旧 襷襷 覿 覦 谿 螳 0.75D 1.50D 譯殊 蟆 譯朱覿 襴一: 譟一伎 豺螳 螻 Badal optometer る 蟲 螻 讀 螳 蟯螻
  • 31. Fogging 譟一伎 覦覯 蟆 譴 襴 蟆 企語螻
  • 32. 1. The Scheiner principle 2. The optometric principle (retinoscopic principle) 3. The best-focus principle 4. The knife-edge principle 5. The ray-deflection principle 6. The image size principle Modern refractometers 豸′覦
  • 33. Image Quality Analysis Grating focus(best focus) 1970 Dioptron 覦, R-l (Canon). 豕螻 螳 optometer lens 豕 豺 殊 蟯 願骸 豢蟯 伎 螳 殊
  • 34. Scheiner principle 譯殊 覦 螻旧 2螳 LED蟯 : 蟯螻 覓朱讀 豐豺 豸′ Led襯 企 企語 企蟇磯Μ : 蟲伎伎 : 4螳 Led
  • 35. 1. Acuity Systems 6600 (NA) 2. Grand Seiko (RH Burtons BAR 7, BAR 8 with AutoK) 3. Nidek (Marcos AR-800 & 820, ARK -900 with AutoK) 4. Takagi Scheiner principle
  • 36. Retinoscopic principle 蟆(grating ), 襴(slit) 伎. 襷襷覦 企 谿 覦レ姶襯 伎 企 覦 蟆讌 : Baush & Lomb 螳讌 :Nikon NR-5500, Nikon Retinomax, Tomey TR-1000,Nidek OPD-Scan Knife Edge principle 讌 襴 Welch Allen Suresight and Power Refractor II Zeiss(humphrey) Hark 599
  • 37. Retinoscopic principle - drum 讌 , 蟆曙 襴 譟伎 螳覲 蟆讌蠍郁 螳讌 螳谿 覦 讌 襴 : 讌蟆曙 蟲伎 豸′ 蟆曙襴 : 殊螳 螳讌螳谿 覦 企ゼ 牛 豢 蟲伎 豢
  • 38. WAVEFRONT TECHNOLOGY - ray deflection Aberrometer 讌 蟲伎蟆蠍 讌 觜 蟲伎 豸′ 蟯蟆暑 覃 豸′ (螳襷 豌 襷れ 襷襷 )
  • 39. WAVEFRONT TECHNOLOGY 蟯蟆暑 覃 豸′ (螳襷 豌 襷れ 襷襷 ) 螻 谿 谿襦 誤 レ 蠍一ヾ 蟲伎蟆蠍一 螻 蠏豪概 蠍一ヾ 蠍郁鍵 觜 襦 , 覈, 手 豸 襦 蟆 貊碁讀 豌覦 螳
  • 40. PORTABLE AUTOREFRACTORS 瑚 覿ク 蟆レ 螻蠏豪概 蠍郁蠏殊 覦 蟇
  • 42. Subjective Autorefractor Vision analyser: 觜 蟯螻 螳 蟆 覲 SR-IV programmed subjective refractor Optometer 襴 Subjective autorefractor-7 蟲覃 蟲伎伎 豸′ Screening instrument

Editor's Notes

  • #3: 1759 牛覩誤
  • #4: The parallel rays of light entering the eye from a distant object are normally focused on a point on the retina in an emmetropic patient. They are limited to 2 small bundles when double pinhole apertures or a scheiners disc is placed in front of the pupil In a myopic eye, the 2 ray bundles cross each other before reaching the retina, and 2 small spots of light are seen. In a hypermetropic eye, the ray bundles are intercepted by the retina before they meet & thus again 2 small spots of light are seen.
  • #9: 蠏殊 譟一(proximal accommodation)襦 れ 覦 譟 (reflex accommodation) . 覯讌 蟆語 襷襷 讌 覈蟆 覲 る 語企. 蟆螳 覓伎貊 蟆碁ゼ tometer lens 覓 螳蟾 讌襦 企る 蟆瑚 螻 覈蟆 覲伎企襦 譟一 蟆企 蟆 螻 襷襷 讌 覲願 蟆企. 蟆螳 simple optome- tei 豢豌 蠍一 讀鐚蟆瑚 覈蟆 覲伎 蟾讌 覲伎企 豺襦覿 optometer lens 讓曙朱 谿朱 蟆碁ゼ 企る 覦覯 譟一襦 誤 谿襯 豕
  • #29: 1st line to speak Efforts have been made to eliminate limitations of old refractors:
  • #31: Infrared light is collimated & passes through rectangular masks present in a rotating drum. The light passes through a beam splitter to the optometer system & is projected on the retina & a slit image is formed. The polarising beam splitter effectively removes reflected light from the cornea whereas the slit image from the retina passes through the polarised beam splitter and falls on the light sensor. The optometer lens system moves laterally to find the optimal focus of the slit on the retina. Optimal focus is achieved when a peak signal is received from the light sensor.
  • #37: hawk