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Opus (オーパス)エンコード記録
2012/09/20 Written by Yukio Saitoh / FXFROG.com
標準 VBR

??WAV (PCM-Wave) ファイル作成:44.1KHz / 16bit / Stereo
??620 KB (635,410 バイト) / 無圧縮

               引数なし(デフォルト as is)                        --bitrate 160                       --bitrate 64                     --bitrate 48
  Input            44.1KHz 2 channels                         →                                  →                                 →
                  2 channels (2 coupled),
  Output                                                      →                                  →                                 →
              20ms packets, 96kbit/sec VBR
 Preskip                  356                                 →                                  →                                 →
 Encoding               99.25kbit/s                       165.5kbit/s                        66.11kbit/s                       48.8kbit/s
 Encoded               3.62 seconds                           →                                  →                                 →
 Runtime              1e-006 seconds                          →                                  →                                 →
  Wrote      46631 bytes, 181 packets, 6pages 77534 bytes, 181 packets, 6pages 31225 bytes, 181 packets, 6pages 23533 bytes, 181 packets, 6pages
  Bitrate      101.94kbit/s (w/o overhead)       169.854kbit/s (w/o overhead)      68.0243kbit/s (w/o overhead)      51.0387kbit/s (w/o overhead)
                 73.6kbit/s to 164.4kbit/s,       123.2kbit/s to 276.4kbit/s,        49.2kbit/s to 108.8kbit/s,        36.8kbit/s to 81.6kbit/s,
Rate range
              (184 to 411 bytes per packet)      (308 to 611 bytes per packet)     (123 to 272 bytes per packet)     (92 to 204 bytes per packet)
Overhead                 1.08%                              0.87%                             1.42%                             1.86%

                       --bitrate 28                      --bitrate 16                        --bitrate 8                      --bitrate 6
  Input            44.1KHz 2 channels                         →                                  →                                 →
                  2 channels (2 coupled),
  Output                                                      →                                  →                                 →
              20ms packets, 96kbit/sec VBR
 Preskip                  356                                 →                                  →                                 →
 Encoding               28.87kbit/s                       15.85kbit/s                        7.81kbit/s                       5.905kbit/s
 Encoded               3.62 seconds                           →                                  →                                 →
 Runtime              1e-006 seconds                          →                                  →                                 →
  Wrote      13938 bytes, 181 packets, 6pages   7431 bytes, 181 packets, 6pages   35305 bytes, 181 packets, 6pages 32423 bytes, 181 packets, 6pages
  Bitrate     29.8343kbit/s (w/o overhead)       15.4541kbit/s (w/o overhead)      6.83315kbit/s (w/o overhead)     6.196697kbit/s (w/o overhead)
                 21.2kbit/s to 47.2kbit/s,          9.2kbit/s to 22.4kbit/s,           2.8kbit/s to 11.2kbit/s,         2.8kbit/s to 10.8kbit/s,
Rate range
               (53 to 118 bytes per packet)       (23 to 56 bytes per packet)        (7 to 28 bytes per packet)        (7 to 27 bytes per packet)
Overhead                  3.14%                             5.89%                             12.42%                            13.50%


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  • 1. Opus (オーパス)エンコード記録 2012/09/20 Written by Yukio Saitoh / FXFROG.com 標準 VBR ■サンプルファイル?データ ??WAV (PCM-Wave) ファイル作成:44.1KHz / 16bit / Stereo ??620 KB (635,410 バイト) / 無圧縮 引数なし(デフォルト as is) --bitrate 160 --bitrate 64 --bitrate 48 Input 44.1KHz 2 channels → → → 2 channels (2 coupled), Output → → → 20ms packets, 96kbit/sec VBR Preskip 356 → → → Encoding 99.25kbit/s 165.5kbit/s 66.11kbit/s 48.8kbit/s Encoded 3.62 seconds → → → Runtime 1e-006 seconds → → → Wrote 46631 bytes, 181 packets, 6pages 77534 bytes, 181 packets, 6pages 31225 bytes, 181 packets, 6pages 23533 bytes, 181 packets, 6pages Bitrate 101.94kbit/s (w/o overhead) 169.854kbit/s (w/o overhead) 68.0243kbit/s (w/o overhead) 51.0387kbit/s (w/o overhead) 73.6kbit/s to 164.4kbit/s, 123.2kbit/s to 276.4kbit/s, 49.2kbit/s to 108.8kbit/s, 36.8kbit/s to 81.6kbit/s, Rate range (184 to 411 bytes per packet) (308 to 611 bytes per packet) (123 to 272 bytes per packet) (92 to 204 bytes per packet) Overhead 1.08% 0.87% 1.42% 1.86% --bitrate 28 --bitrate 16 --bitrate 8 --bitrate 6 Input 44.1KHz 2 channels → → → 2 channels (2 coupled), Output → → → 20ms packets, 96kbit/sec VBR Preskip 356 → → → Encoding 28.87kbit/s 15.85kbit/s 7.81kbit/s 5.905kbit/s Encoded 3.62 seconds → → → Runtime 1e-006 seconds → → → Wrote 13938 bytes, 181 packets, 6pages 7431 bytes, 181 packets, 6pages 35305 bytes, 181 packets, 6pages 32423 bytes, 181 packets, 6pages Bitrate 29.8343kbit/s (w/o overhead) 15.4541kbit/s (w/o overhead) 6.83315kbit/s (w/o overhead) 6.196697kbit/s (w/o overhead) 21.2kbit/s to 47.2kbit/s, 9.2kbit/s to 22.4kbit/s, 2.8kbit/s to 11.2kbit/s, 2.8kbit/s to 10.8kbit/s, Rate range (53 to 118 bytes per packet) (23 to 56 bytes per packet) (7 to 28 bytes per packet) (7 to 27 bytes per packet) Overhead 3.14% 5.89% 12.42% 13.50% ※すべての環境でこの通りの結果であることを保証するものではありません。